Nagano Prefecture.

A police car was patrolling Nagano Prefecture and Tokyo City. They received an ultrasonic wave from Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-] (Bat Gurangi), and guessed that Unconfirmed Life Form No. [-] might be passing there.

They were ordered to patrol between Nagano Prefecture and downtown Tokyo all night to ensure the safety of downtown Tokyo.

As for the lives of the two policemen, the higher-ups don't care.For those people above, as a policeman, they should have the awareness to disregard life and death.

In fact, Kameyama (a former subordinate of Ichijo Kaoru in Nagano Prefecture) who was riding in the patrol car was very afraid of death, and he did not have the awareness to put life and death aside.

But he still came, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't come.Who made him the most cowardly character in Nagano Prefecture, and everyone pointed this mission at him, and his backer, Ichijo-san, was also transferred to the Joint Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms in Tokyo.

The Nagano Prefectural Police Department chose another unlucky guy to go on patrol with Kameyama.

On the patrol road, Guishan kept praying for the unconfirmed life form No. [-], don't come, don't come. .

But the more you are afraid of something, the more you will come.

The unconfirmed life form No. [-] flew from downtown Tokyo to Nagano Prefecture.

Chapter 45 Bat Grunge's Thoughts

"Nagano 05, please answer."

"This is Nagano 05."

Kameyama said while holding the communicator.

"Is it considered to be the existence of number three, is it still uncertain, please tell me."

"It's still uncertain."

Kameyama said to the communicator.

"Understood. I just found out the ultrasonic wave generated by Flight No. [-]. It is still being sent out now. Please pay close attention and continue to search."


Guishan hung up the communicator, and he glanced left and right outside the car window to see if he found anything.

It's a pity that under the darkness of night, Guishan naturally couldn't find the high-altitude bat Gu Langji.

The description of the actions of the unidentified life form No. [-] is more suitable for the round trip between Tokyo City and Nagano Prefecture.

Gu Langji, the bat who was patrolling back and forth, naturally discovered the turtle mountain that was also patrolling.

Bat Gu Langji was very upset that he was being monitored by humans, so he flew down from the sky and landed on the police car in Guishan.

Guishan's companion quickly braked, and when they looked up again, they found that the unconfirmed life form No. [-] had disappeared.

Originally, it was not confirmed that Life Body No. [-] wanted to kill these two Linduo, but thinking of his mission and the consequences of killing Linduo, he stopped.

Kameyama got off the car quickly and saw the bat Gulangi flying into the sky.

"That's number three?"

Guishan immediately reported this information.Kameyama was very lucky. If it wasn't for the fact that Gu Langji, the bat, had missions and taboos, both he and that unlucky companion would have died.

In response to the situation reported by Kameyama, the joint search headquarters for unconfirmed life forms held a meeting overnight.

Every action of an unconfirmed living body must not be careless.

In one hand is a photo of the unconfirmed life form No. [-] sent from Nagano.

"Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-] has just appeared in Nagano."

Sugita Morimichi patted Kaoru on the shoulder and said.


One Sang nodded, he had already received this news from Guishan.

After everyone came, the meeting started.

"From this evening until now. Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-] is traveling between Nagano and Tokyo.

Although he was not caught this time, such things will definitely happen in the future.Therefore, in order to prevent the reappearance of the unconfirmed life form No. [-], we must take countermeasures in advance. "

Masao Matsukura, head of the Unidentified Life Organism Joint Department, said.

He distorted the facts. In fact, the unconfirmed life form No. [-] let those two unlucky little police officers go. He also knew this.

However, the police have always been at a disadvantage in the battle against unconfirmed life forms, and they are still at that absolute disadvantage.

Reporters from the outside world criticize their inaction every day.In this external environment, as a police officer of the United Department of Unidentified Life Forms, his mood also began to become negative.

Naturally, Masao Matsukura could not allow this situation to continue.Therefore, this is what Masao Matsukura said on purpose.

Of course, every police officer who is working here knows what the truth is.But they do need encouragement.

"But why did the unidentified body No. 3 go back and forth between Tokyo and Nagano?"

Sugita Morido asked.

"And he only went around the ruins over there, and he didn't kill anyone at all."

Sakurai continued Sugita Morimichi's words.

"I think there may still be mysteries around that area. At least they will not go to Nagano without a reason. It may be related to some new movement. I think we need to strengthen our vigilance.

The place where the ultrasound was interrupted has been searched.The unconfirmed number three has not been found yet, and I am afraid he is hiding in Nagano on the way to Tokyo.

The unconfirmed life form No. [-] is more sensitive to sunlight, so it is a good time to arrest him during the day. "

A smoked said.

Li Qinghe rolled his eyes when he heard that, nonsense.To talk nonsense, Bat Gulangji must have something to run there, who doesn't know.

"We still don't know, what is the purpose of their killing?"

Morimichi Sugita propped his arms under his head. The outside world put too much pressure on him these days. His hair was sparse, but now he is bald.

Li Qinghe guessed that Gu Langji, the bat, should be looking for the fragments of number zero.

The meeting is over, and you haven't discussed any productive plans now.

Finally, according to Yi Yixun, continue to expand the search scope.

After the meeting, Li Qinghe yawned and stayed up all night, planning to go back to Seongnam University Research Institute to catch up on sleep.

