Only then did Yiyi Xun understand why he was knocked out.

"Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-]? Is that my name? It's such a tongue-twisting name."

Goshiro Yusuke said.

"Although you have great strength, it is our police's responsibility to protect the citizens. You are also ordinary citizens. It is better to leave it to us for such actions in the future."

Yi Yixun said what he wanted to say.

"If the police can protect the citizens, we will definitely not shoot. We also like to live a peaceful life, but you should know what the actual situation is."

What Li Qinghe said was also true, and Xun really couldn't refute this one.In dealing with unconfirmed life forms, their police officers have lost all face.

But they really tried their best, but the unconfirmed life forms are not afraid of guns, and the police hunt them down. Once the viciousness of the unconfirmed life forms is aroused, the police will die.

The tragedy of the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department has not passed a few days.The police officers of the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department are all transferred from other branches.

"As citizens, we have no obligation to serve the police, but we have the right to act bravely. One thing, if you encounter this situation next time, please be sure to tell us.

We don't want innocent citizens to be killed by these unidentified life forms. "

Facing Li Qinghe's request, Yiyi Xun agreed after thinking for a long time.

He was thinking that when the police have a way to deal with unconfirmed life forms in the future, there will be no need to borrow the power of the fifth generation at that time.

"Fifth Generation, you have to think about it, fighting with those guys will kill you."

Yiyixun once again gave Wudai a chance to choose.

"I figured it out, I'm going to fight, I don't want to see anyone cry again."

Now that Yusuke Godai has decided to fight in his own way, Kaoru had no choice but to agree.

"Mr. Kiba, would you like to help?"

Different from his attitude towards the Five Dynasties, Li Qinghe was fighting in human form, and Yi Yixun was more willing to talk to Li Qinghe.

"Yes. But sometimes I may not have time, and then I will have to watch the five generations."

Li Qinghe patted Wudai Yusuke on the shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Goshiro Yusuke smiled silly.

Yiyi Xun and Li Qinghe agreed and left.

He is going to look for clues to unidentified life forms.

According to what Mr. Hai Laozawa said before, he found the homeless man who was said to have survived from the unconfirmed life body No. [-].

Chapter 14 The Red Warrior's First Battle

Yi Yi Xun found the drunk man, and he was drunk again, but fortunately he was not drunk to the point of unconsciousness.

One smoked into the house (similar to the small stalls in Huaguo).

"You are Mr. Masaru Oshima."

One smoked asked.

"What's the matter?"

Oshima Katsura raised his head and asked with blurred eyes.

Yiyi Xun "I just wanted to ask you about being attacked by a monster."

"Do you believe me, that bat-like monster entered through the window of the church. It is the Church of the Red Deer."

After Yi Yixun got the news he wanted to know from the drunk, he immediately rushed to the Church of the Red Deer, which was the church that Wudai Xiongsuke had entered before.

Yiyi Xun held an s787 single-barreled shotgun, and before rushing into the church, he called Godai Yusuke.

He didn't contact the headquarters. No matter how many police officers come, they may not say anything. They are not the opponents of Bat Gulangji, and they will cause unnecessary casualties.

Besides, he wasn't completely sure whether Bat Gulangi was here or not.

After Yiyi Xun broke into the church, the "priest" who stood upside down on the beam of the church transformed into a bat Gu Langji, swooping down and pounced on Yi Yixun.

The moment Yiyi Xun heard the movement, he bent down.

Gu Langji, the bat, flew over a smoked body.

Yiyi Xun took a shotgun and fired a shot in the direction of Bat Gulangji, but unfortunately missed.

One Xun stood up and approached the place where the bat, Gu Langji, hid before.

He quickly pointed his gun at the seat at the back of the column, but found that there was no sign of Bat Gurangi.

The bat Gurangi appeared in the hollow window behind Xun.

"Come on."

Bat Gulangi smashed the window, hugged a Xun from behind, and threw him aside.

One smoke was thrown and flew to the candlestick, knocking down the candle.

The flame quickly spread to a smoked body.

A Xun didn't care to extinguish the flames on his body, and picked up the shotgun and was about to shoot.

The barrel of the shotgun in a smoker's hand was too long, and he was grabbed by the bat Gurangi, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed elsewhere.

Bat Grunge snatched the shotgun from a smoker's hand and snapped it off.

"Lin Duo, what skills do you have. If you don't, then just look at me and suck your blood little by little."

Bat Gurangi speaks in Gurangi.Bat Gu Langji approached Yi Xun step by step.

At this time, the door of the church was smashed by a motorcycle.

It was Yusuke Godai who came. After the motorcycle entered the church, one of them failed to control and overturned.

Yusuke Goshiro jumped off the motorcycle just in time.

The burning motorcycle crashes into Bat Gurangi and explodes.

