"Five generations, is he okay?"

"Actually, he's already gone."

Chun Xiuyi broke the news.

"Actually, I still believe that he is not dead. I saw the belt in Nagano, and it entered the body of Yusuke Godai.

I can't believe it, but it's true.So far, even if he suffers unbearable injuries, he will get through it with an incredible smile.He will still...

So may I ask?When interpreting, I found something that I didn't understand.It seems to be some kind of code. I think this is a bit like medicine. I think this may be a reminder of five generations. "

Chun Xiuyi hurriedly asked, "What is the code?"

Sawado Sakurako "Under the eyelids of a soldier, even if there are big eyes, you don't need to shed tears."

Chun Xiu raised his head and looked at the anatomical diagram of the human body in front of him, staring at his eyes, muttering, "Under the eyelids, big eyes? Do you mean dilated pupils?"

"Can you guess?"

Sakurako Zedo asked.

"Typically, we would have dilated pupils to determine death."

Chun Xiuyi expressed his own understanding.

"Then you don't need to shed tears, what do you mean?"

Sakurako Zedo asked again.

"Could it be? Does it mean resurrection?"

Chun Xiuyi expressed his guess.

"Not good! Chun Xiuyi immediately hung up the phone and called Yiyi Xun."

Now the body of Yusuke Godai has been sent to the autopsy room, and will be sent away overnight tonight.

Kaoru Ichijo was at Godai Nian, comforting Godai Yusuke's younger sister, when suddenly Tsubaki Hideichi called.

Chapter 42 Resurrection

One Xun answered the phone.

"One, you go to the Guandong Hospital immediately and stop Wudai's body. He is not dead. Hurry up, and I will explain to you later."

Kaoru had already accepted the fact that Yusuke Godai had died, but when Tsubaki Hideichi said this, his mood fluctuated too much, and he almost couldn't catch his breath, and went with Godai.

"A mulberry? What's the matter?"

Yusuke Goshidai's younger sister, she doesn't believe that the brother she loves who is always confident and can do anything will die.

"Fifth Generation, he is not dead!"

One Xun couldn't wait to go to Kanto Hospital.

When Yiyi Xun came to the hospital, he saw Chun Xiuyi standing anxiously at the hospital door.

"Tsubaki, what's wrong?"

Yiyi Xun also found that the security here was suddenly heavily guarded, and there were many new faces at the entrance of the hospital.

"I can't get in. These people won't let me in, saying that they can't let me in without an order from their superiors. I have to go in quickly. If it's too late, the fifth generation will be dissected."

Yiyi Xun didn't care about understanding the situation, and wanted to go in, but was also stopped.

"Sorry, please don't embarrass me. The above said, you and Chun Xiuyi are not allowed to go in."

Shi Bin at the door said dutifully.

"It seems that they already know the identity of the fifth generation. What should we do?"

Yiyi Xun wanted to force his way in, but the gun at the door was aimed at him.For those people above, the fifth generation is dead, and the value of Yiyixun is not that great anymore.

There are many capable people. If you don't know the current affairs, you will die if you smoke one.

Yi Yixun hurriedly called Li Qinghe, if he wanted to break in to save people, he should be able to.

"Mr. Kiba, Wudai is not dead, I need you to rescue him."

Facing a smoked request.

Li Qinghe directly agreed, but now he is studying at Seongnam University at night, so it is too late to leave immediately.

Li Qinghe "Do you still remember the potion I gave you? I may be too late, so you find a place where no one is around and drink it."

One of the medicines given by Li Qinghe has always been carried with him.

"What is that? Can drinking it save the five generations?"

One smoked asked.

Li Qinghe on the other end of the phone did not explain, "After you drink it, you will know. Remember, the effect of the medicine is very short, only 5 minutes."

Yiyi Xun had no choice, now that Li Qinghe couldn't come, he could only rely on himself.

Yi Yi Xun left the crowd and came to a part of the underground parking lot that was not monitored.

Yiyi Xun opened the purple potion and poured it into his mouth.

After drinking Yiyi Xun, I didn't feel anything, but the potion was quite sweet.

But immediately after, Yiyi Xun found that his body had changed, his hands turned into claws, and a pair of wings appeared on his back.

Yiyi Xun transformed into the crested ibis Orfienuo.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Yiyi Xun spread his wings and flew to the roof of the Guandong Hospital.

Then Yiyi Xun took the elevator and came to the dissection room surrounded by self-defense forces.

"The flesh is too hard to go under the knife."

"Then change the chainsaw. This is the first unconfirmed life form I have seen so far. I am excited to think about dissecting him. If there are any major discoveries, maybe we can be famous in history!"

After Yi Yixun dealt with the two scholars at the door, he pushed open the door of the anatomy room, and heard such words.

Yiyi Xun was immediately angry, how could they dissect the fifth generation before he died.

Even if the fifth generation is really dead, how can you treat him like this after he made such a great contribution to protecting the citizens.

No matter who becomes Orfi Enoch, there will be a short period of psychological darkness.This is a little side effect after gaining sudden power.

An Xun's eyes were quickly replaced by scarlet, until Yiyi Xun regained consciousness again.

A dozen or so doctors in the dissecting room have died tragically.

Hearing the "beep beep beep" siren, Xun Yiyi had no time to think, grabbed Wudai Yusuke and ran away.

