My name is Pastoral Truth, I still want to thank you today, if not for you, I might have died at the hands of that monster. "

This is also one of the reasons why Pastoral Truth insisted on helping Li Qinghe.Girls, most of them sympathize with the weak.

Look at Li Qinghe's body covered in scars, isn't he "weak".And he also "saved" himself once, although it was unconscious once, but if he was saved, he was saved.

Truth is not the kind of person who does not repay her kindness, and seeing that Li Qinghe is so pitiful, she is determined to stay and take care of Li Qinghe for a while.

At least he must be able to walk normally, otherwise, if he leaves by himself, no one will know even if he dies in this room.

"Can you help me out and buy a meal? I'm a little hungry."

"You're hungry! Oh, I didn't pay attention to the time. I don't need to go out to buy food. Is your kitchen here?"

Truth has always positioned herself as a housekeeping little woman, definitely not an old woman! ! !

"Ah, it's over there, but the truth, do you really know how to cook!"

In this day and age, there are really fewer women who can cook.Honestly, in this day and age, people believe that men can cook more than girls.

In today's society, men are suffering. They go out to earn money during the day and come back to cook and wash clothes at night. They are really "forced".

"Isn't this normal? I remember when I was 12 years old, I was already cooking. I was in a private school, after class.

Every time I go out for an outing or have a dinner together, I am responsible for the food. "

When it comes to school days, Pastoral Truth has a smile on her face.

Although Li Qinghe couldn't see the idyllic truth that the kitchen was busy cooking, but from her tone, she could still feel her happiness.

"You go to school in a private school? Why don't you go to school?"

Li Qinghe was still very curious about the private school that the truth said.

"Me, when I was a kid there was a fire at home and my parents were all killed in the accident.

Later, I met my adoptive father, he was a kind man who raised many children who lost their parents.Later, in order for us to keep up with this society in the future and not get out of touch, he created the popular private school. "

Truth washed all the kitchen utensils first, and shook her head. Sure enough, there was no woman in the house, so the kitchen was left unused.

Truth opened the refrigerator, fortunately, there were some vegetables purchased in the supermarket, and asked suspiciously

"You don't know how to cook, so why are there fresh vegetables in your refrigerator?"

Li Qinghe said naturally, "It is a waste of electricity to leave the refrigerator on all the time, and I don't like ice cream very much, so I follow the principle of not wasting.

Every three days, I go out to do some grocery shopping and buy some vegetables by the way.After buying new vegetables, I gave the old vegetables to homeless people who needed them.Am I right. "


The truth is madly complaining, what the hell logic, your amnesia is probably caused by smashing your brain, what kind of refrigerator do you open because of the waste of electricity, and you never cook, and you still buy "a little" vegetables to keep!

That's one point?Are you shopping in a big truck?

Chapter 33

"By the way, what is that monster? Why did it attack you?"

When Li Qinghe thought of that monster, his disobedient legs felt numb, because his legs were shaking all the time, and he was so frightened.

When Li Qinghe asked, his voice was trembling.

"Ah, I don't quite know what those monsters are either."

Li Qinghe didn't believe that Pastoral Truth knew anything about those monsters.

Then why did those people become monsters and only attacked her alone.And when monsters attack her, she doesn't seem to be afraid, and knows how to kill the bull-type Orfienuo.

You don't want to tell the truth, even if it's a lie, tell me something to comfort my hurt little heart.

Li Qinghe expressed his dissatisfaction with silence.

Truth thought Li Qinghe was sleepy, so he didn't reply.

She was telling the truth, and she didn't know why those monsters attacked her.Ever since her adoptive father handed her the suitcase with the faiz belt, the monsters had appeared, targeting the suitcase in her hand.

But this box was given to her by her adoptive father, and she would not give it to anyone until she found out why her adoptive father gave the suitcase to her for safekeeping.

After Truth finished cooking, she walked out of the kitchen and found that Li Qinghe was awake...

Could it be that the food I cooked was too delicious, so I woke up Li Qinghe, yes, that's right, that's it.

"The meal is ready, wait for a coincidence, he should be back soon."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as the truth was finished, Li Qinghe heard the sound of a key unlocking the lock.

Coincidentally, the room is not empty, you can ask the truth to open the door!

Mensao Qiao will not let the truth open the door, Master Qiao's savage life never needs words!

Ganqiao entered the door, returned the key to Li Qinghe, and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

"Coincidentally, you are back, let's have dinner together. Qinghe, this, you don't need me to feed you."

Truth brought the prepared meal to Li Qinghe.

"No, no, I can do it myself."

In fact, what Li Qinghe thought was, I want, I want...

It's just what he thinks in his heart, and no one cares about it except him.

During the meal, Ganqiao didn't say a word, and kept "struggling" with his mouth. The rice cooked by the truth is really delicious!

Therefore, he can only be introduced by the truth.

"His name is Ganqiao. I met him on the road of travel. He is not very talkative, and he doesn't like to eat hot food. He has some eccentricities, but he is a good person..."

"I don't like to talk, why do I have a eccentric personality, and how can I become a good person."

Hearing Truth call himself a "good guy", Ganqiao stopped the chopsticks fighting on the front line and squinted at Truth.

However, Truth only responded with a blank stare. What I said is the truth, okay?

Truth introduced Li Qinghe in a blink of an eye.

