"Kong me, and Linduo, I want to kill..."


The leopard girl Gu Langji was dealt with.

The unconfirmed life body gave Li Qinghe a thumbs up and left.

Li Qinghe knew that the unconfirmed life body No. [-] was the fifth generation, so naturally he would not make a move.Because of the relationship between Kaoru Ichijo and Sugita, the police didn't take action, and let Yusuke Godai leave.

In this battle, the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department successfully stopped the leopard girl Gu Langji outside the city of Tokyo, and was praised by the Tokyo headquarters.

Although the battle is over, there is still a need for a post-war summary.

The police have already begun to test the blood attached to the bullet that hit Gu Langji, the leopard girl.

Because of Li Qinghe's outstanding deeds, he was also allowed to join the meeting.

Before, if it wasn't for Yi Yixun's strong recommendation, he had bet the rest of his police career and assured his superiors that Li Qinghe would play a vital role in dealing with the unconfirmed living body incident.

"According to the blood stains on the bullet, there are only blood component tests at present, and the results are obtained. And the blood that is extremely similar to it, you will never think of what it is?"

The police officers of the inspection department put the results of the inspection under the projector.

Everyone present at the meeting was surprised.

"how is this possible?"

"Could it be that they are human?"

"What are you kidding?"

In the end, it was the police boss who presided over the meeting to characterize the matter.

"Although their blood composition is very similar to that of humans. But this does not mean that they are human beings. It can only be said that they are some kind of humanoid creatures."

In this case, if it spreads out, it will not cause social panic.

But Kaoru looked thoughtful, he knew that Yusuke Godai was a human being, and his transformed form was somewhat similar to those unconfirmed life forms.

Could it be that those unconfirmed life forms are really human beings?

Yiyi Xun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Then at the meeting, the route in the archaeological site of Jiulang Mountain was released.

Only a vague figure of a monster could be seen.

"Judging from the video, this should be a creature close to a human.

There are currently 570 victims, and the surrounding counties are constantly sending information, including unconfirmed life forms that have not yet been discovered.

Eighteen of these unconfirmed life forms have been discovered.The task of our police is heavy and there is a long way to go. Everyone must not relax.

However, we would like to thank Mr. Kiba this time. Thanks to his help, we were able to solve the unconfirmed life form No. [-] so smoothly this time. "

As soon as the police boss spoke, the police officers below echoed one after another, and directly erased the credit of Sora.

At present, the police have suffered heavy losses in dealing with unidentified life forms, and they have not protected the citizens well. They urgently need a victory to prove their abilities.

This incident, with the help of Li Qinghe, they expanded the results of the battle and slightly exaggerated it.

Li Qinghe smiled modestly and didn't say anything. This result was very beneficial for him to climb up.

Li Qinghe also wants to take the position of the police boss.But Li Qinghe knew that it was impossible, and of course it was possible to go further than his current position.

"It has been proven that ordinary firearms are ineffective against Gurangi. The Nagano Police Department is now dispatching special ones. They are equipped with b23 automatic pistols, Heckler-Koch 5 submachine guns, and even long-range sniper rifles. .

The Tokyo District Prosecutor's Department informed that the control of reporting on unconfirmed living organisms will continue, and that unconfirmed living organisms will be searched as far as possible without the knowledge of outsiders. Once found, they will be killed.I hope you will fight to the end. "

Because Li Qinghe is an outsider, it is already the limit for him to use the power of the police to cultivate a group of subordinates.

The sc foundation of the 555 world sent good news.The Orfienuo potion has made a breakthrough. If ordinary people use the Orfienuo potion, they can transform into Orfienuo and fight for no more than 5 minutes.

The longer the number of times of using the Orfienoch potion, the higher the probability of becoming an Orfienoch, and it can be directly transformed into an Orfienoch without dying.Certainly the non-native Orfi Enoch.

Li Qinghe's instruction for this potion is to continue to optimize it.First of all, the strength after transformation must be strengthened, and the second is strength, but do not optimize the identity of the non-native Orfienuo.

In any world, there are classes.Aofeienuo with a deep source is equal to one level higher than a non-native Aofeienuo.

