Yazi was agitated, and his voice became a little louder, which attracted the attention of the drinking place.

"Are you coming from Kawasaki City? Are you going to Tokyo now? Well, don't move around, I'll go find you. Are there any obvious signs around you, are you near the Daikanyama Bookstore?"

Yazi Yingshan was smiling, and went out without talking to Zhuo Mo who was sitting below.


After Yazi left, Zhuan Danyi was a little confused, where did she go and what did she do?

Zhuo Shao Yilang decided to follow up to have a look, glanced at J who was stroking the dog, and left directly.

It stands to reason that Kageyama Yako set out first, and after a while of thinking about it, she should arrive at the Daikanyama Bookstore one step faster.

Who knew Yazi's sports car broke down halfway.

Yazi can only ask someone to drive another car over.After going back and forth like this, after thinking about it, Yilong arrived at the Daikanyama Bookstore first.

Outside the Daikanyama Bookstore, Domoto Jing thought of the arrival of the only woman among the lucky four-leaf clover whom she adores—Kageyama Yako, her hands were trembling all the time.

When the time comes, how should I strike up a conversation with the goddess? Should I start with this comatose kid, or introduce my efforts to find it...

Tang Benjing, who was shaking like a sieve, didn't know that his abnormal behavior made him think a lot, and he noticed him as soon as he came.

Zhuo Shao touched Tang Benjing with his arm.

Sitting on a public bench outside the bookstore, Tang Benjing woke up from the fantasy and saw a man with glasses holding a thick collection of Goethe's poems on his right hand.

"Mr. Zhuo Mo, why are you here, Miss Yazi is not here?"

It can be seen that Tang Benjing still knows a little about the lucky clover, and immediately recognized that the person who came was Chuan Yilang.

"Oh, she was going to come, but suddenly she had something to sit on, and I happened to be nearby. She let me come."

Thinking about it, Yilang thought, it seems that Yazi Yingshan hasn't come yet.Well, let's talk more about him.

"Mr. Zhuo Mo, can you still remember what you said before?"

Tang Benjing's two hands were tightly held together.

"Which sentence?"

Thinking about it with an inscrutable look, he asked without turning his head.

"That's right, it's the mission reward that Ms. Yazi gave out at the bar."

Tang Benjing didn't know if he was trying to test himself, but he had to fight for this opportunity! !

"Oh, it's true."

Thinking about it, Yilang snorted inwardly.It is impossible to find him, he is all reduced to ashes, where to find him.No one in the world can find him!There will be no trace of him in the whole world.

Chapter 28 Falling off a Cliff

Thinking for a while, "Then have you found that person?"

Domoto Jing: "Yes, that person is in my car now."

After Tang Benjing answered, Chuan Chan Yilang's face twitched, you must have found the ashes.

"Are you sure it's him? You didn't admit the wrong person."

Think about it and ask again.

Tang Benjing nodded and said, "I wasn't sure at first, but when I sent the photo of that person to Ms. Yazi, she said it was me. Why, didn't Ms. Yazi tell you?"

Tang Benjing asked Zhuo Mo Yilang many times, and at this time he had some doubts, but in order not to arouse the resentment of Zhuo Mo Yilang, Tang Benjing swallowed his doubts, maybe he thought too much.

"Of course she told me, but I still want to confirm. These days, it's not like no one is like you, reporting the task and saying that Kageyama Shun was found. As a result, when I actually went to check, I found that it was the fake of."

Zhuo Mo Yi Lang put on a pretentious explanation and dispelled Tang Benjing's doubts.

"Well, you take me to see that person."

Tang Benjing did not refuse, although it was Zhuo Mo Yilang who handed Li Qinghe over, not Yazi Yingshan, but it didn't affect the result much.Those big shots mean what they say, right?

Zhuo Mo Yilang casually gathered Goethe's poems and put them on the public bench, so let's accompany him to see the dead man.Fortunately, I thought he was the original Ophelia, but he was an ordinary person. If I had known it, I would not have killed him myself.But the feeling of killing the weak is really good.

