Zedu Yingzi made an appointment with Yixun.

"Ichijo-san, how long will the Five Dynasties continue to fight before they can stop?

I have already heard about the third issue, and I also know that the unconfirmed living body is getting stronger again.In the future, the power of the five generations will be needed even more, right? "

Yiyixun looked at the sensitive Sato Sakurako and asked, "Did you decipher any news?"

"I got an incomprehensible deciphering result, so it can be said that I have approached the part of the mystery. I may think it will take a long time in the future, but..."

A smoked "but what?"

Sakurako Zedo lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said

"Although I don't know what the result of the analysis is, I have a very bad feeling.

Although it's only a sixth sense, that's why I'm taking the liberty to ask you.Such an argument, I know, is not convincing. "

Yiyi Xun: "I understand what you want to say. Sometimes the police feel the prisoner by intuition when there is no evidence."

Sawado Sakurako: "I'm sorry to bother you by talking nonsense."

Xunyi knows the worries of Sakurako Zedo, but the current situation must require the strength of the fifth generation.

"As the police, we don't want to rely only on five generations, so we plan to strengthen the search equipment."

Ichijo Kaoru didn't know whether he should tell Sakurako Zedo that the high-level officials were going to settle things with Wudai afterwards.

At this time, a smoked cell phone rang.

It was Morimichi Sugita who called, "Ichijo-san, another Japanese-speaking guy committed the crime, and he seemed to be holding a weapon openly and doing it all the way."

"Understood, I'll come right away."

One Xun hung up the phone, picked up the bill on the dining table and went to pay.

"Sorry, I will contact you next time."

Yiyixun walked out of the restaurant and immediately called Godai Yusuke.

Wait, didn't he just say that he doesn't want to rely on the fifth generation?Why did I call the fifth generation when I encountered an unconfirmed life form? It's so sweet!

Godai came out of the Kanto Hospital and went to Qinghai, Chuo-ku, where the mantis Gurangi committed the crime last time.

Sawado Sakura was not in the mood to eat and left the restaurant.

Now Garia came to the port square and moved down in the automatic elevator. An old man took the elevator and moved up.

A radio rang.

"Urgent notice is conveyed to all districts, unconfirmed life entity No. 36 is in the Minato Square."

At the moment when the two figures intersected, after Gariariaria left, a white-robed man appeared behind her, wearing a black hat, and holding a counter similar to an abacus in his hand.

He is Ge's supervisor mentioned earlier. He has followed Garia all the way and is satisfied with her performance. He is indeed the strongest charm level Gu Langji.

"Very good skill."

The man praised that behind him was the first member of the Ge rank after the end of the Mantis Gulangji mission - the owl Gulangji.

"When will our game start?"

The human body of the owl Gulangi is a handsome guy with sunglasses.

"Wait until oa (Bat Grunge) comes back, as soon as he comes back, start right away."

The owl Gulangji got the letter and left.

What they asked the bat Gu Langji to search in the Jiulangyue archaeological site was naturally the No. [-] Yamadam spirit stone fragment.

For gariariariaria, it's worth it.

However, the reality is that they will die in vain if they go up, and it is of no value.

Therefore, with the green light all the way, Yusuke Godai also came to the tunnel and saw the praying mantis Gulangi.

Although Gu Langji, the mantis, has not yet transformed, but the giant scythe in her hand has already explained her identity.


Yusuke Goshiro transforms into Kuuga.

Gulangi, the mantis, was delighted when she saw that the person blocking her was Kuraga.

"Sora, remember that it is Garia who will defeat you."

Mantis Gurangi slashed across Kuraga's upper body with a sickle in his hand at an extremely fast speed, but was dodged by Goshiro Yusuke.

Mantis Gulangi held the sickle tightly with both hands, and cut three times in a row, all of which were avoided by Godai Yusuke.

Yusuke Goshiro took advantage of the moment Gurangi turned around and grabbed her back, but was thrown away by Garia immediately.

Godai Yusuke saw the scythe swinging towards his head, and quickly lowered his head.

The "Static Crossing" road sign behind Yusuke Goshidai was cut off with a single knife.

Wudai Yusuke kept dodging, and soon came to his own motorcycle.

Mantis Gulangi pressed the neck of Yusuke Goshiro with the bent part of the sickle, and Yusuke Goshidai pushed down to the ground together with the motorcycle behind him.

Mantis Gulangi raised his scythe and swung it down again. .

Wudai Yusuke was not cut, but the handlebar of the motorcycle behind Wudai Yusuke was cut off.

Wudai is angry, this is the motorcycle he just bought, how long will he have to work for his father before he can afford a new one.

Chapter 53 Violently Beating the Praying Mantis Gulangi III

Yusuke Goshiro kicked sideways and hit the center handle of the death scythe.

Kicked off the huge sickle in Mantis Gulangji's hand, one piece fell to the ground, and the other was still in Mantis Gulangji's hand.

"Super transformation."

Yusuke Godai transformed into a purple form and a titan form, and picked up the half sickle that was broken off by the praying mantis Gulangi on the ground.

In the hands of Yusuke Godai, the sickle turned into a long purple sword.

Gu Langji, the mantis, was stunned for a moment. She couldn't understand this wave of disarming.

"Your sword is Kuoga's sword. If you grab your weapon, you won't be angry, hehe."

Li Qinghe came from the dark, just in time to see the scene of Five Dynasties' domineering disarm.

This wave of disarming made Li Qinghe think of a funny news that he saw in the news in his previous life. Brother Kunshan Shu took possession of his own knife and began to chop passers-by. As a result, the knife fell to the ground without grasping it, and was picked up by passers-by. Fight back with a knife...

