"You, come here, the lady let you in."

Li Qinghe looked at the other bodyguards around him, but he didn't look sideways, and he didn't make any movements, so he was talking about himself.

Li Qinghe followed Nakatani Miki's footsteps into the office.

"Well, go get me a cup of hot water."

As soon as Li Qinghe entered, Feng Chenqingxiang yelled at him to pour water.

Li Qinghe originally planned to use disposable paper cups to catch the water.

"Catch it in my cup, catch it."

Li Qinghe had just put down the good-quality disposable paper cup, when he turned around, he saw red in front of his eyes, and the ever-growing pink Thermos mug hit his forehead.

Li Qinghe screamed, and the other bodyguards waiting outside showed expressions that they knew earlier.

Before the thermos cup fell to the ground, Miki Nakatani grabbed the thermos cup firmly with one hand.

"Can't you even hold a cup?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe was so "bad", Feng Chen Qingxiang almost dropped her cup on the ground, and her tone of voice was obviously unhappy.

Li Qinghe was dizzy from being hit on the head, shook his head and regained consciousness.

"You shake your head, are you expressing dissatisfaction with me?"

Li Qinghe said quickly, ignoring the pain in his head.

"Sorry, I, I slipped my hand."

Although Li Qinghe knew that he was not responsible, how could it be said that it was Toyotomi Qingxiang's fault.

"I can't do this little thing well, and I don't know how to take you out to meet the world..."

Feng Chen Qingxiang didn't even want to look at Li Qinghe.

"Why are you still standing there, quickly apologize to Miss."

Nakatani Miki appeared at the right time and put the thermos cup in Li Qinghe's hands.

Li Qinghe lowered his head,

"Miss Qingxiang, I'm sorry, please forgive my recklessness."

Li Qinghe's tone was calm, and the discontent in his eyes was suppressed.

If it wasn't for Toyotomi Qingxiang being her boss, she would have been kind to her.Li Qinghe had already exploded.

Li Qinghe tried his best to crack a smile.

"Okay, okay."

Feng Chen Qingxiang turned her head away from Li Qinghe, her tone was full of impatience.

Li Qinghe filled the thermos cup with hot water.Since Toyotomi Qingxiang asked herself to pour a cup of hot water, don't be smart and add cold water to cool down, lest she get angry.

Li Qinghe held the thermos cup in both hands, and gently placed the cup on the desk.

"Go out, I'm tired."

Toyotomi Qingxiang picked up her thermos, looking like she was about to drink water.

Feng Chen Qingxiang's face turned cold, and he poured a cup of hot water on Li Qinghe's body.

Li Qinghe only had time to protect his face with his hands when a cup of scalding hot water poured on him.

"Kiba Kiyokawa, are you tired of working, dare to put hair in my thermos!"

Toyotomi Qingxiang slammed the table, and the bodyguards outside immediately pushed the door open, held down Li Qinghe, and waited for Fengchen Qingxiang's order.

"Miss, don't be angry. It's just a new servant. Take him out and let him work in the garage management room."

Other bodyguards dragged Li Qinghe out of Toyotomi Qingxiang's office.

When Nakatani Miki closed the door again, Toyotomi Qingxiang, who was still angry, immediately shook her head with laughter.

"Hahaha, Meiji, that idiot still looked dazed at the end.

Do you think my Toyotomi family's money is so easy to get?After staying in the hospital for so many days, it cost a lot of money. "

Feng Chen Qingxiang was very happy after venting on Li Qinghe.

"Miss, isn't this too..."

Nakatani Miki couldn't bear it, and wanted to persuade Toyotomi Qingxiang.

"Don't worry, I haven't played him well yet, now is the appetizer. If I can't play him to death, how can I do it.

Even if my Toyotomi family's money was fed to the dogs, I would never spend a penny on this trash.

How much money was taken from my Toyotomi family, I will let him repay it little by little.No matter what, let him live for a month. "

Hearing that Li Qinghe still had a month to live, Nakatani Miki put away her sympathy for Li Qinghe.

It sounds nice to say that she is a personal bodyguard, but in fact she is a domestic slave raised by the Toyotomi family.

"Miss, are you going out to take him tonight?"

Nakatani Miki asked, if he could go.Then one can imagine how much humiliation Li Qinghe would suffer.

"Take him? No, since when did I, Toyotomi Qingxiang, have a boyfriend?"

Fengchen Qingxiang does not recognize Li Qinghe's identity at all now, what is the so-called ex-fiancee,

It was just talking when he was using Li Qinghe.Now that it's all used up, why are you still coaxing Li Qinghe?

As for taking Li Qinghe out to parties and meeting friends?Then stomped on him hard, this is an idiotic act.Because it not only stepped on Li Qinghe's dignity, but also slapped Toyotomi Qingxiang in the face.

Doesn't that in turn mean she's blind?How could there be such an ex-boyfriend.

Li Qinghe was escorted to the underground garage, where he changed into blue overalls. There were many workers like him cleaning the floor.

It's really washing the floor, getting down on the ground with a mop, and washing the floor hard.

There are a lot of luxury cars parked here.

At the exit, there is a ring road that can accommodate four cars in parallel.From time to time a patrol with guns appears.

Li Qinghe was assigned a task and joined the ranks of cleaning the land.

Half a month passed in a flash.For the past half month, Li Qinghe has been staying in the underground garage. Every few days, Toyotomi Qingxiang will come down to "visit" him, specifically to find fault with him.

Li Qinghe understood it all, although he didn't know the reason.But Toyotomi Qingxiang was clearly punishing herself to death.