"His name is Kiba Qinghe, he is the owner of this room, because of amnesia, he can't remember what happened so long ago.

Qinghe, you are here, besides your ex-fiancée, do you know anyone else?Or have other friends, relatives? "

For some reason today, Li Qinghe was very hungry. When the truth introduced him, he had already finished the rice in his bowl.

"Well, the truth is that the rice you cook is so delicious. Can you give me another bowl?"

Li Qinghe handed the bowl to Truth.

By the truth and Qianqiao looked at himself with the eyes of a monster.

This is also eaten too fast, Truth just took a few mouthfuls of rice, Gan Qiao ate the whole time, and there is still half a bowl of rice left.

"Ah, yes."

Truth spooned another bowl of rice for Li Qinghe.

"Truth, what did you ask me just now? I was just eating and didn't hear clearly."

Li Qinghe said with some embarrassment, but today he was really hungry.It wasn't that he didn't hear the last sentence clearly, but he didn't hear the whole sentence, and those words were "filtered" by his brain.

Being interrupted by Li Qinghe, Shi Zhen almost forgot what he just asked.

"I just asked you, do you know any friends, do you have any other relatives, you must take care of you in this situation."

truth asked.

"It's gone. I seem to be the only one who distributes leaflets in the whole company. As for relatives, I only know one ex-fiancée."

It was only then that Li Qinghe thought of his situation. With such serious injuries, he would indeed be unable to go to the ground for a few days.

If there were a surgeon here, he would definitely say, boy, how many days do you want to get out of bed?It would be nice not to spend a lifetime in bed.

Li Qinghe was seriously injured, but he didn't know it.Orfienuo's body is enough for him to recover in a very short time.

It's just that recovery also needs to consume body energy, which is also an important reason why Li Qinghe is so hungry.

"Then, what should I do, can you stay for a few days... Sorry, I was abrupt. I don't know anyone else.

I, I don't have much money, I will give you all my monthly salary as salary. "

After Li Qinghe finished his request, Jiu realized that what he said was wrong, and quickly apologized.

The truth is not your parents, so why help you.As for the money, Toyotomi Qingxiang's salary is not high, which is about the same as the salary of her company's security guard.

Li Qinghe didn't think that ex-fiancee would come to take care of him.Li Qinghe reckoned that if he told her, he might lose his salary and house, and he would have to sleep on the street and walk with homeless people.

According to news reports, there are many cases of homeless people disappearing in Tokyo, and he does not want to be one of them.

Li Qinghe felt a little regretful after saying this, she would not agree to the truth.

"This, I agree. Qiao and I will live here first, as your salary."

What the truth is waiting for is for Li Qinghe to say this, otherwise she wouldn't have to induce Li Qinghe to ask him if he has any relatives.

May I ask you, a person with amnesia, who has not recovered his memory now, where did his relatives come from?

"Really, thank you very much, thank you very much, you and him will live here in the future, as long as you want, as long as you like. Anyway, this room is empty and empty.

But, Truth, can I trouble you to spoon another bowl of rice for me? "

Li Qinghe held out the empty bowl.

Truth filled the rice and handed the bowl to Li Qinghe.

Hearing that the truth made the decision and let herself and her live here, Qianqiao couldn't sit still, and put the bowl she was carrying on the dining table.

"Hey, why did you decide for me again? I'm going to travel all over the world."

Gan Qiao asked with a cute face.

"Yes, I know you want to travel. You said you want to travel, where travel is not travel. You see, in a new environment, you can travel at home every day, and you can make friends with the neighbors around you. You don't need to prepare sleeping bags up.

Don't hurry up to eat, look at Qinghe, he has already eaten three bowls.Is it because the food I cook is not delicious? "

A wave of truth was forced to explain, making Ganqiao dumbfounded. You can travel at home, why have I never heard of this. .

"Truth, I'm sorry, can you serve me another bowl of rice?"

Li Qinghe held out the empty bowl again.

Chapter 34 Black Car

Truth took the bowl numbly.

Eating so much, this is the life of the idiot.

Truth complained frantically in her heart.

After Truth finished serving the rice, she gave the bowl to Li Qinghe again.

Li Qinghe ate a total of five bowls of rice before he said, "I, I used to eat very little, just three bowls like this."

"Only three bowls?"

The corner of Gan Qiao's mouth twitched, this is my daily meal.

Li Qinghe "Is there any problem?"


Truth put her head down to eat, thinking that even if I am a big eater, I can only eat a bowl and a half of rice. Today I met someone who was more ruthless. It really is that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

In this way, Li Qinghe made the truth that they agreed to stay and take care of himself by exempting rent.

It has to be said that Ophelia's physique is really stronger than human physique, more than a week later than Li Qinghe thought.

After seven days, Li Qinghe barely got out of bed.After another three days, Li Qinghe had almost recovered.

During these ten days or so, the three of them had a general understanding of each other.At least be able to carry out basic communication, instead of being silent.Especially Li Qinghe and Gan Qiao.

For some reason, Li Qinghe felt that Qianqiao had something against him.Of course, Li Qinghe doesn't like being clever at night.If it wasn't for the truth, Li Qinghe wouldn't necessarily let them live.

Looking at Li Qinghe who was walking normally.

Truth looked at Li Qinghe with the eyes of an alien, and everyone said that he would be hurt for a hundred days.Li Qinghe's injury was much more serious than ordinary injuries.

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