Since it is not poisonous, there is nothing to be afraid of.Li Qinghe started to eat voraciously.

Looking at Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki who were eating happily, Toyotomi Qingxiang put down her chopsticks.

The reason why she let Li Qinghe and Nakatani Miki out was not because she didn't hate them anymore, but because it was fun for her to take revenge at the time, but she had no one available around her! !

Especially when Toyotomi Naruto escaped from Baishui Company and other shareholders sold their shares one after another, the entire Baishui Company needed a new helm to run.

Toyotomi Hattori has only one son and one daughter, and now the much-anticipated Toyotomi Naruto has disappeared unexpectedly.Those veterans also suffered frequent accidents, coupled with a large number of shareholders selling shares.The business of the entire Baishui Company plummeted.

Chapter 46 good news

Toyotomi Qingxiang has also been in a daze for the past three days, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.

Until a phone call came and changed this rule.

"Niece, I have always felt that you are very suitable to be the president of Whitewater Company.

That younger brother of yours is just a brat who doesn't understand anything and runs away when things happen.You don't have a ten-thousandth of your father's demeanor at all.

What happened last time was my uncle's fault.But I can't help it. "

The person who said this was one of the veterans who came with her good brother last time - Takeshi Yamamoto.This guy was standing at the closest position to Toyotomi Naruto, the position was too conspicuous, so Toyotomi Qingxiang's memory was still fresh.

"Uncle, did something happen to the company?"

Toyotomi Qingxiang was keenly aware that something had happened to her younger brother Toyotomi Naruto, and something serious had happened.

"Well. Not long after the shareholders' meeting was held, the Sartbar (intelligent brain) group sent people to discuss cooperation matters again.

This collaboration was personally carried out by your younger brother Naruto Toyotomi.As a result, screwed up.The two sides dispersed without panic.

In the afternoon of the same day, the security guards traveling out of town, as well as their employers, were attacked.Many people died. These people believed that our company's business level was high and signed the preservation contract.

Now the company is not only facing high liquidated damages, but also to appease the anger of the families of the victims.At this time, our Naruto son left without saying goodbye. "

From Takeshi Yamamoto's tone, one can hear his dissatisfaction with Toyotomi Naruto.

"Oh, that's it. It's normal for people to take revenge after offending Zhinao Group. It's useless for you to find me. I'm not a shareholder of the company. The company's shares are all in the hands of my father. After he died, my brother in hand.

Go find him, the whole of Tokyo is big and small.I don't believe that he can go abroad. "

On the other end of the phone, Toyotomi Qingxiang was making sarcastic remarks.

"Niece, it was our fault last time. Please come back and take charge of the company's work. The whole company cannot live without you."

Don't look at what Takeshi Yamamoto said so well, saying that the entire company can't live without Qingxiang Yamamoto, it's because of their group of veterans, which account for about 50.00% of the company's shares.

Once the company goes bankrupt, they have to follow suit.Whitewater Company belongs to the type of unlimited liability. If it goes bankrupt and liquidates, the property of those veterans will shrink by 90.00%.

Don't look at those successful people who say that the thing I don't love the most in my life is money; ordinary is a blessing, and I envy your ordinary life the most.

But if you give them a chance to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life, they will definitely not want to.

It is very appropriate to describe it in one sentence, a bitch is hypocritical.

Takeshi Yamamoto was unmoved when he saw Qingxiang Toyotomi, knowing that it would be impossible not to produce something practical.

"Niece, look, this company is your father's painstaking effort for many years, do you have the heart to let it go down in flames?

A few of us discussed it, and now we have 50.00% of Si's shares on hand.Your brother holds 40.00% of the shares, and the rest are retail investors.

We have passed [-]% of the shares in your hand to your name, so that you are also a shareholder of the company. If you think it is not possible, if it is not possible, let us old people auction the company. "

Takeshi Yamamoto is waiting for Toyotomi Qingxiang's decision, [-]% of the shares is quite a lot!

This time they hated Naruto Toyotomi to death, that bastard son, they talked about business and offended him.People's revenge is coming, you see what to do.

In recent years, Zhinao Group has also extended its tentacles in the security industry. After the initial test of the water, it has received a lot of praise.

This is very rare, you have to know that Zhinao Group is mainly engaged in the production of high-tech electronic products.It's incredible that he can do so well in the security (mercenary) world and not stumble.

"I agree. But, you have to promise me that if my younger brother comes back, you have to help me get back what I lost. I am the sole heir of Baishui Group."

Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't have much time to think about it, this was her only chance.Now that his disappointing younger brother has run away, if, if he can save the company, then he can secure the position of general manager.

