The nurse who came in first spoke in a sweet voice. Her words seemed to have the power to soothe people's hearts, which made people feel very comfortable.

"I need a phone, I'll call someone at home."

Knowing his disappearance this time, Li Qinghe must have worried Truth and the others.

"Look, do you remember the phone number?"

asked the pretty nurse.

Li Qinghe nodded his head, he would gain a lot of wisdom even if he suffers from it.When I jumped off the cliff last time, after losing my mobile phone, I lost everyone's contact information.

When he came out to work this time, Li Qinghe took precautions and memorized Truth's mobile phone number.Didn't expect it to actually come in handy.

The nurse dialed the phone and gently placed it next to Li Qinghe's ear.

"Hello, who are you?"

Li Qinghe said he went to work, but he never came back, and he didn't come back all night.

She and Qianqiao were so worried that they didn't sleep all night.

If there is no news from him in a while, they are going to call the police to find someone.

Li Qinghe "The truth is me, Qinghe."

"You bastard, what did you do? Why did you go out to work? You won't come back. You're not afraid that I'll sell everything in the house!"

Truth roared with concern, and the female nurse who was as far away as the mobile phone could hear it.

"It's like this. Due to the recent job transfer, I may be working outside for a while, so you and Ganqiao should live with me first.

I'm fine here, I'll see you in a few days. "

Li Qinghe's excuse, will the truth believe it?

will not!

Even if the job is transferred, it's not like you don't even have time to go home.

"Where are you now, Qianqiao and I will go to find you."

The truth was aggressive, and she would not be relieved until she saw Li Qinghe with her own eyes.

"I, I'm working outside, it's okay."

Can't Li Qinghe tell the truth?Of course, it's just that he prefers to report good news rather than bad news.

For the person he likes, Li Qinghe doesn't want her to be careful.If Li Qinghe liked the truth, he couldn't tell.

"Mr. Fukuda, he is already awake."

Although the beggar's nurse was also very pretty, the female nurse who called Li Qinghe was not as pretty.

"I didn't expect him to recover so quickly."

Because Mr. Fukuda was in a hurry, his voice was not low.

Take good care of the patient Li Qinghe, this is the order of the dean himself.As Li Qinghe's attending physician, Fukuda Hideo knew which important person came to visit Li Qinghe that day.

Chapter 38 Goal Achieved

"Sorry, Truth. I have to work, I will contact you when I have time."

Li Qinghe signaled the female nurse beside him to hang up the phone.

"How are you feeling?"

Doctor Fukuda asked with concern.

At this time, the female nurse hung up the phone.

The truth on the other end of the phone vaguely heard Hideo Fukuda's voice.

Body recovered?There is also a female voice, this can't be in a hospital.But since this kid called him to report his safety, he didn't have to go to the police station to call the police.


Truth yawned,

"Coincidentally, Kiba Kiyokawa is alive and well, you should go to sleep too."

Gan Qiao lay motionless on the sofa.


"What a coincidence?"

Truth's pitch rose, and he shook his upper body neatly.

How could the truth fail to see that Qianqiao, the bastard, had fallen asleep sitting up.You are really talented, no wonder you can get together.

"Don't sleep on the sofa, go back to sleep."

Ganqiao rubbed her eyes, "Well, did Mr. Qinghe find it?"

"No, I was afraid that you were driving tired, so on the way to the police station, you took me to meet Amaterasu."

The truth is a little resentful, and it happens that he has slept longer than himself, and he is in a daze here, and he is also sleeping, which is too much!

Li Qinghe felt that his condition was very good, except that he couldn't move.

Living a small life, having a girl responsible for his own food and drink, how comfortable it is, Li Qinghe has long wanted to live such a life.

Maybe Li Qinghe's ideological awareness is not high. He thinks that only sick people can live a comfortable life.

Hideo Fukuda was very happy after checking Li Qinghe's physical condition.

Well, this kid will be discharged from the hospital in about a month, and I will be able to successfully complete the tasks assigned by the dean. This will add a strong touch to my resume and build a solid foundation for my future leadership.

Li Qinghe stayed in the hospital for half a month before being discharged.

It wasn't that Li Qinghe didn't want to stay any longer, but that his body had already recovered to a point where the hospital rushed him away.

Li Qinghe took various imported medicines and expensive medicines every day, so his body recovered faster naturally.

Doctor Fukuda wasn't too surprised why Li Qinghe recovered so quickly, because there was nothing unusual about it.

There are always people with special bodies in the world, such as people whose heart is on the right side.

It's just that Li Qinghe's recovery speed is a little faster, which is largely due to the effect of the medicine on Li Qinghe's body.

Li Qinghe left the hospital reluctantly, and looked back at the hospital frequently when he left.

For more than half a month, I have enjoyed a life of rich clothes and fine food every day, and it is really comfortable to be accompanied by a beautiful nurse.

