"I understand."

Sakurai agreed.

"Then Kaoru Ichijo will continue to introduce you to the investigation and the countermeasures when the base is discovered."

Yi YiXun took a suitcase from the hand of his little fan girl Shi Shan.

"This is a report written by Ms. Chuntian from the Scientific Research Department. From the analysis of the smoke from the factory that responded to No. [-].

Developed a special gas bomb to distinguish and suppress unidentified life forms.After removing the safety device on it, if you throw it, it will explode and produce smoke. "

Li Qinghe complained in his heart, what are you talking about so complicated, isn't this just a smoke bomb?

Speaking of which, in the world of Kamen Riders, no matter which world they are in, their Jungong strength is quite backward.

You can see that in my world, smoke bombs are only developed to target unconfirmed life forms.No wonder, in this world, no world war has broken out for thousands of years.

"We're going to use something like this. But I'd rather trust the gun in my hand."

Sakurai put the smoke bomb back into the suitcase.

"But this is for the life forms from No. [-] onwards. Whether it can play a role can't be explained without seeing it in actual combat."

Xun Yiyi finished speaking and sat back in his seat, and nodded towards the police boss Masao Matsukura.

57-year-old Matsukura Masao, he is the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. After the establishment of the Joint Search Department for Unidentified Life Forms, he also served as the head of the department.

"The search needs to be careful and repeated. All personnel, please take it as your duty to find the stronghold of the confirmed life body, and go to suppress it. Please be careful, I hope to see everyone at the next meeting."

Masao Matsukura finally made a summary speech and ended the meeting.

What Li Qinghe heard was that he felt sleepy.

In two months, Wudai Yusuke has been able to skillfully control the three forms of Almighty, Sky, and Azure Dragon.He has independently eliminated more than a dozen Gulangi, and has made great progress. His physical fitness has also been strengthened by Kuraga's belt, which is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Li Qinghe understood why Kerry was so powerful. After transforming into Kuuga, the Kuuga belt strengthened his physical strength again.In this way, going round and round, his strength reached the point where he could seal the entire Gurangi race.

But the relationship between Li Qinghe and Zedu Yingzi is still in the same kind of way. It seems that there is only a piece of paper between the two sides, and it seems that there is a layer of mountains between them.

Wudai Yusuke was dumbfounded and couldn't see anything.

But the relationship between Li Qinghe and Natsume Mika is much better.

Let Natsume Mika become his little assistant, and help him translate some ancient texts every day.By the way, it can also supervise the process of the Black God cultivating human power.Natsume Mika also enjoys this process.

Li Qinghe has been paying close attention to the progress of the Wu Gengji world, and he dare not relax at all.

The Black God has invested three batches of the human forces he cultivated.

The water angel chose Natsume Mika as the envoy, and the other three angels, not to be outdone, each chose a envoy and recruited manpower.

Seongnam University Archaeological Research Office.

"Godai, you're very handsome in a green jersey today."

After Li Qinghe finished the meeting, he returned to the laboratory and found that his little assistant, Natsume Mika, was not here. It seemed that she was completing the task assigned to her by the Black God.

Natsume Mika's mother, Natsume Miki, seemed to have discovered something, but she pretended to have discovered everything. As long as her daughter can be so happy, why should she find out.

It's just that what the neighbor and her daughter said recently made her more irritable.The daughter seemed to treat Li Qinghe as a father, and she heard from her daughter more than once that she felt the love of a father from Li Qinghe.

On the other side, Gu Langji was not idle either.

Ever since Kongga appeared, none of Gurangi's missions has been completed.Now it's time for the No.19 game qualifiers to play.

This time Grunge.The human form looks like a replica of Bai Wuchang.

"You're late. How many people are you going to kill?"

The rose girl looked at the impermanent Gu Langji and said.

"Huh, i, these Linduo are too weak, kill 562 people, three days."

Gu Langji, who was like Bai Wuchang, said arrogantly.

Rose Girl handed the counting bracelet to Gu Langji.

"It's finally my turn this time. I won't be like those trash before. How about counting three?"

Asked this Gu Langji, who had the same appearance as Bai Wuchang and wore a pointed hat.


