"Oh, I was slaughtered."

After the cow-shaped Orfi Enoch said this unwillingly, he was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Such is the state of Orpheenoch after death, ashes.

After Li Qinghe saw that the cleverly transformed faiz eliminated the bull-shaped Orfienuo, he was three-point curious, two-point jealous, and five-point doubtful.

Coincidentally, this time it is obvious that the enemy attacked this time is much stronger than last time, so it is difficult to deal with it.

Ganqiao canceled the transformation, and handed the fazihone to the truth without hesitation.

Truth put the belt drive gently into the suitcase. It was something her father gave her. She didn't want it to be taken away by others, and she was afraid that the belt would break, which no one could repair. .

Truth's abrasions were serious, and it wasn't until after installing the faiz that Truth noticed his own injury and the "culprit" that caused him to brake suddenly, so that he was thrown out.

Ganqiao naturally recognized that person, isn't this person the one who had a serious car accident last time?

Chapter 31Homecoming

"is it you?"

Li Qinghe heard Gan Qiao ask this question out of nowhere.


What am I and what have I done?

Li Qinghe didn't remember that he and "Golden Retriever" happened to have a short hair "Duduzui" who knew each other.

Looking at Li Qinghe's bewildered face, Gan Qiao thought that maybe he had really identified the wrong person, but it was also very possible.

The person who got into the car accident was so badly injured, and after more than a month of treatment, he is probably still lying in bed.Although this person and that person look alike, there are plenty of like-looking people in the world.

Since Li Qinghe wasn't the one who caused the car accident because of himself, he didn't pay much attention to it, he cared more about the truth.

The truth is not as big-hearted as Qianqiao. She remembers clearly what the man in front of her was lying on the ground before, he was just like a dead person.

Even if it looks like it now, Li Qinghe's body is still covered with injuries, he really should go to the hospital.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

Ganqiao saw that the truth was seriously injured, so he wanted to take her to the hospital.

"Wait. I think he needs to go to the hospital more than I do."

Truth came to Li Qinghe, and asked with concern

"You, can you still go?"

Li Qinghe didn't feel anything when he faced the bull-shaped Ophelia.

After tidying up the cow-shaped Ophelia, Li Qinghe's anger was unleashed, and the wound on his body was so painful that he gritted his teeth.

When Li Qinghe was asked by the truth, Li Qinghe tried his best to keep his face calm,

"Uh, it's okay. Look, I'll take two steps for you to see."

Li Qinghe acted out of a man's self-esteem, how could he say that he was not good in front of a woman.

Li Qinghe stepped forward with his left foot first, and at the moment when he put all his strength on the left half of his body, he stretched out his right foot.

The trembling body was already overwhelmed. I really thought that the height of more than ten meters was fake!It would be good if there is no missing part on the body.

Li Qinghe's becoming Aofei Enuo only managed to recover from his fatal injuries, while other injuries remained on Li Qinghe's body.It can only be said that after becoming Orpheus, those injuries will recover thousands of times faster than ordinary people, but at present...

Li Qinghe should bear with it.


With a loud bang, Li Qinghe knelt down on his right knee facing the truth, startling the truth.

"This this………"

Although becoming Ophelia made Li Qinghe come back to life.However, his injury has not recovered, after all, he is not as good as the demihuman blood in this respect.

The demihuman's resurrection was all-round, and all injuries and diseases on his body were healed.It's just that every time I randomly lose part of my memory, it really hurts.

Like this time he was thrown to death, the lost memory after resurrection does not include his memory of the past month, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Li Qinghe felt that his right knee was broken, he gritted his teeth and tried hard not to yell.

Facing Li Qinghe's kneeling salute, Gan Qiao and Zhen Zhen were dumbfounded.

"Why are you still standing there, help me."

Gan Qiao was the first to react and helped Li Qinghe up.

"Coincidentally, you should take him to the hospital. I'm fine."

Truth's wound was still ticking with blood, soaking through the coat.

Normally, a motorcycle can only carry two people, and if three people are a bit too crowded.

"I think this motorcycle is barely enough for the three of us. My home is nearby. Let's bandage it at my home first."

The home Li Qinghe was talking about was not Keitaro Kikuchi's laundromat, he still couldn't remember that place.

The home he mentioned was Toyotomi Qingxiang, and the building he gave him was indeed "not far" from here, and it was closer than going to the hospital.

In the beginning, Truth was a bit dizzy, because there were three motorcycles on the road, two of which belonged to Qianqiao and Truth respectively.

In this way, a motorcycle is temporarily placed here.

If the three of you don't bring anything, you can barely sit down, but if you want to bring a box with faiz, it's really choking.

But the truth is unwilling to let go of life and death, so the positions of the three people are settled.

Driving skillfully, the truth was caught in the middle, and Li Qinghe sat at the end, responsible for holding the suitcase in his hand.

Fortunately, this time Li Qinghe was resurrected as Orfi Enoch, otherwise he would really be dead this time.

Because it hasn't even been a day since the last resurrection, and there are still more than six days before the cooldown of the resurrection.

With Li Qinghe's guidance, he came to his house and stopped.

Truth, who was caught in the middle, got off the motorcycle first, took the suitcase with the faiz belt in Li Qinghe's hand, and then gave a hand to drag Li Qinghe off the motorcycle.

"Fortunately, the key is still there."

Li Qinghe lamented how lucky he was to jump off such a high cliff and roll all the way without dying.

