Gu Langji, the bat, had a look of enjoyment on his face, who would have thought that Rose Girl's hand turned into vines and pressed on his head.

Rose Girl doesn't believe what Bat Gulangi said.But his memory can't lie, so Rose Girl is going to directly search for the memory of Bat Gulangi.

After Rose girl searched the memory of Bat Gulangi, it turned out that this guy was not telling the truth.What's the matter? I was taught a lesson by him. This is the opposite.

He was taught a lesson by Kongga, and if it wasn't for the help of the spider Gulangi, he would have died in the hands of Kongga.

In the memory of Bat Gu Langji, Rose Girl saw Li Qinghe's few shots.She remembered Lin Duo who insulted her today.She wants to use her own rights to take revenge on this Linduo.

And a few people who looked like Sha Matt also came here.

No one would have thought that these people are all unconfirmed life forms mentioned in the news.

"Unpleasant smell."

A fat man sniffed Rose Lady and Bat Grunge.

"Shut up."

The rose girl slapped the face of Gu Langji, who looked like a fat man, with two slaps.

Li Qinghe followed Rose Girl to find this place, and saw four more Gu Langji came here.

Li Qinghe saw a girl named Gu Langji with a leopard head tattooed on her thigh. Those legs were really good, but it was a pity that she was not very good looking.

Li Qinghe walked in swaggeringly.

The moment the bat Gu Langji saw Li Qinghe, his body trembled like a sieve.

Li Qinghe walked up to the woman with the leopard tattoo on her thigh, squatted down, and patted her thigh.

"What a pair of good legs, and the tattoos. The leopard head looks really cute."

Except for this female Gu Langji, the other Gu Langji watched Li Qinghe's death performance, waiting to see how the female Gu Langji would deal with her.

Leopard Gu Langji bent her legs. Although she didn't transform, the strength of her kick was enough to kick a grown man to death.

Gu Langji, the leopard, thought so and did the same.

Li Qinghe grabbed the powerful leg she kicked out,

"It's a pity that I can't feel the strength of these legs on the road. Who told you that you look average. And, where are you kicking, do you want me to die?"

Li Qinghe didn't hide his power this time, the ice power in his hand started to freeze from Leopard Girl's legs little by little.

"Release the bio."

Rose Girl said.

"Let her go, then you can come and accompany me."

This leopard girl, Gurangi, is average in strength and can be used to increase Sora's actual combat experience.

What Li Qinghe said made Rose Girl angry.But from the memories in the mind of Gu Langji, the bat, she learned that Li Qinghe's Lin Duo was terrifying.

Before the game started, no Gulangji was allowed to kill Linduo.Anyone who dares to disobey this regulation will lose the qualification to join the game.

For example, Bat Gulangi has killed people before the game has started, and he is no longer worthy of the game.

It's a pity that Bat Gulangi has been deluding himself and thinking that he is fine.

"This Linduo, don't be too arrogant."

It was the fat Gurangi who spoke.


Li Qinghe transformed into the ice jade unicorn Ophelia Enuo.

At this moment, Li Qinghe completely released his strength.

"A long-lost power."

The place where Li Qinghe was standing was already frozen.Gu Langji, the bat, was still shaking, and he didn't know whether he was frozen or frightened.

"You, aren't you Linduo? Or Gulangji?"

Although Rose Girl judged from Li Qinghe's breath, Li Qinghe was human.But human beings, what could transform into the image of a monster.Is this to fool them that they haven't read the book?

Chapter No.17 Killing the Leopard Girl Gu Langji

Li Qinghe never thought of hiding his strength in front of these Gu Langji.Proper display of strength can also prevent him from attacking him when he sees him in the future.

Moreover, Li Qinghe wants to cultivate his own strength, but those people are ordinary people. Once they meet Gu Langji, it is impossible for you to expect them to defeat Gu Langji.Even if you survive, you have to rely on luck.

"Okay. But I have something to do, you can't stop me. Otherwise, the fish will die."

Rose Girl compromised, and Li Qinghe also withdrew his arrogance.

"So much the better."

Li Qinghe released the transformation, and put his arms around the unnatural Rose Girl.

"Go to Tokyo, where Linduo gathers."

There was an extra rose in the hands of the four Gu Langji, and they did not fight Li Qinghe.

Rose Girl has said so, they won't meddle in their own business.In Gulangji, everyone is extremely selfish, and they are more like a collection of negative human emotions.

The four went to Tokyo, and the roses in their hands were undoubtedly telling them that the location where the game started was confirmed to be in Tokyo.

Of course, the location of the game may not be in Tokyo.

Li Qinghe didn't care about this at all.

Li Qinghe and Rose Girl left, and after being taught a lesson by Li Qinghe, Leopard Girl Gu Langji decided to kill some Linduo to vent her anger even if she didn't participate in the game.

Leopard Girl Gulangi started killing in Nagano Prefecture.

One Xun soon received the news of the appearance of the unconfirmed life body No. [-].

Yi Yixun hurriedly called Wu Dai and Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe's cell phone was turned off.

Wudai Yusuke hurried to the scene of the incident.

Wudai Yusuke was relatively close to the crime scene, and when Wudai Yusuke rushed over, the leopard girl Gu Langji had already killed all the police officers in this area.

"Unconfirmed life forms appeared on Suxin Street."

There was a message on the communicator of a motorcycle.

"Is it Shinjuku Street?"

Yusuke Goshiro rode his motorcycle to the next location.