Yiyi Xun smashed the glass, and flew out of the hospital building with Wudai Yusuke on his back.

On the way to the research room of Chengnan University, Yiyi Xun felt his strength disappear little by little, but he and Fifth Dai were still flying at an altitude of 3000 meters.

But as the potion time ended, one of Xun's claws turned back into a hand, and the wings disappeared little by little, and began to fall.

"Boom." A sound.

Yiyi Xun thought that he was bound to die, how could he survive if he fell from a height of 3000 meters.

Yiyi Xun used himself as a meat pad and pressed it underneath.You can die yourself, but five generations can't.

After the sound of "dong", Xun Yiyi lost consciousness.

"It's still too late, thanks to the fact that there is no surveillance in this area. Otherwise, how can I take you back. However, one thing, you have become a meat nun, how can I take you back. It depends on your fate."

Li Qinghe poured a tube of purple AF potion on Yi Xun's body.

The blood on Yiyi Xun's body retreated back into his body little by little, and then opened his eyes.

"It's you, where am I?"

"This is for you. Before the power in your body disappears, you should hurry back to the Kanto Hospital and get rid of your suspicions."

Li Qinghe gave another smoker a tube of potion.

Yiyi Xun felt his own strength again, just like what Li Qinghe said.The body of Yusuke Godai disappeared. If he doesn't go back, he must be the suspect.

Yiyi Xun turned into a crested ibis Ophelia and returned to the Kanto Hospital.The situation was urgent, and he didn't have time to see the changes in his body.

Because of the disappearance of the body of Yusuke Godai, there were also a series of murders.The Kanto Hospital was heavily surrounded, and they mistakenly believed that Wudai was still inside.

Until the video of the dissecting room was retrieved overnight, it was discovered that a new unidentified life form attacked the dissecting room, and then brought Yusuke Godai, smashed the glass and flew away.

This matter was suppressed by the above. They knew too little about the unconfirmed life forms, and everything returned to the original state.

This is the most comfortable sleep that Yusuke Godai feels since he was born.

After Wudai Yusuke woke up, he found himself lying in a large pit, wearing a white coat, and called Yiyi Xun without thinking too much.

Yiyi Xun took the fifth generation out.

The news of the resurrection of the unconfirmed life body No. [-] was known by the higher-ups.So the search for No. [-]'s body came to an end.

The people above are also afraid that the unconfirmed life form No. 27 (Crested Ibis Orfienuo) will cause trouble.

If Sora is the only one, it's okay to say that if he is blackmailed through five generations of relatives, I am not afraid that he will not give in.

But there is still an unconfirmed living body hidden in the dark (they don't think there is necessarily only one), so they have to go back to the previous attitude and focus on observation.

Therefore, when Wu Dai was rescued, it was assumed that nothing happened, and the self-defense team of the Kanto Hospital was transferred overnight from above.

This is the first time the above mobilizes the self-defense team, but the result brought back is really not satisfactory.

Mushroom Gulangi shot several times in a row, and all he encountered were human Zabin. He thought that Sora was dead.

Now he has completely healed from his injuries, now Linduo, just wait and die obediently.

However, he only has three hours of game time left. If the task is not completed, then wait for the self-destruct.

Tsubaki Hideichi, Ichijo Kaoru and Goshiro Yusuke were chatting and laughing together. .

"You said I went to the hospital? Was it confirmed dead? It's okay, it's okay. Don't you think I'm fine?"

Looking at Goshiro Yusuke's seemingly heartless performance, Kaoru Ichijo smiled.

Chapter 43 Tackle Mushroom Grunge

"Do I think I should check again? Wo Zong thinks..."

Before Tsubaki Hideichi could finish speaking, he saw Goshiro Yusuke shaking his head again and again.

"no, I'm fine"

Goshiro Yusuke said.

"Ring bell bell."

A smoked cell phone rang.

Yi Yi Xun picked up the phone, guessing if it was news about the unconfirmed living body No. 26.

Sure enough, Yiyi Xun hung up the phone, indicating that Yusuke Goshidai had to do something.

Yusuke Goshidai and Kaoru Ichijo went to Itabashi, where the unconfirmed life form No. 26 appeared.

This time, Gu Langji, the mushroom, did not escape, he was stopped.

"Empty me! You are so fateful, I will get rid of you completely this time."

Mushroom Gurangi sees Kuuga in white form.

The current Mushroom Gulangi's strength has improved a lot compared to the first time we met.

Now he doesn't need physical contact, but can kill people by relying on the poisonous spores sprayed from his mouth.

Along the way, he has killed many policemen.Because of the unresolved ancients of the unconfirmed living body No. 26, Tokyo citizens seldom go out and act according to the guidelines set by the police.

Therefore, Mushroom Gulangi didn't meet too many people along the way.He only needs to kill five more Linduo to complete the task.

However, Kuga, who transformed from the fifth generation, came.

Because of the resurrection of the Five Dynasties, the spirit stone consumes a lot of spiritual power, so it is only transformed into an initial stage.

Five Dai Yusuke thought of the previous battle with Mushroom Gulangi, and felt that he could defeat Mushroom Gurangi.

Five generations of Yusuke has an iron head, and the mushroom Gulangi flew on the top.

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