Toyotomi Qingxiang looked at Li Qinghe with regretful eyes.People who were so good in the past are so useless.

Li Qinghe couldn't answer, he couldn't go home, he couldn't answer this question.

"My name is Toyotomi Qingxiang."

"Miss Qingxiang, please excuse me."

Along the way, the two were silent.

After arriving at the company, Li Qinghe didn't even see the company name clearly, and Toyotomi Qingxiang stuffed a stack of leaflets in his hand.

"In the future, you will distribute leaflets around Tokyo. If you pay, I will pay you three months' salary first. There is an empty building here. I won it from a bet recently. You should live first. It is also close to the company. .”

Toyotomi Qingxiang had no intention of introducing Li Qinghe to her father at all.This kind of useless person, just give him a low-level job and report it to his father.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's father is Toyotomi Fubu, who used to work in the Public Security Bureau. After retiring, he used his previous connections to create Nuoda's Baishui Security (mercenary) group.

Chapter 26 Finding

Toyotomi Qingxiang pretended to be smart and went against her grandma's ideas.

What Toyotomi Qingxiang thought was to just give her a casual job, and just ask for a salary every month.But what her grandma meant was to let Li Qinghe work in the middle and lower management.

The purpose is to show off to the former employees of the log yard company that their company still has room for people.It's just that Toyotomi Qingxiang doesn't quite understand what her grandma means.

Toyotomi Qingxiang has a very high status here, she is the president's daughter, it is difficult for anyone here not to know her.

Toyotomi Qingxiang made a phone call and told the manager of the HR department that she wanted to hire a leafleter who would make a living, which solved Li Qinghe's employment problem.

"You change your clothes, forget it, I'll buy you one."

Feng Chenqingxiang thought that Li Qinghe was penniless, so she asked the front desk to take Li Qinghe out to buy four sets of clothes. As for her, after arranging work for Li Qinghe, she went out again.

Toyotomi Qingxiang has a dissolute heart, it may not be appropriate to say that, it should be called a dissolute heart.

As soon as Li Qinghe stepped into the company's gate, he was distributed a motorcycle and a thick stack of leaflets.The stack of leaflets I just gave him was an appetizer, so let’s go around Tokyo on a motorcycle (distributing leaflets).

After Li Qinghe lost his memory again, by chance, he went to work in Baishui Group.

But Yazi Kageyama, who was supposed to be handing over to and from get off work at the bar over there, was furious.

She went to bed early last night, and her phone happened to be out of battery.After Li Qinghe disappeared, a bar without a bartender, how could it cope with the constant stream of customers, naturally there were constant complaints.

After Kageyama Yazi woke up, she found out that her phone was out of battery.Domineeringly replaced with a new unopened battery. As for the dead battery, of course it was thrown away.

Money is so capricious, there is no such thing as charging.

Among the lucky four-leaf clover, Kageyama Yako who can open a bar is undoubtedly the wealthiest, commonly known as a rich woman.

Yazi saw that there were more than a dozen missed calls on his mobile phone. Could it be that someone is causing trouble in his bar?It shouldn't be, with pondering and j, who dares to make trouble, it's like lighting a lamp in a latrine——

Find shit.

Yazi immediately called back the second person in charge of the bar, only to find out that something went wrong with the bartender and Li Qinghe was missing.No way, an unqualified bartender was temporarily hired last night.

People who come to the bar to drink at night are not dedicated to drinking.

Therefore, most of them are not concerned with the quality of the wine, because they cannot taste good or bad.

If you let a layman drink high-quality tea, he will drink it like drinking a large bowl of boiled water, and the taste will not be good or bad.

However, there are still a few people who can taste the quality of wine.

However, it is definitely not a temporary solution.Early in the morning, the second person in charge of the bar hung up the sign that the business was closed.

Yazi Yingshan rushed to the quiet bar and called out the second person in charge.

"When did Kageyama Shun disappear?"

"I, I don't know."

