Bu Jingyun pressed the button 106 on his mobile phone, and the two fire ports of his rotating stick and sword were all turned on.

All the light bullets hit Zhucheng and Ren who were about to hit the ground.

Zhucheng and people were hit by the impact of the light bullet and flew up a few meters in the opposite direction.

Zhucheng Kazuto took out the ahone and shot at him indiscriminately, but did it work?

No use at all!

None of the bullets hit Bu Jingyun.

In the battle between Zhucheng Heren and Bu Jingyun, he lost the opportunity.Because he never really treated Bu Jingyun as an enemy, naturally he never thought about what kind of battle to use.

But Bu Jingyun prepared for a long time. Before he acted, he repeatedly watched the battle videos of building the city and using the Emperor's Belt.

Bu Jingyun admitted that in the battle on the ground, he was inferior to Zhucheng and many people in terms of strength.This is caused by the difference in attributes of the belt of heaven and earth.

Bu Jingyun knew the advantages of his Heavenly Emperor Belt, and also knew which aspects he lacked compared to the Earth Emperor's Belt.Therefore, after the transformation, he first pulled Zhucheng and Ren up to the sky.

Zhucheng Heren watched himself getting farther and farther away from the ground, and his heart became more and more anxious.If he doesn't fall back to the ground, there is only one result in this battle with Bu Jingyun - lose.

Zhucheng Kazuhito pulled out his Didi Sword.

"Earth Emperor Slash!"

Zhucheng and Renju were condescending, holding up the Didi sword and swirling downwards in a circle.

A huge energy vortex made Bu Jingyun's flight get involved in the vortex layer.

Bu Jingyun was brushed by a layer of golden blade energy and fell from the sky.

And Zhucheng and Ren were able to land because no one stopped them.

He who can get the Emperor's belt, his strength will naturally not be so weak.

Bu Jingyun climbed up from the ground, and when he heard the ground thud, he felt the ground shake.

He knew that it was fortification and people had successfully landed.

But Zhucheng Heren, who has consumed so much energy by himself, can he still be his opponent even if he is on the ground?

"Heaven Shock!"

Bu Jingyun put on the syga gloves, and punched Zhucheng Kazuto who fell to the ground.

Zhucheng Kazuto was punched out of the deep pit created when he fell.

"It doesn't hurt at all. Now, it's my turn."

Zhucheng Heren shook his body and rushed towards Bu Jingyun at top speed.

However, when he rushed to Bu Jingyun's position, Bu Jingyun had already flown into the sky.

"Dark blue electric drill!"

The wings of heaven behind Bu Jingyun spun, and shot a spinning bullet at Zhucheng Heren's back at an extremely fast speed.

Zhucheng Heren was hit in the back, and there was a movement like a dog eating shit, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Heavenly Emperor Slash!"

Bu Jingyun took out the revolving stick sword, pressed the on button to recharge, and the blue beam sword slashed across Zhucheng Heren's body.

Zhucheng Kazuto lifted the transformation, and ahone fell to the ground.

"You will not end well if you betray Zhinao Group. I will wait for you below."

After Zhucheng Kazuto said this, his body was reduced to ashes.

"Wait for me, you won't be able to wait for me."

Bu Jingyun picked up the belt and mobile phone left by Zhucheng Heren on the ground, and left here.

Li Qinghe watched the whole process of killing Zhucheng Heren online.This can be regarded as Bu Jingyun has completed his nomination certificate to join the SC Foundation.

"You did a good job, don't worry, I am very satisfied with what you did this time, you can go back to Zhinao Group and continue to lurk.

Murakami Kyo'er won't know, you killed the user of the Emperor's Belt. "

Li Qinghe took the Emperor's Belt from Bu Jingyun's hand.He dared to say that, there must be a reason.

With sartdy to help him cover up in front of Murakami Xia'er, it is still possible to cover up for a period of time. 166 novel reading network

Chapter 2 Finale

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Strong recommendation: Why did Li Qinghe say that he only needs to cover it up for a while, because after a while, Li Qinghe is ready to launch a general attack on the Zhinao Group.

