The police set up here an hour in advance, and Li Qinghe and Wu Dai arrived at the central square half an hour after a smoked road, and then "dilly-dally" came over.

Wudai Yusuke carried a special flashbang sun grenade in his hand and sent it to Yi Yisang.

"Ichijo-san, after using this sunshine grenade, the time for the unconfirmed life form No. 31 to appear is only 5 minutes."

Time passed by minute by minute.

The second hand on the big clock in the central square reached twelve, exactly ten o'clock.

A newly recruited police officer looked around to see where the unidentified life form 31 was.


The officer flew into the air, hit his head on the wall of the building, and was thrown down again.

Chameleon Grunge has arrived.

Everyone became frightened and shot in the direction of the Tengfei policeman. The bullets hit the building, and bullet holes appeared one after another.

"Gathering so many people is a good prey, very suitable for games."

The chameleon Gulangi said in r language.

"Game? What game?"

Sugita Morimichi asked loudly.

"Follow the rules, how to kill Lin Duo, this is our game."

Chameleon Gurangji said from the top of the building.

"Nonsense, just tell the real purpose."

Sugita Morimichi didn't believe in such an absurd reason.

"I said it's just a game. Don't think too much about it. Chase the prey and then catch it. There is no other meaning besides that."

The chameleon Gu Langji jumped down from the upstairs, and he showed up directly because of his arrogance. He thought that even if he showed up, those Linduo couldn't do anything to him.

"Murder with that reason? Unforgivable! Even with that reason!"

Sugita Morimichi roared angrily.

"Let's continue the game."

Because the chameleon Gurangi is far away from the police, the grenade cannot be thrown that far, so the chameleon Gurangi can only be allowed to become invisible again.

Li Qinghe didn't plan to make a move. This chameleon, Gu Langji, was just disgusting with his invisibility ability, and he was useless for nothing else.

With this sunshine grenade, as long as he is blown up by the grenade once, then he will be dead.Five generations of Yusuke can wait here.

Five generations waited for this chameleon Gu Langji to show up, remembering his voice and body shape.

You must know that after transforming into the form of the blue Pegasus, Yusuke Godai's hearing can hear the sound of the entire city, but the sound heard at that time was too noisy, and it was impossible to distinguish the voice of the unconfirmed life form 31 in a short time .

He had to firmly memorize the voice of the chameleon Gulangi and every time he landed on the ground.

Li Qinghe felt a gust of wind coming from his side, hey, this thing won't be aiming at him.

Li Qinghe felt an extra claw on his shoulder.

With a "swipe", Li Qinghe was caught up to the tall building.

This time, the chameleon Gu Langji was going to crush Lindo's throat first, and then throw him down the stairs, turning his body into mud.

Li Qinghe directly pulled out a sunshine grenade in his pocket.

"Boom" sound.

The chameleon Grunji covered his eyes when he was stimulated by the bright light.

After the dazzling light dissipated, he found himself "vacated".

"trouble making."

Li Qinghe grabbed the chameleon Gulangji by the neck with one hand, and lifted him up.

"Lin Duo, let me down."

Grunge the chameleon yelled.

"I'll let you go down here."

Li Qinghe moved the chameleon Gu Langji to an empty space, and then let go.

The chameleon Gulangi "went down" and "blew up" the flat square into a deep pit.

"Lin Duo, you've offended me."

Falling from a height of tens of meters, the chameleon Gu Langji did not suffer any injuries, but his heart was hurt.

In anger, the chameleon Gu Langji jumped up and jumped again to the tall building where Li Qinghe was, ignoring the bullets fired by other Linduo around him.He didn't think about why the bullet hit him.

Gu Langji, the chameleon, thought that after he jumped on it, he would get rid of that Linduo.

As a result, during the jump, he saw his own shadow through the reflective glass of the building.

Is it difficult?

The chameleon Gu Langji guessed that he showed up because of the grenade thrown by Lindo above.

As soon as the chameleon Gu Langji jumped onto the tall building, he heard Li Qinghe say,

"Waiting for you for a long time."

Gu Langji, the chameleon, saw Li Qinghe kicking towards him, a little Linduo who just "stumbled" and fell, but it was just his own carelessness.

"Lin Duo who sees my face will die!"

The chameleon Gu Langji stretched out its claws and grabbed Li Qinghe's leg that kicked him.Linduo is Linduo, the attack speed is so slow!

The chameleon Gu Langji confidently grabbed Li Qinghe's leg, but Li Qinghe's kick directly knocked his claws away and kicked him.

The chameleon Gurangi was kicked off the roof of the building.

This time the police below already had experience, and Yusuke Godai also hid in a place to complete his transformation, waiting for the chameleon Gulangi to land.

As soon as the chameleon Gulangi landed, the almighty Godai Yusuke jumped into the big pit created after he fell to the ground.

Yusuke Goshiro's right foot directly hit the head of the chameleon Gurangi.

On the head of the chameleon Grunji, a mark of Kuyu appeared.

The chameleon Gurangi grabbed the foot of Yusuke Goshiro, threw it with all his strength, and threw Yusuke Goshiro out.

The chameleon Gulangi jumped out of the big pit, and the mark of Kuuga on his head disappeared little by little, while Yusuke Godai stepped back a few steps, preparing to level a and continue to enlarge his moves.

"Empty me, it's a good thing for you to come and ruin me!"

The long tongue of the chameleon Gurangi sticks out of its mouth, and shoots at Goshiro Yusuke at a speed comparable to that of a bullet.

