Pingchuan District.

Sakurai patrolled the vicinity with a police dog that could smell the smell of Gurangi. The police dog was called the Emperor. The Emperor seemed to have found something and ran in one direction.

Finally the Mikado stopped at a factory.

Tokyo headquarters police immediately surrounded here.This should be Gu Langji's lair.

But the dog's barking still spread into the factory and was heard by Gu Langji.

"The nostalgic guy is here."

A charm-level Gu Langji said.

"What are you doing here?"

Rose Girl asked indifferently.

"Let me play the game, let me play the game."

The one who spoke was Gu Langji, the only remaining rhinoceros who had seen Li Qinghe once.

He is the strongest monster in the Zi Group, possessing both brute strength and tough defense, and has a hard rhinoceros horn on his head.

Due to the poor performance of the Zi Group, the game was suspended before all the entries were made, and the Mei Group took over. He was very dissatisfied with losing the qualification, and later played the killing game privately, with a rough personality.

It was almost his turn, but he was disqualified from the competition, which undoubtedly deprived him of the possibility of advancing.This made him very dissatisfied.

"You don't have that qualification anymore."

Rose Girl said coldly.

"Give it to me, I want a game."

Seeing that the rhino Gulangi was about to make a move, the other Gurangi stopped in front of Rose Girl.

"Rules are rules."

Rhino Gurangji sees that there are charm-level Grunji around him, and they all reject Rhino Grunji.

Even Gurangi the Bat had a mocking face.

Originally, Kaoru Ichijo was going to hunt and kill the squid Gulangi with Yusuke Godai.However, it has not been confirmed that the living body joint department has found the place where Gurangji gathers.

"Fifth Generation, I'm going to search the scene. Be careful when you're alone."

Kaoru had to call Five Dai Yusuke, let him go to fight alone, and go to the place where Gu Langji gathered by himself.

When Yiyi Xun came here, the police had already deployed manpower and would not let a Gulangi go. The premise of all this was that the smoke bombs they made were effective.

"Let's get started. It's time, test crackdown is ready."

Sugita Morido said.

Three smoke bombs were fired from the roller shutter and thrown into where Gu Langji was.

"This is……"

Before Rose could say anything, she smelled a pungent smell, did the group of Linduo catch up again?

"It was you, it was you who attracted the group of Linduo. Before we were here, Linduo had never found out. Until you came, it seemed that Linduo had surrounded us."

A glamorous woman named Gurangi blamed the rhino Gurangi.

"Yes, otherwise, how would they know this place."

Other Gu Langji also echoed one after another, who made him the only one left with the Zi-level Gu Langji.

"Za, it's you, it's your smell that attracted Lin Duo."

Now that Rose Girl has said the same thing, Rhino Gulangi grinned.

He didn't think too much about it, since Rose Girl said so, that was his problem.

Bat Gulangi is still smelling Za.

"Go away."

Rhino Grunji slapped Bat Grunji away, and now Bat Grunji couldn't laugh anymore.

A moving factory in Arakawa Ward.

Gu Langji, the squid, climbed up from the sea, and happened to see a bunch of Linduo.

"Kill all of you except one."

After the cuttlefish Grunji finished speaking, he began to spray ink-like explosives.

As long as a little bit is glued to someone's body, the whole person will be blown to nothing.

The porters of the factory ran outside.Gu Langji, the squid, caught up unhurriedly and killed all the people here.

After the kill, just as the cuttlefish Gulangi was about to leave, Yusuke Godai arrived on a motorcycle.

"Empty me!"

Gulangi the squid was going to kill Kuuga, killing one Kuuga, but there were as many as 25 ordinary people.

"I am the slayer of silver. I, Ku me, can you defeat me?"

Yusuke Goshidai got off the motorcycle and transformed directly into Kuuga's all-around form.


A cloud of ink splashed on Goshiro Yusuke's right shoulder.

Wudai Yusuke covered his shoulders and half knelt on the ground.

"Damn it, why does it hurt so much? It's a good thing it didn't hit the head. You bastard..."

Kuraga, who was transformed by Yusuke Goshidai, made a somersault and escaped the next attack of the squid Gulangi.

"Go to hell."

Squid Grunge continued to spray explosives.

Yusuke Godai didn't dare to let the squid Gulangi continue to spray.

Yusuke Godai escaped, but the motorcycle behind him was contaminated with explosives and exploded directly.

Godai Yusuke jumped behind the squid Gulangi, hugged him from behind, and tightly strangled the squid Gulangi's neck with one arm.

The cuttlefish Grunji was not affected at all, but grabbed Kuraga's arm, trying to throw him on the back.

