Li Qinghe is not a good person, not today, nor will he be in the future.

After two days of adjustments, I'm thirsty?/p>

This is the information collected by the scientific research department during the two days when she was away.

Because of Li Qinghe's outstanding performance, Li Qinghe was chartered to join the research department to assist in the investigation.

"This is a photo of the mysterious creature flying, taken from the virtual and resting area. Let me zoom in a little for everyone, does it look blurry.

I'll post it in a patched photo like this. "

On the stage was a smoked little fan girl, Shi Shanwang.

"What's the text on it?"

Masao Matsukura asked.

Shi Shan saw, "This is the writing on the container truck that transported it."

"Is that fusion?"

What is the real feedback?/p>

"But will such a thing come true?"

Yi Yi Xun thought silently.

"And after that, police stations in various places have been receiving reports of sightings. First, at 5:35 this afternoon, this photo was taken over Shanli County."

Shi Shan saw it under the projector and changed another photo.

"The shape just now is very similar, but it looks a little fatter. Could it be that it is pregnant?"

After Sugita Morimichi finished speaking, the entire conference room burst into laughter.

"Is that the door of the car?"

Sakurai pointed to a spot on the picture and asked.

"About that there were reports of theft of that model from the scrapyard, others are under investigation. Then next up in Tokyo it changed the color again.

This is the water supply tower on the roof of the building. This photo was taken after 20 households were affected. It changed color, which is consistent with the water supply tower. "

Shi Shan saw it and continued.

"I'm so handsome?/p>

Masao Matsukura still has to ask the head of the research department to ask him if he can help you?/p>

"I don't know whether it's a chemical reaction or a physiological phenomenon, but I think the possibility of assimilating metals into my own body is very high."

Is it true that the party and the vulgar are about the drought?/p>

Kaoru "But why the hell is that?"

"The current situation should be incomplete. He should want to become a complete body, so he needs to absorb those materials."

樚actinium shop×ship⊥penalty?

"Will he plan to attack us like an unidentified life form?"

Sakurai asked, this is also everyone's doubts, this mysterious creature is like Sora, who does not manage money.Or kill him like other unconfirmed life forms.

"So far, there have been no homicide cases. But in case something serious happens, it is possible, and in connection with this, there are also new unidentified life forms.

Just solved the 23rd incident, I think, everyone is very hard.But for the safety of citizens, please continue to work hard tonight under the state of emergency.

We must not relax, we must be ready. "

Masao Matsukura said.



Matsukura Masao didn't want to do anything to this mysterious creature, because it would kill people again.

The unconfirmed living body No. 24 (hermit crab Gulangi) has already appeared at the scene of a car accident at this moment.

Unconfirmed life form No. 24 is not good at melee combat, and likes to lurk in human-made trucks and kill people with reversed trucks.The skill of running a truck is not low.The human form wears a "Safety First" armband upside down on the left arm with a pin inserted into the flesh.

"Linduo is driving. Let me hit you to death."

Unidentified living entity No. 24 drove a truck and crashed into the people who hadn't escaped from the scene of the accident.

Even the melon eaters on the side are victims.

The unconfirmed living body doesn't need to care whether you are innocent or not.

The unexpected situation here quickly attracted the attention of the police. .

Such a vile murder does not seem to be done by human beings, and it is initially positioned as a crime committed by a confirmed living body.

And the man whose meaning was not confirmed as a living body was still driving and hitting people there.

Chapter 36 Solve the Hermit Crab Gurangi

"What, an unconfirmed life form has appeared? I'll go there right away."

As soon as the meeting ended, Yi Yixun received a call from his subordinate.

After the police arrived at the unconfirmed living body 24, as expected, the identity of the suspected unconfirmed living body was confirmed.

Seeing that Linduo was interfering with his game, the hermit crab Gu Langji jumped out of the truck. He had no choice but to get rid of Linduo who was in the way.

The road is full of police cars, how can you let the truck hit people.

In front of the charming Gu Langji, the police bullets were even more fragile and did not cause any harm to Gu Langji.

"Linduo! I want to kill you all."

When the hermit crab Gu Langji punched down, a police officer was thrown flying more than ten meters. I really thought that Gu Lang Ji, who had a few tons of data, was for nothing.

The hermit crab Gu Lang basically didn't want to pay attention to Lin Duo who stepped on those spoilers, because it didn't count as his number of kills.But in order to continue the game, we can only kill all the obstacles in front of us.

Li Qinghe received the notice, and was just about to have a date with the gangster?/p>

"be careful."

Is it possible to use a uranium or a uranium?/p>

"I will definitely come back, you are still waiting for me."

Listening to what Li Qinghe said, the other female police officers whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry?"/p>

She lost the previous lawsuit with her husband.She felt like she had lost everything, nothing left.Now only Li Qinghe is helping her sincerely.

Can you not lose?Li Qinghe spent a large sum of money, and threw a parallel importer to Tian Guang.

Li Qinghe took the place of the scorpion and the rest of the scorpion, who is it?/p>

Since the end of the case, the two lawyers and Mr.

