Li Qinghe wears a pair of glasses and works in a university. This is the second day he came to another world.Holding a lot of banknotes to clear the way, what kind of identity can't be obtained.

This world is no longer the 555 world, but the empty self world.

After the annexation of Zhinao Group, the sc foundation completely controlled the whole world and Li Qinghe became the ruler of the 555 world.

The plot changes on Noah's mobile phone have exceeded ninety, reaching 100%.

Li Qinghe opened the ninety-degree treasure chest, which contained thirty low-level lottery cards, an upgrade card for the universal reincarnation machine, and an unknown blood fusion potion x1.

If you use the universal reincarnation machine to descend to another world, you can choose your identity more accurately, which is more conducive to helping yourself to success.

However, the upgraded universal reincarnation machine has a limitation, that is, it can only be reincarnated as a human being.

In an empty world, the universal reincarnation machine cannot be used.Because this world is a world with a master.

The will of the world has a personal feeling, unlike the 555 world, which is a mechanical consciousness.The omnipotent reincarnation machine couldn't cover up Li Qinghe's otherworldly aura.

If Li Qinghe insisted on reincarnating with the omnipotent, it is also possible, but just after he was born, he would be discovered by the "heaven" of this world, and then cleaned out.Of course, there is another possibility, which is to treat it as a test product.

Anyway, Li Qinghe is the "heaven" of the two worlds, ruling the Shadow Crocodile World and the 555 World.It is too shameful to be regarded as a different kind of research.

Therefore, Li Qinghe gave up the idea of ​​using the reincarnation machine.

After Li Qinghe was fully prepared, he came to another world and spent three low-level lottery cards to get the main plot of this world.

Knowing that this world is the world of Kuraga, Gurangi will be resurrected 5 years later, and then play the so-called game, wantonly thwarting human beings.

At first Li Qinghe didn't understand why this world is said to have an owner, but he understood immediately.

Because he felt a powerful breath, he shouldn't, Gu Langji shouldn't recover at this time, it will take a while.

After class, Li Qinghe came to the playground, looking at the energetic college students, he wondered if he was getting old.

Suddenly, the voices around Li Qinghe fell silent, and the people around him also disappeared.Li Qinghe was the only one left in this playground.

Li Qinghe "saw" the man in black clothes condensed from the air.

"Who are you and why did you come to my world?"

The man in black fell to the ground little by little, and seemed to be in contact with the ground, but in fact he was still floating a centimeter below his feet.

"My name is Li Qinghe, I'm from another world, and I have the same identity as you."

Li Qinghe introduced.

Li Qinghe felt that this man was very weird, but the main plot that Celia transmitted to him did not contain any information about him.

Didn't you say that this is an empty self-world?Who is this man?The aura is very strong, Li Qinghe reckoned that he was no match for him when he made a move.

"It seems that you are a guest from another world. What is your business here? Let me introduce myself. My name is Douzhen. I am the manager of this world. These are my apostles.

The three angels of wind, water and earth. "

The man in black waved his hand, and Li Qinghe saw three weird-looking people.

This, isn't this an unknown life form in agito?Why is this world now, can it be said that Kamen Rider Kuuga and Kamen Rider Agito are the same world?

Li Qinghe also guessed the identity of the man in black, he should be the God of Darkness.

Li Qinghe nodded calmly.

Li Qinghe opened the portal.The portal is a passage established by Princess Celia herself after the complete conquest of the 555 world.

Because this world is still in an unknown state, because Li Qinghe is the only one who came here first, and if he is in danger, he will call other people to come to help.

In the eyes of the man in black, when Li Qinghe touched it casually, a strange force appeared, and something like a door appeared.

How many people came out of it—humans? ! ?

"My name is Li Qinghe, and this is my member. Let them see your Ophelia form."

Li Qinghe finished speaking.

Huagata was the first to transform into the goat Orpheus, Takumi transformed into the centipede Orpheus, and Yazi transformed into the lobster Orpheus.

