Yazi stretched out his hand, asking Li Qinghe to pull him up.

"Let's go, brother. You used to like to take me shopping."

Li Qinghe looked at Yazi's pair of catkins (small hands), the two hands were so beautiful.Her hair is narrow and slender, but plump and white, her nails glow blue, soft and pearly.

"What are you looking at, little idiot."

Li Qinghe blushed, and put his hand in Yazi's.

Yazi took Li Qinghe to play and shop in Tokyo, took many photos of Li Qinghe, and the two had a very happy day.

"Shun, you go back to sleep first. Uh oh, I'm on the night shift today, I have to go to work, and make my lovely baby fat and fat."

Kageyama Yako said this jokingly.

After Yazi sent Li Qinghe to him, he drove to his usual place of work. If he wanted to act without revealing his flaws, he had to tell them.

Yazi came to the bar. Her usual cover-up job was to serve as a waitress to communicate with other high-level members of the organization.Either a member of Lucky Clover, or the management of Zhinao Group.

"Why did you come so early today?"

The first person to enter the bar today was Zhuo Yilang with a thick collection of poems.

"Is that the reason? I'll tell you later. What do you want to drink?"

Yazi asked.

"Have a tequila."

Zhuo Shao Yilang sat in the usual position, the silly girl, and touched her handsome hair, she seemed even more handsome.

"Why did you drink tequila today, wasn't it a cocktail before?"

Yazi began to pour wine for Zhuomo Yilong.

"I'm tired of drinking one kind of wine every day, so try another taste. But you seem to be in a good mood today."

"That's natural, ah, you are here."

J is a muscular black man with full abs and a cute Samoyed dog on his arm.

J nodded and sat in front of Zhuomo.

"Give me and Chuck a couple of Irish whiskeys."

J, as usual, teases his little cute Samoyed dog—Chuck.

"Today, he will not come."

Kageyama Yako looked at the last vacant seat.

"He, he's playing outside right now. How can he come back if he doesn't play enough. Boy, your bartending skills are really getting better and better."

Zhuo Xiang Yilang said while tasting the wine. .

"Thank you for the compliment. Now that we have all the people, let me tell you something."

Yazi saw that Zhuomo Yiling and j didn't object, so he agreed.As for the person who hasn't come yet, he usually doesn't care about anything.He seldom comes back at ordinary times, and only comes back to meet him after he has had a good time, even the president of Zhinao Group has nothing to do with him, he can only let him go.

Chapter 21 explained

"Baby, it's rare for you to take the initiative to speak. Tell me, I am very curious, and see if there is anything worth talking to us about."

Zhuo Mo Yilang was quite interested.

"I met a native Orfienoch yesterday."

"The native Orfi Enoch? That's really rare, and it's worth celebrating. Have you already recruited him to your subordinates?"

Thinking about Yilang's good luck, he is still a little envious of Yazi's good luck. For being able to develop a native Ao Fei Enuo, Zhinao Group has given him a lot of rewards.

Even lucky four-leaf clover needs money, and it is impossible not to eat or drink.Not every Orpheenoch has enough money to meet his own expenses.

For example, if you think about them, you will hang a lucky four-leaf clover sign, and you will receive a large allowance every month, so that they can have no worries about food and drink.

Of course, the strength of the lucky four-leaf clover is not exaggerated.Even the weakest j in the four-leaf clover can deal with dozens of Orfienuo of the fourth stage of ordinary strength at the same time.

"Of course, now he is my younger brother, named Kageyama Shun, and he may come to work here in a few days, so don't tell me you're revealing."

Thinking of Li Qinghe's dumbfounded look, Yazi unconsciously showed a bewildered smile.

"Oh, he's your younger brother? What's going on? Could it be your own younger brother? They all have the same surname."

After thinking about it for a while, I figured it out. Could it be that Kageyama Yazi picked up a fool?In that case, I would have nothing to envy.

But after thinking about it, Yilang also began to think that every time he met, he was bullied by that bastard, and he had to find someone offline to get angry.If you can't afford to offend him, then vent your anger on your subordinates to relieve your anger.

The j on the side heard Kageyama Yako say this, it was like hearing a bad story, my Chuck is enough for my whole life.

Speaking of which, J joined Lucky Clover just for generous rewards, and he has the lowest sense of belonging to Clover.

"You don't need to know too much about this. I believe in you and will definitely take good care of my brother."

Yingshan Yazi's crescent-like smile was affirmed by Zhuo Danyi.Now that the biggest hurdle has been made sense, everything should be fine.

Yazi came home from work until early in the morning, and saw Li Qinghe reading in the living room, reading with great interest, he didn't even know he came back.

Thinking of this, Yazi put on his slippers, tiptoed to Li Qinghe's back, and immediately covered Li Qinghe's eyes.

"Shun, guess who I am?"

"Sister Yazi, you're back? I'm starving to death, cook me a meal."

Li Qinghe was reading in the living room, not because he was waiting for Yazi to come back, but because his stomach was empty, and he wanted to suppress that hunger.Before Yazi comes back, the effect is still certain.


Only then did Yazi realize that it wasn't his own charm that made this silly brother miss him so much, but that he was so hungry that he couldn't sleep, so he waited for him to come back to cook.

