Tsubaki Hideichi walked out of Goshiro's ward, surrounded by relatives and friends of Goshiro Yusuke, so he didn't hide anymore.

The news that Yusuke Goshidai is Sora is known to everyone except his father.

"One, those human beings who were killed by unconfirmed life form No. 26, their bodies were halfway, their internal organs were all damaged, and they hadn't been transported to the hospital yet, they..."

Although Yiyi Xun didn't finish his sentence, the others knew what was going on, that is, those corpses were beyond recognition, and they couldn't be distinguished, and when they were pulled back, they were just a pile of broken pieces.

Sawado Sakurako looked at the painful Godai Yusuke in the ward through the window, crossed her hands, and prayed that Godai Yusuke would persevere.

"The fifth generation, him, how is he?"

One smoked asked.

"It may be because his body has been strengthened by the belt, so although his body has also inhaled a large amount of poisonous spores, the situation has not yet become so serious, but you also know that his condition is now recurring.

The white blood cells in his body have been strengthened twenty times, and they are fighting against toxins.He was able to control the impact of the toxin on his internal organs.

Even so, there is still no turning point for Yusuke Godai's health to improve. "

Chun Xiuyi said.

"I'm sure my brother will be fine."

Wudai Yusuke's younger sister, Wudai Nian, said that she believed that her brother, who could do everything, would not give up on her sister and leave this world first.

Seeing Li Qinghe's calm face, Zedu Yingzi wondered if Li Qinghe knew something.

Zedu Yingzi found an excuse and dragged Li Qinghe to the door of the bathroom.

"You, you don't seem to be worried about Godai at all? He'll be fine, right?"

Sato Sakurako asked

"Well, this little trouble should not be able to defeat Godai Yusuke. Even if he is really gone, I will stay by your side to protect you."

Zedu Yingzi nodded, and with Li Qinghe's comfort, she felt much better.In her opinion, Godai Yusuke is a younger brother with a pure and kind personality, willing to help others, and sunny.

"Well, thank you. I, I'm a little scared. Even a person as strong as the fifth generation has fallen. I'm afraid, I'm afraid of you..."

In the eyes of Sakurako Zedo, Li Qinghe's strength is not comparable to Yusuke Godai.She really didn't want Li Qinghe to participate in the battle of those unconfirmed life forms.

Only Yi Xun knew about Li Qinghe's ability to transform.

This is also the reason why Yiyi Xun is worried about Li Qinghe, he feels that Li Qinghe is hiding too deeply.

"It's okay, trust me, I'm a little stronger than the five generations."

Zedu Yingzi thought that Li Qinghe was showing his machismo, but Zedu Yingzi didn't believe Li Qinghe's claim that he was stronger than Godai Yusuke.

But it didn't "expose", at least someone protected it.

With some comfort from Li Qinghe, Zedu Yingzi did not panic so much, and her legs did not tremble so much.

A smoked cell phone rang again.

"One Sang, the unconfirmed life form No. 26, appeared again."

Kaoru looked worriedly at Goshiro Yusuke's ward.

"Mr. Kiba, can you come with me?"

No matter how unwilling Yiyi Xun was, he still spoke.With Kiba Kiyokawa present, the police officers could save a few deaths.

"it is good."

Li Qinghe set off with a smoker.

"and many more."

Zedu Yingzi didn't want Li Qinghe to go out and fight against unconfirmed life forms head-on. Even Wudai Yusuke became like this, she was afraid that Li Qinghe would never return.

"Sakura, it's okay, wait for me to come back..."

Before Li Qinghe established his fg, Zedu Yingzi rushed over and gave him a scent.

"Don't talk nonsense, you will come back safe and sound."

Zedu Yingzi is also a person who has watched TV dramas. In TV dramas, whenever someone says, wife (son) (mother), wait for me to come back.

As long as this fg is established, then only the corpse will come back next.

Seeing other people looking at her strangely, Zedu Yingzi's face turned red, and she reluctantly sent Li Qinghe away.

"Do not worry."

Li Qinghe followed a Xun to the place where the mushroom Gu Langji appeared.

After Li Qinghe left, Zedu Yingzi said to Chun Xiuyi,

"I want to go back to the laboratory. Regarding the stone in the body of the fifth generation, I think there should be a reminder somewhere in the inscription. I will work hard in my own place, and I will leave it to you here. Thank you."

Chunxiu nodded.

There is nothing wrong with what Sawado Sakurako said, she is staying here now, and it is enough to have the younger sister of Yusuke Godai here to take care of her.

Wudai Yusuke's younger sister, Wudai Nen, watched everyone busy with his brother's affairs.Now she is the only one left in the hospital, and only she can accompany the lowest brother.

Unconfirmed life body joint department, research department.

樚actinium, food, ühalo⒕, flute core, hole, pong, panic, 乩, where to blow?

Morimichi Sugita at the research institute called Kaoru Ichijo.

"About that thing stuck on the glasses. It's already known to be extremely poisonous spores.

This unconfirmed life form should be an unconfirmed life form with mushroom power.Use the rest of the actinium actinium  Kangmu eight dan  apologetic minnows to change the seal? Between 5 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius.That said, like hot places. "

When Yiyi Xun came to the scene where Mushroom Gulangi committed another crime, Mushroom Gulangi had already fled here.

Ichijo Kaoru was about to take the team back, but when he heard Sugita Morido's words, he immediately began to guess where the mushroom Gulangi could hide. .

"All personnel, all go to investigate the outdoor unit of the air conditioner in that building. The unconfirmed living body should not have escaped far. He can only stay in a hot place near the outdoor unit to kill people."

Yiyi Xun instructed the police officers to conduct a carpet search, and once they found the unconfirmed living body, they should not act easily.

