Ever since Toyotomi Qingxiang found out that she had betrayed her, Nakatani Miki kept her head down, not daring to look directly at Toyotomi Qingxiang.

She knew what she was doing was wrong.But this is an order from Toyotomi's service department, and she has no choice.

And Nakatani Miki thinks that this may be a way, a relatively hidden way, for her father to care about her.Who would have thought that these materials would be in the hands of her younger brother.

Nakatani Miki knew that Toyotomi Hattori had an illegitimate child.But she was very strict with her mouth, and Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't know about it at all.

Toyotomi Qingxiang fell down on the sofa in a daze, looking at the two "stumps" in front of her.

Toyotomi Qingxiang closed her eyes, and when she was about to fall asleep, she opened them all at once.It turned out that what I experienced today was not a dream.

People, no matter whether they succeed or not, they can only accept it, don't they.

Toyotomi Qingxiang accepted the fact that her father's company was taken away.

Since you love your son so much, I will ruin him, and I will make you regret it.

At this time, Toyotomi Qingxiang hated her father.People who make themselves uncomfortable for a while, I will make them regret it.

It's just that hate turns into hate.How to deal with her brother, she has no idea for the time being.She didn't have any information about her brother who appeared out of nowhere, so how could she take specific measures.

I can't deal with that bastard Toyotomi Naruto.You two eat things inside and out, can't I clean them up?

Toyotomi Qingxiang narrowed her eyes, thinking of the behavior of the two when the incident happened.You two joined forces to "bully" me, you really treat me as hellokitty.

Toyotomi Qingxiang changed her melancholy, and a bright smile bloomed on her face.

"Meiji, Qinghe, you two are tired. Come on, sit down, let me pour you two glasses of water."

Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki were taken aback by Toyotomi Qingxiang's sudden enthusiasm!

Could it be that the blow that happened today made Toyotomi Qingxiang dumbfounded?

"Let me make you a cup of coffee."

After Toyotomi Qingxiang entered her room, she closed the door.

After a while, Toyotomi Qingxiang brought out the brewed coffee.

Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki each took a glass, and held them in their hands without even sipping.

"Why don't you two drink it? Do you think the coffee I make is not good?"

Seeing Toyotomi Qingxiang's posture, Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki had to drink.

Li Qinghe drank it in one gulp. If he didn't finish it, Feng Chen Qingxiang would probably go crazy.The last time he was beaten up by Toyotomi Qingxiang in the office for no reason, Li Qinghe still had lingering fears.

If you don't drink it, who knows what kind of moth this crazy woman is doing.

Nakatani Miki also drank it in one gulp, she was not afraid that Toyotomi Qingxiang would poison the coffee, if Toyotomi Qingxiang wanted her to die, she would commit suicide without hesitation.

"After drinking it, do you think it's good or not. How about the coffee I made?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang looked at the two empty cups,

"It's delicious."

Li Qinghe said against his will.It's delicious, but it's so bitter.

"The coffee made by the lady is naturally delicious,"

Nakatani Miki still spoke the same way as before.

"That's fine, why am I suddenly sleepy?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang yawned.

"Meiji, take Mr. Qinghe to pick a room upstairs, and he will live here from now on. Forget it, let me pick it."

Miki Nakatani gave a "hmm" and took Li Qinghe upstairs to choose a room.

Li Qinghe has no right to choose.

Toyotomi Qingxiang seemed casual, and pointed to a room where the nanny used to live.

Li Qinghe pushed open the door.The nanny's room is quite big, and there are two rooms one mile away and one outside.I have to say that we don't understand the world of the rich, and we dare not ask.

Toyotomi Qingxiang lifted a corner of the carpet in the room outside the nanny, and a black iron plate appeared.

"This is the basement of my house, go down and bring me a bottle of wine."

Li Qinghe opened the floor, and it was pitch black below.

Looking at the dark basement, Li Qinghe couldn't help but think of the days when he was locked in the underground garage.

No, you can't be the first to go down.In case this bitch avenges her personal revenge, won't she be imprisoned again when she goes down and blocks the exit?

Especially this bitch is still crazy now.

Feng Chen Qingxiang saw Li Qinghe's hesitation, "Meiji, you go down first and take him to familiarize himself with the basement."

Li Qinghe looked at Nakatani Miki's skillful movements, and could see that this was not the first time she went down to the basement.

Seeing that Nakatani Miki went down, Toyotomi Kiyoka couldn't even cheat her own people.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe felt relieved.

After climbing down the ladder, Nakatani Miki turned on the light in the dark.

After seeing Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki all go down.

Toyotomi Qingxiang showed a strange smile,

"The two of you will be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks down there."

"Tong" sound.

The floor leading to the exit was tightly covered. .

Nakatani Miki went down, but Li Qinghe was only halfway down, so he quickly climbed to the top and pushed the closed floor.

Standing still.

Chapter 45 Toyotomi Kiyoka's Thoughts

This woman is crazy!Even my own people are pitted!

After shutting the two into the basement.Toyotomi Qingxiang lay down on the floor where the exit was closed.

This floor is so solid that there is no sound of beating or shouting.Presumably those two people are now looking for an escape route.

She was right.Li Qinghe was slapping the floor of the exit vigorously below.

