As a result, new unidentified life forms appeared, which made the high-level plan shelved.

All work will continue to be handled by Matsukura Masao, the head of the Unconfirmed Life Form Joint Department.

Yi YiXun took the investigation report and asked Matsukura Masao for action.Every time after the appearance of unconfirmed life forms, the joint department of unconfirmed life forms always recruited new teachers and held a meeting.

However, with the experience of dozens of police dispatches, a set of effective rules and regulations have been formed in the face of unconfirmed life forms, which can be calmly dealt with.

Yiyixun's request was approved, and Yiyixun hurriedly called Wudai.

This month, because no unconfirmed life forms appeared, Yiyi Xun didn't have much contact with the fifth generation, and gave the fifth generation a one-month long vacation.

Yusuke Godai received a call from Kaoru, knowing that there was another unconfirmed life form, and immediately left on a repaired motorcycle.

After Wudai Yusuke left, Zedu Yingzi called Li Qinghe to the computer, and showed Li Qinghe the part of the text she found that was close to the answer.

Zedu Yingzi "Qinghe, what do these two sentences mean? Can you understand?"

The original words are like this

"When the holy spring dries up. The stern warriors appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried in darkness."

"The Holy Spring speaks of a pure heart. The Sacred Spring speaks of a belt wearer whose heart is pure. After the good heart disappears, the consciousness falls into darkness.

The fierce warrior who appeared like a thunderbolt refers to Kuuga who has acquired the ultimate power.

The sun will be buried by darkness. The sun here is understood as hope and vitality.

The meaning of this whole sentence is that when Kuraga loses his kind heart, Black Eye Ultimate will appear like thunder and bury the sun, which means that Kuraga, who is under the control of power, will destroy the world. "

Li Qinghe translated the meaning of this short passage to Zedu Yingzi.

"So, the Five Dynasties will one day become slaves to power and come to destroy the world?"

Sakurako Sawato asked worriedly.

"Perhaps, but want to destroy the world? Even if he obtains the ultimate power and completes the strengthening again, he can't do it."

Li Qinghe shook his head, this world is not simple.There are black gods and white gods, if you want to destroy the world, you have to ask them first.

But Sakurako Zedo understood that if Yusuke Goshidai was destroyed, Li Qinghe would stop him at the end when he was mad.

"Qinghe, like him, can you stop him?"

Zedu Yingzi didn't want Li Qinghe to take risks, and her father didn't believe that Wudai would become like that.

"Don't worry about it, I once told you that I chose Godai Yusuke because it was Sora, which means that Godai Yusuke can stick to his heart.

Others will become the destroyer of darkness, but the fifth generation will not.I have always believed in this. "

Li Qinghe knew about Kuuga's plot. In the original plot, in order to protect everyone's smiles, the fifth generation chose to obtain the ultimate power, but he did not become the ultimate black eye, but became the ultimate red eye.

Li Qinghe believes that as long as no relatives and friends of Wudai Yusuke die, it is unlikely to cause Wudai Yusuke's blackening.

"It would be nice if that was the case."

Sawado Sakura still looked worried.

Li Qinghe walked behind Zedu Yingzi, and comforted him, "If there is such a day, I will protect you."

Zedu Yingzi leaned on Li Qinghe happily.

Unsurprisingly, when Yusuke Goshidai arrived on a motorcycle, the unconfirmed life form No. 37 had already left.

Wudai Yusuke had to go back to his father's shop first, waiting for the owl Gu Langji to act again.

The phone in Papa's shop rang, and Yusuke Goshiro answered it.

Shen Qi "Godai, it's me."

Yusuke Godai, "Teacher, how are you doing recently? Is the teacher still in good spirits?"

"Ah, it's not too bad. Is there an unconfirmed life form in Tokyo?"

Teacher Shenqi asked.

Five generations: "Well, it has appeared."

Shen Qi "Huh?"

Wu Dai asked "what's the matter?".

Shenqi: "Actually, he is a student in my class who went to Tokyo alone. The teacher of another class happened to see him entering the entrance of Utsunomiya Station on my side by chance, so he contacted me.

I was very concerned. After asking the station staff, it seems that how to transfer to Asakusabashi.So, I would like to trouble you. "

Chapter 59 Children's Future

"Asakusabashi, right? Well, I see."

Five generations wrote down the address.

Shen Qi" "This kid was going to a private school today, I called the private school teacher and said he asked for leave today.

His parents are not at home, so his parents cannot be contacted. "

Five generations asked, "Why is that kid going to Asakusabashi? Don't you know that unconfirmed life forms are likely to appear?"

Shenqi "Asakusabashi is the old hometown of the child's father. Two years ago, the child's grandmother passed away.

Because of inheritance issues, it is said that there has been turned into a parking lot.But in the composition, he also happily wrote the memories of playing around there.I think he'll be around there. "

"Anyway, I'll look for it. Although a new unconfirmed life event has occurred, I'm still going."

Five Dai Yusuke agreed to the teacher's request.

"Trouble you, I will come as soon as possible. I will fax you his photo later."


Yusuke Goshiro hung up the phone,

After getting the photo of Takuru Kirishima, Yusuke Goshiro got on his motorcycle and started searching for the child near Asakusa Bridge.

Before searching for it for a long time, Wudai received a notice from Xun telling him to go to the Yingcheng Guild Hall in the city center, and the unconfirmed life form 37 appeared.

Yusuke Godai had no choice but to call first to solve the unconfirmed life body No. 37, but the teacher's explanation could not be left behind.