After Li Qinghe became the real King of Orpheus, he could already turn an ordinary person into a native Orpheus, but it consumed a lot of energy.

If it wasn't necessary, Li Qinghe wouldn't do it.

The success of Aofei Enuo Pharmaceutical (af Pharmaceutical) made Li Qinghe more confident in cultivating qualified subordinates.

After facing Gu Langji and transforming into Orfienuo, among other things, it is always possible to survive.

It's a pity that the af drug has not yet been mass-produced, and only ten bottles have been put into production.

Li Qinghe took all ten bottles of potions to the world of Kuraga.

With Gulangji, there will be experimental subjects of these af potions.

Because of Li Qinghe's excellent fighting, coupled with the publicity of the police.

Li Qinghe is very popular in the police station and has gained many fans, so Li Qinghe has no time to find Rose Girl.

Rose Girl has arrived in Tokyo and received the news of the death of Leopard Girl Gu Langji.But I didn't care too much. Before the game started, I couldn't help it. It was impossible for this kind of temperament to advance.

What she cared about was Li Qinghe, the unknown Linduo, and Kong me.

You know, it was Kurangi who sealed the Gulangi clan thousands of years ago.But thousands of years ago, it was just a seal, but now it is indeed killed.

The tros2000a motorcycle newly equipped by the police was handed over to Li Qinghe for use.Li Qinghe is currently the only human being who can fight unconfirmed life forms.

As for fighting techniques, Li Qinghe performed them on the spot.However, as a police trainer, Li Qinghe still learned some fighting skills from the 555 world and handed them over to the police officers.

It made those police officers worship Li Qinghe even more.

Li Qinghe drove the motorcycle that should have belonged to Yusuke Fifth to Seongnam University.This motorcycle can reach a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

When Li Qinghe entered Seongnam University, he ran into a Romanian researcher who molested students.

He and Sawado Sakurako are in the archaeological laboratory, and are responsible for excavation-related work.

He used his identity as an international student to act unscrupulously in Chengnan University, molesting students, and even some single teachers, which was very annoying.

It was rumored that a female student committed suicide by jumping off a building because of him.

This time Li Qinghe saw it, and Li Qinghe would not let this ghost be so presumptuous in front of him.

Chapter 19 new unconfirmed life form

"Who are you, obediently hide aside, I can beat you very well."

Density Suli Sorel proudly showed off her muscles.

"You said you are good at fighting, then I want to see it."

Li Qinghe punched Sorel on the nose. Sorel was holding his nosebleed. He looked like a huge muscular man, but he didn't even dare to make a move. He just uttered a harsh word, just wait for me, and then he disappeared. disappeared without a trace.

"Thank you, Teacher Qinghe."

"Thank you, Teacher Qinghe. However, I heard from them that this person has a strong desire for revenge. Teacher, you have to be careful."

The two female students, who were far away from the harassment of foreign students, respected Li Qinghe very much, and their eyes were full of little stars of admiration.

"Go to class quickly, don't delay the class, don't take this kind of person to heart."

Even if he didn't come to find Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe would not let him go.

What could be quicker to get close to Sakurako Sawado than to be her colleague.

Li Qinghe transformed into a unicorn, Ophelia, and entered the dormitory of the foreign student Sorel deliberately showing a blurred figure in front of the camera that night.

After that, Sorrel disappeared, and the technology in the world of Kongga was even worse than that of the five-five world.

In the dark night, the surveillance cameras cannot clearly see Li Qinghe's real appearance.All he knew was that a monster had attacked him.

The next day, Zedo Yingzi received the news that her colleague Sorel was missing. Because his body was not found, the police confirmed him as a missing person.

Li Qinghe joined the Archeology Research Office as a teaching assistant because he was a history teacher and had a relatively good understanding of ancient civilizations.


Zedu Yingzi welcomed Li Qinghe as her colleague.

Li Qinghe took over Sorel's previous task and handled it smoothly.Even foreign students who don't know the history of the island country can be handled flexibly, let alone Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's performance was very positive, and received unanimous praise from Zedu Yingzi and the others.