Chapter 41 Sadness

But the police officers sent by Yiyi Xun had searched the area completely, and there was no sign of the mushroom Gulangi.

Yiyi Xun realized that he might have made a mistake in his judgment.

Yiyi Xun took out the map and said to Sakurai next to him, "It seems very likely that the unconfirmed life form No. 26 escaped from this area. Immediately expand the search area to include the sewers."


Sakurai replied.

"But this time, No. [-] didn't come."

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

The words of the two policemen next to Kaoru made Kaoru's heart return to Yusuke Godai.

Combined with police officers from nearby areas, a special task force was formed to expand the search area, centering on the building that was searched at the beginning, and searched in all directions.

Mushroom Gulangi did run out of the apartment building, but he didn't run very far.

As Sugita Morido said, he can only survive in a space between 35 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius.

"The Shinjuku team members on patrol found a suspicious person who ignored the inspection. It is suspected that the unconfirmed living body No. 26."

On the phone, Shi Shanwang saw that he informed Yiyi of the latest information.

Xun Yiyi can already confirm that it is the unconfirmed life body. Based on Shi Shan's experience, there is no [-]% possibility, and he will definitely not report to himself.

Yi Yi Xun immediately mobilized his staff and rushed over there.

As for Wudai Yusuke, who was sent to the hospital, his condition was very bad at this time. The white blood cells had multiplied two hundred times, and they still couldn't resist the toxin spit out by the mushroom Gulangi.

Goshiro Yusuke's condition deteriorated again.

Tsubaki Hideichi hurriedly gave CPR to Yusuke Goshidai.The electric shock was repeated many times, but Yusuke Godai's heartbeat did not respond.

"Isn't it okay, do it again!"

Tsubaki Hideichi knows the identity of Yusuke Godai, and most of them are fine now, because there is a hero like Yusuke Godai who carries the burden for them.

"Forget it, doctor."

The nurse on the side said.This person is dead and cannot be saved.

"Do you know what will happen when you die! You have to say it's okay as usual!"

Tsubaki Hideichi continued to rescue Godai Yusuke until a green line appeared steadily on the heart rate monitor.

This means that Godai Yusuke's heart is no longer beating.

But Chun Xiuyi still rescued Godai Yusuke, he did not believe that such an optimistic person would die, Chun Xiuyi rescued him for six hours.

In the end, the other doctors couldn't stand it anymore, and they all came to replace Chun Xiuyi.


A doctor took the ventilator away, and they were all sure that Yusuke Godai was dead, and they all knew it well.But they could all see that Chun Xiuyi didn't want to accept this fact.

Tsubaki Shuichi opened the eyelids of Yusuke Godai, he really couldn't accept the news of Yusuke Godai's death.But, he has done what should be done.

"I'll be in charge next, you guys go out. Thank you everyone."

The other doctors knew that Chun Xiuyi must be very uncomfortable, so they all left the operating room.

The members of the special task force led by Xun Yiyi personally wore special gas masks, and he had not received any news from the hospital.

When Yiyi Xun rushed over, the guy who seemed to be an unconfirmed life form 26 started killing.After killing the people around him, he swaggered away.

The police were again a step behind.

Li Qinghe worked as a police car for a whole day, he was only responsible for hands-on searches, what a waste of his time.

Yiyixun had to close the team, when he received a call from Chun Xiuyi.

"07:44, confirmed dead."

Yiyi Xun held the phone and Chunxiu and one or two people, neither of them spoke again, neither of them wanted to believe this fact.

"So, about the fifth generation sister, please."

Don't look at Chunxiu who said that he wanted to dissect Wudai Yusuke without moving, that was a joke between him and Wudai Yusuke.To anyone who dares to dissect Yusuke Godai, Tsubaki Hideichi is the first to disagree.

But doesn't he agree that it's useful?

The news of the death of the living body No. [-] has not been confirmed, and the high-level police have also received the news here.

Wudai is the unconfirmed news of Life Body No. [-], which has been confirmed by the high-level police.

Now that the five generations are dead, let's make a little contribution to mankind.

Morimichi Sugita, who came out of the research department, knocked on a smoked car window.

"I'm so handsome?/p>

One Xun got out of the car and asked.

"I'm afraid it's the unconfirmed life form No. 26, because the injury has exhausted the spores, and the conclusion is that it will not appear for the time being. Just leave the security of the four weeks to the general police. We have to go back to the headquarters and continue to make countermeasures." , which is also the meaning above."

Kaoru "I see. I have a place I want to visit. I'm sorry, it won't take too much time."

Kaoru's face is very ugly, Sugita Morimichi is not a high-level police officer, so naturally he doesn't know Goshiro's true identity.

"What's the matter? Are you worried about the unconfirmed life body No. [-], even if it's that guy, he will be inconvenient sometimes.

We are us and he is him.Even without him, we have to try to do what we can do now, right? "

Sugita Morimichi reassured him that he is not a fool.Every time an unconfirmed life form appeared, Kongga appeared to help the police deal with those Gurangji.

Based on Kaoru's attitude, Sugita vaguely guessed that he might have a connection with Sora.

Chun Xiuyi, who was sitting at home, just called Yiyi when his phone rang.

Tsubaki Hideichi answered the phone, it was Sawado Sakurako calling.

Sakurako Sawado checked the information for a day, but she couldn't find a way to help Goshiro. She was a little worried about Goshiro Yusuke, so she called to ask.

Chun Xiuyi: "Hi, I just wanted to call you. I didn't expect you to call."

Sato Sakurako heard Tsubaki Hideichi's tone, not very kind, could it be five generations?The uneasiness in her heart magnified little by little.

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