The security business of the Toyotomi Service Department goes abroad, and it has business in many war-torn countries.After the baptism of gunfire, there are naturally some outstanding talents.

These tall and straight talents were called back to the country by him, and he supported them with generous wages and benefits.

It's not that he hasn't encountered attacks in these years, but he has these bodyguards by his side.Those crises were all drizzle, and there were many incidents of betrayal by their own people.

Therefore, in Toyotomi's eyes, Saeki Toshio is just "one" of his most trusted subordinates, and his driver has always been Saeki Toshio.

It's just that the betrayal incidents that happened before were not so serious, and there was no one available around him.

To say that Toshio Saeki could kill all thirty bodyguards by himself, Toyotomi Hattori said that he absolutely did not believe it.Of course, whether he believed it or not, the only person who appeared in front of his eyes was Saeki Toshio.

"Do you know why you wake up at this hour?"

Saeki Toshio saw Toyotomi's service department move a little bit, getting farther and farther away from him.

"You, you mean, I'm you..."

Toyotomi Futaku was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that the reason why he felt sleepy as soon as he got in the car was caused by Saeki Toshio.

"You're not old enough. Yes, I did it. But do you know why I left you alone until the end?"

Listening to Saeki Toshio's triumphant words, Toyotomi Service Department was afraid that he would suddenly take out a gun and kill him immediately.

Toyotomi Hattori's movement was a little bit bigger, and when he touched a cold iron block, Toyotomi Hattori let out a sigh of relief, not daring to go too far.

With the gun, Toyotomi's service department also put it down, he needs to know more information about the people behind the scenes from Toshio Saeki.

Toyotomi Hattori "Say it, at least let me be a sensible ghost."

"Let me tell you, it's because you are different from them. Well, now you can die."

Seeing Toshio Saeki's possibility of making a move, Toyotomi's service department didn't dare to hesitate, and took out the SR2 submachine gun and pointed it at him.

At this time, he acted first and then suffered disaster. He didn't even ask Saeki Toshio's motive for killing himself. He held the gun with one hand and shot directly.

After killing Saeki Toshio, clues can still be found from his body, but it's just a little more difficult.

"So Suo Suo."

A shuttle bullet hit Saeki Toshio's body. .

Toshio Saeki was bleeding profusely and fell down.Looking at Toshio Saeki's body, Toyotomi Hattori felt a sense of unreality. After so many shots, he would definitely die, even wearing a bulletproof vest.It is impossible for the dead to be resurrected.

But in Toshio Saeki's eyes, there was no fear, but a hint of joking.

Chapter 41 Toyotomi Naruto's Attack

Seeing that Toshio Saeki was hit with so many bullets and finally fell down, Toyotomi Hattori threw away the empty submachine gun, and sat down on the ground with no image.

"D, it's really dangerous."

Toyotomi Hattori was glad that he escaped danger.He found a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of the bodyguard's body.

Putting a cigarette in his mouth, he pulled out the lighter with one hand.His hands trembled several times before he lit the cigarette.

All he has to do now is hold on, not to pass out, and relax when his subordinates arrive.At that time, you can send yourself to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Toyotomi Hattori himself does not smoke, but his crushed hand really hurts.I heard that smoking can numb the nerves and relieve pain. Whether it works or not, I will try it first, but it is finally safe.

But, is Toyotomi Hattori really safe?

"I don't know if you should say that your sword is not old, or that you are cruel and ruthless. The attack was not light at all. Thirty rounds of bullets all hit me. I am your old subordinate."

Saeki Toshio stood up slowly.

The blood from Saeki Toshio flowed back into his body, and the yellow and orange bullets were expelled one by one.Except for the torn clothes and the marks of bullet holes, it is not obvious that he has been injured at all.

"You, how could you not die, what kind of monster are you?"

Toyotomi Hattori was stuttering when he spoke, which showed his surprise.

"Monster? Stupid human, you hurt me so much, you made me angry. Then let me show you the real monster."

Toshio Saeki transformed into a bat, Orfi Enoch, and walked towards Toyotomi's service department step by step.

