Wudai Xiongsuke said goodbye to Li Qinghe and left.

Li Qinghe and Yi Xun were left behind, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Who are you? What is your purpose for approaching us?"

Wudai Yusuke also left, and there are only Yixun and Li Qinghe here.

"It's not that you haven't seen my real identity, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider."

Yi Yixun didn't believe Li Qinghe's pretentious words at all.

"One day, I will find out your true identity."

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Yiyi Xun had such a big disagreement with him, and he didn't provoke him.

Li Qinghe couldn't figure it out, and he could only attribute it to Yi Yixun's being too righteous, and he was born to be hostile to a person like himself who always had a purpose in his heart.

Chapter 54 Violently Beating the Praying Mantis Gulangi III

Yiyi Xun began to investigate the clues on the victim of unconfirmed life form 36, to see if he could find the law of this unconfirmed life form's killing.

Seongnam University Archaeological Research Office.

Sawado Sakurako translated the part of the inscription that is close to the answer.

"When the holy spring dries up. The stern warriors appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried in darkness."

Although Sawado Sakurako didn't know what it meant, she could literally feel the ominous information contained in these words.

The "Holy Spring" is a good thing, but when it dries up, this one is not good.Moreover, the miserable warrior, "stern"?

This word seems to mean desolate.Something like thunder appears, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, just look at the sentence.

Will the sun be buried by darkness?The sun is a symbol of life, life is black, means dead?

After Sakurako Sawado finished translating her self-expression, she decided to go to the library to check the information.See if you can help yourself figure out what these words mean.

It just so happened that the unconfirmed life body No. 36 wanted to kill people again from the tape recorder of Sawado Sakurako, and also escaped after fighting with the fifth generation.

Sawado Sakurako is a kind person, she couldn't bear to see Godai in danger and not help him.

Every time I see Yusuke Godai's sunny smile, Sakurako Sawado feels that her heart has been washed once.The kindness and innocence of Five Dynasties come from the heart.

After the mantis Gulangi escaped, he hid in a hidden garbage dump to rest.

It is not so easy to eliminate the huge imprint on the body of the praying mantis Gulangi with the power of the empty self and Gramme.

Praying Mantis Gulangi leaned on a scimitar with one hand, and covered his stomach with the other hand, crying in pain.

Mantis Gurangi gritted his teeth in hatred for Li Qinghe who disrupted the situation. If he hadn't sneaked up behind him, he would have dealt with Kuoro long ago, and he would not have been seriously injured by the joint efforts of Kuoro and Graham.

Suddenly, Gu Langji, the mantis, heard the sound of footsteps. He looked up and saw that it was a supervisor in a white robe, which covered his whole body except his eyes.

Ge's supervisor is here, and it stands to reason that it is not his turn to intervene in games at the Mei level, but Mantis Gu Langji insists on playing the game according to the regulations of Ge's level.

Then Ge's game supervisor can step in.

Praying mantis Gurangi clutched his stomach and stood up while leaning on the wall.

"Sure enough, Mei can't defeat Kuuga."

Only then did Gu Langji, the mantis, see that the rose girl had also come.

Gu Langji, the mantis, looked at Sister Rose unconvinced, but Sister Rose pushed her back with a stronger gaze.

"Are you still going to continue with Ge's method?"

The white-robed man asked.

"The rest of the prey will be settled soon, so please watch quietly."

Mantis Gurangi tried his best to conceal the pain caused by the imprint of empty self on his body, and strode away.

"As for her being able to complete the task, I have given up hope. Sure enough, the charm level will not work after all."

The man in white robe finished speaking and left.

The reason why Sister Rose angered Mantis Gulangji was because she knew that Li Qinghe had attacked Mantis Gulangji today.

According to Mantis Gu Langji's character of vengeance, once she is promoted successfully, she will definitely find trouble with Li Qinghe.

If Mantis Gulangi advances to the next level, his strength will not be much worse than hers.She wasn't sure that she would be able to stop the praying mantis Gulangi for revenge at that time.

Sister Rose didn't want Li Qinghe to be threatened so much.

So Sister Rose planned to use this game to kill Gu Langji, the mantis.

As soon as Gu Langji, the mantis, went out, he began to search for nearby Linduo, to see if there was any Linduo he wanted to kill.

Shortly after Zedo Yingzi left Seongnam University, Yixun investigated the families of many victims, and got the law of mantis Gulangi's murder.

Yi Yixun hurriedly asked the TV station to broadcast the law of killing unconfirmed life forms, and asked those who were about to be killed by the unconfirmed life form No. 36 to go to the joint department of unconfirmed life forms to hide.

Yusuke Goshiro is currently in an empty room at the Research Institute of the Joint Ministry of Unconfirmed Organisms.

Five generations of Yusuke's body was covered with wires, and electricity was introduced into five generations of body through the wires.

"Not enough, you can increase the current."

"Not enough, continue."

"Continue, I feel that I have to grasp new power."

An unoccupied house outside the empty room.

Yusuke Godai's body is completely different from that of ordinary people.

The high-voltage electricity that can kill a person in an instant, entered Yusuke Godai's body, but did not cause any harm to him, but instead increased the voltage.

樚actinium nang war carboxyl  fine  middle mu          

Yusuke Godai felt that his body was on fire, and the electric current entering his body continuously entered the Yamadam spirit stone on his waist.

Wudai Yusuke felt the tingling pain from the electric current, and compared it with the tingling pain coming from his body.


Wudai Yusuke yelled, all the wires on his body exploded,

樚actinium 艿 艿 angle anti-badger thumb carbon ぃ  Huangbu Xunzhang narrow search Α[-] Every time Tian Guang stood in another room to remotely monitor the fifth generation, and was not harmed.