It's a pity that it didn't go any further with that female nurse.

On the day Li Qinghe was discharged from the hospital, he changed into a black suit

Toyotomi Qingxiang drove the red Infiniti Q6 to the entrance of the hospital.

The female nurse who Li Qinghe couldn't forget didn't come out to see Li Qinghe off. She and Li Qinghe were just the relationship between the employer and the staff.

It's just that Li Qinghe hasn't seen through this yet.

Li Qinghe is not a person who does not wink, so he dared to let her open the door, so he quickly opened the door for Feng Chenqingxiang.

"Can you drive?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang asked in a bad tone.

In the past half a month, she has been flying high. Today, her father's secretary reminded her to go to the hospital to bring Li Qinghe to the company, which disrupted her plan.

"Yes, I will."

Li Qinghe nodded.

"Then, from now on, you will be my full-time bodyguard and driver."

Toyotomi Qingxiang felt in her heart that she didn't really think highly of this down-and-out ex-boyfriend.

Really annoying.

Sure enough, the status of the rich second generation is gone, and the temperament of being a nobleman is also gone.It's really funny to pretend to have amnesia, and I can't even stand this setback.

Li Fengchen Qingxiang sat in the back seat, and Li Qinghe sat in the driver's seat.

This is his first time driving a car. He said he can drive, and this car refers to "motorcycle".

However, Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't give herself a chance to refuse at all, and she owed Baishui a lot of money.At this time, don't disobey her.She doesn't seem to be in a good mood today.

Both motorcycles and quadricycles are cars, so they should be about the same.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Qinghe felt a little uncomfortable.This is to drive ducks to the shelves.

"Drive, go back to the company. Don't you know the way home? Meiji, show him the way."

Toyotomi Qingxiang thought that Li Qinghe didn't know how to get back.

In fact, Li Qinghe was thinking about the functions of the various components in the car.

Nakatani Miki is the female bodyguard sitting in Li Qinghe's co-pilot seat.

Nakatani Miki is Toyotomi Qingxiang's personal bodyguard. She follows Qingxiang closely at any time and is responsible for protecting Toyotomi Qingxiang.

The other male bodyguards were in other cars, just following Infiniti.

"You can't drive?"

Miki Nakatani had a frosty face, long legs, a capable style, and a murderous aura on her body.


Under nervousness, Li Qinghe stepped on the clutch and started the ignition familiarly.

Everything is so natural.With Nakatani Miki's guidance, Li Qinghe soon came to Baishui Company.

This was his first time entering the company, and he followed Toyotomi Qingxiang to the office by taking the elevator.

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Toyotomi Qingxiang brought him to the staff's office.

Toyotomi Qingxiang specially brought Li Qinghe here, because these employees used to be employees of the lumber company.Among these people, some old people knew Li Qinghe.

Especially when he saw Li Qinghe following Toyotomi Qingxiang, he began to whisper.

"Oh, is that the second son of the Kiba family?"

"I thought I was reading that wrong."

"You read it right, alas. Who would have thought that the second son of the Kiba family would be able to serve as a bodyguard for others."

"There's no need to sigh, things are different from people. Work hard, maybe in this company, the salary can go further."

The third voice is also the voice of most of the employees who used to work in the Kiba family business.

Toyotomi Qingxiang naturally heard part of the conversation, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Sure enough, Dad's trick is very effective.

Kiba Morita's family business was originally in a thriving stage.Since Kiba Morita passed away and the company was handed over to Kiba Kiyokawa's uncle, he vigorously eliminated dissidents and laid off employees many times.The whole company panicked.

Later, after Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa's uncle was killed, the company lost its manager, and soon it was on the verge of bankruptcy and was annexed by Baishui Company.The employees inside work hard and are afraid of being fired.

The following employees have not settled down completely in the new company for less than two months.

These people are all core employees of the former Kiba's company, and they know the business of Qinghe's company very well.If you are dismissed, it will take a long time to start working, and if you make a profit, it will be even further away.

Through the identity of Li Qinghe's bodyguard, those new employees were indeed stabilized. .

Let them stabilize earlier, so that they can work better and create more benefits.

As for what to do with Li Qinghe later, Feng Chen's service department thought that after a few months, let's deal with it casually.At that time, who will care about a down-and-out son who has expired.

Chapter 39 Toyotomi's service department was attacked

Li Qinghe was not deaf, so he could naturally hear what those people were talking about.

What is the relationship between these people and me before, it seems that they seem to know me.

Li Qinghe didn't think for too long, he had already left the staff's office, and took the elevator to Toyotomi Qingxiang's office.

Nakatani Miki opened the door first, and let Toyotomi Qingxiang enter.

Li Qinghe saw those bodyguards standing at the door of the office spontaneously, and he also stood guard outside the door in a similar manner.

The office door opened suddenly, Miki Nakatani came out, pointed at Li Qinghe,

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