"It's natural, your father has only one daughter like you. How can we bend our elbows and value an outsider.

Well, it's settled like this, let's sign a contract at the company in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. "

Takeshi Yamamoto said.


After roughly negotiating, Toyotomi Qingxiang hung up the phone, and the rest of the details should be clarified in the contract.

These old bastards only recognize my status now, didn't they ask me to admit the identity of the illegitimate child before?

There is a saying that people feel refreshed when they meet happy events, and when they encounter such good things.Toyotomi Qingxiang took a shower specially, her father's company cannot be lost in her own hands.

After taking a shower, Toyotomi Qingxiang began to think about how she should deal with the problems faced by the company.

Toyotomi Qingxiang called several of her former subordinates and confirmed that the situation the company is facing is very bad, which is worse than what Takeshi Yamamoto said.

Many employees of the company have gone through the resignation procedures, and many people have left.Every day, tax officials come into the company to check the accounts and find problems.These are all targeting methods of Zhinao Group.

Is Zhinao Group really that strong?How did my silly brother offend him?

Why have I never heard my father talk about Zhinao Group.

That's because Toyotomi's service department didn't pay attention to this unknown company, so he died, and naturally he didn't have the opportunity to tell Toyotomi Qingxiang.

Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't have many subordinates, since she was kicked out of the company.The group of people under her were all kicked out for failing to meet the performance standards.

Now she has no one available around her.Even if you go back to the company, you have nowhere to start if you want to rectify.This reminded her of Nakatani Miki who she locked in the basement.

Otherwise, give her a chance to make meritorious deeds.The punishment for betraying oneself will be shelved first.

After thinking about it, it can only be like this.

Toyotomi Qingxiang opened the basement, and it turned out that it was not Miki Nakatani who came up for the first time, but Kiba Kiyokawa.

He didn't die!Could it be that Miki Nakatani is interested in her.

Now that Toyotomi Qingxiang wants to use Nakatani Miki to do business, naturally she will not give Nakatani Miki eye drops at this time.

Now that you survived, let the two of you work together to help yourself.

After Feng Chen Qingxiang waited for Li Qinghe and the others to eat and drink enough, he briefly talked about the current situation.He hoped that Nakatani Miki could stay and help him at this time.

Nakatani Miki naturally agreed, but Li Qinghe was "acquiesced" in agreeing, wouldn't it mean agreeing if he didn't speak?

After Li Qinghe and the others changed their clothes, Nakatani Miki drove to the company.

On the way to Baishui Company, Toyotomi Qingxiang received a strange call.

"Sister, come and save me!".

After Toyotomi Qingxiang picked it up, she hung up the phone directly. It must be a wrong number, and I don't have a younger brother.

On the other side, the person calling Toyotomi Qingxiang was——

Chapter 47 Escape

It was not Naruto Toyotomi who made the call, but Toshio Saeki.

The voice on the other end of the phone was not from Saeki Toshio, but from the recording pen in his hand.

Saeki Toshio originally thought that through Toyotomi Naruto's message, he would lure Toyotomi Qingxiang out and catch them, and then let the two of them go on the road together.

That's right, Saeki Toshio has captured Toyotomi Naruto.This is the truth about Toshio Saeki's disappearance. He has been imprisoned, so how can he show up in Baishui Company.

In the end, Toyotomi Qingxiang didn't even have the concept of such a younger brother in her heart, why do I have a younger brother, who is that, and where is it?

It wasn't until she arrived at Baishui Company that Toyotomi Kiyoka realized, well, that younger brother doesn't mean the missing Toyotomi Naruto, right?It doesn't matter if you're missing, so why come back.

Therefore, Toyotomi Qingxiang did not call back.

Saeki Toshio did not call Toyotomi Qingxiang again.From the first call, it can be seen that Toyotomi Naruto has no place in Toyotomi Qingxiang's heart, and it is impossible to make a wrong call.

Toyotomi Naruto's performance in the face of death was really disgusting to Toshio Saeki, he pooped and begged him not to kill himself.Compared with Toyotomi Hattori's tough-guy style, his son is really described as a tiger father and dog son without exaggeration.

Since Toyotomi Qingxiang can't come out, then go find her by yourself.If those weak humans were not afraid of human guns, he would have started killing in the company long ago.

Saeki Toshio didn't trick Toyotomi Qingxiang out this time, so he decided not to wait any longer, and after confirming the death of Toyotomi Naruto who was captured, he went to find Toyotomi Qingxiang.

Saeki Toshio drove to a room he had just rented in Tokyo.This room is locked inside and cannot be opened by outsiders.

