Even if there is no Rose Girl, they will still play the game.

As the No. 81 Gulangji who accepted the task, Grasshopper had a very simple task, killing [-] people in two days.Before Gulangji was sealed, there had never been a situation where the first recipient would fail the mission.

The later the receiver accepts the task, the more difficult the task will be, and the greater the achievement will be.

As for whether he could complete the tasks assigned by Rose, baduu said that it was too easy for 81 people in two days.

If Grasshopper Gulangi can complete this task, then his identity and status will go further, and he can even obtain the same status as No. [-]. Of course, it is impossible to surpass No. [-] with only one mission. Play the game a few more times until you successfully complete it.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the 81 people in the past two days, baduu, do you really feel stable?

Baidu killed 81 people, not casually, it was too easy, there is no need to play the game at all.

The 81 people who completed the task in baduu must have died from falling.

Chapter 20 Privileges

No, after the arrogant baduu fell and killed 24 people on the first day, he came back and announced his achievements arrogantly.

"Baduu, how is the task done?"

Bat Grunge asked.

Grasshopper Gulangji saw the bat Gulangji's concerned gaze, and understood that he was not concerned about baduu's body, but how his mission was going.

Hmph, you guy who doesn't even have the qualifications to play games, you don't deserve to talk to me.Grasshopper Grunji ignored him, but said to other Grunji,

"I killed 24 people today. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will kill all the rest. Just wait for my good news."

Grasshopper Gu Langji walked out with a smile, and at the same time, looked at Bat Gu Lang Ji with disdain.


"If baduu is over, it's my turn."

Bat Gu Langji asked Rose Girl with a thick face.


Rose rewarded him with a slap in the face, as long as you still want to participate in the game, do not abide by the rules of the game, kill Lin Duo indiscriminately, and want to join the game, it is impossible in this life.

The other Gu Langji knew what was going on, so they just smiled and watched. Bat Gu Langji looked innocently at No Girl, he didn't know why Rose Girl beat him.

Baduu caused so many vicious incidents in one day that the whole Tokyo panicked.The place where Gurangji appeared before was Nagano Prefecture.This has already made the citizens of Tokyo feel very scared, and now it has appeared in Tokyo.

Citizens of Tokyo strongly demand the government to protect their lives and property.

Therefore, because of his outstanding ability, Li Qinghe was transferred to the Joint Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms in Tokyo, responsible for protecting the safety of Tokyo citizens.

In fact, Li Qinghe was asked to protect the safety of those dignitaries. Everyone is selfish.Who knows where unidentified life forms suddenly appear.

Don't take the police as fools, they already know that Yi Xun has a certain connection with the unconfirmed life body No. [-].

But because it was a special time, in the era when Gu Langji was rampant, Yi Xun's private behavior was also allowed.Yiyi Xun thought he was hiding it well, but in fact it was already full of loopholes. Don't forget that there are monitors in this world.

But this cannot be put on the bright side, otherwise you really think that you can be transferred and promoted based on Yi Xun's merits.There are more capable and experienced criminal police officers than Yi Yixun in the entire island country.

Why is the Tokyo government so eager to know the location of the unconfirmed living body No. [-], so that the government officials can get the location where Gu Langji appeared and escape the battle in advance.

Li Qinghe didn't appear in the fifth life body, he is now at the banquet held for him by senior government officials.It was said that it was a banquet held for Li Qinghe, but in fact it was a shelter created for them by government officials.

Only those who are qualified to protect them, or high-ranking government officials, can enter here.Of course, this is because the whereabouts and laws of the unconfirmed lifeforms are not yet known, so senior government officials will hide here.

Li Qinghe's ability to enter here meant that he had obtained some privileges, and could execute disobedient citizens while threatening his own dignity.

As long as the mistakes are not too big, such as the bombing of Dongjing, the Tokyo government will help Li Qinghe to correct these mistakes. Of course, the price is that when the officials of the Tokyo government encounter danger in the future, Li Qinghe will be on call.

In a special era, a person as capable as Li Qinghe will naturally receive super high treatment, but if he passes through this era, it will be fine if he is not sent to the research institute as research material.

Li Qinghe naturally agreed. If those senior officials were really unlucky and ran into Gu Langji, then there was no need for them to rescue them.Because by the time Li Qinghe rushed over, nine out of ten of them had already been killed.

Don't underestimate the speed of Gu Langji's killing, as baduu is so slow, on the one hand, it is because he enjoys the pleasure of killing people, and on the other hand, he wants to bring more fear to human beings.On the other hand, he wanted to show his strength to his peers more. Although he wanted to kill 81 Linduo, it was not difficult for him at all.

