Li Qinghe couldn't guarantee that he could convert ordinary people in this world into Ophelia.If it doesn't work, wouldn't it be bad?

Yiyi Xun can succeed, that is because he took medicine while he was alive, which is a chronic transformation.

But Zedo Yingzi didn't take medicine, can she take medicine and become Ophelia after death?Li Qinghe couldn't guarantee it.

Thus, Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta,

"Acceleration form."

Li Qinghe's transformation into Kamen Rider Dleta, the moon armor extended and moved to the shoulder, revealing the purple photon energy core.

"Ten seconds is enough."

During this period of time, Li Qinghe sent the dleta belt back, and after remodeling, in the accelerated form, if the acceleration is used, it can be maintained for ten seconds.

On the other side, Zedu Yingzi didn't know where she ran to. Along the way, she saw nearby shops, all of which were closed.

Finally, she ran to a park now.

The tourists here and the residents who are exercising, all ran home when they heard that the unconfirmed life form 36 was nearby.

Zedu Yingzi ran to the back mountain of the park, she couldn't run anymore.

"Lin Duo, are you ready to die?"

Mantis Gulangi chased for so long, seeing that Zedu Yingzi couldn't run anymore, she suddenly felt that chasing Linduo was so boring.If it is the previous Linduo, you can run for a day.

Obviously Linduo has become weaker, but those companions can't complete the game tasks. Could it be that Linduo's weakening has also lowered Gu Langji's overall strength?

Zedu Yingzi fell to the ground without any image, she really couldn't run anymore.

Mantis Gulangi transformed into Mantis Monster, holding a scythe in one hand, and walked quickly towards Zedu Yingzi.

As long as this Linduo is killed, her mission will be considered complete.Gurangi the Mantis didn't want to be disturbed by his own game anymore, so he decided to make a quick decision.

And Zedu Yingzi also closed her eyes and waited to die.

He raised the knife in his hand, and Gulangi, the mantis, only felt that the sickle in his hand had slashed against an extremely solid object. The vibration from the sickle made his hand a little numb.

Zedu Yingzi heard a crisp sound, and then she saw half of the sickle held by Mantis Gulangi, and it broke again.

"Well, Mai Pi!"

Looking at the missing sickle, Gurangi the Mantis cursed in his heart that the old guy who made her weapons used inferior materials for him.

Zedu Yingzi touched her neck, then turned her head, oh, it's okay, yeah, I'm not dead!

Sakurako Sawado knew the method of killing the unconfirmed living body No. 36, and she was terrified at the thought of separating the head from the body.She never expected that when she came out to investigate the information by herself, she would encounter the unconfirmed life body No. 36.

Then she found Kamen Rider Delta holding her, this, is this a new unconfirmed life form?Why does he look so handsome and stylish!

As expected of Sakurako Sawado, who studies ancient characters, her brain circuits are so novel.

"Who are you? Why stop me?"

Sakurako Sawado heard the voice of the unconfirmed life form 31, and then remembered that she was not out of danger yet.

One of Li Qinghe's fists bounced off the sickle pointed at him, and it was this fist that broke the death sickle with one punch.

Sakurako Sawado noticed that the unconfirmed life form No. 37 in front of her, (made up by herself), put her aside "gently".

"tiout! (time out)"

Dleta's purple energy core was protected by armor again.

"Move my girlfriend, have you figured out how to die?"

Sakurako Sawado felt so domineering when she heard what Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 37 said.The girlfriend he was talking about couldn't be me, right? Wait, this voice?



Gu Langji, the mantis, took the initiative to attack. Since the guy in front of him won't get out of the way, he should die.

Mantis Gu Langji held up half of the sickle and slashed at Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe let Mantis Gu Langji see him.

Then Li Qinghe walked over and slapped him with his hands.

Gu Langji, the mantis, was sent flying by this slap.

Praying Mantis Gu Langji was a little confused, but Li Qinghe grabbed her by the ankle, and then she was sold at a 36-degree sale! !

