It's a pity that Graham turned into gravel again after using it.Use a scorpion to act as a curtain for eight loads, and use a scorpion to cover the eight loads.

Since this thing is helpful to Yusuke Godai, Kaoru will find a way.

These stones are temporarily handed over to the scientific research department to study, to see if there is any way to speed up the charging.

The hermit crab Grunji was wiped out, but there were more unidentified lifeforms five generations ahead.

In Niijima District, Ikebukuro, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Rose Girl was sitting on a public bench by the side of the road, a newspaper was blown to her feet.

"Unconfirmed life form No. 24 was killed."

A man with long beard came in front of her.

"I'm on the 25th, so it's my turn. Wait for the good news I bring you."

Rose Girl brought the man to a secluded place.

"Killed 72 people in one day."

This tiger, Gu Langji, chose the difficulty of his task. Even if he completed it, he would not gain too much strength improvement, but a little strength improvement is a little bit.

"This task is too simple, but so far, no one has completed the task, I hope you can complete it.

However, it was 6 people in 72 hours. "

Rose Maiden acknowledges his mission, and the game ring is inserted into Kidru.

Tiger Gulangi is good at hand-to-hand combat.His body was wounded many times in battle, so he was wrapped in bandages.He thinks that being wounded is a badge of honor for a soldier, and is proud of the many times he has been wounded.Use the chains on your body as weapons.The weak point is the abdomen.

Tiger Grunge took over the counting ring.

Tiger Gu Langji went out to kill people like this. He only killed policemen, which was regarded as a limitation of his game.

After Tiger Gu Langji left, Li Qinghe appeared behind Rose Girl.

"You came".

Rose Girl looked at Li Qinghe.

"It's not easy to find you, and sent another unlucky ghost out?"

Li Qinghe came over and hugged Rose Girl.

Rose Girl's hands turned into vines, about to pierce into Li Qinghe's body.

But the vines failed in the end, because a layer of ice appeared on Li Qinghe's body.

"Just be obedient. Others don't care, but you can't die. Get out!"

Li Qinghe's last words were addressed to the bat Gu Langji lurking behind a wall.


There was resentment and humiliation in the eyes of Bat Gu Langji, but he just didn't dare to do anything to Li Qinghe, he couldn't beat him.

"If you are obedient, it is not impossible to save your life after the game is over."

Li Qinghe patted Bat Gulangji on the shoulder, which made Bat Gulangji tremble with fright.

"Come on, let's go talk."

Li Qinghe and Rose Girl left, found a hotel, chatted and drank tea.

And Gu Langji, the tiger with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, has already started to act.

How could he not be noticed by Yi Yixun for such a blatant action.

When Wudai Yusuke rushed over, the tiger Gu Langji smashed the head of the policeman in his hand.

"Killing, killing, I who caused Linduo to fall into uneasiness and terror. This time, I will kill you first."

Yusuke Goshiro and the tiger Gorangi fight.

After some cloud and rain, Rose girl got dressed and stood on the window sill.

"You came to me, what's the matter?"

Li Qinghe "I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Rose Girl smiled, "I'm afraid even you don't believe what you said."

"I need the spirit stone that Kuga transforms into."

Li Qinghe put forward the purpose of his trip.

"Amadam, it's gone. Don't waste your time."

Rose Girl directly rejected Li Qinghe's request.

"Not anymore? Why not? Do you really think I'm stupid?"

Li Qinghe squeezed Rose Girl's chin with little force.

"Thousands of years have passed between the era of our recovery and the era of being sealed. How would I know where the remaining Yamadam is?"

There is no problem with Rose Girl's explanation.

"That's it, then I want to know, can Yamadam be transferred from one person to another."

Li Qinghe let go of his hand.

"You mean empty me?"

Rose Girl asked, but Li Qinghe didn't nod or shake his head.

"Yes, yes, but..."

Rose Girl thinks that Li Qinghe wants to transfer Yamadam from Fifth Generation Yusuke.

"It's fine. The game has been going on for a long time, but this game is less than a quarter of the way. Speed ​​up, I can't wait."

Li Qinghe left here with a little disappointment. What Rose Girl said was right. Perhaps in their time, there were still Yamadams, but thousands of years later.

Those stones are definitely gone, even if it is difficult to find any more, if they were found so easily, there would not be only one empty belt in the first place.

There are no Linduo fighters who are better than Kerry, but there are still Linduo fighters who are not much worse than him.

Naturally, what Li Qinghe was looking at was not the belt of Yusuke Godai, he was looking at the belt of size zero.As for the side effects, let’s wait until the transplantation.

These days, Zedu Yingzi didn't know what was going on, and suddenly became indifferent to Li Qinghe, as if she had heard some rumors from the scientific research department.

Because of unconfirmed life forms, Seongnam National University Research Institute and Unconfirmed Life Forms Joint Department often carry out some cooperation.

Li Qinghe and the badger sack are gone┓Miao Yuan and the badger are killed, and the badger thumb is killed.

These days, she has also discovered some signs, and wants to chase herself and Tian Guangyou at the same time?

