Sawado Sakurako doesn't want to have any unnecessary feelings with Tsubaki Hideichi.

"Miss Sakura..."

Chun Xiuyi watched Zedu Yingzi leave from behind, it seemed that he had no chance.

Zedu Yingzi left Kanto Hospital and took the subway of JR Wu Bus to go home. At the subway station, she also received a lighter from the staff who distributed the leaflets.

Zedu Yingzi entered the subway. This time period belongs to the morning rush hour, and the subway is still very crowded.

Sakurako Zedo found that there were no seats left, so she had to stand. Fortunately, she didn't need to take the subway for a long time.

Sakurako Zedo saw a woman with dark black lips who also entered her compartment.

There is a beard on the upper lip of this woman, and there is a small incense burner in her hand, which seems to be inside the bracelet.

After the woman entered the carriage, she walked from the front door to the back door arbitrarily, almost pushing Zedu Yingzi down.

Others wanted to say a few words, but they all shut their mouths when they saw the woman dressed like a social person.

It's nothing to do with yourself, it's the code of conduct for most people.

This woman is the mantis Gulangji, the last member of the charm level Gulangji. Her previous Gulangji teammates all failed the game.

But she didn't think she would fail. In order to participate in the semi-final game, she decided to set the rules of the game for herself based on Ge's level. In this way, once she successfully advances to the game, her strength can be comparable to that of the middle and upper level of Ge's level. .

The strongest fighter of Mantis Gulangjimei Group, with a cruel heart and an arrogant personality.

Competing with the unconfirmed life form No. 31 Chameleon Gu Langji, and like Chameleon Gu Lang Ji yearning for a higher-level Ge Group, so imitating the Ge Group and setting strict additional rules for its own Kijiru, will ride Passengers on a certain train on the Sobu Line were hunted and killed with special aroma marks, and special weapons were used.

Its weapons are a pair of sickles that connect up and down. They are as sharp as Japanese swords and can cut through concrete columns, but they are weak at the junction of the two sickles.Xi hunts by decapitation, swinging the knife quickly when passing by the prey, so that the prey will not feel hurt for a while, and then she will say "Don't look back" in Japanese behind the back, the moment the prey turns back curiously Immediately decapitated, very scary.

Although the image doesn't seem to have a strong defensive power, it didn't die immediately after being directly hit by the triangle golem, and its strength was stronger than that of the unsublimated Kuuga.The decorations on the body are full of barbaric tribal style.

After getting off at the terminal station, Mantis Gulangi Garia came to the new Gurangi meeting place.

This place was very lively before, but now she is the only one left.


Sister Rose is still so beautiful in a white dress today.


The sound of the motorcycle came, and the man with the scarf that Li Qinghe had seen before stopped the motorcycle and came in.

A coin flicks in his left hand.

"Soon, the semi-finals will begin, and only we, Ge."

The scarf man said to the praying mantis Gulangi Gariaria.

Chapter 51 Prelude to Sublimation

"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it. I hope we can meet again at that time, not like your useless companions. The game is not so easy."

The scarf man snorted coldly with disdain.

Mantis Gurangi clenched the scythe in her hand, she really wanted to swing the sickle over and split the annoying Gurangi in two.

"18 hours, 288 people."

Miss Rose said.

"I know. Besides, I will play the game in Ge's way, let me enjoy the game."

gariaria behind.

He has the same responsibilities as Sister Rose, and he is also the supervisor of the game.

It's just that he is the supervisor of Gu Langji who is the Ge level.This time, it was the last member of the Charm level to play the game, so he had better experience it, after all, it would be his turn next time.

Unconfirmed Life Form Joint Department, Research Institute.

"This office actually issued a formal notice, based on the expansion of unconfirmed life related victims.

In fact, Unconfirmed Body No. [-] was identified as an assistant to carry out preparations based on its surrounding a proposal

The * number has been assigned. "

Sugita Morido put this notice on the "Actinium Badger Nao Lei Yuxi"?/p>

"You and the higher-ups talked about it, otherwise, it would be really bad to help the unconfirmed life body No. [-] publicly."

"This should be the point. Through so many battles, everyone has seen that Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-] has been assisting the police in dealing with other unconfirmed lifeforms.

The police have always lacked effective means to deal with unidentified life forms.Then this unconfirmed life form No. [-], why don't we pull him into our camp. "

樚actinium 庹纹纹觯觯Cai timid throwing about drought is called Mu KinvasionLongdangStrong miasma industry annoyed Changqimochao paixiaxicangfeed?/p>

The above has been divided into two factions because of the failure to dissect the five generations of Yusuke last time.

Yipai proposed to communicate with Wudai Yusuke first, so that some compensation could be made appropriately.The other faction puts forward the idea of ​​continuing to observe in secret, concealing the fact that high-level officials have discovered the true identity of Yusuke Godai.

樚actinium Kanfeng MPolonium swimming [-] 五攵晗琴香仙Mi Nan unloadingMPolonium搴搴通Yellow thrush 枋节谓觓晓抱把船跳It is difficult to crab [-]. Fat entrusts the small U to be beautiful and beautiful. May Duan Cifei be immortal  遄聄装装?/p>

People are all selfish. They are selfish and lie. 濉?/p>

Therefore, it is better to play the same role than to play        泚泉椤U 満 満 満   波 満 満 満 曠 upper level tomb  Yun Hu panic   Lv Poke pardon?/p>

As for Yusuke Godai, no matter which faction in the top management, they all agree to wait until after the unconfirmed living body incident is over before proceeding with the arrest of Yusuke Godai.