The relationship between Li Qinghe and Zedu Yingzi is also getting closer. In the past few days, Godai Yusuke also comes here from time to time to ask Zedu Yingzi about the process of analyzing ancient characters.

But Sakurako Sawado didn't want Yusuke Godai to fight like this.

She was afraid that Yusuke Godai would die outside one day.Many policemen had died in the battle with Gurangji, and she didn't want Godai to be like them.

But Yusuke Godai didn't take it seriously, he was always so optimistic, instead he comforted Sawatari Sakurako, it's okay, it's okay.

But the more Yusuke Godai said so, the more worried Sawado Sakurako became.

She knew that Li Qinghe had a good relationship with Wudai Xiongsuke, and also knew that Li Qinghe had started to assist the police, and it seemed that he was also an unidentified living body.

But she didn't care that much about Li Qinghe.

But is it possible that Li Qinghe will work hard for the police?It is impossible to think about it.

For the safety of Yusuke Godai, Sakurako Sawado began to slow down her work. She felt that if the efficiency on her side was slower, then the probability of Yusuke Godai encountering unconfirmed life forms would be less, and he would be safer. .

Zedu Yingzi didn't even let Li Qinghe look at her computer, she didn't want Li Qinghe to tell Wudai Yusuke the information about the belt.

Li Qinghe has been relatively busy recently, and has no time to worry about these things with Zedu Yingzi, Wu Gengji World, because of Li Qinghe's support.

As a result, King Zhou Dajun, who was supposed to have suffered a crushing defeat, was able to fight against the princes of the four directions many times, without losing, and barely maintained the battle situation.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as there is a third-party force joining, such as the Protoss, then King Zhou will have a one-sided situation.

It's just that the Protoss has not yet joined the battle for some unknown reason.Instead, they were watching. It seemed that they had discovered that there were other forces joining behind King Zhou.

Li Qinghe saw that the two sides hadn't really fought yet, so he decided to increase the fire and increase the supplies to King Zhou.

Wars are fought over resources and national power.With the help of Li Qinghe, King Zhou has won several battles.

"Beep beep."

Sawado Sakurako's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Xunyi, asking if Yusuke Godai was there.

"He just went out for a while, what's the matter? Do you need to find him?"

Sakurako Zedo asked.

"Well, the fifth unconfirmed life form seems to have appeared."

A smoked said.

Sawado Sakura licked her lovely lower lip, "If, if Godai wants to transform, please stop him.

He'll mess around, don't care about his body at all, and get in trouble.Well, please. "


Yiyi Xun's answer is yes, not um.If you are a person who pays attention to details, you can know from Yiyixun's words that Yiyixun did not agree to Zedu Yingzi's request.

Ichijo Kaoru considered Sawado Sakurako's request, but the police now need the help of Godai Yusuke, who is an important force to solve Gu Langji.

"This is the No. [-] car. We found traces of the unconfirmed living body No. [-]. In Beiyi-chome, there are traces of No. [-] lurking."

Hearing the message from the communicator, Yi Xun hurriedly set off.

He has already called Li Qinghe, but at present Li Qinghe has something to do, so he did not participate in today's operation to kill the fifth unconfirmed life form.

Yiyi Xun didn't say much, but he regretted giving the locomotive to Li Qinghe.

Yiyi Xun called Wudai Yusuke's father, and finally found Wudai Yusuke.

After telling Yusuke Godai about the appearance of the fifth unconfirmed life form, he went to the seventh car because the seventh car had discovered the fifth unconfirmed life form and was continuing to track it.

On the radio on the roadside, Yusuke Goshidai heard the news of the appearance of a new unconfirmed life form, and hurriedly rode a motorcycle to the place where the unconfirmed life form appeared.

The fifth unconfirmed living body is Gulangji who played the game for the first time. He is the grasshopper Gulangji baduu (why not just call it Baidu).

The strength of his legs allows him to easily jump up to tens of meters of buildings.

At the bottom of an unknown aquarium, the rose girl sat down restlessly. Ever since she was with that man, she felt a little uncomfortable. When she was alone, she always felt like she lacked something.

When playing the game for Grasshopper Gu Langji, he was also a little absent-minded, but Gu Lang Ji didn't care about this, as long as their game continued.

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