Mushroom Gurangi grabs Yusuke Godai and wants to give him another bite.

Yusuke Goshiro punched Mushroom Gurangi in the mouth.

The poisonous spores that the mushroom Gulangi was going to spew were swallowed back into his stomach.

Gu Langji, the mushroom, covered his mouth and took a few steps back. He didn't just spray those poisonous spores at will, they all had reserves.

After use, it takes a while to be able to recover again.

Godai Yusuke jumped on the back of Mushroom Gulangi, strangled his neck, and didn't give him a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

Mushroom Gulangi swayed from side to side and struggled, trying to break free.

Seeing that Wudai couldn't control it anymore, he pressed the head of the mushroom Gulangji into the concrete pillar with one hand.

After fighting against Mushroom Gulangi, Sora found that his strength and ability to resist blows were much stronger than last time.

Mushroom Gulangi kicked from the inside to the outside, forcing Yusuke Goshiro back, and just pulled his head out of the concrete pillar.


Yusuke Godai jumped over and punched Mushroom Gulangi on the head again.

Mushroom Gulangi crashed through the concrete pillar and fell to the ground.

Godai Yusuke raised the police car beside him and threw it at the mushroom Gulangi.

"Boom" sound.

The police car exploded.

Five generations thought to themselves that the mushroom Gulangi under the car should also be dead, and just breathed a sigh of relief.

The burning police car was sent flying.

Immediately afterwards, Five Dai Yusuke saw the mushroom Gulangi, who was on fire, hit him at a high speed.

Mushroom Gulangi clenched his hands into a hammer shape, and gave it to Yusuke Godai from top to bottom.

Wudai Yusuke was beaten into a daze for a moment.

"Hurry up, support Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-]. Cover, come cover."

This time, Yusuke Godai's fake death is not without benefits. At least the policeman who thinks the same as Yiyi Xun has realized the importance of Kuraga, and he also knows that Kuraga will die.

Therefore, this time, Kaoru Ichijo ordered to support Yusuke Godai.He can't be allowed to fight alone anymore, this is not his battle alone.

One smoked their firearms, using special ammunition. Since the firearms cannot be improved, they have to improve the ammunition.

Yiyi Xun led by example and was at the forefront, launching an attack on Mushroom Gulangji.

There were many bullet holes in Gu Langji's back, and the moment he turned around.

Wudai Yusuke also reacted, and kept him from rolling down the hillside.

Yusuke Goshidai pre-empted the attack, clenched his right hand, made a leap, and punched Mushroom Gulangi hard on the mouth again.

Mushroom Gulangi covered his mouth and just stood up when he saw Godai Yusuke running towards him.

Wudai Yusuke kicked with a spinning knight, and kicked Zuo Yuexiong of Mushroom Gulangi.

Kuraga's logo appeared on Zuoyuehun of Mushroom Gulangi.

"This kind of thing is useless to me."

Mushroom Gulangi sneered.

Yusuke Goshiro saw that the mark of Kuraga imprinted on the mushroom Gurangi Tsukon disappeared.

Wudai Yusuke took a few steps back, accelerated again, another knight kicked, and kicked Mushroom Gulangi.

Mushroom Gulangi turned sideways and continued to taunt.

"I said, this kind of thing is really useless to me."

The mark of the empty self on the mushroom Gulangi disappeared again.

"It should be because the movement was wrong just now, or the power is not enough. If the power is not enough, then use the number of times to make up for it."

Wudai Yusuke was not discouraged, and noticed that he kicked the Kuragi mark on the mushroom Gulangi, and every time he kicked, the Kuuga mark became more obvious.

Yusuke Godai stretched out one arm straight, and put the other hand on the belt.

There was a flash of red light on Wudai Yusuke's right ankle, and the color of the spirit stone on his waist also turned red.

Wudai Yusuke stepped forward quickly and shouted, "Ah!"

This kick hit Mushroom Gulangji again.

Note that five generations of Yusuke's three kicks are all in the same place, causing the effect of the imprint to superimpose.

Mushroom Gulangi was kicked five meters away.This time, the imprint of empty self on his body never disappeared.

Mushroom Gulangi tried to sit up, this time he didn't mock me so hard, but started to curse me instead.

"Kong me, you will definitely die worse than me!"

"Boom" sound.

The mushroom courgette exploded.

Mushroom Gulangi hard-wired five generations of Yusuke and three knights kicked him to death.It's true that if someone dares to kick, you dare to pick it up. It seems that there is no injustice at all.

Wudai Yusuke's right foot was steaming, and the grass in front of him was directly scorched.

A fume rushed over panting with a rifle in hand, and saw the scene of the explosion of the mushroom Gulangi.

One Kaoru gave Wudai Yusuke a thumbs up gesture.

Li Qinghe in the research department also encountered attacks from unidentified life forms.

They were attacked by a clone of unidentified life form No. 26.

Who would have thought that this strange creature with a body shape similar to an unconfirmed life form grew from a mycelium that needed to be observed with a microscope.

Moreover, the growth time is also extremely short. In less than three days, the 26 clones of this unconfirmed life form were born.

If Zedu Yingzi hadn't yelled for Li Qinghe to go with her to see Grame's shards, wouldn't it be possible that the staff of the research department would include all of them?/p>

"What's going on here? How can this thing grow so fast?"

Li Qinghe protected Zedu Yingzi and the others.

"The people above, because of the origin of the fifth generation, came here to conduct an investigation by the way. They used the mycelium of the unconfirmed life form 26 to conduct biochemical experiments."

What's the current situation?/p>

"Those people are really poisonous. They dare to conduct biochemical experiments on anything. Are you really not afraid of cultivating zombie viruses?"

Li Qinghe knows that it can't be blamed for this?/p>

Li Qinghe picked up the experimental gasoline under his feet and sprayed it on the clone.

