"What will happen to you?"

The ferocious look on Zhuo Xiang's face quickly faded away.

"Ah, ha. Coincidentally,..., what are you, why are you here."

Zhuo Shao Yilang turned his head slowly like a zombie.

Thinking about the part of Yilang's shoulder that was touched by that person, it had already turned into sand.

Zhuo Shao Yilang endured the pain and shook his shoulders.

Thinking about Yilang clutching his shoulders, thanks to the physique of Offienuo, he would not turn into ashes all over his body, but he also endured unbearable pain for ordinary people, but for him, it was okay, it was commonplace, and It's not the first time I've endured this pain.

"Little Takumo, why are you sneaking around here? Well, it stinks, what are you burning, it must be a corpse, it smells so bad.

I said, can you improve a little bit, kill a person, wouldn't you suck his life energy and turn him into ashes, why take so much effort. "

The man behind him waved his hands in disgust, covered his nose and left the alley.

The man behind him left for a long time, thinking that his trembling calf could finally walk.

"Let's go."

Thinking about it, he looked back, and sure enough, the demon was gone.

After thinking about it, he turned around and ran away, without even looking at Li Qinghe, who was burnt in human form, and never wanted to see that demon again.

He didn't know, half an hour after he left.

Li Qinghe, who had become ashes, began to gather little by little, and flesh and blood appeared little by little.

A strange energy surged out, extinguishing the burning flame, and the high temperature caused by the burning of the surrounding flames dropped rapidly.

Soon, a man with a naked fruit appeared.

"Why am I here?"

Li Qinghe saw the trash can in front of him for no other reason than there were old clothes in it.

Li Qinghe didn't want Chi Guoguo to go out. There is no doubt that after being resurrected from the dead again, he lost his memory again.Fortunately, there is no problem with the memory of common sense in life.

This basic knowledge of life skills, the memory is already imprinted in the genes.It's hard to forget that you learned to ride a bike as a kid, even if you haven't ridden one in over a decade.But you can still drive the bike normally.

The amnesia this time not only forgot the memories about Yazi, but also forgot the previous memories even deeper.

This is the invisible disadvantage of the primary demihuman bloodline, although it is said that after a period of time after resurrection, the lost memory can be gradually retrieved.It's just that the time gradually extends from one week to the next.

But if you die continuously and uninterruptedly, then the time to retrieve your memory will be greatly lengthened.

After you owe the loan, if you fail to repay the money in time, there will be late fees and liquidated damages.

Therefore, Li Qinghe had gged so many times, it would take longer to retrieve his memory.It is estimated to be conservative for one month, and you cannot die again during this period.

Li Qinghe rummaged through the garbage for a long time, "Why is no one throwing away a pair of slippers, even clogs are fine."

Li Qinghe walked out of the alley with his big feet stepping on the cold ground.

After walking for a while, I felt hungry.

"Is it time to eat?"

Li Qinghe clutched his stomach, stopped and walked, passed by a house, smelled the delicious oden, the glutton in his stomach was completely hooked, stared at the oden and swallowed.

The stall owner of this yatai is an old woman over seventy years old.

There are very few customers who eat at this restaurant.The barbecue shop next to it is full of people coming and going.

The old woman saw Li Qinghe who was squatting on the ground opposite.Alas, this child has become a tramp at such a young age, alas.

"Young man, be hungry, come and eat."

Li Qinghe shook his head, "Grandma, I have no money..."

"Son, come and eat, you won't be charged."

The kind old grandma has already spoken, so Li Qinghe will naturally stop being reserved.

"I want to eat this meatball, this..."

Li Qinghe's mouth was full of juice, it was really delicious.

Forgive Li Qinghe for being really hungry, so he ate so "wildly".

"Okay. Eat slowly."

Li Qinghe was finally full, and felt a little embarrassed after eating.

"Grandma, let me help you clean up."

Li Qinghe is not the kind of person who has no skin or face, who can eat and drink for free and still feel at ease.If you eat other people's food, you have to pay it back in other ways.

Until two o'clock in the morning, the old woman was ready to collect the car and go home.

Li Qinghe helped the old woman pack her things.

"Thank you, young man, do you have no place to live?"

"Yes, I, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, and I can't find my home."

At this time, a red Infiniti q6 stopped in front of the house.

A long-legged, baby-faced beauty got out of the car. She smelled of alcohol. She should have just come out of a bar.

"Grandma, why did you come out to set up a stall again? Didn't I tell you to enjoy it at home?"

"Qingxiang, did you go drinking again? Didn't I tell you? Girls, you must respect yourself and avoid going to those ghost places.

No, I have to call your father, you can't discipline him well. "

Although the old woman is over [-] years old, she is not blind and deaf, and she has to make a call when she takes out her mobile phone.

"Grandma, grandma. Don't call my dad, or he will lock me up at home for half a month. I promise this is the last time I go, grandma, grandma. Come, I'll take you back."

The baby-faced girl acted coquettishly, and after some assurances, the old woman was satisfied.It can be seen that the old woman is very close to this granddaughter.

"Remember, the last time. You are driving, how do you see me off? Go home early, I have him to help me, it's okay. Let me see you next time, and I will definitely sue your father."

"I know, I know. Who is this person. Kiyokawa? Kiba Kiyokawa?"

After seeing Li Qinghe's face clearly, the baby-faced girl recognized him. .

"Beauty, you must have misunderstood the person, my name is not Kiba Qinghe, my name is, my name is..."

Li Qinghe tried hard to recall his name, but he couldn't.