Li Qinghe got to know many dignitaries at the banquet, although with his status, it was impossible for him to get a big promotion in the police position.But this is still beneficial to his future layout of the world.

Politicians are like this. When using you, you are like a treasure.When you are not used, you are not as good as paper.

When Yusuke Goshidai rushed to the No. [-] car, baduu had already left.

This made Godai Yusuke very angry. If he had come earlier, would he have prevented this unconfirmed life form from killing people, and would he have saved more people?Wudai Yusuke is such a kind person.

That day, Yusuke Godai stayed up all night. He was waiting for the news of the fifth unconfirmed life form.

After a day's banquet, Li Qinghe returned to the research room of Seongnam University and accompanied Zedu Yingzi.

At ten o'clock that night, baiduu appeared again, and the result was that three innocent people were killed again.

After receiving the news, Godai Yusuke came to the place where baduu appeared.

Sakurako Sawado was worried about Yusuke Godai, and followed her out.Li Qinghe also followed closely behind. This time baduu, his jumping ability is very strong. If he didn't intervene, Wudai Yusuke should have a new form under the pressure of death.

"Take my motorcycle, the road is blocked due to the sudden appearance of an unconfirmed life form."

Zedu Yingzi didn't think much, and sat on Li Qinghe's police motorcycle.

I have to say, this motorcycle is fast.After Yusuke Godai appeared this time, he found that baduu was massacring the police officers who rounded him up.

Baduu will complete the remaining missions and focus on the police officers who rounded him up.

For him, it doesn't make any difference to kill anyone, but it is undoubtedly more interesting to kill some more powerful Linduo. Although in his opinion, Linduo is still powerful, there is no difference.

This time Li Qinghe was a little behind Godai Yusuke and appeared at the scene of the battle.

Seeing Li Qinghe coming, Yiyi Xun finally looked better.Although the police have realized that ordinary firearms did not pose a threat to Gu Langji before, they replaced them with more powerful weapons.

However, the bullets from the 5 submachine gun hit Gu Langji and did not cause much damage to Gu Lang Ji.

The police officers all knew that the firearms in their hands would not form an effective attack on unconfirmed life forms, but they could only shoot. What else could they do besides this? Maybe they should fight close to the body.

"Linduo, tremble, I have already killed sixty Linduo, and I will kill another 21, hehehe."

Because of Li Qinghe, baduu is not as arrogant as in the original drama, and he has to wait until the second day is almost the third day before hunting.

This time, he hunted Linduo ahead of time, and at night, so that he would not run into Li Qinghe.

It's a good idea, but when Li Qinghe shows up, will you tell him?Those who knew Li Qinghe's identity were Bat Gulangji, Rose Girl, and the dead Leopard Girl Gulangji, Grasshopper Gulangji and the other two Gulangji.


Yusuke Goshidai transformed into a red Kuraga, grabbed the grasshopper Gurangi's legs, and rescued a police officer who was caught between baduu.

Chapter 21 Blue Dragon Form

But how could baduu be easily subdued by Sora.

Baduu took advantage of the momentum and kicked Yusuke Goshiro in the head.

Wudai Yusuke hugged the policeman he rescued and rolled on the ground a few times, but luckily the little policeman was fine.

Fifth generation Yusuke put the rescued police officer on the ground, and looked at the grasshopper Gulangi.

And baduu, that is, the grasshopper Gu Langji jumped onto a tall building and said in r.

"Kono, you are here to disrupt the situation again, so I have decided to include you in my mission goal this time. Sora, let's fight baduu."

Baduu looked down and saw an unexpected person, this person came anyway, maybe he wants to leave here.

Baduu was a little hesitant, but when he thought of his mission, there were still dozens of people short, so he gritted his teeth and completed the mission before Li Qinghe didn't make a move.

After all, time is limited, he only has two days to complete the task, yesterday wasted one day, damn it if he knew that he would have killed all those people yesterday.

As long as Li Qinghe made a move, he would run away immediately, so baduu made his decision first.

Kong I saw that the grasshopper Gulangji was at such a high position, and he also wanted to jump up, and he jumped with all his strength, but he was not even half the height of the building where the grasshopper Gulangji was.

"Ku me, is this all you can do? This height is not the limit of my baduu."

Baduu mocked Goshiro Yusuke in Japanese.

This is the first time that unconfirmed life forms communicate in r language, so the police also have to confirm that unconfirmed life forms can use r language to communicate.

Unconvinced, Wudai Yusuke jumped again, this time the height was much higher than last time, but it couldn't reach the building where baduu was.

Ichijo Kaoru saw that Goshiro Yusuke couldn't reach baduu's position, took out the rifle from the car, and aimed at baduu.