Li Qinghe stretched his waist, "Hey, one, what are you going to do, why don't you take a good rest. If you do this often, your body will not be able to bear it."

"Well, it's all right. I do it a lot, and I'm used to it."

Yiyixun declined Li Qinghe's kindness, and he must find out the truth about the murder of an unconfirmed living body.

Yiyi Xun returned to his office and called Guishan. When he helped sort out the information about No. [-] and Jiulangyue ruins, he faxed it to him.

When Li Qinghe arrived at the Chengnan Research Institute, he found that Wudai had occupied his bed, and he slept soundly.Come on, let's sleep somewhere else.

Li Qinghe came to an abandoned processing factory.This is the place where Gu Langji gathers. To know this place, of course it was conveyed to him by Gu Lang Ji, the bat of the rose girl pie.

Li Qinghe followed the bat Gu Langji to find this place, changing places really quickly.

Bat Gu Langji held an umbrella and held it up for Li Qinghe. The sun shone on Bat Gu Langji's body and burned his skin.

Don't dare not hold on, the hold is a little skin trauma, he is used to being beaten by his companions every day.If he doesn't hold on, he will die to see Rose Girl.

Li Qinghe went inside the factory, let the bat Gu Langji walk in front, and he followed behind.

"Is your mission already underway?"

Rose Maiden asked Bat Gulangi.

Bat Grunge "Of course."

"Hurry up, there's not much time left."

After Rose finished speaking, she saw Li Qinghe with an unnatural expression on her face.This Linduo, why is it here again.

"Then why not let them go by themselves?"

There was a trace of questioning tone in the words of Bat Gu Langji.

Rose Girl's right hand turned into a green vine around the neck of Bat Gulangi.

"Those people here are even afraid of me. If you can't do this well, they won't show mercy to you because of me."

Li Qinghe came over and hugged Rose Girl, "Why are you so angry? Is it almost here? It seems that the game is almost over."

Rose Girl turned her head to look at Li Qinghe, "What do you really know?"

"Don't do it, you can't beat me, and it's Kura who will hinder their game, not me. Don't be so nervous.

oa, if you help them do things, won't you do something yourself?You have worked so hard to collect so many fragments, why don't you keep one or two. "

Li Qinghe hugged Rose Girl, walked up to Bat Gulangji, and patted Bat Gulangji on the head.

Bat Gulangi's body began to shake uncontrollably again, because that's what he planned to do.

"You did a good job today, which makes me very satisfied. When you encounter danger in the future, you can come to me, and I can save you once."

The bat Gu Langji that Li Qinghe said was dripping with sweat. .

"get out."

Rose Girl glanced at Bat Gulangi disdainfully, the most trashy existence in this breed.If he hadn't protected him by himself, he would have died long ago.

Chapter 46 Chameleon Gurangi

Bat Gu Langji half-bent, moved away a little bit.

Bat Gu Langji knows his strength, he can't afford to provoke anyone, because he can't beat him.

If he wants to live better, he needs to find a strong backer.

Although participating in the game, you can improve your strength after completing tasks.However, there is not only one way to improve strength.Besides, none of the Gurangi who played the game has successfully completed the mission and survived so far.

Facing Gu Langji of Ge level, Rose Girl couldn't even protect herself.

He knew that he couldn't participate in the game because he killed Linduo before the game started.Then, the road ahead should be like this.Because there is only one choice left.

Thinking about it this way, Bat Gu Langji felt that it is not impossible to find a suitable candidate to protect himself.

After Bat Gulangi left, he flew to Nagano County. He urgently needed to improve his strength.At least, let yourself no longer be bullied "for no reason".

"Let's go, let's change places today. I didn't sleep all night last night. I don't care if there is a disturbance in Gulangji today. You see, the phone is out of battery.

Don't always look so serious, you don't participate in the game, you are only responsible for the progress of the game, their life and death have nothing to do with you. "

Li Qinghe pinched Rose Girl's slippery face, Rose Girl hesitated to speak.

Li Qinghe and Rose Girl left here together.

Unidentified Institute of the Joint Ministry of Lifeforms.

"The result of the No. 26 clone of the unconfirmed living body has been analyzed."

A researcher said excitedly.

樚actinium, yu, knocking down and making a wish, 艾酸拍, ␐Jiao Crawling, rough shop, Mi Ne, 荩?/p>

"Although the composition of body tissue is an electrical constant, other than this number, it is not much different from the unconfirmed life forms so far.

But why is this the only one that doesn't explode, but melts? "

It's hard to knock on the core and feed the file, pull out the shell, hang it up, climb the tomb, climb up the tomb, and drive away. Mou Huang, lead, , and the mother shares a tree with a fierce fence pattern! ?/p>

"It turned out to be like this. According to the research on the explosion, the previous unconfirmed life forms all exploded with the abdomen as the center."

Is it a bad thing?/p>

"So it is."

Wudai Yusuke suddenly appeared in front of him, and Nozomi Tianguang sat down on the ground.

"Scared me."

Is it the case?/p>

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

It was Sakurako Sawado who spoke. She and Yusuke Godai came to the research institute this time, and wanted to see the research on unconfirmed life forms, especially the research on Gram, to see if there was any progress.

"why you?"

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