
At home, the boy is eloquent, and Li Qinghe can't refute what he says.

I don't know why, every time I see Li Qinghe's suffocated but obedient appearance, I feel very happy, no wonder that person often thinks about it.

As for why he didn't find j who had the lowest strength to start brushing, of course he didn't like it.So black, so ricey, so beefy.

At least in terms of appearance, a bookish "successful person" like Zhuan Mo Yilang looks much better than a down-and-out muscular guy.

Think about it, does school violence always happen to those who are small and thin?

As for the cowardly personality that the public says, it is also one of the reasons.But to be honest, there are many submissive people, but the big fat and tall people make the bully think of another person to bully.

In fact, there is a truth.

So, Zhuo Xiangyi was "friendly" by him as soon as he met.

In the past, Kageyama Yako still tended to think about Yilong.

Thinking about Yilang's appearance, well, he can barely be said to be fair and clean, and his temperament is not bad. At least he is a white-collar worker, and some people believe him.In addition, he and Yazi are both members of Lucky Clover, and their status, status and strength are roughly the same, so it can be said that they are well matched.

But, don't you have a choice right now? One is a potential stock, and the other is a choice of desperation.How would you choose, and it's the same for Yazi.

Li Qinghe came to the bar that night.

"In the future, you will be the bartender here. There is no one now, so I will teach you first. Let me briefly talk about the classification of bartenders' techniques. One category is biased towards Chinese style, with more fancy techniques and emphasis on technology.

The other group is the Y country faction, which advocates pragmatism. Their methods are more traditional, and the bartenders must be orthodox. The y-style bartending pays most attention to the color and taste of the wine, and can make a glass of wine exclusively for him according to the mood and preferences of the guests. "

Li Qinghe hurriedly said, "I choose the first one..."

"I knew you would say that. I only know how to mix drinks, so you have no choice..."

While talking, Yazi began to show Li Qinghe how to mix wine.

Li Qinghe heard that he could only choose the Y-style bartending technique that he didn't like, so he had to stare at the movements of Yazi Yingshan's hand bitterly.

Li Qinghe looked at the beer planted by Yazi, holding the bottle cap between his thumb and forefinger, facing the label at a 45-degree angle.

"Now, listen to me, today I will teach you the basic movements, pass the wine."

I saw Kageyama Yako, who had changed into a British-style black vest overalls, and began to teach seriously.

I have to say that Yazi, who is serious, looks really special.

It is related to his future livelihood, Li Qinghe studies seriously, and has no time to "appreciate" too many things.

As before, Zhuo Mo Yilang and J arrived at the bar "on time".

After thinking about it, I also want to see the new native Orfi Enoch specially introduced by this Kageyama boy.

"Shun, these are regular customers who often come to the bar, Zhuan, and j."

With the help of Yazi Yingshan, Li Qinghe greeted Zhuo Mo and j with the etiquette of a junior.

One night, Yazi only gave Li Qinghe one action—passing the bottle.

Even with Kageyama Yako by his side, five wine bottles were inevitably broken.

The one-night training made Li Qinghe exhausted, and he didn't have the extra energy to ask and think about Yilang and the others about Yazi.

Yazi doesn't believe it, Li Qinghe can believe everything he says, Li Qinghe just lost his memory, not Yachi.You can't really treat him like a fool.Once he finds a flaw, it is likely to arouse his suspicion, and eventually lead to a failure.

Li Qinghe stared at the flying wine bottles all night, his eyes became astringent after get off work.

However, passing the bottle can be regarded as a bit of a feeling. It is not enough to rely on the eyes alone, and you have to find the "feel." If I have to describe this feeling, it is the feeling that practice makes perfect.

For several days in a row, Li Qinghe was exhausted.

Fortunately, Yazi Yingshan didn't have too many demands on the progress of Li Qinghe's bartending learning.From the looks of it, Li Qinghe wasn't suspicious.

However, due to some difficult movements, Yazi Yingshan inevitably "contacted" with Li Qinghe somewhat intimately.

Of course, this kind of intimate view is the view of Chuan Yilang.

"Since this kid came, Yazi has not paid as much attention to me as before. No, I have to teach him a lesson and let him know to keep a distance from Yazi."