A bullet entered the mouth of baduu who opened his mouth to taunt Yusuke Godai, and shot through the back of baduu's head.

Baduu's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Lin Duo, you are courting death."

baduu jumped down from the tall building and jumped towards a smoker.

Yiyi Xun opened his eyes wide, if baduu's kick really jumped,

Baduu's kick would have pierced his intestines and split a Xun's body in two.

Li Qinghe was right in front of Yiyi Xun, you said you didn't find a hidden position to shoot, or bring a silencer or something.

Knowing that the damage caused by bullets to Gu Langji is limited, or almost no damage, Yi Yixun still dares to provoke Baduu, he is really courageous.

Baduu under anger doesn't care so much, this is also one of the common problems of those Gulangji, once angry, they can't care about anything.

Even Li Qinghe's existence was ignored.If you haven't fought against Li Qinghe, you won't really understand Li Qinghe's great strength.

Even though Li Qinghe had shown the strength of the unicorn Aofei Enuo in front of him, he was only jealous of Li Qinghe, and had no fear.

Li Qinghe's trcs-a2000 was parked near Yiyi Xun. If this grasshopper, Gulangji, accidentally broke the motorcycle during the battle, who would Li Qinghe find to repair it.

Before baduu's kick hit a smoker, Li Qinghe let Zedu Yingzi hide to the far side, walked forward quickly, and dragged a smoker to the other side.

Baduu's kick landed on the police car that Koshiro Yusuke was leaning against when he shot.

That police car was kicked and exploded by baduu!Iron splash!

Splashing parts from the police car penetrated the bodies of many officers.

Yi Xun's face was pale, thanks to Li Qinghe who gave him a hand, otherwise he would be the same as that police car, and when the time came, it would be replaced by parts of his body flying around.

Although Yiyi Xun also imagined in advance that one day he would die in the battle with Gulangji, but he didn't think that he would die so badly, at least his arms and legs would be fine, just like dirt, he could see Look decent.

Zedu Yingzi also almost fainted from shock, it was the first time she witnessed Gu Langji's murder with her own eyes.

Did Yusuke Godai fight against such a terrifying enemy?Sure enough, he was still so optimistic and said every day that it was okay, it was okay, but in fact he was fighting on the front line of the battle.

No, after returning, he must not be allowed to fight any longer.Didn't this unreliable one Kaoru promise himself not to let Godai Yusuke fight?

Zedu Yingzi looked angrily at Kaoru who was still in shock.But thinking that he almost died in the line of duty just now, the anger in my heart is much less.

Wudai Yusuke also glanced at Yiyixun's position in fear, and a police officer almost died in the hands of this Gulangji.

Wudai Yusuke was furious, rushed to Yiyi Xun's position, and started fighting with baduu.

Baduu also noticed Goshiro Yusuke, set off a police car, pushed Goshiro Yusuke aside, and then jumped up and jumped to the roof of the [-]-meter-high building again.

"If, if I can jump that high, then I can beat that guy."

Yusuke Godai clenched his fists, and the color of his body changed to green as the main color at some point.

In order to solve this Gurangi, Godai Yusuke changed Kuraga's form not because of his own crisis, but to better protect everyone.

This green form is called the Azure Dragon Form.

This form is extremely high in jumping ability and flexibility, and is good at fighting as smoothly as flowing water.

Its nirvana is Qinglong Splash, which is as powerful as Almighty Kick.Excellent explosive power, but the power of punching and kicking is quite weak.

It will become this form when it wants to jump to a high place, and it is proficient in the fast Huaguo boxing.The attack power and defense power are obviously inferior to the almighty form. When picking up something that can remind it of a long body, it will become a "blue dragon stick", which can be freely stretched and stretched, with a maximum length of 2.

It's a pity that Wudai Yusuke turned into this in a daze this time, and couldn't fully control this form.

Like the first Kurangi, only with one form, that is, the red Kurangi form, also known as the omnipotent form, sealed all Gulangi.

The blue dragon form of the fifth generation is an evolution of Kuuji, an evolution that occurred in order to deal with different enemies.

As the first Kurangi, Kerry can defeat all Gulangi without any other form, and the reason is that he is very strong.

Human beings in the last civilization did not develop technology like the technology of this era, but developed individual civilization.

Although it is not as good as Gu Langji in terms of individual strength, it is not too far behind. Generally speaking, it cannot be beaten. If it is an extremely good human elite, it is very likely that it will escape from Gu Langji's hands.

And Kerry is that era, the elite of the elite among human beings. Even without transforming himself, he can defeat the less powerful Grunji like Bat Grunji and Spider Grunji.

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