"Yeah, you're right. Get married first, but how do you know so much news? Did you make up your mind about him before?"

"You little clever ghost, do you think my old lady will eat young grass? Haha, that's what I think."

The two got into a quarrel.

No one is born a workaholic, who doesn't know how to lie comfortably.

樚actinium   read and knock onion quantity bo  huangqiao shuo   yong mei curtain fat often   which apology  block 碚 shaying  牖 Ying Li Huanzhi а Xuan  Ji Huixiong Ц bean  [-] humor ?

What she told Shi Shanwang was true.If there is no Li Qinghe, then a mulberry is hers, how can she let her son lack the love of a father.

But now, everything has changed, and no one can predict what the future will be like.

Shinjuku area.

A long-haired "woman" in women's clothing and a white cap stopped a female student.

When the female student looked up, she saw a big guy in women's clothing.

He is none other than the human body of Mushroom Gurangi.

Mushroom Gulangi locked the female student's hands, leaned against the wall, and slowly approached the female student with his head.

The female student saw that this tycoon in women's clothing was very delicate, so she suffered a little bit, it seemed nothing, besides, no one around saw it.

As a result, the female student was slapped by the big boss of women's clothing.

The wall was finished, and the female student collapsed under the air conditioner.

"This is the 18th person. Disgusting Linduo."

The big guy in women's clothing looked at his bracelet and at the fallen female student, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and left in disgust.

But who made him decide for himself, playing the killing game in this way, since he has determined the way to go, he will finish walking even if he kneels.The result of not completing it is self-destruct!

Yusuke Godai left from Papa's shop and was about to go to Seongnam University, but received a phone call.

"Unconfirmed life form No. 26 appeared in Shinjuku."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Yusuke Godai headed towards Shinjuku.

Seongnam University Research Institute.

"Fifth Generation, don't be so naughty, let go, I can't see, I'm helping you translate the text."

Sawado Sakurako thought it was Goshiro Yusuke who covered her eyes.

"If you don't let go."

"If you don't let go, I will..., why is it you!"

Zedu Yingzi took Li Qinghe's hand away with a hint of indifference in her tone.

"Who else is there besides me? Let's go out for a meal together. Staying in the office every day has really become your home."

"I'm not hungry, and besides, I've eaten."

"Are you hungry or not? You don't know? I checked with Wu Dai. You woke up today and didn't eat breakfast. It's almost lunch now."

Li Qinghe held Zedu Yingzi and did not let go.

"Five generations, this bastard, didn't tell him not to..."

Zedu Yingzi said unwillingly, but her body was very honest, and she followed Li Qinghe out for dinner obediently.

Even Zedu Yingzi was a little secretly happy in her heart, as expected, her own charm is the greatest. In front of love, everyone is selfish. .

She knows how to act like a scorpion. She knows that she is the best. Yue polonium 搴You can be fierce and fierce ā[-] also魑cough playThe quality is large趺A certain sapphire?/p>

As for translation?There are so many ancient texts, what's the point of delaying the translation?

Chapter 39 Five Dead Generations

Li Qinghe and Zedu Yingzi reunited, and their relationship became closer than before.

The women's clothing boss is Mushroom Gu Langji. This time, he has spotted a middle-aged man.

"excuse me."

Mushroom Gulangi greeted him friendly, and then hugged the middle-aged man.

"what are you doing?"

The man yelled.

When the other people around saw a man hugging another man, they all complained in their hearts. Can this pair of old glasses be kept far away?But it seems to keep going.

Mushroom Gulangi felt that this man was too old to talk, so he directly transformed into Mushroom Gulangji.

Mushroom Grunge human form is a boy with feminine beauty.At the beginning, his constitution was weak, and he was even afraid of Kuuga, but he once defeated Kuuga with poisonous spores.His signature technique "Kiss of Death" is to send the poisonous spores in the body into the opponent's body through kissing, corroding the opponent's internal organs, and can instantly kill a person.Because of his weak constitution, he is often ridiculed by his peers.

The spores in the body can only survive at 35~40C, so places with high temperature are often chosen as the place to kill.Possesses a physique that will become stronger when attacked, and after strengthening, the head turns red because the poisonous spores are more toxic.

It can move at room temperature, and can kill people in a large area by spraying poisonous mist containing poisonous spores, even gas masks are ineffective.The hyphae scattered after the explosion can rapidly clone and proliferate into mutants.

Mushroom Gulangji can be said to be the one with the worst strength among the charm level Gulangji, not one of them.

The man foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

The surrounding melon eaters found out that the big guy in women's clothing was Gu Langji, and ran away in fright.

"Lin Duo, don't run away, come one by one."

Mushroom Gulangi jumped behind a fat man who was running slowly, and turned him from behind to his face.

In front of Gulangji, if you run slower than others, that is the original sin.

Seeing the fat man's frightened nose and tears mixed together, Mushroom Gulangi felt a little nauseous.

"go to hell."

This fat man, I don’t want mushroom gulangji, it’s too spicy for my eyes.

Mushroom Gulangi punched through the fat man's abdomen, and the trembling of the fat man's legs slowly stopped.

Mushroom Gulangi has chosen a female professional this time, um, I'm still talking about it.

"Death reception."

Grunji the Mushroom delivered venomous spores into the woman.

The young woman fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

"Damn it, it's a step late."

When Mushroom Gulangi saw Kuuga who had transformed into the fifth generation, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, without any desire to fight.

How could Wudai let such a cowardly mushroom Gulangi leave, ran over and knocked the mushroom Gulangji aside.

Mushroom Gulangi didn't even react, and received another punch from Yusuke Godai on the face.