Wait until it's time to blow the sedan chair and blow the sedan chair, and then throw it away and throw it away.

"I'm still in the actinium, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry?/p>

Goshiro Yusuke said out of breath.Now, he has new strength to fight.

Five generations of Yusuke did not see the rest of the show?/p>

Five generations of Yusuke's experiments not only connected to the research institute, but also went directly to the high-level.

Five generations of Yusuke became stronger again, presumably those people are more worried.

樚actinium  thirsty invasion С 心氖恋白仙   迨    worm   dang  move bottle テ coronet G T Ye  stupid chu  Zhong Jie Nai Dang  ya  Chew Cong sedan chair O Zhang Shu R bad Э Wu Fei silly: δ rock rhyme arsenic toad?/p>

"Come on."

The rest of the actinium can be crotched, the emperor is in danger, and the thieves are in a hurry?/p>

Wudai Yusuke has already received another call from Kaoru, asking him to go to Harajuku immediately.

Tsubaki Hideichi, who works at Kanto Hospital, heard the radio station's broadcast "Unconfirmed living body No. 36, at 10:57 this morning, in the fourth carriage heading for Chiba from Ochanomizu Station on the JR Sobu Line of passengers."

Tsubaki Hideichi didn't think so at first, but suddenly he thought of Sakurako Sawado who came this morning to ask Yusuke Godai about his health.

Chun Xiuyi hurried back to his office, took out his phone and called Sawado Sakurako.

Sakurako Sawado was about to return after checking the materials in the library, when the cell phone in her handbag rang.

Sakurako Zedo pulled out the phone,

"I'm Zedo."

"Zedu, have you watched the TV report?"

Sawado Sakurako recognized Tsubaki Hideichi's voice.

Sakurako Zedo: "No, it's still outside."

"Outside? Did you take the subway heading for Chiba from Ochanomizu Station on the JR Sobu Line around 11 o'clock this morning?"

Chun Xiuyi asked nervously.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Sakurako Zedo asked as she walked.

"You're not in the fourth car, are you?"

"It seems to be the fourth car, what's wrong?"

Sakurako Zedo asked. .

"Listen to me, Sakurako Sawado, today's unconfirmed life form 36 is..."

Before Tsubaki Hideichi finished speaking, Sawado Sakurako saw the human body of the praying mantis Gulangi.

Chapter 55 Beating the Praying Mantis Gulangji

"Miss Zedo, Miss Zedo."

Tsubaki Shuichi on the other end of the phone, after talking about the law of unconfirmed life body 36's killing, couldn't hear Sakurako Sawado not answering, so he called her quickly.

Sakurako Zedo saw the mantis Gulangi holding a huge scythe, saw her fierce face, and walked towards her.

The scythe that Sakurako saw was half the size of the death scythe.That was enough to scare her.

She also saw Gu Langji kill with her own eyes, but she had never been chased and killed by Gu Langji in person. Now that she met him, it was really the first time for a big girl to get on a bridal sedan chair.

But Sakurako Sawado doesn't want such an experience.

Sawado Sakurako guessed that she might be the unconfirmed living body No. 30 No. [-] that Tsubaki Hideichi mentioned.

Zedu Yingzi is okay, she has seen the viciousness of other Gulangji before, although she is scared, her legs are not weak.

Zedu Yingzi was so frightened that she couldn't care about talking to Chun Xiuyi, and ran away, even if she dropped her phone on the ground.

As soon as Tsubaki Xiu on the other end of the phone heard Sawado Sakura's scream, she immediately guessed that the unconfirmed life entity 36 might have gone to Sawado Sakura.

But he didn't even know where Sakurako Zedo was, so how could he tell Yusuke Godai to save Zedo.

Sawado Sakura threw away the handbag in her hand and let herself run faster.

She really deserves to be the heroine of the empty world. When she saw that the weirdo didn't behave like other passers-by, she screamed, and then her legs were so weak that she couldn't walk and waited to die.

Zedu was the first Linduo who dared to run away that Mantis Gulangji saw, and he was also quite interested, and trotted after him.

She can catch up with Sawado Sakurako in three seconds, but she wants Sawado Sakurako to enjoy the fear before death, playing a game of cat and mouse.

Mantis Gulangi's speed is only a bit slower than Zedu Yingzi.

If Sakurako Sawado speeds up, she speeds up too.If Sakurako Sawado is running slow, she slows down, just make sure Sakurako Sawado is in her field of vision.

A passer-by saw a man chasing and killing Sakurako Sawado with a huge scythe, so he called the police.

Li Qinghe was watching TV at the Chengnan Research Institute, and suddenly a picture of Zedu Yingzi being chased and killed appeared on the TV.

"Oops, how did I forget this one."

When Li Qinghe saw the main plot of the world, he knew that Zedu Yingzi would be hunted down by the praying mantis Gulangi.

However, shouldn't five generations come out to save the situation immediately?

So where are the five generations now?Wudai went the wrong way, and he is still asking passers-by how to get to Harajuku.

Five generations ago, the motorcycle was cut off by Mantis Gulangji, and now it is Dad's motorcycle.

But the navigator on the motorcycle made a mistake and led him to the wrong route.Five generations want to rush back to rescue Zedu Yingzi, but they have more than enough energy.Not enough time.

Li Qinghe realized that it might be his own intervention that caused Zedu Yingzi, who was supposed to be rescued, to be facing a huge crisis now.

Li Qinghe inquired about the approximate location of Zedu Yingzi by watching the building signs that Zedu Yingzi passed by on TV.

He had to rescue him immediately, otherwise his next attack would be the corpse of Sakurako Sawado.

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