With Li Qinghe as the center, the circle around him is full of deep pits, which are the deep pits dropped by the head of the praying mantis Gu Langji.

Li Qinghe kicked Gu Langji, the mantis, into a swimming pool in the back mountain.

Chapter 56 Praying Mantis Gulangi is Dead

Mantis Gulangi sank after falling into the swimming pool.

Li Qinghe knew that Gulangji, the mantis, was not dead, because Gulangji would explode if he died.


The sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Gu Langji, the mantis, straightened her neck forcefully, and Li Qinghe's slap made her bones dislocated.

Because of the dislocation of her neck, she was beaten all the time.Mantis Grunji thinks so himself.

Mantis Gulangi stepped on the bottom of the pool, leaving a deep footprint.

Gu Langji, the mantis, jumped out of the pool and rushed towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe was going to kill the praying mantis Gu Langji with one hand, but he thought it would be too cheap for him to die like this.

Li Qinghe flattened the vertical knife in his hand and exerted force on his legs. The position of his palm was exactly one line higher than the position where Gu Langji, the praying mantis, jumped and rushed over.

Li Qinghe turned his hand into rain!

A slap was made on the head of the praying mantis Gulangi.Mantis Gulangi landed face down at a faster speed!

On the ground, a Chinese word "big" appeared.

Mantis Gulangi just supported his body with both hands, and was about to get up.

Li Qinghe fell down and stepped on the back of the mantis Gulangji, and the two arms of the mantis Gulangji were inserted straight into the ground.

"Let me out, I'm going to kill you!"

The voice of grief and indignation from Gu Langji, the mantis, came from under Li Qinghe's feet.

"it is good."

Li Qinghe calmly walked down from Mantis Gulangji, raised his left toe, drew a circle, and stomped hard.

Gu Langji, the mantis, was blown out by the force that Li Qinghe channeled into the ground.

Li Qinghe quickly kicked out with his right foot, kicking Mantis Gulangji's waist.

The praying mantis Gulangi rested and flew out, crashing into a rockery this time before stopping.

Mantis Gulangi is arrogant, but she is not stupid.She could see that she was no match for Li Qinghe, but she had to complete the task.

Completing the mission does not mean killing Li Qinghe, just killing the last Linduo.

So Gulangi, the mantis, changed his strategy, raised the rock from the rockery on the ground and threw it at Zedu Yingzi who was watching the battle.

She has seen the distance between Li Qinghe and Zedu Yingzi, unless he can teleport, Lin Duo will surely die.

Li Qinghe had already used teleportation once before, and Mantis Gu Langji speculated that Li Qinghe would not be able to use teleportation again in a short time.So she implemented the plan.

It seems that she threw this gravel very accurately, and if there is no accident, it can kill Yingzi Zedu.Human strength is measured in kilograms, while Gurangi's strength is measured in tons.

Gu Langji thinks that the small rock, coupled with the potential energy generated by the speed when thrown, is comparable to a rifle.


Seeing the stone flying over, Zedu Yingzi yelled.

Li Qinghe was some distance away from Zedu Yingzi, and it was too late to run over before the stone passed by, and the accelerated form was also in the cooling-off period.



Li Qinghe raised the dletahone and smashed all the stones thrown by Mantis Gulangi. After the stones were smashed by the unabated light bullet, he left his "shadow" on the nearby big tree.

And Li Qinghe came to Zedu Yingzi before dleta's light bullets ran out.

Li Qinghe used his body to help Zedu Yingzi block the second wave of flying stones.

The dletahone in Li Qinghe's hand has already been supplemented with light bullets.

Li Qinghe aimed at Gu Langji, the mantis, and originally thought of giving this Gu Langji to the fifth generation as an appetizer for sublimation, but in the end, she dared to attack her own Yingzi, so she would beat her to death, and the fifth generation should be fast Come on.

