It's not without reason that Yako Kageyama was able to enter the Lucky Clover as a woman.

Kageyama Yako is very careful and can see details that others don't pay attention to. Naturally, she observed the grass that was not too obvious. From these traces, it can be seen that the fleeing person was very panicked, so she chased after the clues she found.

Then, Yazi Yingshan found that the footsteps in the grass had disappeared on a cliff.

It's not difficult for Kageyama Yako to figure out what happened. It seems that someone cut off his beard first.As for Tang Benjing's "disappearance", it must be that person.

Since Yingshan Shun couldn't be found, Yingshan Yazi had no choice but to turn back and keep Sylphy's car number firmly in mind. Although she guessed in her heart that it was Domoto Jing's car, it would be better to confirm it.

At present, there are quite a few Orfi Enochs who have entered the political circle, and it is quite easy to investigate a license plate number.

Kageyama Yako returned to Daikanyama Bookstore, ready to go back by car.

Kageyama Aiko closed the car door, started the engine, and saw a book of poetry on the public bench in the rearview mirror of the car.

Kageyama Yako felt a sense of familiarity, which made her get out of the car and took this collection of poems into her hands.This, is this exactly the same as the collection of poems that Zhuo Mo Yilang always holds?

Thinking about reading books has a peculiarity. The books are very old, but there are no notes on them.

After looking through the collection of poems, Kageyama Yazi is 90.00% sure that this is the book that Takumi wrote. 90.00%, rounded up, isn't that [-]%?

Think he has been here?What is he doing here?

Kageyama Yako took this collection of Goethe's poems, opened a page at random, and made a mark with her fingernail.Then put the collection of poems in its original place.

Kageyama Yako chuckled and left.Tonight's bar party will be interesting.

On the mountainside of Daikanyama, there is a road around the mountain.

Two red motorcycles were driving at extreme speed one after the other.

Li Qinghe's body slid all the way down the cliff and rolled in front of the second motorcycle that was driving at high speed.

The second red motorcycle stopped with a sudden brake, and the driver was thrown directly onto the road.

"Ah, it hurts."

Listening to the voice, it was a girl's mouth groaning.

But when he saw the person lying dead on the road in front of him, he just rolled in front of him.


At this time, a gray motorcycle stopped in front of the girl.

The motorcyclist takes off his helmet and removes his glasses.

"Hand over the belt."

"who are you?"

Girl, without a doubt, is the truth.She was chasing Qianqiao who was sneaking away just now.

The biker transforms into a cow-shaped Orfienoch.

The bull-shaped Orfi Enoch jumped off the motorcycle and raised his two fists in demonstration.

"How is it possible, here it is again."

With a crying voice, Truth took the suitcase containing Fazi from his motorcycle.

The cow-shaped Ofienuo did not have the idea of ​​Ofienuo, and kicked towards the truth.

The corpse at Truth's feet trembled and grabbed the other foot of the bull-shaped Orfienuo.

The bull-shaped Orfienuo changed the direction of his attack and kicked the corpse. The corpse was thrown seven or eight meters horizontally by this kick.

Truth looked at the corpse in surprise, but is a moving corpse still a corpse?

Truth hurriedly came to the corpse and took a look.Why is this person so familiar? Wait, it seems that this person has met a few days ago.

Yes, this is the man at the scene of the car accident.

It was the last car accident that frightened the truth, and it was hard to forget about it. Now that I saw this man, I remembered everything.

"Are you OK."

Truth hugged Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe was kicked like this, and his dazed eyes suddenly became clear.

Li Qinghe spat out a mouthful of blood, and his chest was much more relaxed. Li Qinghe didn't expect that he would survive.I am really lucky.

When he jumped down from the cliff, he regretted a little bit, regretted jumping too early, if he could beg that person more, would he live longer.

Of course, Li Qinghe understood that in the end, he would never let him go.

When he landed, Li Qinghe fainted from the severe pain.

Li Qinghe didn't know that he was already dead the moment he jumped off, fell to his death.

After that, the body turned and moved along the slope and rolled into the middle of the road.

Now he can be resurrected because he has become Ophelia.However, Li Qinghe is still unclear about all of this. .

But in the early days of becoming Orfienuo, whether he can control the power of skyrocketing and control the emotions that are out of control largely determines whether a person's heart is bright or abyss.

There is a saying that when you look directly into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you.

Chapter 30 Killing the Bull-Type Orfienoch

Li Qinghe opened his eyes, this is another monster!Enough is enough!

Eyes open and close, everything is as usual.When you close your eyes, the last thing you see is a monster, and when you open your eyes, the first thing you see is also a monster. That's enough.

Li Qinghe was still scared, but even more angry!

If you slept soundly, a slap on the left cheek for no reason wakes you up.

what will you do?Do you stick out your right cheek and continue to slap, or get up and clean up the troublemakers.

Li Qinghe's mood at the moment can be described in four words - mentality explosion! ! !

Li Qinghe is angry about getting up, if a delicate girl wakes him up, at least Li Qinghe can suppress this unknown fire.

After Li Qinghe was kicked awake by the "Bull Devil", the fire in his heart was rising slowly. If he had to describe it, well, if this anger was materialized, it would probably be enough to melt the entire Zhumu Lanma Peak. of.