The shuttle bullet just now had no effect on him.In the human body state, once seriously injured, it will affect the combat effectiveness after transforming into Orfienuo.

That is to say, after Saeki Toshio evolved into the third stage of Orfi Enoch, he realized in advance the personal talent that should have been awakened in the fifth stage-bloodthirsty.

Bloodthirsty (disabled) - Blood loss caused by injury in human form can return four-fifths.

Of course, there is a price for this. Although he comprehends the power of the fifth stage in advance, what he comprehends is incomplete, and his ability is not even half of the complete talent of the fifth stage.

There is only one ability, in the state of blood loss, it can return four-fifths of the blood, which is why Toyotomi's face is a little pale.

To be honest, the talent ability of this incomplete version is very tasteless.

Even in normal (human) form, Orfienuo will not die even if he receives some fatal injuries.

Toyotomi Hattori was slightly annoyed, he would not have pretended to be b had he known.Firearms can still cause some damage to themselves.

This is also the special ability of oneself.If it is the newly awakened Orfienuo, even in the transformation state, that shuttle bullet is enough to make it lose its combat effectiveness, fall out of the transformation state, and be slaughtered.

I want to declare that although Orfienuo was fatally injured, he still has a very strong vitality and recovery speed.However, if you are in a state of serious injury and receive continuous damage one after another, you can still be "grinded to death".

Human beings are not defenseless against the lowly Orfienoch.

Toshio Saeki's transformation into a bat, Orfienuo, kicked Toyotomi Hattori to the ground with one foot, holding his neck with one hand.

"You know, I actually want to torture you to death a little bit.

I really didn't expect that you really called other people, but I will use my way to let you feel the coming of death a little bit. "

Saeki Toshio, whose eyes were red, opened his mouth and bit Toyotomi Futura's neck.

Toyotomi Hattori lost one hand, and Toshio Saeki stomped on the other hand.He could feel the fainting caused by the loss of blood.

In about 5 minutes, Saeki Toshio dropped Toyotomi Hattori, whose body temperature was freezing.

"Bah, it's dirty."

Toshio Saeki spat out a mouthful of dirty blood.He turned into the bat Orfienuo, and he hasn't discovered the blood-sucking Lai to replenish his abilities.

(Blood sucking is just to make Toyotomi Hattori die more slowly and torture him more.

Saeki Toshio listened to the approaching sirens and brakes, calmly took out his camera, and snapped a photo of Toyotomi Hattori's body.

After taking the picture, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a person's number.

"Mr. Murakami, the task has been completed."

On the other end of the phone, a dull voice came,

"Complete? The task I issued is to suppress Whitewater Company. Is it enough for you to solve only one leader?"

"Don't worry, next time. Whoever dares to take over, I will let him disappear. In this way, I think you can get what you want without any effort."

Saeki Toshio bowed his head and said.

"I'm waiting for your good news. Now that this old man dies, his son Toyotomi Naruto will be on stage."

"I understand. But, after I finished the task, is it true what you said about bringing my daughter back to life?"

Saeki Toshio asked nervously.This is the real reason why he betrayed Toyotomi Hattori.His [-]-year-old daughter accidentally fell into the sewer where the manhole cover was missing a month ago.By the time they were found, their lives had been lost.

Saeki Toshio and Toyotomi Hattori have struggled for more than 30 years and are now in their 50s.

After finally settling down, he could enjoy a peaceful and happy life. After getting married, he had a daughter.

Who would have thought that his wife would raise a little boy.After being informed by Toshio Saeki, he killed the married couple together.

A family of three became two.His daughter is the only sustenance of his life.When his daughter is happy, he is happy.

Now that his daughter is dead, on the day of her death, he cut his pulse and committed suicide, and wanted to go to heaven with his daughter.In the end, he didn't die, and when he woke up again, he found that he had become (monster) Orfienuo.

After that, he self-harmed several times, accepting the fact that he couldn't die.

At this time, Zhinao Group came to him and said that they could save Toshio Saeki's daughter.This is his only life-saving straw. Saeki Toshio agreed to the request of Zhinao Group without hesitation, and cooperated with Zhinao Group to acquire Baishui Group.

