Where are there so many coincidences in the world, the coincidence of meeting between him and Wudai Yusuke was all "artificial" coincidence by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe went to class, while Godai Yusuke went to Sawado Sakurako's laboratory to "report" what he was doing.

"Tonight is the funeral of Mr. Natsume of the investigation team. I'll go and see if I can find any clues. Tonight, it may be very late. Come and help find a place to stay. Do you want to come together?"

Sakurako Zedo asked while packing her things.

Chapter 12 A Smoked Surprise

"I'm going too, and I have something to worry about."

In the afternoon, Godai Yusuke and Sawato Sakurako went to Mr. Natsume's house together.

Nagano Prefecture, the residence of Professor Hakoshimizu Natsume.

At the funeral, they saw Li Qinghe who also came to express condolences.

"What a coincidence."

Wudai Yusuke said with a silly smile.

"Are you also here to mourn Mr. Natsume?"

Sakurako Zedo asked.

"Yes. Old Mr. Natsume is a highly respected person. In terms of history, the physical evidence he found allows us to face up to history."

What Li Qinghe thought in his heart was, you, a grave robber, deserve to die.Because you dug up the Jiulangyue ruins by yourself.

It revived Gu Langji, who was supposed to be buried in the ground, and made Rick, who was in a fake death, change from a fake death to a real death. Death is really not a pity.

The point is that it is enough to die alone, and let so many students die with you, an old bastard, before you die.With so many Gulangji, in the end, the total number of casualties was [-].

Exaggerated?It is not an exaggeration at all. Some victims were discovered and became victims.However, the victims who were not found were counted as missing persons.

Besides, were the tombs dug randomly?Excavating graves in the name of archaeology.Do you have the ability to protect the cultural relics inside?Without knowing the situation, he made such a big mistake.

Perhaps Professor Natsume made an unintentional mistake, but a mistake is a mistake.Can you die if you don’t open the Jiulangyue archaeological site?

Li Qinghe noticed Mr. Natsume's woman, um, an ungrown loli.

Caring for a girl who lost her father starts with me.

Natsume, you old bastard, go at ease.Your daughter, I'll take care of it for you, Rory raised it, it sounds good.

There was an extra text message on Li Qinghe's cell phone. It turned out to be a reminder to the citizens of Nagano County not to go out. There are unconfirmed life forms in Nagano County.

Wudai Yusuke saw the daughter left behind by the old Mr. Natsume, and wept uncontrollably.

Five generations of Yusuke became even more angry with that Gu Langji who killed Mr. Natsume.

At this time, Yusuke Godai saw the text message on his mobile phone, and rode a motorcycle to the place where unconfirmed life forms were rampant.

Nagano Prefecture, Koshiba Street.

"Emergency report, unconfirmed life form found, please go immediately."

Kaoru Ichijo, who was patrolling in Nagano Prefecture, made a sharp turn in a police car and went to the place where unidentified life forms were found.

When Yiyi Xun came over there, he saw the corpses of police officers all over the place.He was late, and at this time, Yusuke Godai arrived on a motorcycle.

"It's monsters like you that caused Mr. Natsume's death. Transformation."

Goshiro Yusuke clenched his fists and gathered his attention.

Yusuke Goshidai transformed into the larva stage of Kuuga, and his whole body is mainly white.

"Unconfirmed life body No. [-]?"

Kaoru saw a human being and turned into a monster.

He regards Yusuke Goshidai as the second unconfirmed life form.

"Hey, what's going on here? Transformed?"

Kaoru saw one punch after another, hitting the white Kuraga on the bat Gurangi.

Under the anger, the five generations of Yusuke's combat power has been partially improved compared to the first transformation.The strength can push the bat Gu Langji back a few steps, but that's all.

Sora's fists were shaking after he punched out the last time.

Bat Gulangi touched Yuexiong's mouth, and said in Gulangi, "It should be like this."

Bat Gulangi first let Godai Yusuke hit the face with two punches, and the random bat Gulangi started to do it.

Bat Gulangi patted Godai Yusuke's head with his left paw and his right paw.

Wudai Yusuke was a little stunned by the beating, and the bat Gurangi punched Wudai Yusuke in the abdomen, knocking Wudai Yusuke to the ground.

Bat Gurangi was about to get rid of this annoying Kuuga first, one hand grabbed Bat Gurangi's throat, and the other paw pinched Five Dai's head.

"Bang bang bang."

Ichijo Kaoru saw Godai Yusuke lose to the bat Gulangji. Although he didn't know which side to help at the beginning, he finally obeyed his intuition. The white warrior transformed from a human should not be a bad guy.

Yiyi Xun fired, and at close range, all the bullets hit Gu Langji, the bat, without missing a single shot.

However, Gu Langji's body just paused for a moment, and the bullets in his body had already been discharged from his outer skin.

Yi YiXun focused Bat Gu Langji's attention on his side.

Gu Langji, the bat, saw the little Linduo, and let him go a yard. He didn't know it and dared to attack him, so he should be dealt with first.

The bat Gulangi threw the fifth Yusuke aside, and the fifth Yusuke powerlessly released the transformation.

"Bang bang bang."

This time it was not Yi Xun who fired the shot, but Li Qinghe who came by car.

Li Qinghe picked up the pistol on the ground, pointed it at the bat Gu Langji, and emptied the bullet in the pistol.

Gu Langji, the bat, looked at Li Qinghe, who was not afraid of death.

The new guy behind hit him more times than the guy who shot first, so kill him first.

Bat Gu Langji quickly made a decision to kill Li Qinghe first, and then deal with Yi Xun.

