Miki Nakatani pushed the blank wall.The wall flipped and a door appeared.

After the three left through the door, the wall returned to its original shape.

Li Qinghe never expected that the world outside the door turned out to be Toyotomi Qingxiang's office.

"Why, are you curious?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang continued with a sentimental tone.

"My dad loves me very much. There are only two shortcuts connecting the underground garage. One is my office and the other is Dad's office."

What does your father have to do with me? I'm not your father.Li Qinghe didn't understand why Toyotomi Qingxiang talked to him about his father.

"Come on, come with me to see Dad for the last time."

Toyotomi Qingxiang left the office and went to the mortuary where Toyotomi Hattori is now.

Perhaps it's time to resist.

Li Qinghe knew very well that if he knew such a big secret, he would either value him or want to kill him. Only the dead would not reveal the secret.

However, Li Qinghe didn't say a word during the whole process, and followed Nakatani Miki.

When Li Qinghe and the others came to the reception of Baishui Company, they saw a group of reporters pushing a man in a blue suit.

"Hello, it is said that you are the private son of Toyotomi Hattori. Are you ready to recognize your relatives when you come back to take over the position of Hattori?"

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Asahi Daily. I want to ask, what measures are you going to take when your father was killed this time?"

"If your sister also has ideas about the position of president, what would you do?"

Surrounded by this man, he is comfortable with this kind of occasion, surrounded by Whitewater security guards to maintain order.

"First of all, I am not a private child. My father married my mother five years ago. You are responsible for what you say."

After answering a reporter, the man in the blue suit continued, "It is my father's expectation for me to inherit and develop Whitewater Company well. I believe I will live up to my father's expectation."

After answering this question, the man is not ready to answer other reporters' questions.

Some things can be said, some things cannot be said.The family affairs between him and his sister Toyotomi Qingxiang can be settled in private, there is no need to put it on the table.

When she first arrived at the reception hall, Toyotomi Qingxiang, who knew the news of her father's death, was very displeased to hear the commotion from outside, and was about to fire several receptionists and security guards. They couldn't handle such a trivial matter.

After hearing what the man in blue clothes said.

Toyotomi Qingxiang was stunned, impossible, impossible!

Dad never told himself that he had a son, let alone get married.Since his mother passed away, his father was afraid that he would be abused by his stepmother, so he refused to marry again.

The man in the blue suit came out from the reporters' siege, and saw Toyotomi Qingxiang who was about to go out.

"elder sister……"

When Toyotomi Qingxiang heard these two words, her mood collapsed!

"What kind of brother, I don't have a brother, it's impossible to have one now, and it's impossible to have one in the future, get out!"

Toyotomi Qingxiang did not admit that she would have a younger brother at all.

But when she saw that following her younger brother, there were many veterans from the founding of the company standing behind him, she also had a vague idea in her heart.

It is very likely that my father found a woman in private, but he didn't want her to know, so she was kept in the dark.

The man in the blue suit was not angry when he saw the furious Toyotomi Qingxiang, at least he looked peaceful on the outside, but he didn't know what was going on inside.

"Sister, whether you admit it or not. I can come here, not be kicked out, and get the approval of other shareholders, which can prove my identity.

If you don't want to believe it, we can go to the hospital for a blood test.Of course, when I have time. "

The man in the blue suit is Naruto Toyotomi, the son of Toyotomi Hattori.

Although Toyotomi Hattori dotes on his daughter very much, many people in the outside world also mistakenly think that after a hundred years, he will hand over the company to Toyotomi Qingxiang.

However, Toyotomi Hattori had already planned it from the beginning.The company must not hand it over, especially to the daughter who manages the company half-heartedly.

Because of Toyotomi Qingxiang's relatively high appearance rate, many people only know that he has a willful daughter, but they don't know the son he has been cultivating elites.

Toyotomi's service department left a number of justified documents for his son to ensure that his son will not be "bullied" and can hold power steadily. As for his daughter...

Toyotomi Hattori didn't think too much at that time, after making arrangements for his son.

He didn't make any plans, after all, he wasn't too old, and it wouldn't be a problem if he could still work as president for five years.At that time, think about your daughter's problem.

Chapter 43 failed

As a result, man is not as good as God.

How could Toyotomi's service department predict when he would die.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens in the power struggle within the Toyotomi family this time, not only will her daughter not be able to regain the position of president, but she may even be expelled from the house.

