"I am different from the Black God. He regards you as his sons and daughters. I am a human being. I can finance the weapons, food and grass of the Great Merchant Kingdom, so that you will not be completely defeated in the war with other vassal states.

As for the person in charge of liaison, I have already arranged it.Even, when it comes to a critical step, I can let my subordinates do it myself. "

Hearing Li Qinghe said that he had no chance of winning, King Zhou was a little upset.However, since Li Qinghe brought benefits to Neng himself, then don't care about what Li Qinghe said.

These two people seem to be the leaders of two forces, they are not in the same group.

Going against the sky, a lot of information was analyzed from the conversation between Li Qinghe and Heishen.

"A black god? There is also a short-haired man who never mentioned his identity. Where do these two forces come from.

In the realm of hell, there are no such forces.The heavens certainly cannot tolerate the existence of these two forces.

As for the human world.Those who have these two kinds of forces should also cultivate new forces, so there is no need to look for King Zhou at all.Could it be a visitor from the fantasy island? "

Guessing against the sky.

"Li Qinghe, you acted very early. However, I hope you don't fund weapons that are too lethal. I don't like to see this land stained with human blood."

The Black God said in an orderly tone.

"Black God, you speak too presumptuously. I am not your subordinate. However, I can guarantee what you said. If there are too many human casualties, it will not do me any good."

Li Qinghe agreed to Black God's request.

"Sorry, the long sleep made me forget that you and I are in the same category."

The Black God made a rare apology to Li Qinghe. This is probably the only time in tens of thousands of years, and also the first time, that he apologized to human beings.

This apology also fell on Li Qinghe.

"That's not necessary. I'm different from you. I grew up step by step, but I didn't experience deep sleep."

Li Qinghe shook his head, it seemed that the black god was apologizing to himself, but when his tone revealed another meaning - although you and I are of the same type, your strength should not be as good as mine .

It's impossible for Li Qinghe not to pay attention to it. Once the battle between heaven and heaven is fought, there is no room for it to stop.Unless it is a tie, the two sides generally will not stop.

Black God has his plan, and Li Qinghe also has his own plan. 166 novel reading network

Chapter 5 Empty My World

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Strong recommendation: After Li Qinghe and Heishen finished discussing matters with King Zhou, they left the world of Wu Gengji.

After the Black God returned to the world of Kuuga, he began to cultivate human forces.Thousands of years ago, the oracles of the angels of the Black God were human messengers chosen as a bridge of communication between the two parties.

This time he attacked the world of Wu Geng, if King Zhou really lost to the humans in the world of Wu Geng, he would not, as he said, not help King Zhou and humans to fight and kill.

The game between Li Qinghe and the Black God takes the entire Wu Gengji world as the chessboard.The two sides have already started their respective preparations.

Because of Li Qinghe's plan to attack the Wu Gengji world, the Black God was also embarrassed, and urged Li Qinghe to leave the world of Kuraga.

Besides, if Li Qinghe wasn't in his world, he would have no way to attack Wu Gengji's world. Without Li Qinghe, all the preparations he made would just stare blankly.

Li Qinghe told Hei Shen that he came to this world to play.

However, the Black God had warned his angels not to provoke Li Qinghe.

Those apostles naturally didn't dare to provoke Li Qinghe anymore, besides, the tasks assigned to them by the Black God were enough for them to be busy for a while.

Communicating with humans is not that simple. As Montenegro expected, these angels are very proud now, and they disdain human communication.Now that the Black God entrusted them with this important task, it was really difficult for them.

However, since it was a task assigned by the Black God, no matter how difficult it was, it had to be completed.

The Black God hadn't assigned them a mission for thousands of years, so it couldn't be that the first mission in thousands of years was completed so badly.

Using the method many years ago, the angels began to choose pure-hearted human beings as the messengers of the angel family.

Li Qinghe has settled down in this world. Before the game between him and Montenegro is decided, he can't mobilize the personnel from World 555 to come to this world.

It will take a little time to invade this world.Even if it was Changtianjiehua, they wanted to come, but Li Qinghe refused.

He and Heishan are just casual acquaintances, and he doesn't know his true temperament. Who knows if he might use Nagata Yuka's importance to Li Qinghe to threaten Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe didn't want to take the risk.Therefore, now he is the only one who comes to the empty-self world.

It has been several years since he and Hei Shen entered the world of Wu Gengji.

Li Qinghe expected that Gulangji's great recovery will be in the next few days.

The development site of the Jiulangyue ruins.

An archaeologist led his students into the ruins.


His students were very surprised when they saw the words carved in the ruins.

"Professor, it's ready."

"It's ok here too."

The students of the professor of archeology came to debug the machine, and they had to record what they saw and heard.There were still written words thousands of years ago, which shows that there was a civilization that people didn't know about in that era.