Yazi took out the small mirror, took a look at his face, and touched his face, it was still so smooth and delicate.Could it be that his charm has declined?

"This cook, how about we go out to eat? Didn't you have dinner in the afternoon and evening?"

Yazi has never cooked, because she can't cook.

"Sister, people don't only eat one meal a day, so forget it. You get used to it when you're hungry."

As soon as Li Qinghe finished saying this, his stomach started to growl in disbelief.


"Let's go, what else can I do, I can still starve you when I go home."

Looking at the poor Li Qinghe, Yazi couldn't keep up his face, he pushed Li Qinghe from behind, and had to go out again as soon as he came back from the bar. It was impossible to say that he wasn't tired.

But thinking of gaining a silly younger brother, Orfienuo, it's worth it.Besides, let him go to work at the bar in a few days, and there will be no need to bring him meals in the future.

After Li Qinghe finished his meal, he returned to his comfortable hut, looked at the moon outside the window, and felt a sense of loneliness.

Although I lost part of my memory, but fortunately, I have a sister to accompany me.It's just that my sister also has a day to marry, so it's impossible to accompany her to grow old.

Li Qinghe was thinking wildly, and fell asleep for some reason.

While sleeping in a daze, Li Qinghe suddenly felt that his nose was pinched.

Opening his eyes, he saw the mischievous boy.

"Sister, how did you get in? I slept last night and it was already locked."

Li Qinghe didn't have the habit of sleeping in clothes or wearing pajamas, and Li Qinghe couldn't sleep well.

"It's not important, what's important is that I sent you the key."

Yazi giggled, and took out a key, as if he really sent the key.

It's just that the key can be delivered at any time, why is it so early now...

Li Qinghe wrapped the quilt kicked off in the middle of the night without knowing when, and only one head was exposed, like a hedgehog in shock.

Yazi was so amused by Li Qinghe's performance that he laughed so hard that he paid his respects first.

"Okay, get dressed and go out to dinner with my sister."

Yazi closed the door of Li Qinghe's bedroom casually.

Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his sister finally went out. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to meet such a nervous sister.

Li Qinghe Cong got out of the quilt, ready to put on clothes.


Yazi Yingshan, who had just left, shot his carbine back and came back again.

Li Qinghe let out an "ah", this time Liantoudou was wrapped in the quilt.

"Sister, why are you here again?"

Li Qinghe's muffled voice came from under the quilt.

"I just wanted to ask where you want to go for breakfast in the morning."

Yazi saw what he wanted to see, so he found an excuse and said, not caring whether the excuse was seen through or not.

"Sister, can you not be like this, come and go without a trace, no one in the whole house knows..."

Li Qinghe hid in the quilt, otherwise the blushing face would have been seen by Yazi.

"An'la, Anla, I'm really leaving this time..."

Yazi left here with a look of reluctance.No way, there are too few normal people in the original Orfi Enoch.

Evil people prefer to get along with evil people, or like to get along with kind people.There is no doubt that he will choose the latter.

The same is true for Kageyama Yako, she looks down on ordinary people, they are not her kind.

As for Ao Fei Enuo, she also despises the non-native Ao Fei Enuo, the reason, of course, is because of the incompatibility of identities.

To put it another way, the native Orfi Enoch is equivalent to nobles, the non-native Orfi Enoch is equivalent to warriors, and ordinary people are equivalent to farmers. .

Not only Kageyama Yako, but also other people in Lucky Clover.For ordinary people, as long as they contradict them, they will be dealt with without hesitation.

Of course, the term "evolution" is more appropriate.

Chapter 22Go to work

Li Qinghe put on his clothes and walked slowly to the living room.

"Sister, is our family poor?"

"No, as long as you are not infected with the two poisons, at least three lifetimes will not be a problem. The premise is that the price increase will not be too high."

Speaking of which, prices in the island nation have been very stable.Currency is a very strong store of value, and there has been almost no inflation in recent decades.

"Then why ignore a nanny, at least three meals a day don't have to worry about it. How expensive it is to go out to buy food every day."

Li Qinghe said his "suggestion."

"You little slicker, the money to hire a nanny is much more than you go out to eat and drink. You don't want to go out to eat, you want to stay at home. As a sister, I will supervise you well, and I will never let you become an otaku like before.

Listen up, start coming to work with me tonight.It's also good for you to get to know more people.How could a big man not go out and rush. "

Listening to Yazi Yingshan's tone of hating iron but not steel, and looking at his elder sister who looks forward to his younger brother Jackie Chan, Li Qinghe couldn't help feeling guilty in his heart.

"Sister, I was wrong, don't be angry. I will obey you obediently in the future."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Yazi Yingshan seemed to be still angry.


Li Qinghe set off obediently with Yazi Yingshan.

After eating, Yazi began to explain to Li Qinghe where he was going to work tonight and what he should pay attention to.

"Sister, can I be a bartender. I'm so stupid, I can't."

Li Qinghe heard that he was asked to work in a bar, and he was also a bartender. He might not be able to do this.

"I'll teach you."

The boy said calmly.

"Then, but..."

"There's nothing but..."

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