Chapter 15 added

Yusuke Goshiro's vision was blurred, his vision was obscured.

But Yusuke Godai didn't panic at all, because panic is useless.

Yusuke Godai stretched out one leg, leaned forward, and tripped someone.

After all, one arm was freed, and Godai Yusuke grabbed the bat Gulangi's wings and pushed them aside together with the bat Gulangi.

At this time, Yusuke Godai was able to see the battle situation again.

Yusuke Godai slapped the ground and leaped forward.

While avoiding the pounce of the spider Gulangi behind him, he also kicked the spider Gulangji.

Bat Gulangi rushed up, and Kuraga swung his arm on his head, needing a little time to buffer.

But the spider Gu Langji didn't care about that, he half-bent his body, stretched out his arms, and impaled Godai Yusuke on the wall.

Sora I was so consistently, my body was a little out of breath.

The spider Gulangi put both hands together, tightly pinching Kong my neck.

And the claws stretched out by the bat Gurangi are ready to get rid of Yusuke Godai.

Li Qinghe took out his flashlight and pointed it at Gu Langji, the bat.


Bat Gu Langji let out a scream and flew away from here.

He also saw clearly that someone was coming, that person was damned, he couldn't beat him.

Now I can only sell my teammates, not because my teammates are not righteous, but because the enemy is too strong.

The reason why Li Qinghe used the flashlight to drive away the bat Gu Langji was really because he was really too weak.After two punches, there was no buzzing sound.

Bat Gu Langji ran without hesitation.Leaving behind the spider Gulangi who locked up Kurago's actions, he waited hard for his teammates to make up the knife. Who would have thought that Bat Gulangi would be so unreliable, and he just left him and ran away.

When running, why not tell him, he also wants to run.

The spider Gu Langji also saw Li Qinghe, why is this Linduo again, really back.Where did this damned bat, Gu Langji, provoke this evil spirit?

Li Qinghe came behind the spider Gu Langji, grabbed his neck and threw him back.

The spider Gu Langji was thrown to the ground by Li Qinghe, and the power of the ice attribute poured in from the back of his neck.

The spider Gulangi pierced his throat with one claw. Note that this is not suicide, but self-help.He is already very experienced in this "self-help" behavior.

On the neck of the spider Gulangji, a little bit of water stains came out, and he spit out a spider's silk at Li Qinghe.

"I'll go, spit everywhere, it's time to hit."

Li Qinghe dodged to one side, but Wudai Yusuke, who was behind him, was wrapped around his head by spider silk.

Yusuke Godai grabbed the spider silk and pulled it towards him.The spider Gulangi lifted his feet off the ground and was pulled to Koshiro Yusuke.

Yusuke Godai's right foot became hot, and he kicked the spider Gulangi who "flyed" over.

This kick directly broke the spider's silk, which shows how powerful it is.

Li Qinghe knew that Wudai Yusuke had figured out his own knight kick.

Spider Grunge backwards, damn it.If it wasn't for this damned Linduo messing up the situation, if it wasn't for that bat Gulangji who sold his teammates, if it wasn't for that bat Gulangji who attracted Linduo here, if...

Not so many ifs anymore.

The spider Gulangi took a few steps back, and the part that was kicked by Goshiro Yusuke emitted a yellow mark of Kuraga.

"Kill you, kill you... kill, kill..."

The spider Gulangi said, like constipation, he couldn't finish a sentence.

"Empty me!"

Finally, the spider Gulangi yelled and Kong I exploded.

Sora looked at his red belt, and Li Qinghe and Li Qinghe left the factory, and sent a smoker to the Nagano Police Hospital.

"No, it's a line. If you don't check it carefully, you may have broken bones."

Behind Yiyi Xun was a chattering female nurse.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Yiyi Xun pretended not to care, only he knew whether it hurt or not.


The nurse expressed her disbelief and insisted that Yiyi Xun be examined properly.

"I said, no need."

Yiyi Xun became angry, and her tone of voice suddenly rose, which startled the nurse.

But he also noticed his tone.

"Sorry. I still have a lot to investigate".

After Yiyi Xun finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Are you really all right?"

After entering the elevator, Li Qinghe asked again.

One Xun entered the emergency room. His ribs and arms were all fractured.After the emergency treatment, he came out after taking two painkillers. It can be seen that Yiyi Xun is a good policeman, but he doesn't care much about his body.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm really fine. Has the unconfirmed life form No. [-] been solved by you?"

Asked in a smoked.

"The third unconfirmed lifeform escaped, but the first unconfirmed lifeform was dealt with by me."

Goshiro Yusuke said.

Yiyi Xun heard that the unconfirmed life body No. [-] escaped, and could only sigh that this guy escaped with his life

"It's okay, it's great to be able to solve the unconfirmed life body No. [-]."

It was supposed to be something the police had to do, but Wudai Xiongsuke and Li Qinghe helped them do it.

Kaoru stretched out his thumb and praised Wudai Yusuke, which made Wudai Yusuke very embarrassed.He felt that he could do better, and next time he must get rid of the escaped unconfirmed life form No. [-].

As soon as Yi Yi Xun finished speaking, he couldn't hold on anymore.The injury was so serious, and I came out to do things without a good rest, I really thought I was hardened.

"One police officer, one police officer."