A professor's male student walked around the underground ruins with a video recorder, recording the excavation site.

"I didn't expect such a thing to appear in an island country."

The professor opened a closed stone coffin and saw a person lying in the coffin.

"Professor, if it's not written on it, you will be cursed if you touch it indiscriminately."

One of the professor's students saw the door of the coffin they opened, with bright red writing, which was still eye-catching even after thousands of years.

"But you've already touched it, so stop talking about boring things and go to work."

The professor shook his head speechlessly, no matter what age, he still believes in these things.

The professor's other students were also laughing.Disapproved of what the man said.They didn't know, after they left.The man in the coffin moved his finger.

It's also fortunate that they didn't see it. If they saw this scene, maybe those who didn't have a heart attack would have a heart attack, and those who had a heart attack would simply burp.

New Tokyo International Hangkong Port.

A sunny and handsome young man is coaxing a child who has been separated from his parents.

"When I was a child, I thought that people who could smile when they were in trouble were very stylish.

When I was eight years old, I met Xiang on Mount Annapurna in Nepal.Maybe I will die, I cried in fear.

However, the child of the local tour guide who was with me at that time, although he was about the same age as me, said he was fine and smiled. I always thought he was very handsome.But if you get separated from your parents, you will be afraid. "

But the baby is still crying.The young man changed his way and smiled.

"bu, bu, bu."

The young man took out two small balls the size of eggs, and began to show the little boy how to spin the balls.

The little boy watched the young man's performance and stopped crying.

A young man gives a thumbs up to a child.

The child also stretched out his thumb, pointing at the young man.


The young man gave the two small balls in his hand to the child.The child picked up the ball and played with it.

The young man touched the child's head and encouraged him.

"Filial piety!"

At this time, the child's parents, with the help of the police, found their child here and saw that their child was being taken care of by a strange young man.

"Really, I told you not to let go of my hand."

The boy's father rushed over excitedly, although there were accusations in his tone, it was more concerned.

"That's great."

The boy's mother hugged the child.

"Ah, thank you for taking care of me. Thank you very much."

The boy's father bowed deeply to the young man, thanking him very much for his care.

The boy's mother also thanked the young man together.After they found out that the child was missing, they were very anxious and searched for the child all over the street.

"Come on, say thank you to my brother."

said the boy's father.

"Thank you."

The little boy also bowed to the young man.

"That's great, you are worried about us, thank you very much."

With the gratitude of the little boy's parents, the young man smiled and said it was all right.

"I'm leaving too."

The young man left the Tokyo Hang Kong Port on a motorcycle and came to the Archaeological Laboratory of Tokyo Jonan University.

The young man got off the motorcycle, put on a scary mask from the trunk, and then began to move skillfully—turning over the window.

This is the window on the fourth floor!The young man didn't panic at all, he quickly opened the window and climbed inside.

He lightened his steps and came behind a short-haired u.

"Although it doesn't need to be said that it's been a long time, you don't need to come in through the window, Godai."

The short-haired U is called Sawado Sakurako, she is a graduate of the laboratory, she stays here to help the teacher translate ancient texts.

Those ancient characters all come from the development site of Yujiulangyue ruins.

"But, don't you have the feeling that I climbed up from there?"

Godai Yusuke came in through the window with a depressed expression on his face.

"No. If you do this again, if others find out, we will be scolded."

With a short haircut, Yusuke Goshidai was bewildered by the fancy operations on the computer.

"Sorry, sorry. You see, this is an Indonesian specialty of exorcism."

Goshiro Yusuke took off the mask on his face.

U with short hair is 166% similar to Wan Qiwen. (I have a date with the heroine Ma Xiaoling.) [-] novel reading network

Chapter 6 story begins

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Highly recommended: "Hey, you bought something weird again. Do you want coffee?"

Sakurako Sawado kept the translated materials, got up and asked.

"Ah, no need, I'll go soon and go to the ruins of Mount Jiulang."

Goshiro Yusuke waved his hand.

"Beep, beep."

In Sawado Sakurako's computer, this shows that the translation has made new progress.

"What is this, what's going on here?"

Sakurako Zedo took a professional scan, and she saw two sets of translated words—death and warning.

You know, the text she is translating now comes from today's Jiulangyue archaeological site.

Does that mean the professors have ignored these warnings, unintentionally?

"what happened?"

Goshiro Yusuke asked.

"Come and have a look."

Yusuke Godai looked at the computer, and he could recognize the words in it, which were "death" and "warning."

"Let's tell the investigation team first. As a topic, it should be a good news."

Sato Sakura made herself a cup of coffee, and she didn't take the above text seriously.

To put it nicely, archaeologists are protecting ancient artifacts.To put it bluntly, they were robbing graves.

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