What a silly boy.

Li Qinghe touched the key hanging on his belt, but fortunately, it was not lost.It's just that the mobile phone was lost, and the mobile phone bag was torn a big hole, and the mobile phone inside was empty.

When Li Qinghe lowered his head, he saw that he was almost naked. The uniform of Baishui Company on his body had been torn into strips by stones, thorns, and branches, and a pair of trouser legs were gone.Obviously, it is no longer possible to wear it.

Fortunately, it didn't show up at 3 o'clock, otherwise I would be ashamed to see people.

Li Qinghe lived on the third floor, and it was impossible to help him up by relying on the truth alone.

Fortunately, he was skillful and vigorous, and it wasn't too strenuous to carry Li Qinghe up.

Li Qinghe found the first aid kit in the back of the room.

Truth changed a layer of gauze for herself, and her injury looked serious.

The really serious one is Li Qinghe who is still "lying dead" on the bed. After tossing all the way, now he can't even get off the ground.

After Ganqiao brought Li Qinghe and Zhenzhen home, he set off alone, and there was Zhenzhen's red motorcycle on the road.

Don't mention Ganqiao how to ride back the motorcycle, Zhenzhen is bored, sitting on the sofa and chatting with Li Qinghe.

"Do you live here alone?"

There are only two people in this large room of more than 150 square meters, which seems a little lonely.

If it is a person, living in such a large room, let alone.

"Yes, I've been living here for a month. Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me. I have to ask for leave. I can't go to work these days."

Because there was still the truth in the room, Li Qinghe was embarrassed to change clothes, so he had to shrink under the quilt.

"Can you lend me your cell phone? I'll make a call and I lost it."

Truth handed the mobile phone to Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe took the mobile phone, his face was embarrassed, and he couldn't make a call.

There was no other reason. He didn't remember the phone number of anyone in Baishui Company. Those contacts, such as Feng Chenqingxiang's phone number, were all stored in the lost phone.Even if he has a mobile phone, he can't make calls.

Li Qinghe returned the phone to Truth.

"Why don't you fight?"

Truth saw that Li Qinghe took the phone and was stunned for a moment, then returned the phone to himself, what's going on?

"Tell me, you may not believe it. I don't even remember the phone number of a colleague..."

Chapter 32 Small talk

Of course, the truth is that you don’t believe it. Just ask, which company can let you live in a house for free for one month.

"You've only been working for a month, so will you be fired if you miss work like this?"

Truth said in surprise.

Li Qinghe hesitated for a second, "Sure, probably not. My job is quite free, just distributing leaflets in Tokyo."

"The job of distributing leaflets has such good benefits. Are you kidding me? You can live in such a big room for free by distributing leaflets? Where do you work? I want to go too."

At first, Truth thought that this house belonged to Li Qinghe, but it turned out to be his company's, but it's just that Li Qinghe is currently living there temporarily.

"I work at Whitewater Company, but you may not be able to get in, because I got in through the back door..."

Li Qinghe said confidently.

Truth covered her head, it was the first time she saw such a confident person who said he walked through the back door.

"I don't think I need it..."

Truth is a woman with a strong temper. If she really wanted to go through the back door, she would already have an enviable job by now.

"Then where did you work before?"

Truth also has no topic to talk about, and if the chat continues, the topic will be dead, after all, she and Li Qinghe are not familiar with each other at all.

"I, I have amnesia, and I have no previous experience. I can find such a good job, thanks to my family background before I did not lose my memory.

I guess it should be good. After I woke up from the garbage dump that day, I couldn't remember what happened before.

Later, I met Qingxiang Toyotomi, she said, I used to be her fiancé.I thought it was impossible at first, but she still gave me a stable job, she said yes, it is my name Kiba Kiyokawa, she also told me. "

Li Qinghe vaguely talked about his own experience.

"I think you should stop working in that company, it's too unreliable."

After listening to what Li Qinghe said, Truth came up with a word in his heart that it was pie in the sky.

Just after you lost your memory, someone knew you, and then gave you such a nice room and such an easy job for nothing?

Is there such a good thing in the world?If there is, why can't I meet it.

Truth still doesn't quite believe in such "good things."

Li Qinghe "Why? I think this job is pretty good."

Truth is also not sure if that person named Fengchen Qingxiang has other plans for Li Qinghe.

Even if you were her ex-fiancé, it was the past. If you think about it in another way, the truth thinks that if you want to give him a sum of money at most, so that he can last for three or four days, it is the best of humanity.

But this is not certain, Li Qinghe is poor and white now, and it seems that he has nothing for others to draw.But if that person is staring at Li Qinghe's body organs, that's another matter.

It's hard to explain the truth. What if Toyotomi Qingxiang is so kind, and if I said this, it would be really bad if I wronged him.

Truth could only say vaguely, "I think, I think, big men should make money with their own efforts.

If, if you can't find a job, I think I can introduce you to a new job. "

Li Qinghe still didn't want to quit his job at Baishui Company, which meant that his house would also be taken back, and he would truly become a homeless man.

Li Qinghe had lost his memory, not because his brain was out of order. He didn't understand the truth and spoke with restraint, but it was also out of good intentions, fearing that he would be deceived.

"Well, I know. If I lose my job this time, I really have to ask you to help me find a job. I forgot to introduce myself, my name is..."

"You said it just now, Kiba Kiyokawa, I remember.

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