Zedu Yingzi was about to explain when Yiyi Xun came over.

"Let me introduce you. This is the Sawatari Sakura I mentioned."

Wudai Yusuke saw it, met the police at the archaeological site of Mt. Kurang, and introduced Sawado Sakurako to him.

"Is that you?"

One smoked asked.


Zedu Yingzi looked puzzled, why did she get involved?

"I've always wanted to get in touch with you. I have a tape left in the archaeological site of Mount Jiulang.

So, I want to invite you to go and have a look.See if you can get something out of it, new clues. "

Sawado Sakura readily agreed, and the three went to the Nagano Police Headquarters.

Yi Yixun inserted the tape into the DVD.

In the projector, the tragedy that happened in the archaeological site of Jiulang Mountain began to be played that day.

"Has everyone been killed?"

Sakurako Sawato asked before watching.

"All members of the investigation team are said to have almost died on the spot."

Yiyi Xun didn't deny it, and Zedu Yingzi naturally knew what it meant.

"How is it possible, that night, I was on the phone with Makoto..."

Immediately afterwards, the video began to play.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you will stop immediately. Play it."

The video is not clear at all, only a vague figure can be seen, and the screams of the investigation team.Afterwards, when the video was cut off, Sakurako Sawato heard the screams of Makoto, who was also a graduate, and didn't look up to watch the video again.

"That mysterious shadow, its true identity is unknown. It was that guy who dropped the belt-shaped object as if showing off. I was a little concerned about that.

It was supposed to be taken for evidence identification, but I used some methods to get it. "

A smoker took out the Kuga stone belt.

"Isn't this... the thing I faxed to you?"

Five generations of Yusuke thought of the belt that the old police officer was holding when he passed by him.That's it.

"Mr. One, it's not good..."

Guishan hurried in, attached to Yi Xun's ear, and reported the news to Yi Xun.

"I'll leave that to you. I'm sorry, but I'm leaving."

It seemed that Yi Xun was in a hurry, so he left without caring about the belt.

"Sakura, this ancient text means..."

Wudai Yusuke pointed to the ancient characters in the middle of the belt and asked.


Sawado Sakurako explained. *

Chapter 8 Transformation Prelude

Yusuke Goshiro touched Kuoga's belt, feeling that the belt seemed to have life.

And a smoked headed towards the place where Guishan reported.

"Mysterious creatures protrude from giant spider webs near the 1532k building in southern Nagano."

A police officer reported the intelligence to his superiors, but he didn't finish.

A spider grunge jumps off the spider web.

The spider Gulangi caught the two policemen with both arms, pulled them into the mid-air where the spider web was, and threw them down.



Two policemen were killed.

After that, the spider Gulangi jumped onto the police car again and looked at the humans below.

"Is it all trash fish?" in Gurangi

The other police officers pulled out their pistols and shot at Spider Gurangi.

It's a pity that the bullet hit the spider Gulangi and was blocked by his thick skin.One after another, the bullets that entered his body were discharged from the spider Gulangi's body little by little.

The spider Gulangji began to slaughter the police who came here first.

When the last policeman was killed, that policeman didn't want to die, so he wanted to run away by car.

Spider Gulangi is on the rise to kill and kill, how could he let him leave alive.

The spider Gulangi spit out spider silk, and the spider silk shot through the rear window of the police car and wrapped it around the neck of the policeman.

Spider Gurangi travels all the way through the spider silk wrapped around the policeman's neck.

The police officer was strangled by the spider silk, and the police car rushed towards the Nagano Police Headquarters uncontrollably.

It just so happened that Godai Yusuke and Sawado Sakurako packed up their belts and were about to leave from here.

The police car smashed the glass and entered the police headquarters.

From the police car, the spider Gurangi appeared.

The police officers of the police headquarters, as well as the office staff, looked at the spider Gulangi and backed away in fright.

The box that Zedo Sakurako was carrying was also thrown open.Kuraga's belt landed in front of Koshiro Yusuke.

Spider Gurangi looked at Kuraga's belt and said in Gurangi, "Is that the kugga belt?"

After Li Qinghe returned from the Jiulangyue archaeological site, he heard that there was an incident where the spider Gulangi attacked humans.

Li Qinghe rushed here all the way from the shopping mall, something different from the original plot.

Kongwo's belt is now less than one meter away from the spider Gulangji.And it was almost three meters away from Wudai Yusuke.

Can Yusuke Godai get the belt back from the spider Gurangi?




The policemen also reacted. Those without guns returned to the office to get their guns, aimed at the spider Gulangji, and fired repeatedly.

Li Qinghe walked into the lobby of the Nagano Police Headquarters. When he entered, he saw the spider Gu Langji who slaughtered the police officers. When he entered, there were not many police officers alive.