Mushroom Gulangi was repaired miserably by Godai Yusuke, unable to fight back.In terms of combat power alone, many Gu Langji of Zi level are stronger than him.

But Mushroom Grunji has two characteristics that allow him to be based on this level.One characteristic is his "death reception". Once he is recruited, Gu Langji, who is one level higher than him, will feel uncomfortable and die.

Another feature is that the more you fight, the stronger you become.As long as he has experienced enough battles and suffered enough injuries, he can infinitely improve his strength.

Mushroom Gulangi was beaten so hard that he couldn't breathe, thinking that if he resisted or not, he couldn't beat Sora, so it's better to change the way.

Mushroom Gurangi gave up resistance on purpose, seized the opportunity to grab Sora, "sniffed" Sora's neck, and the poisonous spores in his mouth entered Sora's body.

I suddenly felt that I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't even stand still.

Mushroom Gulangi seized the opportunity to escape from here, and Wudai would not let him leave so easily.

Relying on his tenacious will, Goshiro Yusuke punched the fleeing Mushroom Gurangi with all his strength on the back, and a Kuragami logo appeared on the back of Mushroom Gurangi.

It's a pity that Wudai Yusuke lacks energy, and the strength of this punch is not enough, otherwise the mushroom Gulangi can really be eliminated.

Mushroom Gulangi endured the pain and fled here.

And Yusuke Godai, who made the last punch, couldn't bear it anymore. If the will was so useful, so many cancer patients wouldn't die every year.

Kuuga degenerates from a red almighty form to a white primary stage.

Wudai Yusuke staggered two steps and fell to the ground.

Not long after, Kaoru who rushed here got out of the car in a hurry, and saw Wudai Yusuke with pale lips, but there was no response to his call to Wudai Yusuke, so scared that he hurriedly called back Tsubaki Shuichi, who was dating outside.

Five generations of Yusuke was sent to Kanto Medical University Hospital for emergency treatment.

The particulate matter remaining on the dead middle-aged man's glasses was also discovered by Yi Xun carefully and sent back to the scientific research department.

One Kaoru hurriedly informed Sawado Sakurako of the news that Godai Yusuke was critically ill.

Zedu Yingzi hurried out of the restaurant without wiping her mouth, Li Qinghe hurriedly paid the bill, it seems that Wudai Yusuke has a big problem.

"Nian, your brother is sick and is in Kanto Hospital."

Tsubasa Godai, who was walking with the children in the nursery school, immediately asked for leave and went to Kanto Hospital.

Mushroom Gulangi was sitting in a garbage place, trying to recover from his injuries, with the heat sink of an air conditioner above his head.

"Yo, have you been beaten to the ground? Do you want me to help you and complete the task for you?"

As the bat Grunji said, he reached out to take off the ring on the arm of the mushroom Grunji.

"Go away, go away."

No matter how much Mushroom Grunji scolded, Bat Grunji still did his own thing, and it seemed that he really wanted to take off Mushroom Grunji's bracelet.

How could Mushroom Grunji hand it over? Mushroom Grunji didn’t believe a word of what Bat Grunji said. If his counting bracelet is really taken by Bat Grunji, the mission must be restarted. The mission is to be able to restart , but time can't run out any longer.

If the consumption continues, the mushroom Gulangi Gulangi may be dragged to death here by time, and finally blew up, it would be better to die in the hands of Sora.

In the end, Gu Langji, the mushroom, took a risky move, biting Gu Langji, the bat, and "bited" Wu Dai severely.

A large number of poisonous spores entered the body of the bat Gulangi before finally escaping.

Mushroom Grunji pushes Spider Grunji away.

The bat Gulangi was so close to the mushroom Gulangji, so he was naturally hit.

Bat Gulangi held his throat with one hand and coughed non-stop.

Although Mushroom Grunji cannot kill Bat Grunji of the same faction, it is still possible to teach him a lesson.

"Can you continue the mission? Time is running out."

Seeing that Rose Girl was questioning himself, Mushroom Gurangji stood up reluctantly, and said proudly, "There is no problem, just wait, I will get rid of those damned Linduo soon."

What Rose Girl said was really kind.She didn't think Gulangi, a mushroom in this state, could still complete the task. .

Mushroom Gurangi left here, he didn't want to see the bat Gurangi who mocked him again.

Persisting until the evening, the mushroom Gulangi finally persisted.

Chapter 40Effort

The kick that the fifth generation gave Mushroom Gulangi caused Mushroom Gurangi to suffer a very serious injury. Once he couldn't bear it, he might gg at any time.

Fortunately, the mushroom Gulangi resisted.

The injury was serious this time, and after recovering, Mushroom Gulangi's strength also improved greatly.

"Empty me, you will die. Hahaha, now, who can stop me?"

Taking advantage of the darkness, Mushroom Gulangi started to act.

However, Yusuke Godai, who was sent to the Kanto Hospital, suffered from serious injuries.

"Tsubaki, how is the Five Dynasties?"

Yiyi Xun handed over the "glasses" to the rest of the family. O Lu Jing ∏ 搴 Right Huan 勈 Si forgive?/p>

Yiyi Xun recognized Li Qinghe's strength.

But Yiyi Xun felt that Li Qinghe was not as easy to contact as Wudai Xiongsuke, so he didn't want Li Qinghe to make a move. He always felt that Li Qinghe was hiding something.

"That's right, Godai Yusuke's situation is very bad. He has been able to persevere until now and has endured a lot of pain. I really admire his perseverance.

At this time, I think he needs you to be by his side and give him more support. "

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