Fortunately, the elevator hadn't descended yet, so Li Qinghe and Wudai Yusuke were sent to the emergency room again.

When Yiyi Xun opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on the hospital bed.On the table of the hospital bed, there is a note left by Godai Yusuke.

"Mr. Yiyi, because of an important appointment, I have to go back to Tokyo once.

I will come to see you at night, I will not give up halfway, I will follow through to the end - Yusuke Godai. "

Yiyi Xun looked at the note left by Wudai Yusuke and was deeply moved.

"You're awake, I'll get you a glass of water."

It was Li Qinghe who spoke, and Li Qinghe didn't want to go to Mr. Xia Mu's condolences again.

"Thank you."

Yiyi Xun didn't refuse. When he woke up, his mouth was really thirsty.

Yiyi Xun wanted to be discharged from the hospital, but this time his boss called and asked him to stay in the hospital.

"Mr. Kiba, are you busy teaching at Chengnan University? If not, I would like to invite you to be our coach. Your melee combat ability is too strong.

I wonder if you can teach us, not to defeat those unidentified life forms, I know that martial arts can't be achieved in a day or two.As long as it can increase the chance of survival a little more. "

Facing Yi Yi Xun's plea, Li Qinghe agreed.

Although it is said that the power of the 555 world and the shadow crocodile world cannot be used, but I can also cultivate new forces in the empty self world.

And the police station in this world is just a good place.

You must know that when Gulangi was at its most rampant, the police in the island country were replaced very quickly. At the beginning, some members of the Self-Defense Forces "spontaneously" joined the police station, but in the end they couldn't control the situation. base.

Although, nothing worked.

When Li Qinghe joins the police, he can train his subordinates little by little.

Chapter No.16 Compromise and Concession

Hearing that Li Qinghe agreed, Yiyi Xun was overjoyed, and called the supervisor of the Metropolitan Police Department of this idea.

With Yi Yixun's best assurance, Li Qinghe was able to join the police and obtained the status of a special adviser. Now he just waited for the appointment letter from the police.

Now that Yi Xun has woken up, Li Qinghe is no longer needed here.

Li Qinghe went to the underground garage, preparing to drive back to Seongnam University to see if Zedu Yingzi had returned.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the Nagano Police Hospital, Li Qinghe saw a strangely dressed woman.

The woman is tall, with a pair of slender beautiful legs, soft and slender, with a red silk scarf, even if she doesn't look at her face, it makes people feel a sense of thumping.

On the woman's face, she looked very confident, but also very delicate, extremely symbolic, her eyes were very bright, and she revealed a strong pride. This kind of pride was not the kind of vulgar look down on everything, but a kind of self-confidence mixed with Extravagance unconsciously distributed.

The weather in the island country is relatively cool now, and people basically wear thicker clothes when traveling.In this era, there has not been that kind of unhealthy atmosphere that requires demeanor but not temperature.

Therefore, in Li Qinghe's view, this woman is really very strange.Even if he is hiding in the crowd, you will never forget her just by looking at her.

Li Qinghe walked into the woman curiously, and deliberately "bumped" her.

"Feel sorry."

Li Qinghe said.

"Disgusting smell!"

There is a white rose imprint on the woman's eyebrows.

Li Qinghe recognized it, and this woman was the rose girl Li Qinghe was looking for.But the length is really iconic.Moreover, their learning ability is really strong, and they have already learned the R language.

Li Qinghe stepped forward quickly and grabbed her arm.People have a big misunderstanding, thinking that if you catch the hand, you can't run away from the other side.In fact, grabbing the arm is much more effective than grabbing the hand.

"What's the hurry, I have something to tell you."

Li Qinghe dragged Rose Girl and walked towards the underground garage.

"let me go."

Rose Girl wanted to break free from Li Qinghe's hand, but it was too late.

The moment Li Qinghe touched Rose Girl, the icy energy in his hand had already locked Rose Girl's wrist, preventing Rose Girl from using her own strength to escape.

Rose Girl was dragged into the car by Li Qinghe, and an hour later, Rose Girl escaped from the underground garage disheveled.

She hated Linduo even more, Linduo is a bunch of disgusting guys.

But she didn't know that when she ran away, the ice power in her body hadn't been completely discharged by her.

Li Qinghe followed Rose Girl all the way forward, and he also wanted to see how these Gulangi games were played.

If Rose Girl hadn't suddenly turned into a rose flower, how could Li Qinghe let her go.An hour's time together is too short.

Rose Girl is different from all Gulangi, she does not participate in the Gulangi game, but is the referee of the game.

Before, Rose Girl felt the aura of Kuraga who sealed their clan from Li Qinghe.This is because Li Qinghe and Wudai Yusuke are in frequent contact.

In a dilapidated house.

Rose Girl saw the bat Gulangi hanging upside down on the hanging beam.

"You fought kuuga (Kuuga). You have Kuuga's nasty smell on you."

Rose Girl said.

"Yes. I gave him a good lesson."

Bat Gulangi was wearing white pajamas, looking extremely wretched.Although he was scared away by Li Qinghe, he definitely couldn't say that in front of Rose Girl.

The wretched expression of Bat Gulangi reminded her of what happened to her not long ago.

The rose girl's hand gently placed on the face of Bat Gulangji.

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