Isn't this Mantis Gulangji the online version of Brother Kun?

Yusuke Goshiro strode towards the mantis Gurangi.

Garia was ridiculed by Li Qinghe, and the three corpses jumped out of anger. If it wasn't for Kuuga who had five generations of Yusuke's transformation in front of her, she would definitely kill Li Qinghe first.

The only ones who knew Li Qinghe and Li Qinghe's strength among Gu Langji were Sister Rose and Bat Gu Langji. Everyone else who knew them died in the game.

Wudai Yusuke was concentrating on maintaining the Titan form, and had no extra energy to talk to Li Qinghe.

Mantis Gurangi gripped the remaining half of the scythe tightly this time, and looked at Kuraga.

Kurangi used the long sword transformed from the lower half of the sickle to block the mantis Gulangi's sickle, and gradually pressed towards the mantis Gurangi.

Mantis Gulangi drew back his knife and looked at the Yamadam spirit stone of Yusuke Fifth.

Wudai Yusuke shifted his pace, and the sickle slashed on the top of the spirit stone.

The long sword held by Wudai Yusuke was also chopped off at this time.

gariariaria you fight with one sword and one sword, laughing non-stop.The current situation is that the five generations can't cut the mantis Gulangi, and the mantis Gulangi can't cut the five generations.

Godai Yusuke and the mantis Gulangi continued to stand in a stalemate, and suddenly Godai's hand holding the sword flashed with lightning.

The long sword in Wudai Yusuke's hand turned into a short sword with a swipe of "Su".

The strength of Yusuke Goshidai's body also began to drain towards an unknown place, and the place where it was lost was the spirit stone of Yamadam.

Although Mantis Gulangi didn't know what happened to Yusuke Godai, it was obvious that this was a situation in her favour.

Mantis Gulangi cut the sword in the hand of Godai Yusuke to the ground with a single sword strike.

Godai Yusuke resisted the tingling sensation from his hand, and grabbed the sickle cut off by the praying mantis Gulangi.

Li Qinghe saw that Wudai Yusuke was not in the right state, so he sprinted to speed up and knocked the praying mantis Gulangji aside from behind.

"It looks like you..."

Li Qinghe was about to say something when Yusuke Goshidai's mount, Graham, had never been identified as the Life Body Joint Unit, so he crashed through the ceiling and flew here to support Yusuke Goshidai.

"It's alright."

Graham's greetings reached Yusuke Goshiro.Li Qinghe couldn't hear it. This was the exclusive communication between the fifth generation and Graham.

Graham split into two, one in front, one in back, and five generations of Yusuke's motorcycle with a broken handlebar fused together.

Although one handlebar is missing, it is fine for the fifth generation, and it does not affect the normal operation of the fifth generation Yusuke.

Graham sharp horn port, shiny.

Yusuke Godai starts his motorcycle and hits the mantis Gulangi into the air.

The second before the mantis Gulangji was hit, he didn't think about escaping. That was a stupid way to do it. Giving his back to the enemy is tantamount to courting death.

Mantis Gurangi didn't think about running away, but wanted to kill Godai Yusuke who was sitting on Grame.Mantis Gulangi crouched halfway, ready to chop off Godai Yusuke who rushed over on his motorcycle.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Graham Fusion's acceleration on the motorcycle surpassed the reaction speed of Mantis Gulangi.

Before Gu Langji, the mantis, could react, his body was knocked into the air for more than 50 meters, and he almost fell out of the tunnel.

Praying mantis Gurangi stood up slowly, and she had a big mark of empty self on her body.

Gu Langji, the mantis, yelled, temporarily sealed the mark into his body, and tried to find a way to escape later.

Wudai Yusuke saw that Gulangi, the mantis, was still alive, and was about to hit him again.

It's a pity that Graham, who was briefly fused with the motorcycle, has exhausted his energy and turned into gravel once again.

Wudai Yusuke's heart is full of slots, at a critical moment, why are you out of battery again?


The screeching sound of the police car came, and Wudai saw a figure of Xun through the rearview mirror.

As soon as Yiyi Xun came over, he saw the escaping praying mantis Gulangi and Gramm fragments all over the ground.

"Fifth generation! How is No. 36?"

"I'm sorry, but she ran away. This No. 36 is so powerful that even Graham can't deal with it."

"is it?"

Yiyi Xun was a little disappointed, and looked at Li Qinghe, why is he here, he was not called for this operation.

A mulberry, "Mr. Qinghe, you are here too."

"I happened to pass by here, and I happened to see the fifth generation and No. 36 fighting, so I came to help."

Li Qinghe explained.

Yiyi Xun didn't believe what Li Qinghe said.

He felt more and more mysterious about this man, so he decided to go back later and investigate this man thoroughly.

It was really a coincidence that Li Qinghe came here.He just left from Sister Rose and was going to see Zedu Yingzi.

As a result, we encountered the battle of the fifth generation.These days, to be honest, no one believes it.

"Mr. Yiyi, I know the time for my sting to come. If I can remind you a little bit, I think I will have new power. I don't know what Sakurako's interpretation will be?"

Wudai Yusuke had an excited expression on his face, and it could be seen that Wudai Yusuke was very happy to be able to improve his own strength.

The pursuit of power is human nature.It is even more obvious in Godai, who has a simple personality. It is not just luck that he was selected by Kura.

Kaoru "Speaking of which, Sakurako is very worried about you. She came to me not long ago, but only asked about your physical condition. You can ask her when you go back, what is the translation of the inscription?"

"Mr. Yitiao, can I do something else? I'm going to go to the rest of the city to find a way to make a living!

"Go ahead."

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