Rose Girl nodded.

Gulangji uses the nine base system, three or 27 people.There are 27 more than one empty space.

Chapter 27 Squid Gurangi

I walked up to Bat Gulangji with a proud face, snorted, and left.

Gu Langji, the bat, looked envious. He didn't know when it would be his turn. Silly boy, those who break the rules of the game cannot join the game.

It's a pity that Bat Gulangi still doesn't know.

By the way, the rank and culture of Gurangi.

Grunge Group Grade

ngroup nen

In the original work, only No. 0 appeared, which symbolizes the king of Gulangi and the strongest clan, and has the right to kill other Gurangi when they play "games".Belt in gold colour.

RA Group RA

Known members are number b1 (Rose Girl) and b9 number 47, who do not participate in the "game", but exist as supervisors of the "game".From the words of No. 46, we can see that all members of this group have extremely strong strength.Belt marble.

ヌGroup nu slave

Only number b14 is known to exist, responsible for repairing the Gurangi belt and counting games.

Go Group Ge

Participate in the "semi-finals".Although the number is small, they are all the elite of Gulangji, except for No. 40, they must be sublimated to solve them.All members have the ability to change their weapons, and the strongest trio, No. 44 to No. 46, can change their forms like Kuuga.The strongest No. 46 has the strength of the pull group.The belt is jet black.

メ group charm

Participate in the "game".The combat power is medium, and there are many weirdos with special abilities such as transparency and poisonous needles.Among them, No. 36, the strongest, possesses the strength of the Ge Group, so it needs to be solved with the power of sublimation.Belt dark silver.

zu group zu zi

Participate in the "game".The combat power is low, and it mainly uses its own body to fight.In the middle of the "game" in the play, No. b1 suddenly transferred the right to play the "game" to the Mei Group, and then the remaining members except No. 22 and No. 3 were killed by No. 22.Among them, No. [-], the strongest, possesses the strength of Mei Group.Belt in copper tone.

ベ Group bebei

The lowest-level group that exists in the setting.Most of the members were killed by No. [-] because they were too weak to participate in the "game". They were called "servants", which is equivalent to the existence of combatants.

They have their own language system (Gurangi) and 9-digit numbering method. Depending on individual differences, some of them also have high intelligence that can learn Japanese, driving vehicles, and surfing the Internet in a short period of time.

In addition, in the Ge Group, there are people who are quite interested in human art.But for them, human beings are just the target of the game, and the anti-spatial self is only regarded as an obstacle to increase the difficulty of the game, or a slightly stronger target.

The "Game" called "Kikiru" played by the Gulangi tribe is a competition to try to kill as many people as possible within a certain period of time.

The time limit and the number of people are generally proposed by number b1 (Rose Girl), but there are also examples that are determined by the contestants themselves.

Each game is limited to one player, and other players must not kill humans (except No. 0). Even if they are attacked by the police, other players must abide by the rules and escape without resistance.

Because of this, the bat Gurangi, who had killed before the start of the game, failed to qualify until the end.In addition, although No. 1 and No. 5 also killed people before the game started, they were killed by Kuuga before the game officially started.

Winners of the game can be promoted and challenged to games with more difficult conditions.Although the games of the Mei Group are just "killing more people than the Zi Group", the games of the Ge Group are called "semi-finals" (dark games), except that the games of the Zi and Mei Group have time limits and target numbers Ge Group participants are also required to define an additional constraint, such as the characteristics of the victim or the manner of death.

When the semi-final is successful, you can engage in a one-on-one battle "semi-final" (a game of white and dark) with No. 0, and after knocking down No. 0, inherit its transformation belt and gain powerful power.However, among those who successfully upgraded in the play, only No. 31 was promoted from the Zi Group to the Charm Group.At first, the "bracelets" used to count the number of victims will be distributed to the contestants, but in the semi-finals, No. b9 (No. 47) will take the counter with him and carry it out for direct recording.

Before the "game", No. b1 will use the "game ring" to insert Gurangji. At this time, Grunji will start timing. If the "game" is not completed within the time limit, Kiddru will explode himself.Kiboron is the source of Grunji's power. If Kibolon is destroyed, Grunji will also die.

i have started his game.