It depends on whether Toyotomi Naruto is cruel or not, but there is a saying that is good, if people are not cruel, they cannot stand firm.Since Toyotomi Naruto has decided to be the chairman, Toyotomi Qingxiang's ending is already vaguely doomed.

Toyotomi Naruto did not continue to argue with Toyotomi Qingxiang in public, which made him appear petty.

With the support of everyone, Naruto Toyotomi went to the chairman's office to convene other high-level shareholders to hold a shareholders' meeting, striving to get in place in one step and take the position directly.Take down the position of president first, and then talk about other things.


Unexpectedly, Toyotomi Qingxiang stood in front of Toyotomi Naruto, preventing him from passing.

"My father's body is not yet cold, uncles, are you so impatient to support a new president?"

Everyone knows Toyotomi Qingxiang who followed Toyotomi Naruto.

When their father was not dead, these people were very kind when they saw themselves, good nieces, good nieces kept screaming.

But now that Toyotomi Hattori is dead, people are leaving the tea to cool down. Facing Toyotomi Qingxiang's questioning, these people have no trace of guilt, and there is still a trace of boredom in their eyes.

It is not known whether he is tired of Toyotomi Qingxiang's ignorance, or her questioning tone.

At this moment, Li Qinghe became a transparent person, and no one noticed him.

"It seems that Toyotomi Qingxiang should have lost her power. This is good news for me."

Li Qinghe thought gloatingly.

"Oh, isn't this my eldest brother-in-law? Why is she standing there? Brother-in-law, I'm not talking about you, you can't indulge your sister too much.

What a drop in price to play cosplay with her in the garage.Sister, although you haven't married your brother-in-law yet, you have to take care of yourself.

In the future, I will keep part of the living expenses of your monthly account for you, and I can't let you continue playing like this.Our family has a big business, and we can't afford such a toss. "

What is a smart person, Toyotomi Naruto is a smart person.

Arguing with a shrew will only lower your intelligence to the level of a shrew, and then be defeated by the shrew with her rich experience.

Toyotomi Naruto seems to have done a lot of "homework" for his sister.He even knew Li Qinghe's identity very well, including Fengchen Qingxiang's "pastime" activities with Li Qinghe during this period, he was very clear.

Knowing Li Qinghe's identity is not surprising. Many people in the business world knew about the marriage at the beginning.

But there is only one person who can know Toyotomi Qingxiang's private whereabouts so clearly, and that is her personal bodyguard - Nakatani Miki.

And Nakatani Miki looked at Toyotomi Qingxiang with a guilty face, everything was self-evident.Nakatani Miki betrayed Toyotomi Qingxiang.Whatever her reasons, betrayal is betrayal.

Just like Toyotomi Hattori was betrayed by his driver Saeki Toshio.

"It was you who betrayed me! Why, I regard you as a sister, how can you..."

Toyotomi Naruto saw that the "sister" whom he regarded as one of the obstacles in the way, fell into the trouble he set for her so quickly and couldn't extricate himself, shook his head, and said in a neither high nor low voice

"I don't even know whether the people around me and myself are of the same mind. I still don't understand it, so how can I manage the big white water company well?"

When Toyotomi Naruto said this, the eyes of the elders behind him became more calm.

Hattori, we follow your will and support your son. We can't control your family affairs.Besides, this is your daughter's failure to live up to expectations.

"you you……"

Toyotomi Qingxiang was squeezed and could only say these few words repeatedly.

Toyotomi Naruto strode towards Li Qinghe, and held his hand tightly, looking very enthusiastic.

"Brother-in-law, did my sister take drugs again last night, she was a little crazy."

Li Qinghe was originally watching the show as a third party, but in the end, the fire still burned on himself.

Said he was her fiancé?What should be said is the person who is very similar to me.I really don't know why so many people mistake themselves for him.Is a group of people blind?

Since you want to act, let's act with you, who is not born to be a baby who can act?

Li Qinghe showed exaggerated affection and hugged Toyotomi Naruto directly.

"You don't know, I'm so miserable. The family's financial power is all controlled by your sister, and I have to ask her for instructions even to eat a popsicle."