Li Qinghe took the Emperor's belt and handed it to his brother Yuji Kiba.

Kiba is very pleased with the belt and is already testing it in battle.I believe that after using it a few times, Kiba Yuji can show the true strength of this belt.

A belt, different people use it, the power of the belt is also different.For example, if the dleta belt is used by Kitaki, the combat power can reach 10, and if Mihara Shuji uses it, the combat power will be three.

The gap is huge, it can be seen from this!

The Emperor's Belt used by Kiba Yuji is definitely more powerful than Zhucheng and Ren.He didn't even figure out what field he was best at, he deserved it.

If the Emperor's Belt wants to defeat the Emperor's Belt, in indoor or narrow environments, the space of the Emperor's Belt can be reduced.

In an open environment, how could a tank hit a fighter jet!

Brain Group.

Xia'er Murakami listened to the report of his subordinates. They transplanted the heart left by the king of Orpheus last time to a rhinoceros Orpheus.

This rhinoceros Orfienuo has mutated, his body is embodied, and his intelligence is at the level of a five-year-old child.

However, the strength is exceptionally explosive!This is trading intelligence for strength!His strength has also reached the eighth stage of Ofi Enoch, but he can't fully display this strength.Because, the brain is not enough!

This rhinoceros Ophelia, his food is Ofi Enoch!For ordinary people, he is not picky, anyway, as long as there is food, this is the same as the king of Orpheus and Enoch, so it is easy to feed.

But the blood of this Orfi Enoch has no other effect.

When Murakami Kyoer heard the news, he was very satisfied in the first half, but in the second half, he could only pray that this rhinoceros Orpheus, after the food is ready in the future, his heart can produce Orpheus blood with healing effect .

These days, Murakami Kyo'er used up all the potions she had been taking for a very long time.His head was recovered up to the neck.

Now Murakami's plan to recover her whole body will have to wait for many years.

But for Murakami Kyoer, the stupid rhinoceros Ophelia is more convenient to control.

The rhinoceros Orfi Enoch, who has the strength of the eighth stage but can't fully exert it, is being dialed.

"Sartdy, the task of training the rhinoceros Orfienuo is entrusted to you. His food must be the best! I need to see results."

Murakami Kyoji handed over the task of managing the rhinoceros Ophelia to sartdy.

Xia'er Murakami would not know that Sartdy was sent by Li Qinghe.

Therefore, the food of the rhinoceros Orfienuo is the Orfienuo who has made a small mistake in the Brain Group, or the Orfienuo who is very loyal to the Brain Group.

Didn't Murakami Kyoer say that there is no need to report small things to him.And the object of allegiance of the rhinoceros Ophelia is not Murakami Kyoer, but Li Qinghe.

When Li Qinghe received a call from Sartdy, saying that the giant rhinoceros Ophelia had been successfully controlled by her.

Li Qinghe's last worry disappeared.

In the original plot, the last resort of Murakami Kyoer is the two newly appeared belts of Emperor of Heaven and Emperor of Earth, as well as the giant rhinoceros Orpheus Enoch!

Now the belt of heaven and earth is all under the control of the SC Foundation, and the giant rhinoceros Aofei Enuo is no longer under the control of Zhinao Group.

At present, the talents of Zhinao Group are in a state of shortage, and now is a good opportunity to attack Zhinao Group.

With sartdy as the internal response, and the help of other speculators from Zhinao Group.

The SC Foundation's attack on the Intellectual Brain Group went smoothly this time.In less than three months, the 555 World, except for the Zhinao Group's Tokyo headquarters, all other branches have been cleaned up.

But Murakami Kyo'er still doesn't know anything, the news he gets every day is all the information after "polished" by Sartdy.

Murakami Kyo'er was in her office, listening to the work report of the experimental team staff, when suddenly the door was opened.

Murakami Xia'er, who had only one head left, saw someone coming, it was Sartdy.