At the beginning, Murakami Kyoji also asked people to contact Toyotomi's service department and proposed the idea of ​​​​acquisition.

However, Toyotomi's service department humiliated Sartdy, a negotiator sent by Intellectual Brain Group, and categorically rejected Hanakata's proposal.

For Murakami Kyoji, since Toyotomi's service department is so ignorant of flattery, then go to hell.What's more, if you dare to humiliate Sartdy, you are humiliating yourself who sent her.

At this time, Saeki Toshio, who worked in Baishui Company, came into the sight of Zhinao Group, and the two hit it off and reached a cooperation.

"It's natural. When you solve Toyotomi Naruto, then you can hear your daughter's laughter. I think you really want to see your daughter."

Murakami Kyo'er's deep voice seemed to be full of magic, tempting Saeki Toshio.

"I will."

Saeki Toshio hung up the phone and left the crime scene.

Toshio Saeki left, and the police and other bodyguards from Baishui came to the crime scene...

Toyotomi Qingxiang was heading to the underground garage, preparing for her weekly recreational activities.As for who to entertain, it goes without saying.

When she arrived in the underground garage, her cell phone rang.

Toyotomi Qingxiang connected the phone.

"What? It's impossible... my father..."

Toyotomi Qingxiang couldn't hold the phone steadily and dropped it to the ground.

Chapter 42 Seizure of Power

"Miss, what's the matter with you? What happened."

Nakatani Miki who was beside her picked up the phone and asked with concern.

"My father, he was killed..."

Toyotomi Qingxiang couldn't stop crying.

"What! Then, miss, do we still have to go down? Hurry up and see the president for the last time."

"Go, it's all here, and it won't take long to bring him up first. My father once asked me to clean him up. This is my father's last wish. As a daughter, I should obey it."

Seeing that Toyotomi Qingxiang has made up her mind, Nakatani Miki can just carry out the order.

These days, Li Qinghe counted the patrol time every day.It's just that the time for those patrols to connect is very tight, and there is no chance of escape at all.

"Come with me, Miss is waiting for you over there."

He can leave the channel in a legitimate way, and Li Qinghe doesn't need to think about any "jailbreak plan" full of loopholes.

Without knowing your own resistance to beating, the chance of being beaten to death is really too high.

Li Qinghe followed Nakatani Miki to a hidden elevator entrance, which could directly lead to Baishui Company.

When Li Qinghe was taken to the underground garage by other bodyguards last time, he came down blindfolded.I stumbled and stumbled along the way, and took a car many times before arriving in this "dungeon".

Now you can take the elevator directly up, which undoubtedly shows that this is an unconventional passage, which is probably limited to high-level access.

On TV, there are often scenes where some killers ambush the rich man in the garage, but this can't be realized at all with Toyotomi.

Instead of forcibly killing Toyotomi Hattori in the underground garage, it would be better to wait until Toyotomi Hattori is out to rob and kill.

When Toshio Saeki killed Toyotomi's servants, he took them to the suburbs of Tokyo to execute them.

Li Qinghe didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Fengchen Qingxiang Gourd, but it was a good thing to be able to leave here.

"Let's go."

After Nakatani Miki brought Li Qinghe, Toyotomi Qingxiang had already adjusted her emotions.

Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't let other people escort Li Qinghe this time, and it was enough for Nakatani Miki to keep an eye on Li Qinghe.

To be honest, when I got into the elevator.Li Qinghe was really ready to move, he had a high chance of success in holding her hostage, and he could get himself out of here.

But the feeling of being watched all the time, and the threat from Miki Nakatani, who was around him, made Li Qinghe suppress this impulse.

Li Qinghe thought to himself that impulse is the devil, and impulse is the devil.

Out of sight, out of mind, Li Qinghe closed his eyes.This is not a good time to do it, just wait.

Ten minutes later, Li Qinghe was pushed by Miki Nakatani,


Li Qinghe walked out of the elevator, and saw bodyguards in full suits guarding the elevator.

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