The second person in charge was a middle-aged man with a big belly, sweating profusely on his head. From Kageyama Yako's inquiry, it could be seen that the bartender was very important to Yazi.

Nonsense, they are all surnamed Kageyama, do you think it doesn't matter?

Li Qinghe is not a talkative person either, except j, Zhuan Mo, the others don't know Li Qinghe's current identity.

"When did you find out he wasn't there?"

"Yes, it was twelve o'clock in the evening. Because some customers wanted to buy wine, I thought the bartender was out for a while, so I asked them to wait first.

But unexpectedly, he didn't come back all night.I had to find a temporary bartender. "

At this time, the middle-aged fat man spoke out his remedial measures, in order to make a good impression in front of the boy.

Unfortunately, Yazi didn't listen to the second half of his sentence at all.

"I disappeared for such a long time, why did you call me in the middle of the night?"

"I, I thought he was just going out for a while, how could I think..."

"You thought, you thought..., I thought you should die."

Thanks to the suspension of the bar, the second person in charge of the bar is currently watching the store alone.

Yazi single-handedly kicked the fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms by the neck.

"A person like you is not worthy of being Orfienuo!"

With a "click", the throat was pinched.

Yazi thinks the fat man is disgusting, so he won't suck his life energy, and doesn't give him a chance to become Orfienuo.

Yazi opened a bottle of champagne, filled a large wine glass, took a sip, and poured the rest of the wine on the dead fat man's body.


Like high-strength sulfuric acid, the fat man's body was quickly corroded to nothing, not even ash left, only a human-shaped water stain proved that a person disappeared here.

Yazi and Zhuomo are similar in strength, belonging to the sixth stage of Ophelia, in human form, can still use extraordinary power.

In terms of technology in this world, surveillance has already appeared, but it has not been applied to civilians on a large scale.

Some chaebols are not included, such as Zhinao Group, which has surveillance cameras everywhere.

As Yazi's lucky clover, it is completely possible to install a surveillance camera in the bar.Just considering the particularity of the bar customers, such as J, Zhuan, they are all Orfienuo.Usually, there are hidden Orfienuo members here to drink, communicate, and accept tasks.

If there are drunken customers or troublemakers, these people will be taken care of by them, and these things cannot be left on the monitor.And Yazi doesn't like being watched, and no one likes the feeling of having eyes on top of her head.

So, no one knows what happened the night Li Qinghe disappeared.

"Brother, I will definitely find you."


Kageyama Yako crushed the wine glass.

Although there are only four lucky four-leaf clovers, they are very famous among Orfi Enoch.I don't know how many Orfi Enoch can't wait to join the lucky clover.

Unfortunately, just like its name, the lucky four-leaf clover can only be joined by the four most "lucky" people.

Yazi issued a task on the task panel in the bar.

As long as someone can find his younger brother, Shun Kageyama, Yazi will give him (her) the status of a lucky clover reserve.

Don't underestimate this identity, I don't know how many Orfienuo are willing to give everything to get this identity.Once there is a lack of members of the lucky clover, then the reserve will fill it up.

You know, Kyoji Murakami used to be a member of Lucky Clover.In the previous Lucky Clover members, three of them died at once in a certain incident, and only Murakami Kyoer survived.

This year's four-leaf clover was added in a hurry, and the strength was also very different.For example j, that is the real "lucky". .

And if you want to get the status of a lucky four-leaf clover reserve member, you need to be a reserve member with the consent of more than half of the members of the four-leaf clover.

It can be seen from this that Kageyama Yako is serious.After finally finding a blank paper-like original Orfi Enoch, and painting him with his own color, how could the boy give up.

Chapter 27 Puzzling doubts

With Li Qinghe's photo as a comparison, it is not without trace that other members of Aofei Enuo are looking for Li Qinghe.

As long as you are lucky, there will always be a lucky one, isn't it?

Li Qinghe wandered around Tokyo distributing leaflets, and someone would always meet him.