Thinking about Yilang's attitude towards Kageyama Yako, it's not the kind of chasing a lover, but the kind of mother.Every time Zhuo Mo Yilang was bullied by him, Kageyama Yuko comforted herself. It was she who gave Zhuo Mou the courage to let him continue to stay, believing that he would turn himself over one day. .

The appearance of Li Qinghe inevitably made Zhuo Mo Yilang feel that his treasure was "taken away", and he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Since it is the original Orfi Enoch, there is no need to worry too much about doing it yourself. It just so happens that Yazi will go out to perform a mission tomorrow.

Chapter 23 lessons

After thinking about it, Yilang was actually "jealous", and he was so jealous that he decided to teach Li Qinghe a lesson, let him know how much he weighed.Don't just cling to the kid if you have nothing to do.

The bar has three shifts, one shift from 6:2 am to 10:10 pm, one shift from 6:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, and the third shift from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] the next day.

As the owner and waiter behind the bar, Yazi has full autonomy and can go to work whenever he wants.

But in the past, Yazi was always able to go to work "on time", who would let her be free.

But Li Qinghe was different. In order to keep Li Qinghe busy, at least he was busy for a while, so that he could not concentrate on investigating and understanding his own information.

It's just that Li Qinghe didn't know that Yazi was the owner of this bar, and thought that she was also an employee here just like him.

Yazi told Li Qinghe that she was in the afternoon shift (that is, Class 2), and Li Qinghe was in the third shift.

According to Yazi, she naturally wouldn't stay up late with him at night, that would be suicide.

Therefore, Li Qinghe, who is struggling, sleeps less than six hours a day for the past few days, and goes to work with dark circles under his eyes.There is no way, Yazi is so tight, even if he wants to relax.

After such a week, thinking about Yilong's idea of ​​teaching Li Qinghe a lesson became more and more intense, and he became more and more uncontrollable, or he didn't want to control himself.

What Yilang was thinking in his mind was, man, if he can do it, he will never beep.

I don't know, in front of that man, wondering if Yilang can still be so stubborn, if he still dares to think so.

On this day, Tuan Huan came very early, he didn't dare to show his face in front of Yazi Yingshan, and quietly stared at the bar from a distance.

With great difficulty, Yazi drove away after get off work.

Thinking about it, Yilang actually felt a little joy in his heart.

Zhuo Dan strode over to the bar counter.

"Mr. Zhuo Mo, what would you like to drink?"

Li Qinghe naturally recognized that this was Chuanxiang Yilong, the guest introduced by Sister Yazi, so naturally he would not neglect him.

"What to drink? Nothing to drink, come with me."

It's just that when he was out of the bar, he was seen by the oncoming j.

Thinking about Yilang being a little cautious, shit, why am I guilty.

Zhuo Mo Yilang gave J a small and interesting look, which meant don't meddle in other people's business.

In fact, J didn't even want to pay attention to the coward who was thinking about Yilang, if he was bullied by that person like that.I was desperately trying to kill him, and I wanted to bite him, so I thought about it and endured it.It's truly the land of ninjas.

Zhuo Shao Yilang dragged Li Qinghe unceremoniously, and dragged him out of the bar.

Li Qinghe didn't know why, so he didn't know what he was looking for, so he didn't resist, and followed him out of the bar to a remote corner.

"Mr. Zhuomo, you brought me here, do you have something to say to me quietly?"

Li Qinghe pondered and asked with some displeasure on his face.

"Of course, I don't care if you are his brother or not, I warn you, stay away from her."

"It's impossible, she is my sister, how could I alienate her for no reason. I don't know..."


Hearing that Li Qinghe rejected his "reasonable" request, he thought that Yilang did not continue to listen to Li Qinghe.

Thinking about it, Yilang wanted to do something a long time ago, thinking that Li Qinghe, who thought he was Aoyuan Fei Enuo, was so arrogant that he dared to reject him.Teach him a lesson today and let him know what it means to respect his predecessors.

Thinking about the reason for Li Qinghe's rejection of him, Yilong thought it was Li Qinghe's arrogance as the original Ophelia Enoch.

Zhuo Mo Yilang accumulated an energy ball the size of a walnut in his hand, and threw it at Li Qinghe.