In order to catch up with the next battle, Wudai Yusuke transformed in advance.

After rushing over, they found that the leopard girl Gu Langji's left eye was bleeding and was hit by a bullet.

It turns out that human firearms are not completely useless, as long as they hit the right place, they can still hurt Gu Langji.

"I'm going to goug your eyes!"

Gu Langji, the leopard girl, was furious. It would be fine if it was Linduo who was as powerful as Li Qinghe, but these Linduo who relied on foreign objects actually hurt her eyes.

The one who injured the eyes of the leopard girl Gu Langji was a man named Sumita Shoumichi.He is a criminal policeman who fell from the First Section of the Metropolitan Police Department to the Joint Search Headquarters for Unconfirmed Life Forms.

Now a Kaoru has also been transferred from the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department.

When Kaoru came over, he saw Sugita who was still scared.

He is the only criminal policeman who survived here.Just now, the leopard girl Gu Langji was about to goug his eyes, thanks to the unconfirmed life form (No. [-]) transformed by Yusuke Fifth Generation who saved him.

This made Sugita full of affection for this unconfirmed life form No. [-] (Kuuga).

"Mr. Sugita, what happened?"

After Kaoru helped Mr. Sugita up, he learned from his mouth that Yusuke Godai had come, rescued Sugita, and fought with this new unidentified life form No. [-].

Not long ago, Yiyixun received a call from Yusuke Godai, that leopard girl Gu Langji ran too fast, and he lost it.

However, Gu Langji, the leopard girl, was injured in one eye, so she must not be able to run far, which is good news.

Yiyi Xun hurriedly organized a large-scale search for the place where the leopard girl Gu Langji might exist.

A police officer saw a flash of a figure running towards Tokyo on the surveillance system in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Finally, at a sewer entrance, a blood-stained bullet was found.Of course, the original discoverer is dead.Bullets and blood were found in his pocket.

Li Qinghe was already alone, and his phone was turned on.Received a text message from Xun,

"If you want to die like this, then go to die."

Li Qinghe went to the place where Gu Langji, the leopard girl, might appear. This is the benefit of joining the police.

Tokyo is the capital of the island country, and unconfirmed life forms must not be allowed to go there.

The Tokyo headquarters issued a death order, no matter how many people were used, that Gu Langji must be stopped.

Five Dai Yusuke reported to Kaoru that the speed of the motorcycle he was riding was slow, and he could not catch up with the leopard girl Gu Langji.

Yiyi Xun is hesitating whether to give Wu Dai the motorcycle newly equipped by the police.He is more willing to hand over the motorcycle to Li Qinghe than Wudai.

In Bunkyo District.

Gu Langji, the leopard girl, covered her injured eyes. She wants to speed up and rush to Tokyo. The game is about to start, so there is no delay.That's the only way for Grunji to advance.

She didn't know that her surroundings had been surrounded by police.

"Unconfirmed life form No. [-] has been found."

The police officer who spoke also attracted the attention of the leopard girl Gu Langji, and when the policeman asked him again about the location of the leopard girl, he was speechless.

But after Gu Langji, the leopard girl, killed the policeman, the area where she was locked down suddenly shrank even smaller.

Li Qinghe has the identity of a special police commissioner and has also come here.

Within an hour, Gu Langji, the leopard girl, completely appeared in everyone's sight. She had nowhere to escape, and the police were all around her.

"You guys are in a lot of trouble, looking for death."

This sentence, the leopard girl Gu Langji said in r language.All of a sudden, the surrounding policemen were shocked.


Before the police could do anything, the unconfirmed life form No. [-] transformed by Yusuke Goshidai suddenly appeared and kicked the leopard girl Gu Langji.

Gu Langji, the leopard girl, found herself forced into a narrow passage by these "Linduo". It was obvious that they deliberately forced her here in order to limit her speed.

"Headquarters sent an order to prioritize shooting over capture."

Mr. Sugita received an instruction on the communicator, because the reason why the living body No. [-] saved him was not confirmed, so he asked the police to shoot at the unconfirmed living body No. [-].

With the help of the police, Godai Yusuke was able to fight the leopard girl Gulangi in a narrow place.

Wudai Yusuke stretched out his hands and fought with the leopard girl Gulangi, and then confronted the leopard girl Gulangi after staggering.

The police are also creating good times for him.

"You don't have to shoot, let me do it."

Li Qinghe's status as a police combat instructor made many police officers dissatisfied.Some of them think that their fighting ability is also very strong, and some think that it is useless to learn that.

Li Qinghe also understood that it was useless to learn this.But just to show off his ability in front of these police officers and let them know that he is not just for nothing.

"Kong me, I will kill you, don't think these Linduo can cause me much trouble. Last time, I was just careless."

Leopard girl Gu Langji was so focused on fighting Godai Yusuke that she didn't notice Li Qinghe behind her.

Li Qinghe stepped lightly and punched the leopard girl Gu Langji on the back.

Chapter 18AF Pharmacy

The moment the leopard girl Gu Langji was hit by Li Qinghe, he knew that the terrifying Linduo was also coming.

The body of Leopard Girl Gurangi flew to Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-] (Kuuga).

Yusuke Godai seized the opportunity and rolled on the flat ground. His right foot was heated and charged, and he kicked the leopard girl Gu Langji in the abdomen.

Gu Langji, the leopard girl, was kicked and flew onto the police car, leaving a mark of humanity on the police car.

Before the leopard girl Gurangji stood up, human bullets had already hit her.

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