Zhuo Mo Yilang followed Tang Benjing for about half an hour, and arrived at Li Qinghe's current location.

An old Japanese car Sylphy was parked on the side of the road.

"You can rest assured, let him run away in the car alone."

Zhuo Mo Yilang said while preparing to open the car door, but the car door was locked and could not be opened.

"He can't run anymore, I knocked him unconscious, even if he wakes up, my car will be locked inside."

Perhaps Tang Benjing didn't expect that the way he stunned Li Qinghe was too special, and he didn't control the strength of his hand well.The force was too great, and he shot Li Qinghe to death with a headshot.

Tang Benjing opened the back door of the car, pondered for a moment and hurriedly took a look.

Zhuo Shao Yilang looked at Li Qinghe in the car and was stunned.

"It's him, that's right, even the hairdo hasn't changed. I thought I wouldn't recognize you if I changed into a vest? It's just, just, it was burned to ashes, why, why is it that it appears in front of my eyes intact now. "

Tang Benjing was in a daze when he saw Zhuo Mo Yilang, and thought, could it be that he didn't find the right person?

"Mr. Zhuomo, look at that person..."

Tang Benjing's words brought Zhuo Mo Yilang back to his senses.

"The man in the car is Yazi's younger brother, you can take him out."

Tang Benjing was thinking, take him out, why do you take him out?Shouldn't you take my car and send that person to Yazi?Maybe, Zhuo Mo Yilang's car is nearby.

Tang Benjing got into the car, grabbed Li Qinghe's feet and dragged him out.

And Zhuo Mo Yilang quietly appeared behind Domoto Jing, transforming into the centipede Ao Fei Enuo.

Zhuo Mo Yilang took out his centipede whip and strangled Tang Benjing's neck at once.

"Ponder, ponder..., sir, is there some misunderstanding?"

Zhuo Shao Yilang didn't speak, but silently increased the strength in his hand.

Tang Benjing realized that he was trying to kill himself, so he also transformed.Like Zhuo Mo Yilang, he is also a centipede Aofei Enuo, slightly lighter in color than Zhuo Mo Yilang.

It's just that his level is too low, Ophelia, who belongs to the third level, hasn't even formed his own weapon yet.

"There is only one centipede, Orfienuo, in the world. Just disappear."

Seeing that Tang Benjing was also the centipede Ophelia Enuo, he thought about the murderous intent, which gave him the best excuse to kill Tang Benjing.

Between life and death, there are great terrors and great opportunities.

When Tang Benjing was on the verge of death, he erupted.He kicked on his old Sylphy, leaving deep footprints, and through the strength of the rebound, he landed on Zhuo Mo Yilang, but escaped the danger of his head being separated from his body.

Zhuo Shao Yilang got up and patted the dirt on his body, not caring whether Tang Benjing made a surprise attack or not.He flicked a whip casually.

After a sound of the whip.

Tang Benjing was whipped to the ground, and there was no chance to get up again. The whip fell on Tang Benjing's body like raindrops.

"Mr. Zhuo Mo, please forgive me, let me go. I, I will never change my body again. From now on, only you will be the only centipede Ao Fei Enuo."

Responding to Domoto Jing was a loud sound of whipping.

"Crack", "crack", "crack".

"Mr. Zhuomo, I don't want any quota to enter the four-leaf clover, please pass me like a fart."

After hearing this, Zhuo Shao Yilang stopped beating.

"You are so weak, you are not the original Orfienuo, and you still want to enter our four-leaf clover. Since you want to come so much, then come in the next life."

Zhuo Moyilang's whip passed straight through Domoto Jing's head.

After tidying up Tang Benjing, Zhuo Danyi looked at Li Qinghe in the car.

Tang Benjing died without knowing the real reason why he was killed.