Because this room lives very close to the landlord.The original lock was the kind of anti-theft door. As a temporary tenant, Saeki Toshio couldn't break the landlord's original lock cylinder and replace it with a new one.

To do this is very simple, just kill the landlord.But Saeki Toshio didn't want to cause other accidents by killing a landlord, so he locked the room and left.His purpose is not to let outsiders save Toyotomi Naruto.

Toshio Saeki pushed open the door, and saw Naruto Toyotomi who was supposed to be tied to the stool, disappeared!

Look at the broken chair legs, and the ropes that have come off.

It is not difficult for Saeki Toshio to guess that Toyotomi Naruto got up and broke the chair after encouraging himself to leave, then broke free from the rope and left.

Toshio Saeki saw Toyotomi Naruto fleeing, he was not in a hurry

"It seems that I have underestimated him. I said so much before to deceive myself and let myself relax my vigilance.

Sure enough, I thought it was simple. How could the heir who was trained by Toyotomi's service department as an elite have no real skills?

But if I let you run 300 meters first, my [-]-meter sword can still kill you!

But the game of cat and mouse gets boring if you play too much.For the sake of him teasing himself, let's play with him again. "

Saeki Toshio killed people in the first place so that his daughter could be resurrected, but after the endless killings, bringing his daughter back to life is still the biggest knot in his heart.

It's just that Toshio Saeki has fallen in love with the process of killing during this process, and he can't extricate himself from it.Even if he revives his daughter, he will continue to kill like this.

Naruto Toyotomi, who escaped from the "imprisonment room", is not in good health.He kept banging against the wall in order to break the chair that bound him.

Eventually the chair shattered, but he too was bruised and swollen and bleeding in places.

He didn't dare to go through the main entrance, he was afraid that he would run into that monster Toshio Saeki as soon as he went out.He opened the window and jumped out. It was the second floor, and the height of the building was only three or four meters.

But after falling so straight, Naruto Toyotomi's legs were burning with pain, and he wagged like a duck when he walked.

Toyotomi Naruto is afraid to go to the hospital now, especially after seeing how Saeki Toshio's transformed bat Orfienuo slaughtered the veterans around him, he feels that the hospital can't save his life. There's a reason that Toshio Saeki seems to spot wherever he goes.

It stands to reason that it should be safe to mix in public places and avoid cameras.However, he was still discovered by Saeki Toshio.When he was hiding in the public women's toilet, the last bodyguard beside him died trying to distract Saeki Toshio away. As for him, he was also caught and locked in a rental house.As for calling the police, why was that man the one who rushed before the police came?

Toyotomi Naruto is jittery now, and even a little trouble can overload his not-so-strong heart.

"What should I do? What should I do? I have to find someone for help, otherwise I will definitely be found and killed by him."

Toyotomi Naruto thought about it, and the only person he could ask for was her older sister, Toyotomi Qingxiang.Now he only has this elder sister who he doesn't see much, but he should talk to her like this.

Before Toyotomi Naruto could think about it, familiar footsteps came, why did he find him again?

"Did you come out by yourself, or did I drag you out?"

Toyotomi Naruto hid in a lawn. He buried his whole body shallowly in the soil, covered his face with green grass juice, and endured the smell of grass.This is what he had experienced before, but now he knows it without a teacher.I am also willing to endure this stench, as long as I can survive.

As the footsteps gradually disappeared, Toyotomi Naruto still did not move.

Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, Toshio Saeki turned back again.

Toyotomi Naruto still didn't move.

"It seems that those people's information this time is not accurate."

Saeki Toshio left.

It didn't show up for 5 minutes, it didn't show up for 10 minutes, it showed up again in 15 minutes!

Toyotomi Naruto couldn't help being thankful that he didn't move.It took a lot of effort to find this place. With his current body full of injuries, how far can he walk in 15 minutes.

Toyotomi Naruto waited here for another two hours, Saeki Toshio came back six times!Obviously, this bastard knows he must be hiding here!

Toyotomi Naruto couldn't wait any longer, because he found that every time Toshio Saeki made a seemingly normal return, the place he came back was different every time, which was equivalent to exploring that piece of terrain.

In this way, after all, he reached Naruto Toyotomi's current position.

Toyotomi Naruto ran away again this time, leaving obvious traces.Toshio Saeki followed the trail.

"Sansui-kun, tell me where Toyotomi Qingxiang is now."

Toyotomi Naruto took the risk of calling the subordinate who he had saved his life before.

"You, you are still alive, where are you, I will pick you up right away."

Tanaka Sanshui on the other end of the phone asked eagerly.

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