"what are you doing?"

Wudai Yusuke looked bewildered, not knowing what Li Qinghe was doing.

Chapter 9 Transformation

"Ah, ah!!"

The vacant belt was worn on Wudai Yusuke's waist and directly integrated into Wudai Yusuke's body.

There were purple-blue strangle marks on Wudai Yusuke's waist. Feeling the pain, Wudai Yusuke rushed out of the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department yelling, ignoring the spider Gulangi at the door.

Seeing Li Qinghe get up, the spider Gu Langji was so frightened that the spider Gu Langji ran away.He was really frightened by Li Qinghe, how could there be such a strong fighter in Linduo,

Li Qinghe helped the female police officer Miura Rieko beside him,

"Thank you for saving me."

Policewoman Miura Rieko thanked Li Qinghe.

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Li Qinghe said what Rieko Miura should have said.

This made Miura Rieko feel a little ashamed, facing the monster herself, she flinched in fear.It still depends on an ordinary citizen to save, but he is really too powerful, wait for what he wants to do.

Li Qinghe didn't have time to say more to Miura Rieko, it was really not time.Li Qinghe was busy going out to see the Five Dynasties.

Wudai Xiongsuke yelled and ran out, Li Qinghe followed behind.Sakurako Sawado, who was taken care of by the female police officer, also ran out, she was worried about Yusuke Godai.

As soon as Wudai Yusuke came out, he had a face-to-face meeting with the spider Gu Langji who had just escaped.

The spider Gu Langji was cleaned up by Lin Duo, and his heart was filled with anger. Isn't this the one who escaped just now? That's him.

The spider Gulangi slapped Yusuke Godai to the ground with a slap.

Three sharp blades protruded from the paws of the spider Gulangjidu, ready to kill Godai Yusuke with the next blow.

"No, I will die if this continues. It hurts, it hurts."

On the one hand, my waist hurts like hell, and on the other hand, I am facing life-threatening.

Under the pressure of death, Wudai Yusuke was unwilling to die here.

The sharp blade of the spider Gulangi stabbed at Wudai Yusuke, Wudai Yusuke flicked his head, and his sharp claws missed.

The spider Gulangi picked up Yusuke Goshiro and fell to the car.

The spider Gulangi approached Yusuke Wudai again, strangled Yusuke Wudai by the neck, this time he wanted to strangle him to death.

Spider Gu Langji looked up and saw Li Qinghe.

The spider Gulangi shook reflexively, and Godai Yusuke fell off his hand.

"If this continues, you will be knocked down and you will die."

After Wudai Yusuke said this sentence again, he held back the pain in his waist and looked at the spider Gulangi beside him.

Godai Yusuke yelled, "Ah!"

Yusuke Goshiro punched the spider Gurangi in the abdomen.

Spider Gulangi took a few steps back, why is this fist so powerful.

The spider Gurangi looked down, and saw Godai Yusuke, who had transformed into a Kuraga larva with one hand.

Wudai Yusuke also saw the change in his arm.

"Changed, changed."

Wudai Yusuke stood up and punched and kicked again.

Yusuke Goshidai transforms into the larva form of Kuraga, with white as the main body.

"That's it!"

Li Qinghe was in front of him and saw the whole process of Wudai Yusuke's transformation.

After Yusuke Godai defeated the spider Gulangi, he fell to his knees on the ground.

He hasn't applied his own strength yet.

Sakurako Sawado also saw the transformation of Yusuke Godai.

Wudai Yusuke looked at his hands, but he still hadn't recovered.But Spider Grunge wouldn't give him time to react.

"The horns are getting smaller."

Spider Grunji spoke in Grunji language.

The spider Gurangi also recognized it, this person is the Kuuga warrior who sealed them!

The spider Gurangi knocked Yusuke Goshiro to the ground and dragged him along.

Li Qinghe couldn't stand it any longer. The current Godai Yusuke was no match for the spider Gulangi, and he would die if he fought.

Li Qinghe jumped vertically and kicked the spider Gu Langji.

This time Li Qinghe consciously withdrew the strength of his legs, otherwise the spider Gu Langji might have knelt here.

This is a low-level monster, a must for the growth of Yusuke in the early five generations. There is a saying that goes well, spiders worship the sky, and their magic power is boundless.

Spider Gu Langji was kicked to the ground by Li Qinghe, got up and ran.

Li Qinghe didn't pursue him either, and left this monster to Wudai Yusuke to solve it himself.

The spider Gulangi escaped, and Yusuke Godai also had time to catch his breath.

Five generations of Yusuke lifted the transformation, panting, the transformation of Kugao really consumed too much of his strength.

"Fifth, what's wrong with you, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Seeing that the spider Gulangi had left, Sato Sakurako hurried back and asked with concern.

"I, I'm fine, just a little sleepy."

After Godai Yusuke said this, he passed out immediately.

"Five generations, five generations..."

Sawado Sakura yelled.