On the other hand, Li Qinghe was on the way home when he ran into Yu Yu, a young man, who was in love with him.

The 31-year-old is a single woman who usually works outside the home, and her mother takes care of her children at home. Like Yusuke Godai and Sakurako Sawado, she graduated from Jonan University.She is responsible for researching unconfirmed life forms and developing corresponding equipment.

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"What a coincidence, oh, why didn't you drive today?"

Zedu Yingzi was going back to her hometown to visit her parents today, so there was no one in Li Qinghe's car.

"Oh, it's you. My car had a little problem on the road and couldn't start the ignition, so it was sent to the repair shop."

Is there any reason for this to happen?/p>

"Then I'll take you home, as it happens that I'm fine now."

Li Qinghe stopped the car.

"That's so embarrassing. I'll walk a little longer and get to the bus stop. Just wait until I've taken the bus."

Is it a reward?/p>

In the end, under Li Qinghe's warm greeting, he died by accident?/p>

Li Qinghe sent her back home, and he asked her to go to Lu Yuan, a good boy, to be a good boy.

Li Qinghe wrote down this place, and he hasn't contacted Rose Girl for a long time, so if he asks her to borrow someone again, it should still be possible.

I can't eat what's in the bowl, so I have to eat what's in the pot.

What does Li Qinghe think of the old man?/p>

But Li Qinghe has no plans to have more sons.The child born by oneself is the dearest.

Taito District.

A pair of schoolgirls are playing here.

A pair of wet hands stretched out from the guardrail on the shore.This person is none other than the new Grunji game qualifier i Squid Grunji.Its soft body tissue absorbs all blows.The body can generate 280c high-temperature explosives that turn into ink and spray out from the mouth, instantly reducing human beings to ashes.But this causes hyperthermia, steam is emitted from the abdomen, and it needs to be cooled in water.The weak point is the abdomen.The self-proclaimed "Silver Slayer."

"Turn you into the appearance of being killed."

Squid Grunji climbed out from the guardrail and said to the two female students.



The two female students shouted and ran towards the rear.The reason for the mass killings of Gu Langji has caused great social panic, and the police have been unable to block it.

Therefore, ordinary people also know the existence of Gulangji.According to the police's instructions, whenever they see these unconfirmed life forms, there is only one thing they have to do, and that is to run. .

The two female college students also followed the police's advice and quickly ran away.

I turned into squid Gu Langji and sprayed ink-colored high-temperature explosives at the two female students.

Chapter 28 The actual combat effect of smoke bombs

"Boom, boom."

After two explosions.The souls of the two female college students were wiped out, leaving only a photo that was not completely burned.

Gu Langji, the squid, swiped two of the bracelets on his hand, which meant that he had killed two Linduo.

Gu Langji, the squid, turned around and saw two construction team employees.Hey, it's two more people.In this era, there are so many things, so many.

The news of the squid Gu Langji's appearance soon became known to Xun Yiyi.

One Kaoru called Five Dai Yusuke's father.

Speaking of which, Yusuke Godai's real father was a war reporter, but unfortunately he died in the flames of war.

His father Tamasaburo raised him, so Yusuke Godai has a very deep affection for his father Tamasaburo.Treat him like your own father.

"Fifth Generation, your phone number. It's the handsome guy in the coat."

Wudai Yusuke naturally understood that what the father was talking about was the police officer Kaoru Ichijo.

Yusuke Goshidai answered the phone, "Hi, what is it at Seven Daime in Asakusa, okay. I'll go right away."

Today was originally Yusuke Godai's birthday, and his younger sister Nen Godai is the biological daughter of his father Yutaro.

But Godai Nian and Godai Yusuke's relationship is very good, vaguely beyond the kind of relationship between siblings, she deliberately asked for leave from kindergarten to come back from kindergarten to celebrate Godai Yusuke's birthday.

Before Godai Nian had time to say anything, Godai Yusuke left in a hurry.

After Godai Yusuke left, Godai Nian said to his father, "Daddy, today is Godai Yusuke's birthday."

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