Although Li Qinghe's body has recovered, how could he let the truth go?Of course, if that guy left by chance, he would be very happy to see him.

"It's time to go to work again."

Li Qinghe had been resting at home for ten days, and suddenly went to work today, he was really not used to it.

However, I still have to go to class, otherwise I will have to drink the northwest wind next month.

I'd better check to see if the motorcycle that was lost in the abandoned parking garage is there, and I hope it's still there.Then go to Whitewater to report your lost cell phone.

There is not enough food left in my hand, and I can no longer afford a new mobile phone. It would be great if the company can reimburse me. I have a backer.

After making today's plan, Li Qinghe set off.

After Li Qinghe got dressed slowly, he told the truth and went to work.Coincidentally, in the past ten days, I have really "traveled" at home.

Li Qinghe was also fortunate to see the skillful "house attributes" from time to time. These days, he watched TV in the living room every day.

Now this "big family" lives on their meager salary.Thanks to Toyotomi Qingxiang, she paid three months' salary all at once.

Li Qinghe picked up his weak steps, walked out of the shady house, looked at the hot sun outside, or, or, go back to sleep again?Anyway, three months' wages have already been paid into my account.

I should be sick, suffering from a disease that cannot leave the bed!

But when I thought about entering the door, I might see the suspicious eyes of the truth, forget it, how can a big man not count his words.

But if, if you can't find a motorcycle, then come back first and distribute leaflets tomorrow.

I will go to Whitewater Company to report tomorrow. If I lose my motorcycle, I guess I will be fired.

Li Qinghe stopped an unlicensed taxi on the road and went to the abandoned garage.

The sky failed, and the motorcycle with half a box of leaflets was still parked in place.

"Thank you, master."

Li Qinghe opened the car door and was about to leave.

"Young man, you haven't paid the fare yet. It's so far away, and you haven't dialed the meter. Just give me [-] r yuan."

The master reminded.

"Well, master, I forgot to bring money today, you see, I will give you the money when I go back by motorcycle."

Li Qinghe touched his pocket, only to realize that he forgot to ask the truth for money when he came out this time.

"Wait, how much did you say, one hundred thousand?"

Li Qinghe thought he heard it wrong, so he asked again.

"Just one hundred thousand, how much is it, young man, are you unwilling to pay even such a small amount of travel expenses?

Along the way, I deliberately avoided all the cameras and ran more than ten kilometers. Please hand over all the money obediently, I don't want to do anything. "

The driver, about 1.8 meters tall, took off his peaked cap and took out a machete from the car.

It seems that this is a black car, the driver is doing part-time business without money, but Li Qinghe is unlucky, and met him today.

"No, master, I really don't have any money with me, you have to trust me. Otherwise, you can go home with me to get the money."

Li Qinghe's family does have [-] r yuan, if the master driver goes back with him, let Ganqiao give him a good lesson, and then send him to the police station.

"Boy, what are you thinking? You think I don't know. You want to trick me back and have someone deal with me, right? Or, plan to call the police secretly and let the police arrest me."

Li Qinghe quickly shook his head, absolutely not admitting that he had this idea,

"Why would I think so? Look, you can't get any money if you leave me here. I really don't have any money with me. I, I don't have my mobile phone with me. I lost my mobile phone. Even if you want to call the police, you can't do it." arrive."

"That's it, have you brought your passport and residence card?"

The driver master suddenly changed his tone and asked.

"Ah, I accidentally lost that residence card, and I don't know where I put my passport. Is it okay for me to bring my residence card?"

Li Qinghe didn't understand why the driver asked his base card.

The driver said, "You can even lose your residence card. You are really good. But it's very good, very good to carry the residence card with you. Since you don't have any money, you don't have to go back."

"Thank you, master. You are such a good person. Next time I take the car, I will definitely make it up for you."

Li Qinghe thought that the driver had changed his sex, and he was about to leave after thanking him.

Sure enough, there are still many good people in the world.Li Qinghe sighed.

"Oh? Where are you going?"

The master driver stopped Li Qinghe with a machete and refused to let him get on the motorcycle.

"I, I'm going to work..."

Could it be that he changed his mind.

Li Qinghe clenched his fists nervously.

"I said you don't need to go back because I will go back for you. From now on, I will be you. It just so happens that this identity is about to be exposed."

The master driver showed his fierce face, he never thought of letting Li Qinghe go from the very beginning.

The identity of this driver is not ordinary, he is not a real driver.

The original master driver had been killed by him, and the body was thrown in the trunk.

This is a murderer who has been running around and committing crimes all year round, taking pleasure in killing people.Islanders do not have ID cards, only various documents, which are enough to prove their identity.

Although Li Qinghe has no money, no basic card and passport, but the resident certificate is enough to hide him for a while, and then find a fool to change his identity. .

As for Li Qinghe's body, well, he might as well put it in the trunk.

The black-hearted murderer and driver is already thinking about Li Qinghe's funeral. He is really a good person.

Chapter 35 Awakening

The murderer didn't give Li Qinghe too much time to react. Since he said he wanted to solve Li Qinghe, he would definitely not be waterproof.

The murderer's long knife had already struck his neck.

This time, the murderer wanted to see if his slashing had improved again!In the past, it took three swords to cut off a person's head.