"Why are you here? Have I completed the task I told you? In a few days, I want to see the results."

Murakami Kyoer said to Sartdy.

"I've done it, and it's sure to please you."

Murakami Kyo'er didn't notice that the corner of Sartdy's mouth was raised, revealing a malicious smile.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Seeing that Sartdy was still in place, Murakami asked with a frown.Today's sartdy is a little ignorant, didn't she see that she was listening to the researcher's report?

"Yes, there is something I must say."

Sartdy took out his sniper gun and fired a shot at the researcher reporting to work, killing him.

That's right, the research team leader, he is a human being, not Orfienuo.But who made this human being capable, special talent, special treatment.

"Sartdy, do you want Zaofan?"

It was only then that Murakami Kyoer noticed something was wrong. It stands to reason that if Sartdy came in, why would the guard notify him.

"It's not that I want zaofan, but that everyone wants zaofan, and it's just to obey everyone's opinions.

Murakami, you haven't taken any effective actions against the sc foundation recently, instead causing heavy casualties to our members.

So they decided to get rid of you.Look at you, there is only one head left, how tired you are to live, you might as well die, let me help you.

I'm sorry, President, it's time for me to execute you. "

Sartdy carried the nutrition tank where Murakami Kyo'er's head was, and put it under a small hydraulic press.

Sartdy presses the hydraulic press button,

"Ah! No, stop! What they give you, I'll give you double, no, triple."

Murakami Kyo'er let out a scream, and a huge head was crushed.

Sartdy held back his tears, and the fragments of the nutrition tank were naturally taken care of by someone.

Murakami Xia'er didn't know until his death, and there was not a single truth in what Sartdy said to him.

When she knew that the SC Foundation had reached the final step in attacking the Zhinao Group, she decided to kill Murakami Xia'er on her own initiative.

If it is not dealt with, it is very likely that other people will report the real situation of Zhinao Group to Xia'er Murakami.When the time comes, it will be hard to say who will die.

A sartdy is never a passive one.

When Murakami Kyo'er died, the central system of Zhinao Group was suddenly paralyzed.

The sc foundation conquered the brain brain group's Tokyo headquarters in one fell swoop.

Li Qinghe sat on Murakami Xia'er's office chair, and on the desk were documents that Murakami Xia'er hadn't finished reviewing.

"A magnification of the giant rhinoceros Orpheus?"

Li Qinghe shook his head, and Xia'er Murakami really dared to think about it.Li Qinghe has always firmly believed that Orfienuo is just a human being with special talents.

And the main food of this rhinoceros Ofienuo is Ofienuo.How can this work? Murakami really dares to think, isn't he afraid of what kind of bad consequences will happen to this giant Ophelia once it becomes a scale and escapes? 166 novel reading network

Chapter 1 Black God and White God

Dear~ The domain name of this site: "166 Novels" is an abbreviated homonym of 166, which is easy to remember!Highly Recommended: Someday, sometime in the future...in humans, my powers will awaken.At that point, humans are no longer yours.


In ancient times, one day human beings fought against the angels because of their arrogance. In this war, Promeus (the power of light) was disgusted with the angels who treated human beings like domestic animals, and chose the human side and fought against the dark ones. opposing forces.

After Prometheus felt that he was invincible to Douzhen (the power of darkness), Promeus released most of the power of light in his body to the whole world, and implanted the power of agitΩ in humans, which caused Douzhen to be angry and ordered the angels Unleash the Great Flood in an attempt to bring the world to its end.

Unfortunately, Prometheus knew his twin brother very well, and built Noah's Ark for mankind in advance.

Human beings survived, but the Dark Force fell into a deep sleep because of the exhaustion of fighting Prometheus.

(From now on, Prometheus will be called White God, and Douzhen will be called Dark God.)

Human civilization can continue and continue to develop in the 21st century in a blink of an eye.

Human beings are progressing and science and technology are developing. At this time, human beings have left their marks in the sky and on the earth.

Human beings see themselves as masters of the world.

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