"Huh, what about people?"

Zhuo Mo Yilang began to listen to the surrounding voices, looking for clues around him.

"It turned out to be running over there."

Zhuo Shao Yilang unfolded his passionate form, turned into a two-meter-long silver centipede, and sprinted at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as Li Qinghe woke up, he saw two monsters fighting and was terrified.

When Li Qinghe saw that the "monster" who had the obvious advantage was all focused on the "monster" who was whipped, he moved a little bit, moved to the other side of the car, and ran away regardless of the direction.

It's just that Li Qinghe doesn't know the horror of being a high-ranking Ophelia Enoch.

It took three and a half minutes to think about Yilang, and he appeared in front of Li Qinghe in a flash.

"You, you, what kind of monster are you, don't come here."

Zhuo Shao Yilang looked at Li Qinghe who was frightened by him, and found it really interesting.

"Why, you don't know me anymore, that's right, maybe you don't remember me when you hear the voice. But in this way, you will think of me."

Zhuo Mo Yilang lifted the transformation.

"I, I don't know who you are, I don't recognize you".

Li Qinghe was forced by Zhuo Mo Yilong to a straight cliff.

"Huh? I really don't know you?"

"I don't know, I don't know, let me go, I really haven't seen you."

Thinking about it and seeing that Li Qinghe's behavior doesn't look like lying, it is very likely that the person in front of him is the brother of Kageyama Shun who was killed by him.

"Do you know Shun Kageyama?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything..."

Li Qinghe stood on the edge of the steep wall and couldn't retreat anymore.

"It seems that I have really admitted the wrong person, but who told you to look so similar to him, don't have such a face in your next life.".

An energy ball appeared in Zhuo Shao Yilang's hand and flung it towards Li Qinghe.

The moment Li Qinghe saw the launch of the energy ball, he jumped off a slightly sloping cliff of more than ten meters high, and slid down the hillside, not knowing where he went.

Chapter 29 Resurrection

After Li Qinghe fell off the cliff, Thinking Yilang was hesitating whether he should go down and search to make sure whether Li Qinghe was dead or not.But such a high cliff, there are rows of stubborn rocks below, jumping off will undoubtedly kill you.

At this time, he heard footsteps, which meant that someone was not far away from him. Who was it?

Thinking about it, Yilang thought, she must be the one who came. Looking around, there was a stone with a decent size, which could hide people.

Sure enough, the person who came was really Kageyama Yazi.

Kageyama Yazi changed cars and hurried, but was still a step late.

When she came to the place where she had made an appointment with Tang Benjing, there was no sign of Tang Benjing.

Kageyama Yako called Domoto Jing, but she didn't answer.This suddenly made Kageyama Yako feel that something was wrong, and it was very likely that Domoto Shizuka had an accident.

No one dares to play with the boy who is a lucky four-leaf clover like this, unless he wants to die.

Kageyama Yako didn't think Domoto Shizuka wanted to recruit him to death.Yingshan Yazi asked the sanitation workers around the bookstore. Thanks to her, she got the photo of Domoto Jing in advance and showed it to the 50-year-old environmental protection aunt. After identification, he really came here.

"I seem to have some impression of this man. He and another man with eyes left in that direction."

"Thanks for your help."

After politely thanking Kageyama Yako, she walked in the direction pointed by the sanitation worker.

This road is an abandoned road without forks, which makes it easier for Yazi Yingshan to find someone.

When Kageyama Yako sees no one around, she transforms into the lobster Orfienuo. In the battle mode, her hearing and eyesight will be enhanced to a certain extent.

Yingshan Yazi searched carefully, and soon saw the Sylphy car parked by the side of the road.

There is no one on this road, how can there be a car parked here, it is too abrupt, will it be...

Kageyama Yako approached the car that Domoto Shizuka was driving, and saw a deep footprint on the car body, which was not something human could do at all.

That is to say Orpheenoch was here once, and something happened.

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