"Take him back to the place where he lives first. If something happens, he will be sent to the hospital. You have seen what happened to him just now. It is best not to go to the hospital for examination."

Li Qinghe walked up to the unconscious Wudai Yusuke.

"Thank you for saving me just now, but who are you? Why did you put that belt on Wudai Yusuke? Also, you look so powerful, do you use Huaguo martial arts?"

As soon as Sawado Sakurako spoke, she seemed to be eloquent, forgetting the unconscious Godai Yusuke on the ground.

"I, I'm just a slightly special ordinary person, come on, give me a hand, I'll send Wudai back first."

Li Qinghe sent Wudai Yusuke back to Sawado Sakurako's office, where there was a bed.

A colleague from Sakurako Sawado's office has gone on a business trip for the past few days.

After Li Qinghe put Wudai Xiongjie down, he left.I want to chat with Sawado Sakurako, and with the topic of Godai Yusuke, there will be many opportunities in the future.

Li Qinghe made an early move this time, which interfered with the original plot.For example, Wudai Xiongsuke and Yi Yixun police officer were supposed to meet on the helicopter, but Li Qinghe intervened and ruined it.

Now Yiyi Xun must still be worrying about Unknown Life No. [-] and No. [-].

This time, the unknown life body No. [-] made a big fuss at the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department, killed almost all the police force inside, and walked away.

This made the police very shameless, but they were indeed helpless against unknown life forms. Even if Gu Langji slaughtered two or three more police departments, they would have nothing to do.

The reason why Li Qinghe deliberately showed his difference in front of Zedu Yingzi was to control Wudai Yusuke bit by bit.

If it wasn't for the battle with the Black God, it would be imminent.The war in the world of Wu Gengji broke out at some point. Li Qinghe was not sure that once he used the empty belt in his belt, it would bring about negative effects, and he would be more likely to lose in the game with the Black God.

The Black God is the god of the world, so he can't be too careful.He even dealt with Baishen, his strength and scheming are definitely enough!

Otherwise, if my belt is empty, Li Qinghe must have used it himself.

Moreover, in order not to irritate the empty self, and not to expose his true power, Li Qinghe did not form his own power in this world.

Everything will wait until the end of the Wu Gengji World Conferred Gods War.

Chapter 10 Bat Grunge

When Wudai Yusuke opened his eyes again, the dazzling light made him close them again.

"Aha. So bright."

Yusuke Goshiro yawned.

"Of course. Because you've been asleep for 11 hours."

Sawado Sakurako was relieved when she saw Godai Yusuke woke up.If Yusuke Godai remains awake, then she is really going to send Yusuke Godai to the hospital.

"I'm sorry. It's the first time since I was born that I feel exhausted."

Yusuke Goshiro woke up in Sakurako Sawado's office.

"You slept so soundly, I couldn't sleep.

Seeing that kind of video tape, a strange shape appeared, and even you, Godai, changed your appearance. Are you okay? That Qinghe actually did that.

It seems that I have to find time to talk to him, he must know something. "

Sakurako Zedo thought of Li Qinghe who put the belt on Yusuke Godai.He should know something, by the way, he teaches at Seongnam University.

"In short, I didn't die. That's good, don't think so much, let's go, let's have dinner together, I'm so hungry."

Yusuke Goshiro held his stomach.

Sawado Sakurako really has nothing to do with Godai Yusuke, and the two went to a ramen restaurant to eat ramen.

"You are really carefree. When I think that after you transform, you will not be the fifth generation, I am very disturbed."

Looking at Godai Yusuke who is hula hula eating ramen, Sawato Sakurako has no appetite.

"I can change back at any time.

Before, it seemed that he wanted to become a person who cared about fighting.Then that kind of momentum changed back to its original state in the past, you can easily understand it. "

Five Dai Yusuke briefly told Sawado Sakurako about his transformation.

"Then go back to Tokyo, there is no danger there, and you don't need to transform."

Sawado Sakurako persuaded the five generations.

"Yeah, it's fine to go back and be an ordinary adventurer."

Wudai Yusuke nodded without refusing.

"Ah, Wudai, and Yingzi, what a coincidence that you two are eating here."

Li Qinghe also entered this store, it seems that it is really a "coincidence".

"Mind if I sit here?"

Li Qinghe asked Zedu Yingzi.

"sit down."

Fifth generation Yusuke answered on behalf of Sawado Sakurako.

Li Qinghe sat directly next to Zedu Yingzi. It must be more comfortable to eat next to the beautiful woman.

"Waiter, menu."

Li Qinghe also ordered a ramen.

"Fifth Generation, do you think there is any difference before and after transformation?"

The ramen has not been served yet, Li Qinghe asked.

"To put it differently, well, I seem to like the feeling of transforming."

Five generations thought for a while and said.

"Well, is that the only feeling?"

After transforming, you will have great power, even a person with a pure temperament will miss the feeling of being full of power all over your body.Li Qinghe understood very well.

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