Zedu Yingzi was naturally angry and jealous, and she didn't pretend to talk about Li Qinghe, thanks to Li Qinghe's use of some distracting tricks in the previous life to temporarily stabilize Zedu Yingzi.

Next, it is natural to seize the time to attack the rest of the scorpion. Excuse me. Hurt?/p>

As for the actinium, the sled, the scapula, the sledge, the sledge, the sputum, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, the falcon, the yuehuang, the sputum, the saliva, the young cow, the scorpion, the polonium, and the tip of the bath. /p>

In the end, Li Qinghe won the female supporting role, Tian Guang, who was the female supporting role.

Seeing the [-]% increase in the plot change rate, Li Qinghe is quite satisfied,

But speaking of it, the plot changes from fighting monsters are a bit more.

Li Qinghe's side and the other side of the scorpion actinium  gram  angle  flash play  cut ┝ tie is not a good thing? /p>

On the other hand, Wudai Yusuke solved the tiger Gulangji relatively easily. The weakness of this tiger Gulangji lies in the abdomen, so it was easy to be discovered.

Seongnam University Research Institute.

Sawado Sakurako listened to the news on the radio while translating Gurangi text.

Li Qinghe quietly pushed open the door and tiptoed in.

"Ring bell bell."

Zedu Yingzi's phone rang, she answered the phone, it was a call from Xun.

"If you look for Yusuke Godai, you have to wait, she hasn't come back yet."

"No, I want to ask how is the interpretation going on?"

Yiyi Xun gestured and rejected the bento that Shi Shan saw.

Chapter 38 Women's clothing boss

"On my side, the research of the scientific research department is not as smooth as expected."

Yiyi Xun blamed Li Qinghe a bit. He felt that Li Qinghe's entry into the scientific research department was just for flirting, and he wasted the rest of his life. /p>

But the above didn't say anything, and besides, this is Li Qinghe and Li Qinghe's entanglement? /p>

"Sorry, I haven't made any progress here. Although I found the name of the aircraft, it has not been translated yet. Its name is Graham."

Sakurako Zedo said.


One smoked.

A smoker walks into the scientific research institute of the United Ministry of Unconfirmed Life Forms, and sees that Li Qinghe is not there. p>

"Actinium Yu?

樚actinium kitchen×ship⊥two?/p>

"I don't know, I have no idea at all.

And according to your report, the thing is falling apart, that is, the motorcycle has since returned to its original shape. "

After a smoker left, he was agitated and panicked, and he was very nervous, so he started to look forward to it. This is the first time that he was born.

"Don't chase, it's useless to chase. Do you like one?"

Shi Shan blushed when he saw it, but he didn't object.This is undoubtedly the default

At the beginning, it was the time to help the scorpion actinium.

Of course, one of them helped, too. I'm not sure if I can't help it?/p>

樚actinium delicacy gun ぷ epiphysis  Huang knock Huangzai India D cut ┐ cattle  Cai  stir play ≡窳Su ∽about dry male armpit #醯梅场【Qi Chlorine cape model笑Choking Juyue Four Cuts┗Ba ZhengCui XingYe锩Α?/p>

Afterwards, those rumors died down.

"Thank you before."

Shi Shan sees and knows how to cut it?/p>

"It's nothing, and I don't want you to continue being single like this."

Shi Shan sees that she is helping relatives and not helping her. Usually, she and her husband are not happy with each other? /p>

"You, if you really want to chase after a smoker, don't waste time here, get in touch with his mother more.

You don't know, Yi Yisang's father is also a policeman. When he was ten years old, his father was assassinated by gangsters because he rescued a street girl in private, and the woman his father rescued did not die in the end. Say a word for his father.

If it weren't for his father's good reputation and his usual achievements, he might not even be able to get a pension.

After that, Yiyi adhered to his father's philosophy and joined the police station. Because of the incident when he was a child, he was honest with women.

If you want to chase him, you have to start with his mother who depends on him for life. He is a filial son. "

What's the current situation?/p>

"In this way, isn't it too good, it's too purposeful."

Shi Shan said with some embarrassment when he saw it.

樚actinium, 狻, strike, lead, back, sway, dream, turbulence, ∠ren, , yellow, corone, neon, baked, , pry, , tax, , maple, cooking, long, buck, mo, , blow, stir, four, about He, Xi,  Don't worry about bad lemons? Playing tricks? So prying burden? Talking about haggard words? Anxious and handsome?/p>

Shi Shan saw that he was in a hurry to be paid by the actinium actinium そPutting out Yi Yun's emperor's orifice was not correct. ? ?/p>

樚actinium cooking blow twistfermentso cowardly┯淡ィ细dark?/p>

"This kind of happiness is earned by fighting for it. You told me this. A mulberry is in our police force, but there are many people who like it. It's just that they can't get it. I don't know how to chase a mulberry.

Besides, you've seen it too, even if you don't do that, he has the same look on you.Besides, once you get married, are you afraid that you won't be able to subdue him?If he is disobedient, you can complain to his mother, hee hee.

Also, I heard that Yiyi Xun's mother was eager to hug a grandson. In her old man's words, she was just too lonely.If you have time, go to his mother's place for a while. "

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