Otherwise, he would throw away the box that Qian Qiao transformed into, so that he would not be able to transform.At that time, how can an ordinary person fight against himself.

For a while, Li Qinghe was full of thoughts, and it was not too much to rack his brains in order to survive.

However, the siren of the fire engine from around made Li Qinghe understand that he had to leave quickly.

Even if he wasn't the murderer who killed the murderer, he is now, not to mention that person killed himself.If this kind of thing is hit, it belongs to the kind that fell into the Yellow River, and it can't be washed away.

What's more, his identity as a monster can't reveal a trace of clues.

"Fortunately, although the motorcycle can't start, it is still possible to go downhill."

The motorcycle that fell to the ground when Li Qinghe kicked it was also affected by the explosion just now. .

Li Qinghe pushed up the motorcycle and rode on it.It just so happens that the motorcycle noise will not be heard by others.

However, what to do with the leaflets all over the floor, the police will definitely track down Baishui Company by then.

Chapter 36 Planning

Even if he escaped, he still couldn't get rid of the suspicion of this disaster.

There was no other reason. Some of the leaflets on the ground had flown out of the garage, while others had landed in cracks in the walls, and some were half burned.

He was the only staff member of Baishui Company who distributed leaflets when he was out.Without too much investigation, the suspect can be locked down directly.

Li Qinghe's heart beat, and he aimed at his own face. ,

"end to end",

Li Qinghe's face was bruised and purple. Hearing the firefighters' shouts getting closer, Li Qinghe adjusted his posture, aimed at the nearby wall and slammed into it.


With a sound, Li Qinghe had broken countless bones and fell to the ground, pretending to be faint.

People should be ruthless, especially ruthless to themselves.

"Quick, quick, there is a man here who is seriously injured, please call an ambulance."

Soon Li Qinghe was sent to the hospital for treatment, and the fire that broke out in the abandoned garage was also put out by fire trucks.

Although this place is remote, there are people living there.In the suburbs of Tokyo, no matter how cheap it is, many people who cannot afford housing in Tokyo will rent houses here in the future.It is also not willing to be far from the urban area. It takes an hour and a half to change to the subway by car.

The sound of explosions in the abandoned garage, and the billowing smoke floating out, it was hard not to be noticed.

That's why the fire police came so quickly.

Li Qinghe was lying on the hospital bed, isn't it suitable for him to go out today?If you take a taxi, you can meet a black car, so no one is lucky.

There were two bodies in the taxi, one body was the original driver's body and the other body was the murderer's.

Fortunately, the fire truck arrived in time.The murderer's face hadn't been completely burned.

There was a murder case here, and the police naturally intervened.The investigation into the identity of the deceased was started, and of course the identity of the only survivor - Li Qinghe was indispensable.

After Li Qinghe was sent to the hospital, according to the leaflet information left at the scene, the police quickly contacted Baishui Company to ask if there were any missing staff members recently.

Feng Chen Fubu, the president of Baishui Company, was very puzzled. Our company is well-known, and our customers are live advertisements, so we don't have special publicity personnel.

Toyotomi's service department wanted to directly say that there was no such person, but to be on the safe side, they called the manager of the HR department and learned that his daughter had placed a staff member to distribute leaflets.

Feng Chen's service department sent Li Qinghe's information to the police, and quickly called his daughter.

"Hey, Dad, why did you call me?"

Through the phone, Toyotomi's service department could hear the commotion on the other end of the phone, so he must have gone to the bar to drink and party again.

"Didn't I tell you to tell me in advance to install manpower for the company? The new employee you recruited for the company, honestly who is it?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang could still hear the dissatisfaction in Toyotomi Hattori's tone.

Toyotomi Qingxiang hurriedly went to the bathroom with her mobile phone, her father must not offend her, otherwise she would forget about the living expenses for the next month.

Toyotomi Qingxiang, "Dad, that person is my ex-fiance Kiba Kiyokawa, the second son of Kiba Morita."

Toyotomi Fubu frowned, he said how he saw that the name sent by the manager of the HR department looked familiar, so it was him.

