With the help of the Black God, Li Qinghe is not afraid of being discovered. 166 novel reading network

Chapter 3 Alliance

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Strong recommendation: "O King of the Great Shang Kingdom, I finally see you again. I am so tired. My feet have walked from Shenyu to Chaoge for 30 days without stopping for a moment. Just to give you Bring a message, a message from heaven, this is an oracle, please pay attention, king."

The old man's name is Xuan Chai, and he is the messenger of the gods in this world, responsible for the connection between human beings and the gods.

As soon as Xuan Chai came to the palace, he looked directly at King Zhou, and first showed his hard work. In the past, King Zhou must have given him some fine wine and delicacies.

It's a pity that the current King Zhou has made up his mind to fight against the sky.

"Tell me. What does God want me to do?"

King Zhou supported half of his body with one arm, leaning on the throne.

"Da Shang Kingdom has served the gods for 600 years, and has done a lot of credit, but since you took the throne, it seems to be a little insufficient. The gods have also begun to doubt your determination to serve the gods.

There are rumors that you are going against the heavens. Those rumors against the heavens have spread to the realm of the gods and aroused the dissatisfaction of the gods. Therefore, you need to explain it with practical actions.

These are still remedial.Hehehe, this marks the new mining site.O king, please do your best, and do it. "

The soldiers under King Zhou took the blueprint from Xuancha.

New bloodstone mines are marked on the blueprint.

King Zhou took the blueprint and glanced at it.

"We have to dig a new hole. We have invested hundreds of thousands of manpower every year. Where is there any new labor force for the gods to send."

King Zhou put a red grape into his mouth.

"Oh, that's true.

The big merchant country may no longer have a labor force.Be the Zhou family in the west, and the Qiang, Gui and Xing in the north.Among them, there are still many who have not yet naturalized. "

Xuancha gave King Zhou an idea.

"Then God's will is for me to crusade against the nations and use their resources for my own use."

King Zhou asked.

"Hahaha, the king's bravery is unparalleled in the world. If he leads the Great Shang Kingdom's [-] soldiers, he will be able to wipe out all the kingdoms in one fell swoop."

Xuancha's seemingly perfect solution would cost the huge national power of the Great Merchants as a price.

The sky will only let Dashang Kingdom keep taking bloodstones. As for where so many people from Dashangguo come to dig bloodstones, they don't care at all.

Even if King Zhou agreed to Xuancha, it would be good if this crusade succeeds.Once it fails, it will face the revenge of the four princes. At that time, it is still unknown whether the Dashang Kingdom can survive.

Hundreds of thousands of young laborers in Dashang Kingdom have spent their entire lives digging bloodstones in the mines.How can it be as easy as Xuancha said, mobilizing one hundred thousand soldiers.

As for, let the gods see that the kings of the Great Shang Kingdom have served the gods for many years, and let them help King Zhou conquer the world.

Are you dreaming, or are you awake.How could God bend his noble figure for the sake of humble human beings!

For the gods, if the Great Merchant Kingdom is destroyed, then well, find a new kingdom, wouldn't it be enough?Human beings grow fast, just like grass, every stubble grows.

"The greed of the gods has reached the point of madness."

King Zhou crumpled the drawings into a ball.

The vulture on Xuancha's back flapped its wings to express its dissatisfaction when it heard this sentence.

Xuancha let out an "ah" in surprise.

"Since Chengtang. Thirty generations of my ancestors have been serving the gods without complaint. I really don't understand why."

King Zhou asked.

"Ah, I'm really confused. It's a matter of course for people to fear God. Your Majesty's ancestors fulfilled their responsibilities, and each of them did a good job. Don't tell me, Your Majesty, are you going to violate the legacy of your ancestors?"

Xuancha asked.

"My ancestors are not lawful, I have new rules."

In the astonished eyes of his soldiers and Xuancha, King Zhou lit the blueprint that Xuancha gave him with a torch.

"The people of the Shang clan are tired of serving the gods, Xuancha, use your feet to walk another [-] days and go back and tell the sky."

As soon as King Zhou waved his hand, the bloodstone blueprint in his hand was completely burned.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't do this. The sky cannot be offended, and you can still be the co-lord of the world when you look back. Otherwise, there is only a dead end in front of you."

Xuan Chai wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by King Zhou's guards.

Xuancha itself has no fighting power.His only advantage is that he can run.Walking fast, running faster than ordinary people.

The gods also thought of Xuancha's achievements and wanted to give him a mount.

However, Xuancha rejected God's "great love" by saying that his own merits were not enough. Xuancha believed that it was easier for God to believe in his loyalty with his slovenly appearance.

He didn't think much about it.To be sent out as a god is to represent the dignity of God.You are so sloppy, how can people see God?

In other words, there are many gods in this world.Gods often come to the human world to collect bloodstones. People have not had little contact with Gods, and they are very revered by Gods.Therefore, the image of God has not been looked down upon by humans because of Xuancha's sloppy image.

"The co-lord of the world? God, after hearing the rumors against the sky, will you believe me again?

Rather than just sit and wait for death, let me be the first person to defy the sky. "

There are many reasons for King Zhou's rebellion against heaven.He himself hates gods, and with the addition of gods, he wants the Great Shang Kingdom to conquer all directions.

The gods blindly demanded from the Great Shang Kingdom, and by the generation of King Zhou, they were already renkeren.

"Call the gods to attack me."

King Zhou said domineeringly, and drove Xuancha out of the palace.

The vulture on Xuancha's back let out a piercing neigh, flew away from Xuancha's back, and flew towards the realm of the gods.

The sky over Chaoge was already covered with dark clouds the moment King Zhou declared against the heavens.

Sure enough, the moment King Zhou's anti-heavenly words spread to God's Domain, the gods had already distrusted the Great Merchant Kingdom.

