Ganqiao is indeed worthy of being a cat's tongue, speaking is poisonous, and the truth that can be blocked by a word can't speak.

Ganqiao first called the police, and then called an emergency call. He was planning to wait for the traffic police and ambulance at the scene of the accident.But I can't get through a single phone call. I don't know if the signal is bad today, or the police station and hospital are "busy".

In the face of such a big accident, Qianqiao is still calm, and usually travels all over the island country.

The truth is different. When encountering this kind of thing for the first time, I inevitably panic and forget to use my mobile phone to make a call to see what is going on.

But looking at the tragic situation of the person in the car accident around him, he probably died when the ambulance arrived. .

There was no way, Ganqiao endured the burning pain in his back, tied Qinghe behind his back, and hurried towards the nearby hospital.

Truth was worried and followed behind.

Chapter 19 resurrected again

After driving for about half an hour, Li Qinghe's limp body slipped off the motorcycle after a steep and uneven section.

Sure enough, a motorcycle cannot function as an ambulance.

Li Qinghe's body slipped and was almost crushed by the truth a second time.

Truth stopped the motorcycle and shouted to Qianqiao in front, "You idiot, didn't you notice that there is one person missing from the car?"

It was a coincidence that Li Qinghe, who was not tied tightly, had slipped from the back seat at some point.

Gan Qiao helplessly stopped the motorcycle, dragged Li Qinghe who had suffered multiple accidents to the side of the road, and stopped the unrealistic idea of ​​sending Li Qinghe to the hospital by motorcycle.

It's a pity that this road section seems to be difficult to wait for a car, and no car passed this intersection after waiting for a long time.

Fortunately, about a quarter of an hour later, a red Beetle passed by.Ganqiao and Zhenzhen waved their hands and forcibly stopped the car.

Walking out of the car was a slightly dissatisfied brown-haired beauty with a slender figure and an indescribable charm in every word and deed.

"Miss, I'm sorry, it's a matter of life and death. This person has suffered a serious car accident and needs to be sent to the hospital urgently, but there is no car along the way."

Truth hurried up to explain why she stopped.

"That's right. But what does he have to do with you? Why don't you call for an emergency?"

"It's not that we don't want to make calls, but the signal here is too bad. If you don't believe me, look at my phone."

Truth showed her mobile phone to the brown-haired beauty.

The brown woman saw the person to be rescued. Although her body was covered with wounds, she seemed to have lost her breath. It was a young boy.Well, I tried to save.

A fairy-like smile appeared on the corner of the brown woman's mouth.

"Okay, then send it to my car."

Gan Qiao helped and put Li Qinghe in the Beetle.

"Wow, can my brother leave me a cell phone number?"

Qianqiao's young and handsome appearance, with exception, reveals an introverted and stubborn boy image.

Ganqiao didn't say a word, but it was Truth who gave her cell phone number to the brown-haired woman.

The brown-haired woman took a nostalgic look at Qianqiao, and then deleted Truth's phone number.

The brown-haired woman started the car and left.Qianqiao and Truth can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I hope you don't die completely, or you don't die for a long time, and you can be rescued."

The brown-haired woman took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Sleep, but saw that there was no signal on the mobile phone, forget it, then go to his place first.

The brown-haired woman stroked her own hair, and looked at the dead Kiba Kiyokawa in the back seat. She was quite cute and my favorite type.

But she didn't notice that Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, whom she had thrown in the backseat and identified as dead, frowned.

After the brown-haired woman drove out of this area, the mobile phone had a signal, and the mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Zhuang, what's the matter?"

"My son, it's okay. It's just that the girl knows where you are and what you're doing."

On the other end of the phone, a man called Zhuo Mo, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, was holding a thick book in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other.

"Oh, it seems that thinking about you, I have been very idle recently."

The brown-haired woman is Yazi, said with a smile.

"It's okay. As a lucky four-leaf clover, we don't need to deal with trivial matters at all. I've been reading books these days, and it's really boring."

Zhuo Mo adjusted his glasses and said in a relaxed tone.

"Think about it, what's going on with Murakami recently? That guy has become the president and hasn't contacted us for a long time. I have a hunch that he will come back to us soon."

"You said Murakami, he, I don't know what he is doing.

As soon as he came to power, he changed the policy of the previous president Hanakata all over the place. I don't know what he is doing, especially the recently proposed policy of completely enochizing human beings.

It's really a headache, doesn't he know that Orfi Enoch will consume his life energy every time he transforms?Do not improve your own strength and prolong your life.Thinking about doing these useless things. "

It can be seen that Tuanmo is still very dissatisfied with Murakami's request.Fortunately, he is a member of Lucky Clover and is not under the jurisdiction of Murakami.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it when I go back, I'll go find..."

Before Yazi could finish speaking, a voice came from behind.

"Here, where is this place?"

An hour after Li Qinghe died, he "resurrected".There were still blood stains on his body, but the injury had completely healed.

Li Qinghe's resurrection startled Yazi.

Yazi shook his hand, turned off the phone, and parked the car by the side of the road.

"You, are you alive?"

Yazi looked at the ignorant Li Qinghe who was doing it in the back seat.

"Beautiful sister, where is this place, why am I here?"

Li Qinghe's memory "disappeared" again, this time it is estimated that it will take two weeks to recover.

"You were in my car, don't you remember what happened before?"

This is the first time Yazi saw the awakening of the original Orfienuo.

Yazi regards Li Qinghe as an awakened Ophelia, and compares this to how the world separates human beings from Ophelia.