Since this God of Darkness really showed himself three subordinates, then he can't fall behind.

When the sky meets the sky, they usually show their muscles to let the other party know that they are not easy to bully, otherwise some bad things will happen to the two sides, such as a world war!

"These are your subordinates, and their strength is good."

Dou Zhen has confirmed Li Qinghe's identity, he is really a god from another world.And it seems that there is still a kind of strength, but I don't know the specific strength.

Dou Zhen also dismissed the idea of ​​capturing Li Qinghe.

"I came to this world to ask for your help to save the human beings in another world.

You can also see that human blood flows in my body.I have evolved step by step from a weak human being to the present.

But I found that there is a world where human beings are being oppressed, they are called monkeys, they are oppressed and driven by so-called gods, and let them work for them day after day.

Therefore, I want to rescue them. I don't know if you are willing to go together. "

The world Li Qinghe talked about was the world of Wu Gengji.

Li Qinghe took the time to enter the world of Wu Gengji, and had already received the news that King Zhou was against the gods.In the near future, Chaoge is about to usher in a war between man and god.

"Humans are called monkeys? Is that true?"

Dou Zhen asked.

He knew very well that Li Qinghe and he invited him to attack other worlds.

When Li Qinghe came to his own world, he probably also had ideas about his own world, but he saw that he was not easy to mess with, so he went to attack the weaker world.

Dou Zhen was going to refuse at first. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and has long since hated fighting.

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Qinghe's strange aura was too sensitive to forcibly wake him up from his deep sleep, he would still be in a deep sleep.

"Yes, the human beings there are simple and honest, and there are no dirty things like intrigue." 166 Novels Reading Network

Chapter 2 Crossover

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Strong recommendation: Li Qinghe has a little understanding of this black god.The reason why this black god wants to cleanse humans is because he loves humans.

He is different from Baishen. Baishen's love is benevolent, and he believes that human beings will correct their mistakes.On the other hand, he believes that the human beings in this world are hopeless, and he has the idea of ​​hating iron but not steel, so he wants to cleanse this group of human beings and leave behind pure human beings.

For this reason, the White God and the Black God fought, but unfortunately, the White God was slightly inferior in strength and lost to the Black God.

It is pure nonsense to think that black gods and white gods have the same strength.Even twin brothers cannot be the same in every way.

Baishen doesn't like fighting, he really doesn't like it.Black God doesn't like to fight, it's because he's tired of fighting.Let you eat potatoes and scrambled eggs every day, are you bored!

"Humans, being treated as monkeys?

ridiculous.This is the funniest joke I've ever heard.If humans are really monkeys, why are there still animals like monkeys in the world? "

The Black God doesn't hate humans, but hates their selfishness, greed and pride!

Hei Shen heard that there is a new world, and the human beings in it are simple, which gave him some ideas.

Why not put the human beings in that world into this world, and see if we can reverse the evil nature of human beings in this world.

If not, then let the human beings in the world Li Qinghe mentioned live in this world.

"I agree with your alliance, but I need one-half of the world's population and two-fifths of the land."

Hei Shen said directly that a person of his age and strength can speak more simply and practically, and get straight to the point.

"Okay, I promise.

In that world, I have already supported the local local forces, plus the forces on my side, but unfortunately I am not capable of saving the human beings in that world alone.It's great to have found you to work with.

You see, when we set off, that world is not easy to deal with, and then we will work together. "

Li Qinghe asked.

"You have been in that world for a long time, and when do you think the best time to attack is, that's when.

However, I wanted to see that world for myself. "

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing.Hei Shen wanted to go to the world Li Qinghe mentioned for himself to take a look.

"Is it okay now? Just the two of us."

Li Qinghe asked Zhuomo to join them and returned to the 555 world.

Li Qinghe opened the Space Ripper, and a dark door appeared.

Hei Shen went in first, followed by Li Qinghe.