Cursing in his mouth, "Why did I jump into the same pit again. I really don't have a long memory!"

Li Qinghe slapped for a long time, then pushed for a long time.But the floor covering the exit remained immovable.

Li Qinghe's mouth gradually became dry.

Li Qinghe climbed down carefully.Since there is no escape from above, the only way to find it is from below.Maybe there is an underground secret passage or something.

"It seems that you, miss, don't believe me anymore. If you want me to die with that person, then do as you wish."

When she saw that the exit was sealed, Miki Nakatani calmed down.

It seems that miss, wishing to die by herself.

That's right, Toyotomi Qingxiang wished that they both died immediately, but she also felt that it would not do to let them die too quickly, she had to torture them day by day and let them die in pain.

Therefore, Toyotomi Qingxiang locked the two of them in the closed basement.

If it was the past, if Toyotomi Qingxiang wanted to kill Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki, she might have Nakatani Miki kill Li Qinghe first, and then order her to commit suicide.

But after Nakatani Miki betrayed her.She didn't think Nakatani Miki could still listen to her. It was very likely that Nakatani Miki was sent by Toyotomi Naruto to monitor her.

Therefore, Nakatani Miki set up a trick, locked the two in the basement, and then manipulated and put some medicine in the coffee of the two.

Next, not only Li Qinghe, but also Nakatani Miki also felt it.

This kind of medicine is usually used by the young lady to tease those who offend her.Moreover, the effect of this medicine is extremely overbearing, and it is simply unbearable.

"Well, I think your lady drugged the coffee. Me, you, you know."

Li Qinghe quickly turned his back on Nakatani Miki.

"If Miss didn't insist on torturing you to death, I would kill you now."

Nakatani Miki wanted to cut this man into pieces.

Li Qinghe smiled indifferently, "It's already at this time, and you still defend your silly lady.

You've obviously been given up.You and I are destined to die here.You are still so loyal to her, is it worth it? "

Li Qinghe is right.

Yes, Toyotomi Qingxiang has given up on her.But Nakatani Miki is still loyal to Toyotomi Qingxiang.

"You don't know anything."

Nakatani Miki gave Li Qinghe a cold look, and shut up.

For the next time, she has to save her energy, at least she has to live longer than Li Qinghe, if there is any secret passage in the basement, she must not let Li Qinghe find it.She wanted to watch Li Qinghe die here, and he died earlier than her.

Nakatani Miki didn't hate Miss, she hated herself, hated her for making Miss difficult, hated her own betrayal.

Fortunately, some food is stored in the basement.When Li Qinghe was extremely hungry, he didn't care about raw or cooked food, he would eat his fill first.

But those foods, not many.Big enough for two meals for two people.

Three days later, Li Qinghe heard the voice from above.

Toyotomi Qingxiang opened the exit of the basement.

Li Qinghe was the first to climb up impatiently, grabbed Fengchen Qingxiang, his eyes turned green, it was purely hungry.

"I'll kill you, you madman!"

Li Qinghe doesn't care who you are now.

Li Qinghe was imprisoned below for three days!For three whole days, I spoke alone.Nakatani Miki didn't say a word, the silence in the air almost drove him crazy!

If you don't know that there is another person around you who is in the same situation as yourself.

I'm afraid he didn't do it in human form, but directly turned into a pig-shaped Ophelia Enoch and tore Toyotomi Qingxiang alive.

"Miss, are you finished?"

Nakatani Miki grabbed Li Qinghe's arm, threw it back, and shook off Li Qinghe's hand.

Miki Nakatani supported Toyotomi Qingxiang, she could see Toyotomi Qingxiang looking at her eyes, with a feeling of guilt.

Nakatani Miki suddenly felt that all the crimes she had suffered were worth it.

"Mei Ji, I've prepared a meal, you two come over and eat."

Li Qinghe saw that Nakatani Miki had been protecting Toyotomi Qingxiang.Decided to have a meal first, even if he wanted to kill Toyotomi Qingxiang, this moment, he figured it out!

nnd, I have such a powerful force, but I am afraid of this or that, like a turtle.

Then what is the use of this power!

There was a murderous look in Li Qinghe's eyes.This time he did not hide it, if Toyotomi Qingxiang dared to do something against him again, he would not be polite.

Li Qinghe walked last, following the two of them down the first floor.Sure enough, the living room was already filled with sumptuous meals.

"You eat first, we will eat later."

Li Qinghe wouldn't eat it first, last time he was lucky and had coffee with "ingredients" added!

If it wasn't for the fact that he almost starved to death, he wouldn't really be grateful for her matchmaking.

But this time, if poison is used in the meal, then although I won't die from the poison, my stomach will definitely hurt.

"Miss, let me go first."

Miki Nakatani glanced at Li Qinghe dissatisfied.In the past three days, Li Qinghe racked his brains to tease her.

But for a bunch of bad jokes, you expect Miki Nakatani to laugh, but Miki Nakatani still has a little room in her heart for Li Qinghe.

"No, I'll come."

Naturally, this delicious meal was not made by Toyotomi Qingxiang.

You let her eat and drink and she will.Let her cook, and it's not bad if she can eat without killing anyone.

Toyotomi Qingxiang picks a few chopsticks into the same dish, which proves that the food is not poisonous, so let's eat it with open stomach.

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