Li Qinghe cried poorly first, then said with a straight face

"However, fortunately, you have finally grown up and have enough ability. You can't bear to look at me, brother-in-law, so downcast. How about this, you give me a sum of money and let your sister and I go away... Transnational Seek medical attention to treat your sister's mental illness."

Toyotomi Naruto's face was stiff, and he really regarded himself as a human being, saying that you are a dog and not a good dog, and you didn't do anything for me, so you wanted to ask me for money.How can a person like you deserve to live in this world.

Toyotomi Naruto felt murderous intent, but his expression remained the same.

"That's no problem, how about this, you take my sister back first, don't let her go back to take medicine, I can't stand going crazy every day."

Toyotomi Naruto said.

The "medicine" in Toyotomi Naruto's mouth is a drug similar to Yaotou Pill.After eating, it will make people feel refreshed for a period of time.Of course, after the effective period of the medicine, it will naturally be depressed.

And the medicine that Li Qinghe thought of was a medicine for treating mental illness.

Toyotomi Qingxiang often goes out to have sex, and she has occasionally taken this "medicine" a few times.For addictive things, one must quit, so Toyotomi Qingxiang is just trying to make something new.

However, unfortunately, she was persuaded by Nakatani Miki to take this medicine last night.Even if Toyotomi Qingxiang doesn't admit it, the ingredients in her body can still prove it.

It was only then that Toyotomi Qingxiang realized that her "never masked" younger brother could make calculations.It's all thanks to his "good" bodyguard, Miki Nakatani.

Toyotomi Qingxiang laughed suddenly, and burst into tears, "Hahahaha, hahahaha."

She knew that she had lost. In the struggle with this younger brother, her hole cards were known by the other party.But she didn't know anything about her brother.There is a serious imbalance in the information on both sides.

It's like fighting a war. One side has already figured out all the strategic deployments of the other side.But the other party didn't even know that he still had the enemy of the other party.As a result, when encountering a firefight, he looked bored.

Toyotomi Qingxiang laughed wildly, and the reporter who hadn't left kept taking pictures again and again.It is estimated that it will be in the headlines tomorrow.But her younger brother Naruto Toyotomi did not stop her. .

Toyotomi Naruto let go of Li Qinghe's hand, and the bodyguards behind him had "escorted" Li Qinghe, Toyotomi Qingxiang, and Nakatani Miki back home.

The whole company no longer needs her sister.

Chapter 44 familiar routine

This is the first time Li Qinghe has come to Fengchen Qingxiang's home.

As soon as Toyotomi Qingxiang came home, she fired all the servants in the family, and was betrayed by Nakatani Miki, who was regarded as the best girlfriend by her side.

She no longer trusts anyone, everyone is a liar, her father Toyotomi Hattori is a liar, and all her friends are also liars.

She believed that Naruto Toyotomi's return, if a friend didn't care, she didn't know it was possible.But everyone doesn't know that this is purely coaxing ghosts.

Those wine and meat friends should have seen from the news that they were "under house arrest".But none of them called and asked about their current situation.

She felt that there must be several or even all of her younger brothers among her friends.

That said, she looked up to her younger brother a little bit.The reason why his younger brother was able to grasp all her information so easily was due to her father Toyotomi's service department.

Like Miki Nakatani by her side, why has she always been loyal to her.

That's because her father, Toyotomi Hattori, was kind to Nakatani Miki in nurturing her.

Her loyalty to the Toyotomi family is unquestionable.But she is loyal to Toyotomi's service department, and the highest priority of natural orders is naturally the order of Toyotomi's service department.

Toyotomi's service department asked her to report what Toyotomi Qingxiang did and who she met every day.She will definitely report the truth without any concealment.

And these materials were packaged and sorted by Feng Chen's service department.After his death, these materials will reach his son and be used to suppress his daughter so that his son can take power smoothly.

What does it mean to cheat a daughter with strength? This wave of operations by Toyotomi's service department is to cheat a daughter with strength.

He didn't expect that he would cool down so quickly. His precious daughter didn't form a small mountain in the company, let alone have any influence.

As a result, his daughter was completely cheated by the method he passed down.

Toyotomi Qingxiang can also understand that there is only one person who can make Nakatani Miki who is beside her betray her.That was her father, but for whatever reason, a wrong was a wrong.

She can't do it in her own home, and she has to hide her emotions.Then get rid of mobile "monitors" in your home.

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