The energy ball hit Li Qinghe's abdomen without hindrance.

The energy ball starts to cause impact from the abdomen, and wait until the energy of this energy ball is exhausted.

Li Qinghe had been "depressed" on the wall.

After thinking about it for a while, he continued to accumulate two energy balls in his hands.

"Get up, don't play dead."

Zhuozhu Yilang shouted loudly.

However, Li Qinghe didn't respond, and the energy ball that Zhuanyou Yilang was about to throw gradually dissipated.Could it be that his move just now was too powerful and knocked him out?

As for worrying about Li Qinghe's sneak attack?Don't be ridiculous, Zhuo Mo Yi Lang is the strength of the sixth stage.

Even in the human form, it can exert a lot of power, and can easily suppress the fourth and third stages of Orfienuo in the human form.

For example, the current Kiba Yuji, whose strength probably belongs to the transition from the fourth stage to the fifth stage, will still be blasted by the human form when he encounters Takuma Kazuro.

Zhuo Shao Yilang walked up to Li Qinghe, and saw Li Qinghe who was dying.

How is it possible, it must be playing dead.Yes, it's just pretending to be dead, or it's just being beaten to death.

If Orfi Enoch dies, he will turn into a ball of white ashes and disappear with the wind, leaving nothing behind.

Zhuo Mo Yilang stretched out his hand, grabbed Li Qinghe's leg, and pulled him hard from the wall.

However, Li Qinghe still did not respond.

Zhuo Mo Yilang stretched out his hand and put it in front of Li Qinghe's nose. The Ofi Enoch human form is the same as ordinary people for breathing air.

It is the battle form of Orfi Enoch, which does not mean that he does not breathe air, but that he can control his own breathing, just like a deep-sea whale, he can use it for a long time after taking a deep breath.

Of course, even if Orfi Enoch is in combat form, he won't hold his breath if it is not necessary.

After breathing for 1 minute, I didn't feel Li Qinghe's breathing.After touching Li Qinghe's body, his body has begun to lose heat a little bit.

"Don't pretend to be dead to scare me. I think it's not a big scare."

Zhuo Shao Yilang kicked Li Qinghe hard, but Li Qinghe was still a "corpse".

Could it be that the boy lied to himself?This man is actually a human being, but she lied to herself because she fell in love with this boy and was afraid that other people would use an excuse to deal with him?

Judging from Kageyama Yako's personality, this is not completely impossible.

Thinking of this, thinking about Yilang a little flustered, how should I explain this to Yazi in a while.

Could it be possible to tell her that in order to vent her anger, she accidentally "hammered" her little lover to death?With that said, he probably won't be the only one bullying him next time.

"No, you can't die, what should I do if you die."

Thinking about howling, there is no way, I can't cry.Now I can only squeeze a few crocodile tears as hard as I can and record it with my mobile phone. .

To prove his innocence, he was not in a hurry to rescue him, and watched Li Qinghe being beaten to death by the gangsters around him.

It's just, how should Li Qinghe's wound be explained.Forget it, no need to explain, just burn it clean.There is no evidence that he did it himself, which is the best explanation.

Chapter 22 Resentment

Just do what you say, and pondering is called pondering, but he never ponders for a long time when he decides.Zhuo Shao Yilang went nearby to buy a barrel of gasoline and returned, and poured it on Li Qinghe's body.

Of course, there is no possibility of regret after the matter has come to this point.

"Goodbye, oh no, never again."

After thinking about it, he turned around and threw the ignited lighter onto Li Qinghe, and walked out of the secluded alley without looking back.There is quite an aura of a hero returning. If there is another black cloak, it will be more perfect with a flick of it.

"No, I'd better go back and have a look to make sure he was burned to ashes."

Zhuo Shao Yilang stopped his forward pace, turned around, and turned his head.What heroism, disappeared without a trace.

After thinking about it, Li Qinghe saw that his whole body was on fire, and Li Qinghe, who was burnt out of shape, would not be able to recover even if he was rescued now.

"Let you snatch my boy, you deserve it if you die. You deserve it if you die."

Zhuo Mo Yi Lang gritted his teeth and said.

"That man has been bullying me. One day, I will definitely..."

A hand suddenly rested on Zhuo Mo's shoulder,

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