It's not that Li Qinghe didn't want to hide, but he couldn't.

Why is my life so bad, I was chased and killed by monsters twice, and was chased and killed by bad guys again when I went out.

But me, but I really don't want to die... I want to live, I want more money, I want more women, I want a higher status, I really don't want to die!

I will kill anyone who dares to kill me!

Li Qinghe's eyes changed from submissive begging for mercy to full of killing in an instant.

Li Qinghe's fist was clenched instantly,

The hand appeared again, and the blade of the machete had been firmly grasped by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's hand had turned into a silver-white palm with scales.

Li Qinghe turned into a pig-shaped Orfienuo, with two curly and straighter fangs protruding from his mouth, and a flat pig nose exhaled white air.

"You, what kind of monster are you..."

When the murderer saw the little sheep in front of him, he suddenly turned into a big devil, and asked stutteringly.

The murderer wanted to draw back his machete, but Li Qinghe held his machete tightly and couldn't pull it out.

"Uh...uh, uh..."

Li Qinghe's chest made a humming sound, and with a slight force with one hand, the blade of the machete was crushed.

With Li Qinghe's other fist, after breaking the machete with one punch, the rest of his fist didn't stop.


The murderer was smashed into the hood of the taxi, creating a sunken hole.

The murderer pointed at Li Qinghe, and spit out a mouthful of dark blood mixed with internal organs.

"you you………"

Before the murderer could finish speaking, with a "poof", he spat out another mouthful of blood, tilted his head and died.

Li Qinghe just punched the murderer to death.

After Li Qinghe killed the murderer, the killing desire in his eyes slowly receded.

"I, what did I do, I, I..."

Li Qinghe saw his silver-white body, touched his face again, felt the sharp fangs, and the flat pig nose.

"I, I, I don't believe it."

Li Qinghe saw his whole body clearly through the rearview mirror on his motorcycle. It turned out that he had become a pig-shaped Ophelia.

"I became a monster. I just killed someone."

The shock of finding himself Orfienuo suppressed the fear after the first murder.

Li Qinghe let go of his hands, looked at his two hands, and sat on the ground limply, facing the dead murderer's eyes that couldn't rest in peace.

"Who made you want to kill me, otherwise, I won't kill you. I, I just want to live, even if it means becoming a monster. I don't want to die. If I die, I will have nothing."

Li Qinghe's mind flashed the image of the centipede Ophelia Yinuo, who was thinking about Yilong's transformation, chasing and killing him.

"There's nothing wrong with being a monster. Maybe next time I meet him, I'll have the power to escape no matter what. I, I want to control my own destiny."

Li Qinghe stood up and canceled the transformation.He took out the lighter on his body, cut open the gas tank of the taxi, and dropped his own lighter.

"With such power, why do I still have to work?"

Li Qinghe smiled presumptuously, kicked his motorcycle over, and the flyers in the trunk scattered and fell around.

I have new power, so everything about me must match me.Can a mere flier be enough to satisfy himself?cannot.

Since I was her fiance before, why can't I do it now.With such power, I can do whatever I want.

If he went to Toyotomi Qingxiang, then he would be able to gain both money and human resources, saving himself many years of struggle.

As much ability as there is, there is as much ambition.

Li Qinghe suddenly got the powerful power brought by Orfi Enoch, and the spiritual world was covered with a thick layer of smog.


The taxi exploded, and the huge impact sent Li Qinghe, who was still laughing, flying more than ten meters away.

Li Qinghe didn't even know that the car that ignited the fuel tank exploded.

With a mouthful of "bah", Li Qinghe spat out a mouthful of accumulated blood that caused Yue Xiong's mouth to feel stuffy.

"Cough, I, I finally understand why I was not thrown to death."

Li Qinghe put one arm on the ground and slowly got up.

The explosion that just happened was enough to seriously injure an adult at close range.

However, he just vomited a mouthful of blood, and he was fine.

It is very likely that I fell off the cliff and rolled all the way, but I didn't die because of the improvement in my physical fitness after becoming a monster.But, was he born a monster?So amnesia?

Li Qinghe couldn't help but speculate wildly.

Li Qinghe stood up, being blown up like this also pulled him back from the brink of losing control.

"I'm not the first person to gain this kind of power, what's there to be proud of."

Li Qinghe repositioned himself as a human again.He is just a lucky man who survived a catastrophe and got supernatural power by chance.

However, he is naturally not the only one with supernatural powers in the world.Moreover, this power is not invincible.

Li Qinghe immediately thought of the bull-shaped Ophelia who was wiped out in front of him. That Ophelia was definitely better than him, but he was still killed by a coincidence.

If I want to survive in peace and stability, I must get up.Only dogs can eat "chicken".

I must not reveal my monster identity in front of the truth.Otherwise, Qianqiao would never allow this monster to survive, let alone approach the truth.

If you have time, you can try it out and find out their attitude towards those monsters.

It is impossible to say that Li Qinghe has no idea about the truth.It's just that in the first few days, even if you have the guts, you don't have the ability.And Qianqiao has been staying at home, there is no chance at all.

But now, it's a little bit different.However, whether in front of other monsters or Qianqiao, he is just a slightly bigger ant.

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