Chapter 25 Meet Qingxiang

Li Qinghe looked at this girl, he didn't remember why, let alone amnesia.Even if he lost his memory, there should be a trace of familiarity.Of course, there may be none at all.

Could it be that she has seen herself before?

"you know me?"

Li Qinghe pointed at himself.

The baby-faced girl got a little angry,

"Kiba Kiyokawa, listen carefully. Although your marriage with me has fallen through, there is no need for you to pretend that you don't know me.

I know you're having a rough time.Judging by the clothes you are wearing, you probably picked them up. "

"No, I really don't know you. Did you recognize the wrong person? I'm not the person you said..."

Seeing that Li Qinghe was still pretending to be stupid, the baby-faced girl grabbed Li Qinghe's left arm and pushed the sleeve up.

"Look, this blue line. I drew it with a ballpoint pen when we fought in junior high school. Although the scars have fallen off, the blue line is still there."

When she said that she bullied Li Qinghe, Aunt Guliang was a little embarrassed.

Li Qinghe took a closer look, and there was indeed a blue line about one foot long, which was drawn so straight!There are no corners!

"Young man, you are really that kid of Kiba's family. I thought I just made a mistake. When you were young, you peed on my sofa."

Li Qinghe was dumbfounded.

Seeing the old woman and her granddaughter talking about him, Li Qinghe said heartily

"Are you sure it's me? Why don't I have any memory in my mind?"

Of course, Li Qinghe didn't refute, no matter whether he was Li Qinghe or not, if he could be connected with the person they mentioned.Is my meal ticket guaranteed, and I can still have a place to live?

I don't know if it's because of amnesia, but Li Qinghe directly went through the initial dazed state of amnesiacs.

"You, don't you recognize me?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe didn't reply for a long time, the baby-faced girl looked at Li Qinghe's blank expression, which didn't seem to be fake.

That's right, he was the only one in the family who survived such a sudden disaster.Deliriousness is also understandable.

Because of the cover of Zhinao Group, the news of Kiba Yuji's resurrection was not leaked out.In any case, the number of Orfi Enoch is not worth mentioning compared to human beings.

The development of new Orfienuo can not only reduce the number of human beings and reduce the threat of human beings, but also enhance the strength of the Orfienuo group.

Intellectual Brain Group generally regards Orfienuo and human beings as different kinds of creatures.

Thinking of this, the baby-faced girl looked at Li Qinghe with pitiful eyes, which made Li Qinghe a little uncomfortable.

The girl whispered in the old woman's ear for a while, and then in a blink of an eye.The old woman also looked at Li Qinghe with sympathy.

"Qinghe, even though it's impossible for you and me, I can't bear you to fall into this situation. Grandma, I'll let Qinghe go to Dad's company and be a security guard."

"Well, that's good. What a miserable child. When the Moritas passed away, I also saw Qinghe in the memorial hall for his father. Although he was in a haggard state at that time, he was better than now.

Qingxiang, don't let him do security or something. This job has to be done according to the eyes of others, so it's not easy to do.Qinghe, Qinghe..."

"Grandma, is your name me?"

Li Qinghe pointed to himself.

"Yes, besides me and my granddaughter, is there a third person here?"

"Grandma, tell me."

"You don't have a place to live now. You can live with me tonight. Go to work in my son's company tomorrow. This is my confession to Kiba Morita. Would you like it?"

Hearing that there was a job, Li Qinghe was naturally willing.If you have a job, you will have a ticket, if you have a ticket, you will not be hungry, Li Qinghe naturally agreed.

Li Qinghe seemed to understand that the girl in front of her seemed to have an unusual relationship with Kiba Kiba, but she didn't know why.

It's a pity that the person named Qinghe is not me, otherwise how could I give up this baby-faced girl.

Li Qinghe still didn't believe that he was Kiba Qinghe, you said there is no such coincidence in the world.

But in order to fill your stomach, Kiba Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa is just Kiba Kiyokawa.

"Qingxiang, take Qinghe to find a hotel nearby to stay for one night, and take him to work tomorrow."

"Okay, grandma."

Out of distrust for Kiba Qinghe, the old woman didn't let Li Qinghe go back with her granddaughter, but opened a room for Li Qinghe and let him spend the night.

Naturally, someone is responsible for pushing back the grandma's roof.The old grandma came out to sell Oden cooking, and when she was free, she wanted to keep herself busy for a while.People, after working for a long time, they don't want to stop, even when they are old.

Li Qinghe didn't know that the baby-faced girl he met was the girl his parents had favored for him at the beginning, and the engagement was also approved by the old woman.

It's just that time has passed and circumstances have changed, this time and that time.It was the old woman who agreed to the engagement at the beginning, and now she is the one who reneges on it.

There is no other reason, the Kiba family has declined, and there is no benefit in marrying her granddaughter to Kiba Kiyokawa.

After Li Qinghe left, the old woman's turbid eyes flashed sharply, and the kindness on her face disappeared.

"Oh, why not die cleanly. Kiba Morita and his wife had a car accident, and Kiba Kazuaki, who succeeded Kiba Morita Company, and his father were burned to death.

Not long ago, they had just swallowed up the crumbling Kiba family company, so they couldn't do it too hastily now.We have to use him to show favor to the outside world.

Kiba Kiyokawa is left alone now, let him live for a while.The Toyotomi family never raises useless people! "

The old woman walked forward briskly, without a trace of the feeling that the old people of the same age were walking slowly.

After one night, the baby-faced girl came to the hotel to pick up Li Qinghe for work.

In the car, Li Qinghe was a little cautious.

"Beauty, what should I call you!"

"Mr. Qinghe, have you completely forgotten about me?"

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