Five generations of Yusuke can defeat unconfirmed life forms, which means that he is more terrifying than unconfirmed life forms.The higher-ups don't want such a powerful guy to exist.

This kind of thing, do you want to use the sword and the sword? >

Wudai Yusuke was called out by a smoker, he felt a little uncomfortable.It is something to be happy that the above has issued a notice today that Yusuke Godai will be the assistant.

But at the same time, he was given an order from above.Once the unconfirmed living body is resolved, then he will personally arrest Wudai Yusuke, who will make him have the best relationship with Wudai Yusuke.

The high-level vision is always long-term, and they are already planning for a rainy day.

But this way, let Yi Xun hang up the phone and scold your mother directly!Dog Day Politicians!

He doesn't want to take action against Yusuke Godai, he thinks Godai is a hot-blooded, innocent, sunny boy with the same personality as himself, so he really can't do it.

What Yi Yixun didn't know was that the higher-ups had actually given up on him as well.Not only Yi Yixun, but even Chun Xiuyi was "abandoned".

The last time Chun Xiuyi prevented the high-level executives from taking away the "five generations' corpses", he had already planted a small thorn in the eyes of the high-level officials.

For example, Yi Xun was not notified of this ongoing meeting.And the high-level officials ordered that this meeting be concealed from Yiyi Xun.

The higher-ups no longer trust Yi Yi Xun.

"One, what's the matter with you, are you not feeling well? It looks like you are very uncomfortable."

Wudai Yusuke saw a Kaoru, his face full of melancholy.This is completely different from the energetic him before.

"Do you know, as of the 35th incident, how many victims do you think there are?"

Hearing Kaoru ask about this, Yusuke Godai "understands" why Kaoru is sad.

"Probably more than 2000 people. That's what the news said."

Goshiro Yusuke said.

Yiyi Xun shook his head, "According to the police's internal notification, the death toll is 870, and the number of missing persons is more than 600."

Wudai Yusuke heard the real data, "Why are there so many? Then on the news..."

"In order not to cause panic among the citizens, part of the data has been concealed."

One Xun sighed helplessly.

"It's really not reconciled."

Godai Yusuke said bitterly.

"it's not your fault."

One Xun said.Thinking that Wudai might be arrested in the future, he felt unspeakably sad.

Kaoru "In order not to increase the number of victims, we have to deal with them from the source, and this hint, I think, is hidden in the mysterious action of the third unidentified life form."

"Speaking of Nagano, it's the place where No. [-] appeared. Do you think No. [-] is their leader?"

Goshiro Yusuke asked.

"This is still speculation, but the unconfirmed life form b1, I have seen her punish number three, I think she may be the unconfirmed life form zero."

Because of the incomplete information obtained, Yiyi Xun assumed that Sister Rose was number zero.

Yusuke Godai: "So what was recorded in the video is her transformed posture?"

Kaoru "It's very possible. By the way, how is your body paralyzed?"

"Although it doesn't feel that bad, it's not clear yet. I'll go to Mr. Chun and ask to see if the results of the physical examination have come out."

"Really? Then if there's anything else, please contact me. Keep working hard."

Kaoru Ichijo and Yusuke Godai gave each other a thumbs up gesture and left.

After Kaoru Godai left, he decided.After solving the unconfirmed living body, he will tell Wudai that the high-level officials want to arrest him, and let Wudai escape from the island country.

He will never do anything to hurt his friends for the sake of his future.

After Godai Yusuke came to Kanto Hospital, he learned from Tsubaki Shuichi that Sakurako Sawado was worried about him, so he came here to ask about his symptoms.

Tsubaki Hideichi speculates that the stinging pain on Yusuke Goshiro's body may be the result of multiple electrotherapy treatments he had done in order to save Godai's life.

Godai Yusuke thought Tsubaki Hideichi was joking and didn't care.

Near the Jiulangyue archaeological site.

"Strength emerges, weapons, come forth."

"Let the power emerge."

"Let the power emerge."

On the other side, the bat Gulangi was already at the Jiulangyue archaeological site, squatting on the ground, facing a pool of unknown depth, chanting the spell to lift the seal in Gulangi. .

The pool was bubbling, and a stone object resembling a bamboo shoot appeared little by little.

Bat Gu Langji excitedly took the stone into his hands.

Chapter 52 Hammer Mantis Gulangi [-]

Bat Gulangi went to the next place and continued to summon.

Garia has already started her own game.

She has already "marked" all the passengers in the same car with her with the fragrance in the bracelet.

Holding a giant death scythe nearly two meters long, she quickly walked behind a couple.

When gariaria walked up to the couple, she said

"Don't look back."

When the couple heard this, they turned their heads curiously and looked behind.


"duan, duan."

Two headless corpses fell to the ground.

In a forest path, gariariaria walks towards a mother and child step by step with a death scythe.

The son's shoelace was accidentally stepped on by himself, and he was bending over to tie the shoelace.

Seeing Garia's ferocious performance and holding a scythe in her hand, the mother screamed in fright.

The power of maternal love makes the mother hug her son. If she can't run away, then she will die with her son.

As a result, the mother closed her eyes in fear, and when she opened her eyes, she found that Gariaria accurately cut the sickle across the woman's body, but did not hurt the irrelevant man at all.

"Don't turn your head."

When the woman heard Gariaria say not to turn her head, she stopped her curiosity and did not turn her head.

Seeing the bloody corpse, the mother and son screamed in fright, picked up their son and stumbled away.

Inside a Japanese restaurant in Chiyo Tenqu.

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