A hostility surged in Li Qinghe's heart, something he had never experienced in his two lifetimes.

Li Qinghe clenched his fists, his joints creaked, and his eyes were sharp like sharp swords.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

Li Qinghe pushed away the truth, his aura soared, let's see if I don't beat you to death today.

Li Qinghe was obviously a little bit Shi Lezhi, and the violence in his heart made him a little confused.

Li Qinghe waved his fist, which was slightly bigger than a sandbag, and it looked like he was hitting a stone with a pebble.

The ferocious killing intent in the eyes of the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch scanned everything around him unscrupulously.



It didn't take long for the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch to be proud, when a motorcycle directly hit him.

As the bull-shaped Ao Fei Enuo flew across more than ten meters away, Li Qinghe's momentum was rising steadily, and he gave a sudden meal.

The man who came to the rescue took off his red helmet, got out of the car, and quickly picked up Truth.


It's a coincidence that the person who came here did it.

At the beginning, Qianqiao looked at the truth through the rearview mirror and distanced herself a little bit.

But Ganqiao continued to speed up the accelerator and rushed forward, he expected that Truth would increase the accelerator to catch up.

But after he had driven for a certain distance, the truth was nowhere to be seen.The truth is not someone who gives up so easily, there is no reason not to keep chasing after it.

Now, could it be that she was in danger, or had a car accident?Gan Qiao couldn't help but think of the man in the car accident he met last time - Li Qinghe.

Thinking about it this way, the more Gan Qiao thought about it, the more anxious he became, he braked suddenly, turned the car 180 degrees and drove back.

When seeing the truth being approached step by step by the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch, Ganqiao didn't hesitate, and hit the ribs on the side of the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch while riding a motorcycle.

The cow-shaped Orfi Enoch stood up, shook his head, "Very good, you have successfully caught my attention!"

Truth didn't care about the bruises on his hands and arms, opened the suitcase containing fazi, and put the belt on Qianqiao's waist.

Then press three fives on the faizhone, then press enter, and put it into the belt card slot after completion.

Hearing the sound of "standgby" from the belt, accompanied by a flash of red light, the sound of "te" dressing completed came from the belt again.

It's not the first time Qianqiao has transformed, but she still feels a little uncomfortable.

Before Qianqiao could react, the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch rushed over with a pair of sharp horns.

"Come, dance on my horns."

How could he dare to take it hard, but it was too late to dodge.

Qianqiao was pushed directly into the rock formation on the side of the road around the mountain by the bull-shaped Ophelia Enoch.

The cow-shaped Orfi Enoch sneered, "How does it feel to dance on the horns?"

Fortunately, he didn't answer him, but took out the faizhone, pressed 106, and pointed it at the bull's head.

The faizhone transforms into a light energy gun,


Three burst mode.

After three consecutive shots, nine energy bullets hit the bull's head.

The horn of the bull-shaped Orfienuo was directly interrupted. The horn is one of the hardest weapons on the bull-shaped Orfienuo.

The bull-shaped Orfi Enoch screamed and was randomly kicked out by Ganqiao.

Ganqiao came out of the deep rock imprint, put away the faizhone, and swung his right hand.

With a straight punch, it hit the left eye of the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch.

Left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook.

The bull-shaped Orfi Enoch is at a disadvantage, and if nothing else happens, he will lose.

How could the bull-shaped Orfienuo wait to die obediently? Two sledgehammers appeared in his hands.

Two skillful fists hit the summoned sledgehammer,


The bull-shaped Orfi Enoch shouted loudly, "The land is falling apart!!!"

After the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch charged up for a short time, he smashed it violently in the designated direction with a sledgehammer.

Two sledgehammers smashed into Ganqiao's Yuexiong's mouth, and Ganqiao was sent flying to Truth's motorcycle by the hammers.

Although Qianqiao was in pain all over, she still endured the pain and got up.Gan Qiao breathed on her hands, as if her hands would not hurt anymore.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he kept a distance from the bull-shaped Orfienuo.

"Hmph, I like to shoot those who think they have outstanding abilities."

Seeing Qianqiao being cowardly, the bull-shaped Orfienuo taunted him.

How could Qianqiao admit that he was cowardly in front of the truth? It was impossible.

Ganqiao pressed the Φ mark on the truth motorcycle, and pulled out the red beam saber.


After Ganqiao finished speaking, he rushed to attack.

By cleverness and skillful use of force, it is possible to hit the bull-shaped Orfienuo one less time, and he will never take that hammer again.It wasn't Yuexiong that hammered, it was the kidney, the liver couldn't afford it.

The bull-shaped Orfienuo wields a bulky sledgehammer, and his physical strength is naturally exhausted quickly.Before long, the speed of swinging the sledgehammer slowed down.

"This is the moment!"

Ganqiao aimed the beam saber at the bull-shaped Ophelia Enuo's undefended right leg and stabbed it.

The right leg of the bull-shaped Orfi Enoch was injured, his body lost his balance, and he seemed to lean to the right.Although he was already trying to maintain his balance, it was still too late.

Coincidentally, he would not be given a chance, and the beam saber was inserted into the heart of the bull-shaped Orfienuo.

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