Li Qinghe felt Kongwo's belt, and suddenly a force came out.

Li Qinghe knew that the spirit stone in Kongwo had been activated.

But hey, why did the spider Gurangi accidentally kick Kuraga's belt in front of him, and he just came in to watch the show.

Li Qinghe wanted to witness the first punch of Pingcheng, but the direction of the plot seemed to be a little different.

Li Qinghe could also feel the call of the Kuwo belt to him, but Li Qinghe didn't want to use this belt to transform, he transformed.What about Yusuke Five Generations?

Li Qinghe doesn't have any ill feeling towards the sunny boy Wudai Yusuke, it can be said that he likes it very much.

"Let's go, Teacher Qinghe."

At Seongnam University, Zedu Yingzi and Li Qinghe didn't meet much, but they still got to know each other because of Li Qinghe's conscious "accidental" encounter.

But it's limited to knowing each other's names.

The spider Gu Langji turned his head to look at Li Qinghe, and the surrounding policemen shot at him, but he ignored it.

But to kill Li Qinghe first, my God.Are you sick? You don’t care about a large group of people over there. Why are you catching me, a little salty fish called 666?

I'm really just here for the show.

Li Qinghe picked up Kuoga's belt and threw it at Wudai Yusuke.

However—Yusuke Godai hid aside, he was afraid that the stone belt would hit him.

It hurts to hit a stone on someone's head, let alone such a large stone belt.

Instead, a young lady from the Metropolitan Police Department in front of him picked up my belt.

"Lin Duo, damn it for insulting the kugga belt like that!"

Spider Grunji speaks in Grunge.Although Rick sealed them with the Kuuga belt, Gurangji hated Rick, but he also respected Rick, and respected Rick's strength.

Now, Rick is dead.This Rick's belt should not be insulted either.Li Qinghe's behavior of throwing the belt angered the spider Gu Langji.

But can Li Qinghe know what the spider Gulangi is muttering in his mouth?I definitely don't know!

Spider Gu Langji strode towards Li Qinghe.

"I don't want to mess with you, why bother with me."

Even if Li Qinghe didn't transform into Ophelia, now Li Qinghe has reached the eighth stage of Ophelia, although it is only a beginner.

The human form can also wield extraordinary powers.

Li Qinghe kicked the spider Gulangji in the waist with a run-up.

Li Qinghe's kick contained the power of ice attribute.

The power of the ice attribute entered the body of the spider Gulangi.

Spider Gulangi knelt on the ground on the spot.

"You are no ordinary Linduo."

The spider Gulangi slowed down, turned the ice energy in his body into water stains, and expelled it out of his body.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Qinghe has already come behind the spider Gu Langji, and the young lady in the Metropolitan Police Department who is holding a stone Kongwo belt helped him up.

In other words, this young lady is really good-looking, especially in a police uniform.

The spider Gu Langji pounced, Li Qinghe pushed Zedu Yingzi away, and fled to the other side with his arms around the young lady.

Only Wudai Yusuke, who was cute and dumb, looked at the spider Gu Langji in front of him.


Li Qinghe asked the young lady holding a stone belt.He casually took Kura's belt and threw it to Yusuke Goshiro. He shouldn't be afraid of being hit at such a short distance.I want to witness the first punch of Heisei, is it so difficult?

But you five generations, why don't you wear the belt unconsciously.Could it be that you want me to help you?


Miura Rieko, a policewoman from the Metropolitan Police Department, said in fear.If it wasn't for Li Qinghe's push just now, she would have been killed by the spider Gu Langji.

Li Qinghe grabbed the spider Gulangjidu by the throat with one hand, and threw him out.

Spider Gurangi clutched his throat, he felt like he was about to suffocate, the ice energy entered his throat, locking his windpipe.

Several police officers shot the spider Gulangji at close range.

Isn't this courting death?Sure enough, the spider Gulangi sent them to meet Amaterasu.

At this time, there was no one in the Metropolitan Police Department.Forget the young lady from the Metropolitan Police Department next to Li Qinghe, the cute and cute Fifth Generation Yusuke is one, and Sawado Sakura is one.

Gone.The rest are either dead, comatose, or pretending to be comatose.

Spider Gulangi is also a ruthless man, piercing his own throat with one claw.

The icy power that Li Qinghe poured into the throat of the spider Gulangi turned into water stains and sprayed out.

The spider Gu Langji looked at Li Qinghe with fear.

What kind of power is this? The power of Rick who sealed them back then doesn't seem so strange.

"What are you still doing?"

Li Qinghe took the stone belt from Wudai Xiongsuke and put it on for Wudai Xiongsuke.

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