Even if King Zhou agreed to Xuancha, it was only to slow down the destruction of the Great Shang Kingdom.

The king of the Great Shang Kingdom, King Zhou understood this, so he chose to fight to the death.He still doesn't believe it. Would God really go to great lengths to come down to earth to do something to humans?

After Xuancha left, Hei Shen lifted the shield.

When King Zhou saw his palace, two people suddenly appeared.

The guards under him rushed from the door, pointing at Li Qinghe with bronze spears and sharp swords.

Hei Shen looked at King Zhou, and no one knew that he had doubts in his heart.

Could it be that the angels under him oppressed humans before?This led to the confrontation between humans and gods thousands of years ago.

I am still too indulgent towards those angels, maybe they will do some tricks behind the scenes.But everything is in the past, perhaps, need to create a new angel.

Hei Shen visited Chaoge all the way, and he was very satisfied with the human beings in this world in general.Black God also knows that human beings are a big group, with good people and bad people.

"who are you?"

King Zhou looked at Li Qinghe and Heishen Douzhen who suddenly appeared in the hall, and waved his men back.

"He and I are here to help you."

Li Qinghe said.

Looking at the two people in strange clothes, King Zhou frowned.

"Help me? Help me deal with God's conquest?"

King Zhou laughed loudly and said something that sounded very rebellious to people in this era.He didn't believe that these two people could help him.

However, after a short conversation, he can confirm that these two people are not hostile to him, and he doesn't need to worry about his safety.Besides, he is not a net

Chapter 4 Negotiation

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Strong recommendation: "It's not a problem to help you deal with God. If the time is right, it's okay even if you want to cut down the sky."

Li Qinghe shook his head, and what he said made King Zhou stunned.

He thought that what he had already said was already absurd enough to be unbelievable.But the short-haired man in front of him is less reliable than himself in what he says. He must be a lunatic.

King Zhou had such an idea for a moment, but then he shook his head and dismissed the idea.

These two probably came before Xuancha.But even Xuancha didn't find out, so it can be seen that these two people have extraordinary strength.

"You said to help me, what do I need to pay?"

King Zhou firmly believed in one thing, that there will be rewards only if you pay.

"Nothing is needed. Because you are all my children."

The Black God said suddenly.

The black god looked at King Zhou with benevolent eyes.It made King Zhou think of his dead father. In private, he would show such a look on one of the few occasions.

"my parents?"

King Zhou now felt that these two people might really be crazy.

"You may not understand, but you don't have to understand. Dare to bully my children, these so-called gods, damn it!"

Black God's presumptuous remarks, as well as the aura exuded from his body, let King Zhou understand that these two people are not lunatics, nor are they spies sent by the gods.

Since Daji disappeared, he publicized that Daji was assassinated by his younger brother Ziyu.Afterwards, he met a new woman—Empress Jiang.

The birth of Queen Jiang is unknown, but Queen Jiang successfully replaced Daji in King Zhou's heart.

Although Empress Jiang did not give birth to any heirs for King Zhou, she loved Wu Geng, who was born by Daji, very much and regarded her as the lowest son.That is not a hypocritical affectation, but love from the heart.

Because Daji's news was blocked by Dashang Kingdom, the five-year-old Wu Geng had already forgotten his biological mother Daji, and Wu Geng also regarded Queen Jiang as his biological mother.

King Zhou always knew that Empress Jiang was also a god, but she was not sent by God Realm.King Zhou didn't believe that she treated Wu Geng sincerely at first.

However, it later proved that Empress Jiang loved Wu Geng from the bottom of her heart.Therefore, King Zhou became closer to Queen Jiang little by little. After so many years, Daji's position in his heart was gradually replaced by Queen Jiang.

Now, he doesn't care who sent Empress Jiang.He believed that Empress Jiang really liked him and would not betray him, and that was enough.

"Can I trust you?"

King Zhou waved back all the guards around him.

"You can only trust us now and dare to be the enemy of the Protoss. Even if you declare the God of War now, we don't care, but now is not a good time."

What Li Qinghe didn't know was that everything he said to the Black God was heard by Empress Jiang who was hiding behind the screen.

And there is a gecko on the beam of the palace.The moment he heard Li Qinghe say that he would kill the sky, this gecko became the eyes of the Hades hiding in hell.

"Where is this power, why are you so confident and say such things."

The current Lord of the Hades is walking against the sky, and his expression cannot be seen clearly under the mask.However, some doubts and shocks could be felt from his tone.

He has lived in this world for a long time, why did he never know that there are other forces that can confront the sky.He also called King Zhou his son.

"I really believe you now. But, why do you want to be enemies of God? It's not good for you at all."

King Zhou asked.

"No benefits? No, there are, but these benefits are out of your reach. You can't give us what we want.

However, you can be our pioneer.Cutting the sky, it is not an easy task. "

When Li Qinghe said that, King Zhou actually believed in the sincerity of Li Qinghe and the others.

"Black God, when are you going to send people to station here?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"Well, let's do it later. However, King Zhou, I won't help you in your battle with humans. My subordinates will only fight when gods are involved."

Black God said.He has regarded this world as his world.

The human beings in this world are all his sons and daughters, and it hurts him to see his sons and daughters killing each other.But he had no choice but to pretend not to see it.

As for sharing the world with Li Qinghe, why should we share what we can eat alone?

The Black God knew that Li Qinghe thought so too.Now, let's see who is the better of the two.Heaven is selfish, cruel and greedy.

"My Great Shang Kingdom has been established for more than [-] years, and it still has the strength to fight against the princes of the four directions."

Speaking of this, King Zhou was very proud. He didn't think that other vassal states could defeat Da Shang.

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