Taking advantage of this time, Wudai Yusuke dragged Yiyi Kaoru aside, and the fire on Yiyi Kaoru's body was a little big.

Wudai Yusuke took off his clothes, put them on the fire, and finally extinguished the fire.

"You're here. Where's Kiba-san?"

Yiyi Xun is not very optimistic about the strength of Yusuke Wudai. Last time, he turned into a white warrior and was knocked down by the bat Gu Langji.

"I am coming."

Li Qinghe walked into the burning church.

Gu Langji, the bat, threw the motorcycle on Li Qinghe towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe hid behind the pillar sideways.

After the burning motorcycle was smashed against the pillar, it was completely torn apart.

"I'm here to fight, Mr. Kiba, a police officer, please watch, this is my transformation."

Godai Yusuke took the initiative to pounce on Bat Gulangi, but was easily pushed aside by Bat Gulangi.

Yusuke Godai briefly crossed his hands at his waist and put them on his sides.

A red belt appeared on Wudai Yusuke's waist, and Wudai stretched out one arm, slowly moving laterally, and then both hands converged a little above the waist, and the strength converged on the fist.

Yusuke Goshiro punched the bat Gurangi on the head with one punch after another.

The current five generations of Yusuke has not yet fully transformed, but his power at this moment has surpassed the power when he transformed into white Kuuga.

Bat Gulangi stretched out his arm to block, and was suppressed by Godai Yusuke.

Yusuke Godai kicked the bat Gulangi onto the pillar with a whip.



Wudai Yusuke fought heartily, and punched the bat Gu Langji's mouth again.

But at this time, the hand that Godai Yusuke hit on the bat Gulangi had turned red.

Immediately afterwards, Yusuke Godai transformed into a fiery red warrior.

"Why are you empty me!"

Bat Grunge asked.

Wudai Yusuke didn't know why, but he understood what Bat Gulangi said.

"Empty me. Is it, is it empty me?"

Yusuke Goshiro jumped up, avoiding the pounce of the bat Gulangi.

Kaoru Ichijo was stunned, can the color of Yusuke Godai's transformation change?Or, this is the real transformation of Yusuke Godai.

Wudai Yusuke felt that his body was full of strength, and he had the urge to speak up.

Yusuke Godai did the same.

Wudai Yusuke turned around and kicked back, with his back to Bat Gulangi, while propping his arms on the ground, his hind legs kicked Bat Gurangi's face.

Wudai Yusuke withdrew his leg, turned around and punched!

This punch knocked Bat Gurangi to the ground for the first time.

At this time, the church with a wooden structure as the main body has begun to collapse.

Li Qinghe left the church with Yi Xun.

But Yusuke Godai was accidentally caught by the bat Gulangi and flew out of the church.

The bat Grunji threw Yusuke Goshiro into the factory where the spider Grunge was resting.For Kuuga, they are not fighting one-on-one, as long as they can win.

One Xun was thrown by the bat Gu Langji before, and his ribs were broken.

Now Yiyi Xun is here, one person can't act at all.

"You are seriously injured, I will send you to the hospital first, and then go to support Wudai."

Li Qinghe supported a smoker, and was about to take him away.

"It's okay, I'm fine, you go and help Wudai. I'm afraid he can't handle it alone."

Yiyi Xun insisted on doing this, Li Qinghe could only agree.

Li Qinghe drove in the direction where the bat Gu Langji flew away and chased after him.

Gu Langji, the bat, grabbed the air and I couldn't fly very far. After driving a few kilometers, Li Qinghe heard the sound of fighting from a factory.

That is to say, Li Qinghe is Ophelia, the words of ordinary people are precious only if they can hear them.

"Mr. Yiyi, I'll come as soon as I go. You are here, don't move around."

Li Qinghe strode towards the factory.

Kurangi, who was thrown down by the bat Gurangi, fell through the roof of a factory and fell off.

Five generations of Yusuke got up and dealt with the bat Gulangi.

Seeing the possibility of Bat Gulangi rushing up to lock himself in action, Godai Yusuke grabbed Bat Gurangi's paws with both hands, prevented him from moving forward, and kicked Bat Gulangi on the head.

Koranji the bat was kicked through a wall by Yusuke Godai.

Wudai Yusuke takes advantage of the victory to pursue, and prepares to eliminate the bat Gulangji at once.

Who would have thought that the spider Gulangi was here too.

This factory is the place where the spider Gulangi rests these days, and it can also be said to be his old den.

The spider Gulangi hung the spider silk and kicked Yusuke Goshiro in the back.

Yusuke Godai was kicked over by a sudden attack.

Five Dai Yusuke got up quickly, and as soon as he got up, he was grabbed by the shoulder by the spider Gulangi.

The bat Gulangi came out from the wall, grabbed the other shoulder of Yusuke Wudai, and his other hand flapped his wings and scratched Yusuke Wudai on the head.

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