The wind, water, and earth angels under the Black God want to follow, but the Black God reprimands them. Does this mean that they feel that they are not strong enough?

The Black God stepped into the land of Wu Gengji, walked out of Li Qinghe's contributions, and saw the thriving Chang'an City.

Everyone inside looks very happy, but it seems that the technology in this world is very backward.That's right, only in this age, the human heart can be so simple.

This time, the Black God completely believed in Li Qinghe's words, and also believed in Li Qinghe's sincerity.

"Well, let me and you go to see the dynasty of this world. There, you may be able to understand this world more clearly."

Li Qinghe got on the helicopter built in this world and flew from a hidden place.

After flying for several hours, we came to Chaoge.

The two left the helicopter at the airstrip that had been arranged in advance and entered Chaoge City.

"The people here seem to be very nervous, as if a catastrophe is imminent."

As soon as Heishen entered Chaoge, he saw many people carrying their bags and fleeing in a hurry.

"Well, you're right.

The ruler here chose to rebel against God because he was dissatisfied with God's oppression of human beings. Can you imagine a person who has been working underground since the age of 14 and died?Just to excavate the bloodstone for God. "

Li Qinghe's tone was also a little angry!Because, Li Qinghe is also a human being, and these gods don't treat human beings as human beings.

Even Hou Baopi is just like a rooster crowing in the early morning to let the tenant farmers work.It's not the kind that makes people work from their teens until they die, and work every day.

"Let's go and see together, the man you mentioned who rebelled against God."

The Black God did not comment on what Li Qinghe said, and he would not be swayed by Li Qinghe's personal emotions.Black God is rational.

"Isn't it good to go in so swaggeringly? Do you have any means of hiding? I usually break in."

Li Qinghe and Heishen, in the eyes of outsiders, are two rather weird people.Hei Shen is okay, he has long hair, but Li Qinghe has flat ears and flat hair.

When they were on the street, there were peddlers who pointed at Li Qinghe and looked at Li Qinghe and the others with strange eyes.

If you want to meet King Zhou, do you really think that King Zhou can meet anyone?Innocent.

Hei Shen looked at Li Qinghe noncommittally, as if he was planning to break in just now.What can be solved with fists is not a problem.

However, it seems too ostentatious to break in.It may affect his and Li Qinghe's future offensive plans.

Therefore, the Black God followed Li Qinghe's suggestion, and he used his power to block the sight and hearing of the people around him.

Li Qinghe and Heishen could see and hear the Chaoge singers.But they couldn't see Li Qinghe and Heishen, and turned a blind eye to them.

Li Qinghe and Heishen walked slowly towards King Dashang's palace.

"Great Shang Kingdom, Chaoge is really a good place. I just don't know if King Zhou can listen to my advice this time.

Hope he is smarter.You must know that the king always has to obey the orders of God.This is his last chance. "

An old man with a skeleton body, bald hair, a vulture on his back, and a cane came here.

His body exudes a black air that ordinary people cannot see.He seems to walk slowly, but his movements are fast.In the blink of an eye, you can enter Chaoge.

Even the guard at the gate didn't see it.

He marched all the way to King Zhou's palace, and when he came to King Zhou's palace, he showed his figure.

He is the messenger of the gods, and when the guards of the palace saw him, they immediately reported to King Zhou.

The old man quickly entered the hall and looked at King Zhou who was sitting on the throne and drinking fine wine.

This old man actually met King Zhou before Li Qinghe and Heishen.

Li Qinghe and Heishen walked along the crowded place, and finally found where King Zhou was, and also saw this old man with black aura all over his body.

Heishen looked at the vulture on the old man's back. The vulture seemed to sense something and looked at Li Qinghe and Heishen's position.

The Black God frowned and waved his hand. The vulture on the old man's back thought he was delusional and closed his eyes again.This vulture is not simple, its eyes can convey oracle.

"It seems that someone is one step ahead of us, so let's listen to what he has to say first."

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