Of course, all of this has changed for the better./p>

By the time Li Qinghe rushed over, everything was over.The police officers who stopped him were all dead, and there were no clues about the hermit crab Gu Langji, so we had to wait for him to commit crimes again.

Seeing that Li Qinghe came back without incident, he panicked and panicked. ?/p>

As a result, the police received another call to the police that night. ǖG?/p>

Seongnam University Archaeological Research Office.

Wudai Yusuke answered the phone in a daze, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night,

"It's the Hill of Holy Cherry Blossoms."

Hearing the appearance of an unconfirmed life form, he hurriedly set off and closed the door gently because Sawado Sakura fell asleep lying on the workbench.

Can you not be tired of translating Gulangi texts every day, and forgetting to eat and sleep?

That is Wudai Yusuke, how dare the others Li Qinghe believe in their character.As for why Li Qinghe didn't go to Seongnam University recently, of course it's because the light bulb, Yusuke Godai, has always existed, and it's not easy for him to attack.

And Gram left from a crane, and it was already in its complete form.

On the way Yusuke Goshidai went to Sanji Sakura Hill, a mysterious beetle-like creature flew over his head.

"See you later, then."

Graham used his thoughts to transmit what he wanted to say to the fifth generation's ears.

Graham actually wanted to attach to Yusuke Godai's mount, but it has been sleeping until now, so he can only attach himself to the horse. What is this motorcycle? ? ?

Graham was full of resentment towards Yusuke Goshidai's motorcycle, "Obviously I came first. You actually found another motorcycle behind my back."

Gram advanced at full speed and flew to the place where the hermit crab Gurangi was making trouble.

The first time Li Qinghe saw the hermit crab Gu Langji, what the hell, I thought it was a random alien from Mars! !

This hermit crab, Gu Langji, looks too much like the cockroach man in the Martian alien.

The place where the hermit crab Gu Langji came this time is a large car repair shop, and there are many cars here.

Li Qinghe saw the hermit crab Gu Langji who ran over the employees of the automobile factory with his hands.

Wudai Yusuke also arrived at this time.


Yusuke Goshidai transformed ahead of time, and kicked the hermit crab Gulangi off the truck with a flying kick.

"Empty me!"

The hermit crab Gulangi can ignore Linduo, but he will never ignore Kuangji.

The hermit crab Gu Langji knows his own weakness, and he has his own shortcomings in close combat.He doesn't really want to fight directly with Yusuke Goshidai, what he wants to do is to complete his mission first and advance a level.

The hermit crab Gu Langji bypassed Yusuke Godai, and drove a forklift on a rampage. Yusuke Godai was not sure whether he could withstand his almighty form, so Yusuke Godai escaped.

The hermit crab Gu Langji drives a forklift, wherever there are people, except for me.

The hermit crab Grunji saw Sora and chased him on a motorcycle.

"Crush you to death, empty me! Empty me!"

The hermit crab Gu Langji stopped the car and started backing up, trying to run over Yusuke Godai to death.

At this moment, Gram, who came one step ahead, was split into two, one in front and the other in the back, and embedded on Yusuke Godai's motorcycle.

Yusuke Goshiro was driving a motorcycle and collided with a forklift.In the end, no one expected that Yusuke Goshiro's motorcycle would split the forklift in two.

Seeing that the momentum is not right, the hermit crab Gu Langji is about to run away.

Sora transformed into a blue dragon, his speed increased significantly, and he picked up a fire stick in the factory.

"Blue Dragon Stick!"

Sora whipped the hermit crab Gulangi away with a stick.

Gu Langji, who is a charm level, was blown up by Godai Yusuke with a stick.

It seems that Yusuke Godai's strength has become higher, and of course there is another reason.

Gu Langji of the charm level is not necessarily stronger than the Zi level, but they have fewer defects than the Zi level.

The same is imitating humans.A Gulangji with a charm level can imitate [-]% of the similarity, while a Gulangji with a low Zi level can only achieve [-]%.

Gu Langji of Zi level, even in the crowd, is regarded as a lunatic, and they have too many personality flaws.

Who would have thought that the hermit crab Gu Langji of the charm level would use human vehicles to kill humans.

Most Gulangi use their abilities, or other methods to kill humans, and never use human tools to kill humans.

If it was the Zi-level rhino Gulangi who made the move, none of the five hermit crabs Gulangji would be an opponent.

But the rhino Gulangi is too irritable, and his personality has made him, so he can only be the strongest in the Zi level, but he cannot enter the Charm level.

Speaking of which, the death of the rhino Gulangi was a real injustice, he was dragged to death by his opponent.If it wasn't for the charming piranha Gu Langji who was holding back at that time, if Li Qinghe didn't intervene in the battle between him and the fifth generation, the outcome would be really unpredictable. .

It is not necessarily the opponent who kills the strong, but the pig teammates who are holding back.

Wudai Yusuke got rid of this Gu Langji, gave a thumbs up gesture to Yixun, and left here.

Chapter 37 is going well

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