At this time, Wudai was on his way in a smoked police car.As for his dad's motorcycle?

The motorcycle has been in disrepair for a long time. After Yusuke Godai stopped and turned off the engine, he asked passers-by how to get to Harajuku, and then returned to the motorcycle and couldn't start the ignition.

In the end, Wudai borrowed a passerby's mobile phone to call Yiyi and asked Yiyi to pick him up.

On the way back in the police car, Wudai heard that Sawado Sakurako was attacked, and he was so anxious that he kept letting Yiyi hurry up.

The light bullet pierced the stone thrown by the mantis Gulangi and hit the mantis Gulangi.

The three lights bounced off, and Gulangi, the mantis, squatted on the ground clutching his stomach.

After being abused by Li Qinghe for such a long time, she could hardly suppress the imprint of emptiness on her body.

"Well, well, well".

Li Qinghe heard the sound of a police car honking, and quickly canceled the transformation.You can't let Wudai know that you can transform yourself.

Wudai Yusuke got off a smoking car and directly transformed into a purple titan form. Li Qinghe picked up the small half of Death's scythe on the ground and threw it at Wudai.

Yusuke Godai grabs the sickle, activates the disarm skill, and the sickle turns into a Titan sword.

Yusuke Goshiro strode towards the mantis Gurangi.

At this time, Gu Langji, the mantis, could hardly suppress the sealing energy left to her by the previous five generations.But her game time is almost here, even if she escapes successfully, she will blew herself up in the end because she didn't complete the game task.

Praying Mantis Gulangi walked tremblingly towards Godai Yusuke step by step.

The purple long sword in Wudai Yusuke's hand began to flash with lightning.

Wudai Yusuke held the sword in one hand, and clenched his fist tightly with the other hand, standing in place. Not only was there an electric current on the sword body, but also sparks from Wudai Yusuke's body.

Yiyi Xun got out of the car and walked up to Zedu Yingzi, protecting Zedu with a gun.

"Empty me, even if I die, I will take you with me."

Praying Mantis Gulangi speeded up and ran towards Five Daiyusuke.

The Yamadam spirit stone on the waist of Yusuke Five Generations released an electric current in an endless stream.

Immediately afterwards, the Titan form transformed by Yusuke Goshidai has been sublimated!

The purple Kuraga Lingshi turned into gold, and the color of Wudai's body also became purple and gold, and the long sword in his hand was tattooed with ancient characters.

Wudai Yusuke looked at the rushing Mantis Gulangi, swiped his sword with both hands, and stabbed into the body of the Mantis Gulangi.

Mantis Gulangi screamed and exploded!

Five generations of Yusuke exterminated the praying mantis Gulangi gave everyone a thumbs up.

Zedu Yingzi saw that the praying mantis Gulangi had been wiped out, and after giving Wudai a thumbs-up gesture, she patted Li Qinghe with tears, and then hung on Li Qinghe like a koala.

"You big liar!"

Zedu Yingzi's low sobs came.

"Qinghe, did you save Zedu Yingzi?"

Yiyi Xun asked, as soon as he came, he saw the praying mantis Gu Langji standing aside and confronting Li Qinghe.

This time, the Mantis Gulangi seemed a bit too easy to deal with.Yiyixun suspected that Kiba Kiyokawa had already beaten the mantis Gulangji half to death before the fifth generation and himself arrived.Wudai Yusuke came here, did he just take the head?

It has to be said that Yi Yi Xun's guess was quite accurate, and he guessed the facts to a close.

"Well, when I came here, I saw the unconfirmed life form No. 36 chasing and killing Yingzi. I pushed away the unconfirmed life form No. 36, saved Yingzi, and saw that she was struggling. I thought it was a trap, but I didn't." Dare to pass.

Then, you and the fifth generation have already arrived here.

In fact, it's all thanks to the fifth generation. If the fifth generation didn't beat her seriously, I would have given her head as a gift when I came here. ".

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