With the other hand, Godai Yusuke let go of the squid Gulangi, jumped up and beat the squid Gurangi's neck and head with his elbow.

"Is it just such a small level of attack? I really don't know how those idiots lost to you. But it doesn't matter, your head will be mine soon."

Squid Gulangi is an arrogant horse, his soft body tissue can absorb all blows.

Therefore, Godai Yusuke's beating and hammering did not cause any damage to the cuttlefish Gulangi at all.

"how is this possible."

Goshiro Yusuke had a look of disbelief.

The cuttlefish Gu Langji let Wudai Yusuke fight for so long, just to consume Wudai Yusuke's physical strength.

Now it was his turn to fight back, the cuttlefish Gulangi was thrown away, sending Godai Yusuke flying.

"Godai, take this. You imagine yourself as an indomitable swordsman, and defeat him with your sword."

Li Qinghe came here riding a police motorcycle assigned to him by Xun.

Li Qinghe threw the key of the police car, which was shaped like a long sword and was one decimeter long, to Yusuke Godai. .

Five generations of Yusuke caught the motorcycle key, like an indomitable swordsman?There is no retreat, you have me.

Five generations of Yusuke enlightened!

Chapter 29 Titan Form

The car key held by Goshiro Yusuke turned into a long purple sword.

Five generations of Yusuke's form has changed again, from the red omnipotent form to the purple appearance, that is, the Titan form.

This form is a special form that strengthens the muscles and armor of the whole body, and its strength, attack power, and defense power are all excellent.

Its ultimate move is Calamity Giant.It will turn into this form when you dodge an attack from a powerful enemy.It has strong athletic ability, but due to the heavy biological armor, its movements become slow, so it mainly uses attacks that do not evade the opponent.And the skin defense is lower without armor protection.

Yusuke Goshiro transformed into a titan and strode forward, ignoring the explosives sprayed by the squid Gurangi.

Even if the explosives hit Wudai Yusuke, he remained indifferent.

"Go to hell, go to hell."

Squid Korangi yelled while spraying explosives until Yusuke Goshiro came up to him.

Yusuke Goshiro stretched out his hand to cover the mouth of the cuttlefish Gurangi.

The explosive shot by Gulangi the squid wounded his own mouth instead.

Yusuke Godai pierced the squid Gurangi's abdomen with a sword.


Squid Gulangi dared not ask.

"Because you are a bitch, used to help Sora unlock new poses."

Li Qinghe said silently.

"Boom" sound.

The squid courgette had a blast.

Wudai Yusuke has lifted his transformation, and the Titan form has high defense, but the thick armor on his body also limits the speed of Wudai Yusuke, making it impossible for Wudai Yusuke to run.

Especially when I transformed into a Titan form for the first time, walking a few steps was more tiring than fighting a battle.However, fortunately, this unconfirmed life form was finally resolved.

On the other side, they are rounding up a Xun from Gulangji headquarters.

Their mission was a failure.After the smoke bombs took effect and they rushed in, all the Gulangi left.

However, although Gu Langji left, they still left some props, such as bracelets, drawing boards, and dolls.

Shan Mu Shoudao said dejectedly, "It still failed, did you escape? It seems that this suppression bomb is not as useful as expected."

Yi Yixun saw several fake dolls, some of them had knives on their heads, and some of their bodies were torn apart.

"Unpleasant arrangement."

Sugita-san shook his head and said.

"Mr. Sugita! Come and take a look here."

Sugita heard Police Officer Sakurai shouting.

Kaoru and Sugita Morimichi rushed over, and they saw an underground waterway.

"Where did they escape!"

One Xun said thoughtfully.


A smoked headset rang.

"He ran away suddenly from the Emperor, as if he smelled their scent."

The Emperor was the police dog responsible for helping a smoker locate Gu Langji.

Yi Yi Xun and the others left a group of people to keep the scene, and took another group to pursue Gu Langji.

When Yi Xun and the others arrived, there was only a bloody dog ​​chain left on the Mikado, and the trainer kept crying while holding the dog chain.

Za (rhino Gulangi) threw the body of the police dog into the abandoned pool.

Li Qinghe and Wudai Xiongsuke also rushed here on motorcycles.

The reason why Li Qinghe went to help Wudai Yusuke first was because of Yi Yixun's request, and on the other hand, he didn't want his relationship with Rose Girl to be seen by others.

When Li Qinghe got off his motorcycle, he heard a man crying, "The Emperor," "The Emperor."

After questioning, Li Qinghe finally understood, it turned out that the emperor had died, and a dog called him the emperor, it was ridiculous.

This time, apart from the good news brought by Li Qinghe that Gu Langji, the squid was wiped out, and a piece of news brought back by Xun, the headquarters were not satisfied.

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