Yusuke Godai found a nearby store, borrowed a mobile phone and a fax machine, and sent the photo of the child to Sakurako Sawado, asking them to help find it.

Sawado Sakura put down her work and wanted to go with Li Qinghe to find Kirishima Taku, but Li Qinghe refused.

Speaking of the era when unidentified life forms are rampant, which place is the safest?Five generations of daddy's small shop is the safest.

Li Qinghe asked Zedu Yingzi to go to Wudai Yusuke's father, and if he found a child, he would take it there.

Li Qinghe drove Zedu Yingzi to Yusaburo, the father of the fifth generation, and it happened that the father's niece Nana Asahina and the younger sister of the fifth generation were also there.Three girls in one play, here, her father won't be so boring.

Li Qinghe went out to look for Kirishima Taku with peace of mind.

Not long after Li Qinghe left, Teacher Shenqi came here to discuss the child's future with Godai and the others, and waited for Taku Kirishima by the way.

Shenqi: "Kirishima, when did you start to worry? It's a pity that I can't understand him."

Sawado Sakurako "Can't he tell the teacher frankly about himself?"

Teacher Shenqi smiled wryly, "Children nowadays are more difficult to understand than before. They seem to be unexpectedly well-behaved, and they can also listen to what others say.

But how should I put it, the various gaps between them and adults seem to have disappeared, and they have all become mature. "

Five Daimi "I saw some older children on the street, and felt that they seemed a little cold and couldn't see happiness. When I was in the nursery, they had all kinds of faces, and the children were very cute."

Shen Qi sighed and said, "I know what you mean.

To use an image metaphor, should we say that the child is already in the sixth grade, or that the child is already in the sixth grade.

Sometimes I feel sorry for the kids.Today's children don't worry. First of all, they don't have time to worry, and worrying and being hurt should be very hard.Therefore, I borrowed other methods to forget. "

Sawado Sakurako "Happy things can only appear when the best feeling occurs."

Shen Qi nodded, "Sometimes watching TV recently, I feel a little scary. The advertisement says, don't worry, you can buy more interesting things. Spend money in interesting places and live without thinking about anything."

Sakurako Sawato nodded, agreeing with what Teacher Shenqi said, education changes with the times.

Sakurako Sawado: "Children nowadays are taught by adults to be adults. But they don't tell children that even becoming adults has their own troubles."

Godai stood up and poured a cup of black coffee for Sakurako Sawado, "The thing that distresses the child may be the mood of the parents. If the family atmosphere is better, the parents can not be so strict with them, but more If you love them, it will be better for both parents and children.”

Li Qinghe came to the vicinity of the Asakusa Bridge, one by one passerby asked, and soon got a clue.

Li Qinghe met the little boy Wu Dai was looking for in a small shop.

Li Qinghe followed the little boy into the small shop.

The little boy entered here with an ice cream and asked

"anyone there?"

As soon as Li Qinghe went in, he saw a beautiful young lady walking out of the back room. She looked very similar to Zhou Dongyu, and her looks were on the line!

In an instant, Li Qinghe fell in love!

"Wow, what a beautiful young lady."

Li Qinghe almost forgot that he came here this time to find Taku Kirishima.

"Excuse me, are you Takuru Kirishima?"

Li Qinghe compared the boy in front of him with the photo printed out on the fax, um, it was him.

This little boy looks a lot like Cai Xukun.If he wasn't looking for him, Li Qinghe would have been ready to have a 3-minute love affair with his young lady.

"it's me."

Kirishima Taku turned his head, only to find that Li Qinghe said he was looking for him, but looked at the young lady who came out with shy eyes.

"60 dollars."

After the young lady came out, she said to Taku Kirishima.

After Kirishima Taku took out 60 yuan and gave it to the young lady, he asked again, "Where is Auntie?"

Asada Kiki "She went to a nursing home two months ago."

The little boy let out a disappointed "Oh", the neighbor he knew here was gone.

Li Qinghe withdrew his gaze and remembered this.

"What are you looking for from me?"

the little boy asked.

"It's a friend named Wudai who asked me to come to you. He said that your teacher entrusted him, but suddenly he couldn't make it, so he asked me to come."

Li Qinghe said.

Li Qinghe took a bag of potato chips casually and asked, "How much is this?"

Kiki Asada "One hundred yuan."

Li Qinghe took one out of his wallet and handed it to her.

For such a beautiful young lady, in the world of Kongwo, Li Qinghe really didn't find anyone who could compare to her in appearance.

"Let's go."

Kirishima Taku said, and Li Qinghe left the small fruit shop "reluctantly".

Kirishima Taku took Li Qinghe to the gate of Asano Temple.

The two sat on the same steps, sharing the potato chips Li Qinghe bought together.

"Kirishima, I'm Kiba Kiba Kiba Kiyokawa, a friend of Mr. Shenqi's student. Mr. Shenqi knew that you came here alone, so he was very worried. But there was no way to rush over here immediately, and finally entrusted me.

Can you just tell me why you're here?Here in Tokyo, you have also listened to the radio, because it is very unsafe because of the unidentified living body. "

Kirishima Taku sat blankly, looking up at the sky.

"Ms. Shenqi has an assignment to write an article about the future. When I was writing it, I felt a little...

I don't know what will happen to me if I continue like this.I understand why, and I've always done it this way.

Go to cram schools, go to good places, meet new friends, and get everyone's welcome.But suddenly it felt like a hassle.So, I chose to escape and came here. "


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