"How did you meet him? That kind of person is no longer good enough for you. I will find you a suitable spouse."

Toyotomi Hattori thought it was his daughter who had thoughts about the ex-fiancé.

"Dad, what are you talking about. The Kiba family's company has already been acquired by our company. If I marry him, it won't bring any benefits to our company. How can I like him.

It was grandma's idea that I brought him to the company. She asked me to find a job for Kiba Kiyokawa in the company. "

Toyotomi Hattori let out a "hmm" and hung up the phone.Could it be that my mother is very optimistic about this young man?

It's just that this is not her style.Forget it, don't think about it, just make a phone call and text directly.

Toyotomi Hattori wants to know the reason why his mother asked Kiba Morita to work in his company.He took his mobile phone and called his mother.

After some exchanges, Toyotomi Hattori understood what his mother was thinking.

Toyotomi's service department directly called the finance department to reduce her daughter's living expenses by half next month.

He nnd, the job his mother said was to give Kiba Qinghe a job in the middle and low-level management, at least let him show his face in front of the former Kiba company employees, so that the former Kiba family business workers realized the wealth of their company, Let them do their job.

You see, your bosses all work here.You can also relax and work steadily.As long as we continue to work, there will be eggs, milk, and salary increases.

As a result, this prodigal daughter of myself is a woman who is her father's caring little padded jacket.How come this daughter of my own family has become a black hearted cotton.She was given a job that was almost temporary and handed out leaflets, thanks to her ability to figure it out.

Feng Chen's service department thought that the police would ask for Li Qinghe's information, could it be that this kid committed a crime?

Feng Chen's service department mobilized his previous connections, and soon learned of Li Qinghe's news.This kid appeared in an abandoned garage on the outskirts of Tokyo, where a murder happened to happen.

There were two dead at the scene, one was a murderer who had escaped, and the other was the driver who died a week ago.In order to investigate clearly the relationship between Li Qinghe and them, the police found the Baishui Company where Li Qinghe worked.

Toyotomi's service department is good at both black and white dishes, and Baishui Company can grow into a well-known enterprise in today's island country.

After Toyotomi's service department finished today's work, he asked his secretary to drive him to the hospital to visit his ex-son-in-law.

Along with her was Toyotomi Qingxiang who learned that her living expenses for the next month would be reduced by half.

Toyotomi Qingxiang continued to have a high at the bar after her father hung up the phone.As a result, after a while, my father called again.

This time I asked myself to go back. If I didn’t go back, I would not ask for the other half’s living expenses next month.

If it can be settled with money, that's not a problem.

Feng Chen's service department was unimpeded and went directly to the intensive care unit, where he saw Li Qinghe wrapped up like a mummy.

There are gauzes on the face, this injury is really serious.If you can't survive this fatal injury, then die early.

There is a saying that a family with an old man is like a treasure.

What does this sentence mean? Old people have experienced a lot of things, they think a lot, and they are comprehensive.

Feng Chenfu decided to give Li Qinghe a middle management status according to his mother's idea.

It's just that, for the time being, I haven't decided which position to give him is better.This position must be reputable to others, at least he is a small boss, and he will not lose face if he speaks out.But this position will not have a big impact on the company.

Everything will be discussed after Kiba Qinghe wakes up.If you can't wake up, that's another story.As for the police, Toyotomi's service department suppressed it directly. .

Feng Chenfu's father and daughter saw Li Qinghe who had fallen into a "coma", and put flowers and fruits on the bedside.

Ask the attending physician how Li Qinghe's injury is.

Chapter 37Bodyguard

"When this gentleman was first brought to the hospital, he had three broken ribs, a shattered sternum, and the bone almost penetrated the lobe of the lung.

And the broken leg bone has not fully recovered.It is really hard to imagine how much suffering this man has suffered, and he can still persist until now.

I was afraid that he would fall on the operating table. Unexpectedly, after an emergency operation, his heart rate stabilized quickly.

His will to survive is very strong, the person with the strongest will to survive I have ever seen, and the biggest crisis has passed.Don't worry, you will wake up in a few days, and then you can talk to him directly if you have anything to say. "

The attending physician who treated Li Qinghe still admired Li Qinghe's will to survive.