Bat Gu Langji walked towards Li Qinghe arrogantly, fantasizing about smashing Li Qinghe's head with a slap.

After Li Qinghe emptied the bullets he had snatched, he threw the pistol to the ground.

Li Qinghe tilted his head, avoiding the claws of the bat Gu Langji, and then a black tiger took out his heart.

Li Qinghe slapped the heart of Bat Gu Langji.

Seeing Li Qinghe who threw away the pistol, Bat Gu Langji thought that the man was scared out of his wits and was waiting to die there.

But when Li Qinghe's palm pushed to his heart, an extremely cold energy entered his body, freezing his heart.

Li Qinghe turned his palm into a fist, shattering the ice that had penetrated into the body of Bat Gu Langji.

Gu Langji, the bat, was sent flying seven meters away by Li Qinghe's punch. His body knocked down a utility pole before he stopped.

Gu Langji, the bat, felt uncomfortable all over his body. When he was hit by Li Qinghe's palm, he felt as if he was going to die. Everything in his body was frozen.

But Li Qinghe's punch that followed seemed to be powerful, but it was actually harmless.

This punch shattered the ice in Bat Gu Langji's body. It can be said that Li Qinghe's punch actually saved him.

Bat Gu Langji naturally didn't know so much, he thought he was lucky.This Linduo was too strong, and he also admitted Li Qinghe's strength, how could he beat him.

Gu Langji, the bat, is not stupid at all. If he can't beat an enemy, he still wants to fight him.Bat Gulangi spread his wings and escaped from here.

Li Qinghe's punch was designed to save the bat Gu Langji.He can't die yet. As the only Gu Langji who can't enter the "game", his status is really special.

Chapter 13 Clear Attitude

After the bat Gulangi left, Kaoru noticed the five generations of Yusuke who fell to the ground.

This is the person who just transformed into the No. [-] unknown life form.

"You, I have seen you. You are the fifth generation who pursued their dreams, but how can you, can you..."

Yiyi Xun was so excited that he couldn't say the rest.

Wudai Xiongsuke was supported by Li Qinghe, transforming into that white warrior, it was really exhausting to fight once, every time after transforming, he felt powerless all over his body.

"Mr. Police, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Goshiro Yusuke said apologetically.

"How did you transform?"

Kaoru is very concerned about the transformation of Yusuke Godai.

"It's the stone belt you gave me. After I put on the belt, it entered my body like this. It should feel like a whistling, a bang. You can think of it as convenient to understand. .”

Yusuke Goshidai danced and showed Kaoru the process of his transformation.

"Then why did you do what the police did just now?"

One smoked asked.

"As if asked to, fight that bat-like monster."

Wudai Yusuke said seriously.


Ichijo Kaoru didn't understand what Godai Yusuke meant.

Yusuke Goshiro "Well, it was requested by the belt, and I also think I should do that."

Yiyi Xun: "You guy, you are really too nervous. Before transforming, didn't you think about anything? Do you have the possibility that guy is the same kind?"

"No, I don't think that's the case, that's what my sixth sense tells me."

Listening to the conversation between Wudai Yusuke and Yiyi Xun, Li Qinghe cut in.

"Compared to these things, I want to know more about the spider-like thing that attacked the police station last time, did it still appear?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"You are the man who was with Wudai last time. These things obviously have nothing to do with you, please don't interfere at will. Wudai, come, come with me to check your body."

Yi YiXun took Wudai Yusuke to the hospital for an examination.

Li Qinghe patted Xun on the back of the head, knocked him out, and put Xun flat into the police car.

The current Yixun doesn't believe Wudai Xiongsuke and Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe directly knocked him out, and left with Wudai Xiongsuke.

When Yiyi Xun woke up again, he had already arrived at the hospital. As the only police officer who survived the bat Gurangi, although his status was not low, he should explain what happened, and he still needed to explain it. .

Yiyi Xun reported the information of unconfirmed life form No. [-] (white Kuuga) and unconfirmed life form No. [-] (bat Gulangi).This makes the police attach great importance to it, which shows that there is not only one unconfirmed living body.

He didn't tell anyone about the fifth generation Yusuke's ability to transform into an unconfirmed life form.

Yiyi Xun didn't have any injuries on his body, so he was discharged from the hospital soon.After being discharged from the hospital, Yiyi Xun found the information of Yusuke Godai through the police population information system.

Last night, he was knocked out, and he still has a lot of questions that he hasn't figured out.

Yi YiXun came to Seongnam University on purpose and found Godai Yusuke.Of course, he also met Li Qinghe who was with Wudai Xiongsuke.

Yiyi Xun called Wudai Xiongjie and Li Qinghe out.

"Fifth Generation, was it you last night... If not, then I had hallucinations. If I remember wrongly, then please forget it."

Regarding the fact that Godai Yusuke can transform, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe anything Kaoru said.

No, he still needs to personally confirm with Wudai Xiongsuke and Li Qinghe whether what happened last night was his own illusion.

"Yes, yes. I fought that bat-like thing last night. It's a pity that I was defeated, thanks to Mr. Kiba, otherwise..."

Yi Yixun heard Wudai Xiongsuke mention Li Qinghe, and only then did he realize what he had overlooked. He had overlooked Li Qinghe who, even ordinary people, could still beat weirdos away.

This person is too powerful.You must know that among the dead police officers, there are many masters in melee combat, but they are so powerless in the face of unconfirmed life forms.

"Sure enough, you are Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-]. Hello, Mr. Kiba. My name is Kaoru."

Yiyi Xun introduced himself politely.

"Well, it was out of necessity to knock you out last night. The changes that happened to Yusuke Goshidai cannot be known to the outside world yet."

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