Li Qinghe was exposed to the scorching sun every day for half a month, handing out leaflets.

For half a month, I haven't returned to Baishui Group once.There is no way, the task is not up to standard, and I will not be allowed to go back.Comparison Not everyone needs a flyer.

Li Qinghe had no intention of throwing the leaflets into the trash can, and even picked up the leaflets thrown into the trash can by others, and continued to distribute them as long as they were still usable.

In this way, only one-third of the thick box of flyers was distributed for more than half a month! ! !

Li Qinghe had no choice but wondered if the scope of leaflets in his own way was a little too small and he needed to develop new demands.Then you can only expand your scope of action and move towards the outskirts of the urban area a little bit.

On this day, Li Qinghe came to the suburbs of Tokyo. With one hand on his forehead, he looked up at the scorching sun above his head. His eyes were darkened and he almost fell down.I can't be suffering from heat stroke, my health is important, so I should rest for a while, and I have to continue handing out leaflets in the afternoon, so I can't fall down.

Li Qinghe squatted down to find an abandoned parking garage, rested in the shade for a while, and felt much better.

Li Qinghe got up slowly, ready to set off to complete his unfinished business.He saw a young man wearing a blue jacket, riding a scooter, and with yellow hair, passing in front of him.

Li Qinghe saw that his age was about the same as his own, that is, in his early twenties, and shouted at the boy, "Sir, please wait a moment."

The killer boy stepped on the ground with one foot, put away the scooter, and carelessly clapped his earwax,

"What, are you okay?"

"Ah, here is our company brochure, please."

Li Qinghe skillfully took out a leaflet.

"Hehe, that's all, then you can..., huh?"

The boy who killed Matt suddenly stared closely at Li Qinghe, took out a photo on his body, compared it with Li Qinghe, looked left, then looked again.

Almost the same figure, similar height, same appearance, even the same eyes, silly.

Then it was almost certainly him.Haha, it seems that I, Benjing, have hit the jackpot. I didn't expect to walk a few steps casually, and I would encounter such a good thing!

"What are you doing looking at me like that. I'm not (sexually) interested in men."

Li Qinghe was killed by the scorching eyes of Matt's young man, who looked a little weak, this person can't be gay.

"Coincidentally, I'm very interested in you, come with me."

The Shamate youth approached step by step, cornering Li Qinghe.

In the hot summer, it is noon again.Few people walked outside, and in order to save money, Li Qinghe parked in a relatively remote place this time, so few people came.

"You, you, what are you going to do, don't fail to learn well at a young age.

Now is a society ruled by law, don't force people to lock (all) men (difficult). "

Li Qinghe looked at his thin body, and then at Sha Matt who had two big snakes tattooed on his arm.

Li Qinghe could only try to persuade this gay man first, a gentleman would talk but not move.

"I like to face difficult (male) and go up, difficult (male) and difficult (male)."

The man who killed Matt grabbed Li Qinghe's hair and slammed it hard against the wall.

Li Qinghe fainted.

After knocking out Li Qinghe, Tang Benjing clapped his hands.

"Since you are in such a difficult situation, I can only do what I can (male) and pack you up and take you away."

The boy who killed Matt tied up Li Qinghe, took out his mobile phone, and called Yazi Yingshan.

Kageyama Yako looked at this strange phone, looked at the unknown number, and thought that someone might have found Kageyama Shun, so he answered the phone.

Tang Benjing saw the call connected and tried to relax.But when he spoke, his body tensed unconsciously, too tense.

"Hello, is this Miss Yazi?"

"It's me, who are you?"

In Yazi's wet tone, there was a kind of domineering refusal.

Tang Benjing "My name is Tang Benjing. I, I may have found the person you are looking for. I will send you his photo. Can you see if it is this person?"

After 30 seconds, a photo of Li Qinghe caught Yazi's eyes.

There was a second of silence on the phone.

"Where are you now, I'll go there right away!"

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