Wudai Yusuke had no choice but to dodge first.

Chameleon Gulangi took the opportunity to distance himself from Yusuke Godai, and he planned to make a strategic retreat first.

At this time, it has been 5 minutes since Li Qinghe used the sunshine grenade for the first time.

The chameleon Gulangi who appeared disappeared little by little.

A Xun threw the sunshine grenade that had been prepared a long time ago, near the place where the chameleon Gulangi disappeared.

To force the escaped chameleon Gurangi to show up again.It's a pity that the chameleon Gu Langji was prepared, and left the spot the moment he disappeared.


Kaoru threw the gun at Sora, and Sora jumped in the air to catch it, and his side turned blue.

Ego - Pegasus form.

Before he landed, Sora closed his eyes and used his ears to locate the chameleon Gurangi.

"Wind Pegasus."

Yusuke Godai pulls the bow and shoots!

There was a "boom". .

The chameleon Gulangi hiding behind the tree was hit by the crossbow shot through the tree, and the green imprint of Kuuga emerged.

Grunge the Chameleon - Pawn!

Chapter 50 The Crisis of Sakurako Sawado

After the five generations of Yusuke shot the arrow, he released the Pegasus form and threw the gun to Yiyi Xun.

Li Qinghe yawned boredly when he saw Wudai finish off the chameleon Gu Langji.

To be honest, Li Qinghe doesn't know how strong he is now.These Gulangji are not qualified to test the samples of Li Qinghe's experimental body, they are really too weak.

If Li Qinghe wants to make a move on those Gu Langji of the Charm level and Zi level, he can solve it with one or two moves.

Li Qinghe is now ready to see the strength of Gu Langji, who is ranked Ge, and hopes not to let himself down.

This time the Chameleon Gurangi incident was a perfect solution.

Waiting at the joint department of unconfirmed life forms?/p>

However, Sakurako Sawado, who studies ancient characters at Seongnam University, is in a very bad mood. Regarding the inscriptions collected from the archaeological site of Mt. Kuro, Sakurako Sawado has come to the end of her analysis.

From the inscription, she saw the crisis that Yusuke Godai might face in the future.

Sakurako Sawado recently heard that Yusuke Godai said that she would feel a tingling sensation from time to time.This made Sawado Sakura very worried about Godai Yusuke.

Sawado Sakurako knew that she would go to Godai Yusuke and she would not be able to ask anything, besides Godai Yusuke these days, followed a Kaoru outside to deal with unconfirmed life forms every day.She couldn't find the time to talk.

So Sawado Sakurako decided to go to Tsubaki Hideichi (the doctor) first to talk about Godai Yusuke's situation.

As soon as Chunxiu saw Zedu Yingzi coming in person, he naturally wouldn't foolishly think that she was here to look for him. If nothing else, it should be to ask about the situation of the five generations.

Tsubaki Shuichi brought Zedo Yingzi to his office and poured Zedo Yingzi a cup of black tea.

Tsubaki Hideichi, "Miss Sakurako, you were surprised. Did you come here suddenly this time? Do you need sugar?"

Sawado Sakurako: "No, thank you."

Chun Xiuyi knew that Li Qinghe had been pursuing Zedu Yingzi.But this does not affect Chun Xiuyi's pursuit of Zedo Yingzi.

What's the matter, is it possible that they have to wait for the two of them to break up peacefully before intervening by themselves?What if you don't break up?Wait for a lifetime!

Chunxiu's attitude towards Yingzi is very warm.

"Just right, I'm also a person who likes to drink pure water, it seems that we really get along well."

As soon as Tsubaki finished speaking, seeing that Sawado Sakura didn't reply, she had to ask her again what she was doing here.

Although Tsubaki Hide guessed the purpose of Sakurako Sawado's visit this time, it's okay to make sure.More importantly, he can use this to have a few more words with Zedu Yingzi.

Sakurako Sawato: "What should I say? Goshiro said that after becoming Kuuga recently, his limbs became tingling."

Chunxiu nodded, "Yes, I've heard of it too. He said it's a sign of becoming stronger."

Sato Sakurako "Is it caused by the power of the spirit stone Yamadam?"

Tsubaki Hideichi: "The results of the inspection are not yet available, but I think it should be.

Judging by the recent deliveries of the bodies of their victims, their methods of killing have grown horrific.The strengthening of the fifth generation at this time has to be said to be a good thing. "

Sawado Sakurako: "As long as he becomes stronger, can he solve the problem of his body tingling?

In order to become stronger, he continuously uses the energy of Yamadam.And it is used for fighting. I think if he continues like this, he may really lose his life. "

Chun Xiuyi asked, "Have you analyzed the latest results about the Five Dynasties, and is that result harmful to the Five Dynasties? Or is it because you have a premonition that something bad will happen to the Five Dynasties? Or both."

Sakurako Sawado: "Ah, no. Maybe I was thinking too much. The result of the translation is not there yet, but it's coming soon."

"I'm sorry, but compared to Sawado Sakurako last time, this time you are a completely different person.

Yamadam hasn't changed, and if anything, he's still him.He is Yusuke Godai, no problem, I can guarantee it.

How about having a meal with us?I know a nice restaurant. "

In order to reassure Sawado Sakurako, Tsubaki Hideichi borrowed Godai Yusuke's catchphrase.

Seeing Tsubaki Hideichi comforting herself with Godai Yusuke's thumbs-up gesture, Sawado Sakura gave Tsubaki Hideichi an annoyed look.

"Sorry, I went back and disturbed you."

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