Li Qinghe took out the lighter on his body, lit it and threw it at the clone. .

Click on "en".

The clone was on fire, and Li Qinghe kicked away the rushing mushroom Gulangi clone, allowing him to destroy himself.

Chapter 44 Clones

This Mushroom Gurangi clone is more fragile and irrational than the genuine Mushroom Gurangi.

But it is not ordinary people who can clean up.Li Qinghe just kicked away the replica of the mushroom Gulangi that was on fire with a seemingly ordinary kick.

But except for Li Qinghe and the transformed Wudai Xiongsuke, if other people kicked that kick like Li Qinghe did, the result would be a direct fracture of the leg.However, he was killed by Gu Langji, a mushroom.

Li Qinghe could beat this monster to death with his bare hands, but that seemed a bit too exaggerated.

In the eyes of the higher-ups, Li Qinghe was valued because he could fight Gu Langji twice, delaying time, which was much more useful than guns.

However, if Li Qinghe could kill unconfirmed life forms with his bare hands, the effect would be different.

The higher-ups will definitely confine Li Qinghe and study his body in order to create more fighters.

The biochemical experiment will be used on Li Qinghe.Of course, whether they can catch Li Qinghe is another matter.

Li Qinghe knew this very well, the people above didn't need people they couldn't control to protect them.

Therefore, Li Qinghe has never killed any unidentified living beings alone in public, and put all the credit on Kuoro.

This department is more than just a group of people who have a lot of money and money?/p>

But killing unconfirmed life forms with the help of tools doesn't seem so shocking.People will only think that this unidentified life form is a paper tiger.They were just frightened at first and didn't react.

Li Qinghe's action of burning the clone body also gave everyone in the scientific research department a new idea, since the flame can burn this unconfirmed life body to death.

So whether the flame can burn other unidentified life forms to death, some researchers have changed their research direction.

After all, the special ammunition they worked hard to research spent a lot of money on dealing with unconfirmed life forms, but with little effect.The above are already somewhat dissatisfied with them.

Li Qinghe's "heroic" performance, in such a dangerous situation, he chose to let them go first, and finally wiped out the unconfirmed life forms with fire.

Let Zedu Yingzi and 樚actinium Yue Yue polonium conspire with Zheng  shallow B 狻?/p>

But the way the two looked at each other was not so friendly.There is only one Li Qinghe, and it cannot be cut in half.Besides, even if it is possible, they don't want to give it to others.

"Miss Yingzi, don't you want to see Graeme? Graeme is over there. I'll go out to have dinner with Qinghe first."

Is it a disease of toads?/p>

"No need, I have also found a lot of information about Graeme, so don't bother you, just work hard. Qinghe, I know a super delicious restaurant."

Zedu Yingzi and 樚actinium actinium beard and beard × dead polonium have a long-term relationship with each other, so it is better to choose shore atmosphere beforehand?/p>

Li Qinghe was helpless, so he said that the harem was not so easy to open.It's okay if we don't meet each other, but when we meet, we are like enemies.

In the end, Li Qinghe chose a compromise, let him choose the restaurant.Finally finished the meal "harmoniously and beautifully".

On the other side, Godai Yusuke and Yi Xun were driving along the seaside road, ready to return.

As a result, on the way, Wudai Yusuke and Yiyi Xun encountered a clone of unconfirmed life body No. 26.

Although Godai Yusuke didn't know what was going on, he clearly killed the unconfirmed life form No. 26.

This clone is an unconfirmed life form that prepared for a rainy day and was left before the game.

Once you lose the game, you will be resurrected through this clone.

The clone arranged by the mushroom Gulangi himself is naturally not that simple, and it is much better than the clone produced by the scientific research department through biochemical experiments.

In addition to not having the same mind, his strength and resistance to blows are comparable to the mushroom Gulangi (true) who was killed before.

But in front of Kuraga, who has become an almighty form after transformation, he is still unbearable.The 26 clones of unidentified life forms without intelligence were played around by Kuuga, kicked down by a knight, and the clones died.

A Kaoru looks at the remains of dead clones.

Sora, I didn't notice that the dead mushroom Gurangi clone had a slight current passing through it, and the sublimation had already started slowly.

"Why didn't this unconfirmed life form clone explode this time?"

One Xun thought about it.

Yi Yixun called the scientific research office and asked about it?/p>

But the person who answered the phone wasn't the one who answered the phone?/p>

A scientific researcher told a smoker, "I'm going to go to the park to see what's going on. Pythias?/p>

Yiyi Xun understands that this clone is not capable of reproduction, will not explode after death, and has low resistance to fire.The hyphae want to reproduce into Wei clones, and the conditions are very harsh.

The clone in the scientific research department was artificially bred.It can only be said to be a special case.

For the fifth generation, they were able to encounter clones again. The scientific research department thought it was a coincidence. It was impossible for that kind of clones to reappear.

Wudai Yusuke and Yiyixun left after solving the clone. It was a coincidence that the clone appeared according to the researchers.

Yiyi Xun doesn't really believe it, he still believes in the fact that he came back from Yu Xun Xingdang Baomu, K, hurried Fu Xun Tianguang back, and asked about the situation.

樚actinium Kang 乩Spring worm Cheng Huang choke 蒂: decadent palm nature 谝 Huanggu garden stalk  hiccup green onion 矮Na play cheng  quickly change Min Mang 续Huangqiao Lu polonium 搴幽热觯  ribbon Shen Excuse me?/p>

And why not Sakurako Zedo, who returned to Chengnan as a graduate student?

Yiyi Xun pushed open the door, wanting to ask about the complexion of Tian Guang, the waiter of Xia Yu, who was in charge of the temple.

Changed the subject and didn't mention it again.

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