When Wu Dai heard Li Qinghe's praise, he laughed.

Yiyi Xun couldn't deny that he saw the half-broken rockery opposite Li Qinghe, and the small holes in the ground. How could he be fooled by a fool?This kind of thing happened in five generations.

Chapter 57 The Arrival of Ge

But Li Qinghe didn't admit it, and Yiyi Xun couldn't say anything.

Sakurako Zedo saw Li Qinghe trying to hide his transformation into Kamen Rider Delta.

She didn't ask about Li Qinghe's transformation in public.

He could only vaguely follow Li Qinghe's intentions and cover up this matter!What happened this time further strengthened the idea of ​​thoroughly investigating Li Qinghe's true identity.

Therefore, the credit for the killing of the unconfirmed life form 36 was once again attributed to Kuuga, the unconfirmed life form No. [-].

For this kind of thing, everyone from the public to the top police officers has become accustomed to it.However, while the top police officers are used to it, they are more determined to carry out the plan to liquidate Yusuke Godai in the future.

What Li Qinghe didn't know was that he was transformed into a mantis to fight with Gu Langji, and was witnessed by Ge-level supervisor, sister Rose, and the first Ge-level member Buuro to play the game.

One month has passed since the incident of Unconfirmed Life Form 36.

There have never been any incidents of unconfirmed life forms attacking humans in Tokyo.

The moon and stars are rare tonight.

On a waste stage.

Gu Langji of the Ge rank came here to gather one after another.

Ge Group can materialize the ornaments on its body into weapons.Except for No. 40, the others must be defeated with the sublimation form.

Their game "Kili Chakibas Kikiru", in addition to setting a time limit and the number of targets, also needs to customize an additional rule, such as limiting the location of the murder, the characteristics of the victim, and the way the victim died .The Ge Group has a better grasp of modern human culture than the lower-level weirdos, and their costumes are closer to normal humans.

Sister Rose stood under the spotlight in a white gauze dress, graceful and graceful. If Li Qinghe was here, he would definitely not be able to move his eyes away.

Bat Gu Langji also came, pouted, looking unwilling.

Why he was not reconciled, of course, was because the piece zero he worked so hard to pack was taken away, if he hadn't secretly hidden a piece, it would have been a waste of work.There is also a price to hide that piece of debris.

Bat Grunji fled with the fragment for a month before being found by the other Grunji as punishment for escaping.

The price was that he was almost beaten to death by other Gu Langji. If Sister Rose hadn't helped him speak, he might have died.

The sound of motorcycles came, and a Gu Langji of Ge level came.

Their coming here also means that the semi-finals are about to start.

"The dark game is about to begin."

Miss Rose said.

"Buuro isn't here."

A male Gurangi said.

An owl, buuro, landed on the stage, and after untransformation, there was a handsome young man wearing sunglasses.

"It's been a long time."

If nothing else, Gu Langji, the owl, is the first Ge-level player to play the game.

"Mine is very simple, 88 people in 207 hours; the additional rules are to kill 23 people in each of Tokyo's 9 wards in the order of the Japanese fifty-syllabary."

The owl Grunji Buuro saw the power of sublimated Kuga and the Kamen Rider Delta who transformed that day. Based on the idea of ​​carefully sailing for ten thousand years, burro has formulated his own rules of the game.

Sister Rose: "Are you sure?"

The owl Gu Langji nodded confidently, "There will be no mistakes."

"Burro, with such simple rules of the game, even if the promotion is successful, so what."

The man in the red scarf who got off the motorcycle taunted.

The supervisor in a white robe glanced at the owl Gu Langji and closed his eyes. He just counted and didn't care about other things.

"I am the master of my game, and it is not bad to be able to complete the game."

Burro didn't say anything about Li Qinghe's transformation that he saw that day.

In an elementary school.

Teacher Shenqi (the teacher of the fifth generation) was reviewing the compositions submitted by the students in the office.

"what is it then?"

asked the physical education teacher behind him.

Teacher Shenqi "took the future as the theme and asked them to write the composition."

"Imagine the future, so I have to read this one too. This classmate writes well. As expected of Taku Kirishima, the writing is very exciting."

After reading the composition in Teacher Shenqi's hand, the physical education teacher praised it repeatedly.

After the physical education teacher finished speaking, he saw that Teacher Shenqi was distracted, and pushed him, "What are you thinking about?"

Teacher Shenqi came back to his senses, pointed to the composition, and said, "Please take a look here, but really, I don't know anything... There is no place for me..."

Obviously, it is not finished.I have something to say, but I didn't write it down.

Soon, the class bell rang.

After Teacher Shenqi taught the knowledge of this class, she assigned Sunday homework to the students.

"Is it ok, after the holiday, I hope to see everyone's smiling faces again.

So keep this in your head, especially the thing written at the very beginning, and be very careful about unconfirmed life forms.Although we have no problem now.

But in Saitama and Zicheng, as well as in Tokyo, many people have died, especially in Tokyo, absolutely do not go to Tokyo.You have to be extra careful, you see. "

Teacher Shen Qi sent a piece of "Sunday Notes" to the students.



Most of the students in the class nodded and said.

Only one boy, absent-minded, waited until the other students had left, and walked up to the teacher's platform.

"The unconfirmed life form will not appear again. Because it has not appeared for more than a month."