Nonsense, Li Qinghe clearly knew that he would not die.His injuries were largely self-inflicted.

The doctor thought he was dying, so he operated on him. Li Qinghe was still waiting for the doctor to sew up his wound, so how could he not show his "will to survive".

What if the quack doctor decides that he is dying and hastily operated on him?Of course this rarely happens.

After Fengchen's service department heard that Li Qinghe had finally turned the corner, he no longer had the idea of ​​giving up on Li Qinghe.

"Oh, then did he have any sequelae? How long will it take to leave the hospital?"

The doctor hesitated and said, "If there are sequelae, there are some, that is, he can no longer engage in physical work."

In this regard, Toyotomi Hattori was not surprised. One operation, one operation, would have no effect on the body.

Do you know why the older people are, the more cautious they are in surgery?

Because their bodies are aging, it is very likely that they did not survive the operation and died directly on the operating table.Even if the operation is successful, stepping off the operating table and returning to work after the operation is still a big challenge.

Li Qinghe was fine, he was in his prime, he was strong and resilient.

Fortunately, in human form, Li Qinghe's resistance to anesthetics is not strong, otherwise he would have to bear the pain and watch the doctor operate on him.

It happened that the injury from falling off the cliff last time, as well as some bone dislocations and fractures, took this opportunity to recuperate at once.

"Can't do physical work, Qingxiang, why don't you let him be your bodyguard. You don't need him to work, just follow you every day."

Toyotomi's service department did not give his daughter any right to object, and directly made a decision.

"Dad, you..."

Toyotomi Qingxiang doesn't want to be with an ex-fiancé by her side, and those friends will definitely laugh at her when she goes out to have sex.

"Next month's living expenses, I have paid to your account in advance, so take it easy."

Toyotomi Qingxiang understood now, her father planned it while he was on the road.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's cell phone vibrated, turned on the phone, and saw a text message, the bank card received a remittance for next month's living expenses, hey, it was the full amount.

It seems that Dad made a private deal with Kiba Kiyokawa's work and his own living expenses.

Toyotomi Qingxiang's face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and she put her arm around Toyotomi Hattori's arm.

"Dad, you're so kind. I love Daddy the most."

Isn't it just an ex-fiancé, the big deal is to give him a monthly salary and let him go far away, just don't follow me.

"Daughter, I don't want to hear Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa not working while being paid in the company."

Does Toyotomi's service department not know his own daughter?The daughter must have wanted to send Kiba Qinghe aside and go out on her own.


Toyotomi Qingxiang was like a big company that had lost the battle, she lowered her head.

Her little thoughts have never been hidden from her father.It's just because Qingxiang lost her mother since she was a child, so her father feels a little guilty towards her, and has an indulgent attitude towards some trivial things.

However, Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't know that she also had a stepmother who had never masked her face, who gave birth to a brother who was three years younger than her.

Now my younger brother is working in the Nagoya branch of Whitewater Company and is already the director there.Toyotomi Hattori had his own little thoughts on training his son so much.

In a few years, when the son is capable, let the daughter and the son meet again.

This is another reason why Toyotomi Fubu indulged his daughter. His daughter didn't even know about his having a son.It's not that he didn't give his daughter the opportunity to inherit the family business, who gave her a younger brother.

After Fengchen's service department arranged Li Qinghe's salary, he left the hospital. He also had a lot of work in a day, so it was not because he had nothing to do.

Toyotomi Qingxiang took next month's living expenses and went out to squander. If you have money, you can't spend it. When you die, you won't be able to take it with you. I want to live a refined life.

Li Qinghe's medical expenses were naturally covered by Baishui Company.

Li Qinghe didn't "wake up" after the so-called few days, he woke up the next day.

"Nurse, nurse."

Li Qinghe lived in a luxurious solitary ward with dedicated nurses.

"You're awake, Hanako, you need to call the doctor immediately."

The nurse who entered the door spoke to the nurse behind him.


The nurse ran away, and the doctor in charge of Li Qinghe's condition was gone.

"Do you need anything?"

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