Although Toyotomi Qingxiang has a great kindness to herself, she must not allow herself to repay her with her life.

It wasn't that he was repaying his favor with kindness, it was really what happened these days that made Li Qinghe almost unbearable and violent.

The reason why he didn't run away was not because Li Qinghe was still grateful for Fengchen Qingxiang.It's because the patrols here have guns.

Li Qinghe was not sure whether he could withstand the bullet after transforming.I can only keep looking for opportunities to escape.

Ever since Toyotomi Qingxiang expressed dissatisfaction with Li Qinghe.

The dog legs below, from the management to the staff like him in the underground garage, also started to target Li Qinghe.

For more than half a month, Li Qinghe's workload was three times that of others, but he only had one meal a day.

the other side,

Toyotomi Hattori, president of Baishui Company, drove to the Office of the Mayor of Tokyo.

It's just that along the way, he had an ominous premonition that something bad would happen.Let his left eyelid, "Belle Belle" jump straight.

Does anyone still dare to attack themselves on the streets of Tokyo?It's funny, maybe I stayed up too late last night.

"Toshio Saeki, let me know when it's time, and I'll squint for a while."

Saeki Toshio was one of his most trusted subordinates, and he squinted after he finished speaking.

It's just that he doesn't seem to know that the driver Toshio Saeki has already driven the car out of Tokyo.

Chapter 40 The Illusion of "Anti-killing"

"Hi, wake up."

Toyotomi Hattori, who had been in a daze for an unknown amount of time, was rudely dragged out of the back seat and thrown on the ground.

Toyotomi Hattori opened his eyes in a daze, feeling a pain in his body.what happened.

As soon as Toyotomi Hattori opened his eyes, he saw the sun that was about to set in the western mountains.

"Junxiong, I didn't tell you to..."

When Toyotomi Hattori saw the sunset, the first thing that came to his mind was that today's meeting with the mayor of Tokyo was in vain.

Although in his capacity, even if he goes to the city hall now, he can meet the mayor of Tokyo.But at this time, he also has plans for this time.

The assistant arranged a full schedule for him every day, and if he missed a schedule, it would be very troublesome to find another opportunity to complete the missed thing.That means squeezing out other time, like bedtime.

Toyotomi Hattori got stuck in the middle of his speech, because he saw burning black cars all around him.

Inside and outside the car were scattered corpses. Those corpses had blue silk tattoos on the collar of their suits. There was no doubt that they were the bodyguards responsible for his safety.

Toyotomi Futobu supported himself on the ground, stood up, and scanned his surroundings, it seemed that there was no one alive except him.

Toyotomi Fubu took out his mobile phone, although he didn't know what was going on, but he was still going to call someone to pick him up.

When he took out his mobile phone, pressed the phone number, and was about to make a call.

Toyotomi Hattori's hand holding the phone was firmly grasped by a strong hand behind him.

"Carla" sound.

The mobile phone and hands were directly crushed together by violence.

Although Toyotomi Hattori used to be so cruel to others, how could he have the opportunity to taste the pain himself.

Toyotomi Hattori knelt on the ground, the crushed hand fell powerlessly to the side.

Toyotomi's service department saw clearly that the person standing behind him was none other than his most trusted subordinate - Saeki Toshio.

"You, why did you betray me?"

Toyotomi Hattori gritted his teeth and asked, but his eyes were looking around, looking for opportunities.

"Betray you? You think too highly of yourself. I have never been yours. How can I betray you?"

Saeki Toshio sneered.

"Who are you? Although I, Hattori, have offended many people in my life, those hatreds will never reach the point where you need to kill me to relieve the hatred."

Toyotomi's service department found an opportunity, and there was an SR2 submachine gun five meters behind him.

Toyotomi Hattori needs a little time to get it, of course, without being discovered by Toshio Saeki.

Hearing Toyotomi Hattori's conversation, Toshio Saeki sneered.

"That's right, those people who offended you so much are no longer in this world, so naturally no one will seek revenge from you."

Toyotomi Hattori rubbed his body, and moved a little bit towards the position of the submachine gun behind him.

"Then what grudges do the forces behind you have with me?"

Toyotomi's service department doesn't understand, who in Tokyo is going to destroy him, and if he can destroy him, the most capable one is the military.

It's just that the military is overkill to eliminate itself.Besides, if he was from the military, he would be in a military prison now.

Of course, the government can also do this, but Toyotomi Fubu believes that he has never done anything that can't be done by the government. He does charity every year, and his external image has always been sunny.

Other companies make false accounts to reduce taxes, and Whitewater also makes false accounts, but it is to increase taxes for the Tokyo government.

Even in terms of personal relationship, Toyotomi's service department knows many high-ranking officials and nobles, and with the maintenance of money, the relationship can at least go on.

"Are you from the government?"

Seeing that Saeki Toshio just sneered, he looked at himself like an ant, and didn't reply.Toyotomi's service department is a little annoyed, I will deal with you when I get the gun.

Besides, do you think my men won't be able to find me if you crush my phone?Idiot, I haven't made any progress with me for so many years. My brain has grown on my muscles. I don't know the greatness of technology at all.

Toyotomi installed a positioning chip in the mobile phone, and the damage of the mobile phone is a necessary trigger condition for the positioning chip to send out a signal.

Now Toyotomi's service department has added an extra insurance for himself. If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, delaying time with the idiot Toshio Saeki is the top priority.

Toyotomi Hattori didn't believe that only Toshio Saeki could kill the thirty or so experienced elite bodyguards who followed him.

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