The little boy Kirishima Taku asked.

Teacher Shenqi hesitated, "How should I put it, although such a thing has never happened so far. But I still hope that unconfirmed life forms will not appear again."

Unconfirmed life experience will not appear again, who can say such a thing.

The residents of the island country would not know that the reason why they enjoyed a one-month vacation was that the bat Gulangi escaped for more than half a month, and in exchange for being beaten severely by the society.

"Well. Goodbye, teacher."

The boy nodded disappointedly, he still wanted to get an affirmative reply from the teacher.

Mrs. Shen Qi wanted to ask Takuru Kirishima about the composition that was handed in today, what was there that he wanted to write but did not write.As a result, Kirishima Taku left in a hurry, using the teacher's busyness as an excuse.

Institute of Archaeology, Seongnam University.

"This month, I've thought about it for a long time, and it really is the stinging power that made me stronger.

If purple can be enhanced, then blue, green, and red can also be enhanced. "

Goshiro Yusuke speculated.


Zedu Yingzi echoed casually, and had finished translating all the inscriptions excavated from the archaeological site of Jiulang Mountain.

Sawado Sakurako is busy with a new job again.

"But why is it not written on the inscription?"

Wudai Yusuke asked puzzledly.

Li Qinghe "If I was here in the previous generation, I would definitely tell you the reason."

Wudai asked blankly, "Then what reason will he tell me?"

"Labor and capital don't know those forms, remember Mao! You junior, pay attention to what you say!

Do you think that in ancient times, the power of electricity could be obtained casually?

I just want to strengthen the previous space like you, and he also has to stand on a high place to act as a human-shaped lightning rod to replenish power.

And the voltage of lightning is uncontrollable, it is very likely to kill him.

Besides, if you are lucky, you may not be able to attract thunder if you stand on a high place and yell and open the kite.This thing depends on luck. .

If you are lucky, the lightning strikes, and the voltage has not exceeded Kerry's tolerance, but if you are unlucky, there will be no lightning, or the lightning strike will be too large or too small. "

Li Qinghe, who was sitting on the side eating watermelon, said casually.

Chapter 58 Owl Grunge

"No wonder, it turned out to be a new skill developed by myself. I'm really amazing!"

Wu Dai fell into a deep narcissism and couldn't extricate himself.

The brain circuit of the fifth generation is really novel.

After hearing Li Qinghe's explanation, Zedu Yingzi put down the pen in her hand.

Because of the reason why Li Qinghe rescued her last time, the relationship between her and Li Qinghe has already broken through the last level this month.

Zedu Yingzi is very smart, she asked Li Qinghe about his transformation in a circumstantial manner, but did not get a response from Li Qinghe.He knew that Li Qinghe didn't want to tell her about it.

Zedu Yingzi knew that Li Qinghe was hiding a secret, but no one had a secret, as long as Li Qinghe treated her well.

"Kerry, the last one is empty of me."

Sakurako Zedo quickly extracted the key information.

From Li Qinghe's words, Zedu Yingzi deduced that Li Qinghe knew a lot about Kuoro. Then, the part of the answer on the inscription should be able to get the answer from Li Qinghe.

"But anyway, five generations, you're fine, so I'm relieved."

Sakurako Sawado said to Yusuke Godai.

She stared at Li Qinghe, wanting Li Qinghe to say more.

"As far as the previous Kuraga is concerned, his normal state can destroy all Gulangi, and there is no need for sublimation at all.

If he is alive, these new skills of yours are probably gaudy things in his eyes.What people fight is a group fight, the kind where one person singles out a group. "

Li Qinghe's words deeply hit the five generations who fell into narcissism, and now the five generations have changed from falling into narcissism to falling into sadness.

Got hit!

Wudai is innocent, but not stupid.He has always regarded Li Qinghe as his senior, and from the moment Li Qinghe handed over the belt to him, he regarded Li Qinghe as his guide.

He firmly believed that Li Qinghe must know something about Kuga.So I really believe in what Li Qinghe said.

The screen turns to the other side.

Kirishima Taku thinks that the unconfirmed living body hasn't appeared for a month, so it should be safer, so he doesn't listen to Mr. Shenqi's advice, and comes to Tokyo alone.

In the Katsushika district, people came and went in an endless stream, and the Ge-level supervisor in a white robe stood in the middle of the road.

Grunge the owl is on top of one of the tallest buildings nearby.

Owl Grunge

The weapon blowing arrows can turn saliva into bullet-like arrows at a height of 4000 meters and shoot them into the human body at super speed, causing the target to die of myocardial infarction.

Owl Gulangi is the original contestant of "Kili Chakibas Kikiru".It has high intelligence and can quickly read human literature.He also has a strong resilience. After losing a wing, he only spent 2 hours recuperating while reading "The Complete Works of Camus" and healed.

The owl Gulangi fired a dart, and passers-by fell to the ground one by one.

The white-robed man held an abacus-like counter and counted the killed Linduo.

Kaoru Ichijo, who works in the Joint Department of Unconfirmed Lifeforms, received a clue that Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 37 appeared.

At present, the report is handed over to Masao Matsukura by her little fan girl, Shishan Mojian.

Everyone thought that a month had passed, and the unconfirmed living body hadn't appeared, so it had already been resolved.High-level officials are already discussing how to deal with the fifth generation.

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