The resurrected human beings have powerful strength and are called Orfienuo.

However, Li Qinghe, who has sub-human blood, meets the first requirement and is resurrected.But he didn't meet the second requirement. He had the physique of an ordinary person, and his resurrection didn't bring great power.

For the investigation of Ofe Enoch, unless he takes the initiative to transform, ordinary people, even the most powerful Ofe Enoch, cannot see it with the naked eye.

"Me, what happened before?"

Li Qinghe tried his best to recall, but his mind went blank, and he couldn't remember anything except some common sense of life.

"I, I, don't remember. Do you know my name?"

Hearing that Li Qinghe seemed to have lost his memory, Yazi blew a smile, the original Orpheus member who was picked up for nothing.

And the appearance is delicate, much better than the last ordinary idiot.

"Oh, I'm your older sister. My name is Kageyama Yako, and your name is Kageyama Shun. You're my cousin. I originally took you on a trip this trip.

As a result, there was a car accident on your way, and I was going to take you to the hospital, but I didn't expect you to be fine, thank God, it's really great.Otherwise, how can I explain to my deceased aunt. "

With a look of rejoicing, Yazi patted the alluring Su Yuexiong.

Li Qinghe pointed at himself, "My name is Yingshan Shun?"

Li Qinghe always felt that it seemed that he didn't have this name, but the beautiful sister in front of him was so close to him, so she probably wouldn't lie to him. .

"Yes, look at you, how can you forget your sister."

Yazi possessed a playful spirit, unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door, came to the back seat and hugged Li Qinghe, looking heartbroken.

Chapter 20BAR Bar

Li Qinghe always felt that something was wrong, it was a bit abrupt, or a bit embarrassing, so it's not accurate.Anyway, it's just a little awkward inside.

Li Qinghe could feel that he was (full) before Yuexiong, and he stiffened slightly to show his respect.

Yazi Yingshan naturally didn't feel the change of Li Qinghe because he had no contact with it.

"Sister, I'm a little hot, should we keep a little distance?"

That's what Li Qinghe said, but his body didn't have the idea of ​​action at all, and his typical mouth disliked the integrity of his body.

"What are you afraid of? You are my younger brother. If they want to talk, let them talk."

Unlike Li Qinghe, Yazi Yingshan pinched Li Qinghe's pink cheek after saying this, and returned to his driving seat.

In detail, the driver's seat in the island country is generally on the right, not on the left like in Huaguo.

Li Qinghe saw Yazi leaving from his side, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, why didn't he stay for a while.

Yazi Yingshan looked into the rearview mirror and saw Li Qinghe's eyes,

"Little fool, sister's Doufu, is it delicious?"

"Ah, this."

Li Qinghe didn't expect his sister Yazi to discover his little thoughts.

"That sister, where are we going now?"

It's okay for Li Qinghe to go out now and say that he is an out-and-out homeless man.

"Go home first and change some clothes."

Speaking of home, Yazi looked a little uncomfortable, changed the direction of driving, and drove towards the place where he lived.

Li Qinghe looked at the scenery of Tokyo along the way, but still couldn't think of anything.

No way, Li Qinghe is an otaku type no matter in his previous life or in this life.If you can't go out, definitely don't go out.

Even if it is a part-time job, there is only one way to know, a way to go to get off work and go to the hospital.

Lu Chi is so capricious!

Li Qinghe followed Yazi back to her home.

Yazi's home is very empty, and there is a layer of dust on the door. It can be seen that it has been a long time since Yazi went home last time.

"Shun, this is your room. Since you went out to work a few days ago, this room has been vacant. I haven't touched anything in it."

Came to Yazi's guest room.This is a Western-style room above the fireplace, and there is a reproduced oil painting hanging horizontally. The painting shows a young girl with one hand, her beautiful eyes slightly drooping, and she is meditating there.

This girl, no matter how you look at it, she is similar to Yazi.

"Sister, why does the girl pictured above resemble you so much?"

"Fool, that painting is about my sister. It's a portrait of my sister when she was 16 years old. When you were painting this painting, you clamored to draw one yourself."

When Yazi said this, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he tapped Li Qinghe's forehead, as if there was something real.

"Look at your dirty body, don't hesitate to wash it. There is a bathroom in your room, so wash it well."

Li Qinghe followed Yazi's directions and entered his room.

Li Qinghe's room is very simple, with three large bookshelves occupying four-fifths of the space.

Could it be that I used to be a book collector, or that I love reading very much.

Li Qinghe didn't know that that room was where Yazi slept when he suffered from insomnia.The best way to solve insomnia is to read a book that you are not interested in, and sleepiness will come immediately.

After Li Qinghe entered the room, Yazi quickly put away some photos of himself and his parents before, and the speed was locked.

Yazi put away the photo and heaved a sigh of relief.It’s better to be more comprehensive in acting, and a few photos can be synthesized in a few days.

"Sister, why are the clothes here one size bigger than mine? They look loose."

Li Qinghe went to the bathroom of his room first, and took a hot bath. It was just the clothes in the closet, why are they so big.

"Oh, the clothes inside are too big for me to buy. Then you can wear them after washing, and my sister will take you to buy clothes later."

Li Qinghe picked out a white sportswear, just this one, for men, the clothes should be as white as the skin.

Li Qinghe came to the hall wearing slightly loose sportswear, and saw Yazi had changed into a long red dress and was waiting for him in blue high heels.

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