Chapter 60 Sublimation Pegasus

Li Qinghe also looked up at the sky just like Kirishima Taku.

Kirishima Taku: "You said that you have been carrying it here, can you come up with the answer?"

"You can't figure it out, if you can get the answer so easily, then you won't be troubled all the time, will you?

It doesn't matter how many years it takes, because we all grow up in distress.To apply what Teacher Shenqi said, do what you want to do, and pursue who you really like, wouldn't it be good? "

Li Qinghe encouraged.

The little boy was moved by Li Qinghe's words, and he agreed to go to my father Yusaburo first with Li Qinghe.

On the other hand, Godai Yusuke has changed his route again following the change of the path of the unconfirmed life form 37.

Yiyixun "Godai, where are you now?"

Five generations "I'm near Ichigaya now."

Yi Yixun "Godai, we have dispatched a helicopter to search, you go to the cape building first.

According to the current clues, the speed of unconfirmed life body No. 37 is too fast, and the cape building is the only way for unconfirmed life body 37.

On the building, with the power of blue sky, can you capture the sound of that guy's wings and attack? "

"Really, I'll give it a try."

Yusuke Goshidai first transformed into a green dragon form, got off the motorcycle, and jumped directly onto the cape building.

After Yusuke Godai jumped on it, he saw Kaoru Ichijo riding a helicopter.

"Mr. Yiyi, I'm here."

"Give you."

Yiyixun threw down his gun, and Wudai picked up the police gun on the ground.

To transform into the form of the blue Pegasus, you need weapons such as firearms, bows and crossbows.

Yusuke Goshidai was concentrating on his transformation, and the unconfirmed life form No. 37 had already noticed this.

The owl Gulangi used blowing arrows to attack Wudai Yusuke, not giving Wudai Yusuke a chance to transform.

Ichijo Kaoru wants to help Godai Yusuke block the blowing arrows by helicopter, so that Godai Yusuke has a chance to transform.

Wudai Yusuke needs to concentrate on changing his form. His transformation is not for the sense of ritual, but to concentrate more.

As for why Yusuke Godai didn't transform in the car, it was because the time to transform into the blue Pegasus form was only 60 seconds.

But this owl, Gulangji, saw through Yiyi Xun's plan, and shot several darts at the helicopter's propeller.

"Dangerous, we must evacuate."

Yiyi Xun may not be afraid of death, but the pilot of the helicopter is afraid, he will not stop without saying anything, and he is about to leave while driving the helicopter.

Yusuke Goshiro rolled several times in a row, avoiding the darts fired by the owl Gulangi in the sky.

Yusuke Godai still found a chance and saw that the helicopter was about to leave.

Yusuke Goshiro jumped onto the helicopter, "Super transformation."

Yusuke Godai transforms into a blue Pegasus form.

Yusuke Goshiro jumped out of the helicopter and began to listen to the sound of the owl Grunge's wings beating.

I didn't hear the sound of flapping wings, but I heard the sound of the owl Grunji firing a dart.

Yusuke Godai took a step back with his left foot, dodging the blowgun.

Suddenly, electricity from Yusuke Godai's belt surged through his whole body.

Immediately after Five Daiyusuke's waist, the snacks turned yellow—Sublimation Pegasus!

The crossbow in Wudai Yusuke's hand became longer, but there was still only one arm guard.

The sublimated celestial crossbow is the sublimated form of the celestial horse crossbow.With the sublimation of Tianma's form, its crossbow also sublimated.

The addition of a gun barrel that hides the golden power at the tip of the Tianma crossbow strengthens the "Tianma crossbow".The power of the special move "Sublimation Gale Horse" has been increased, and the accuracy and range of shooting have also been greatly improved. When using the special move "Sublimation Gale Horse", five consecutive shots can be achieved.

Yusuke Goshiro aimed at the direction of the owl Goranji in the sky.

But Gu Langji, the owl, had already aimed at the five generations when Yusuke five generations completed the sublimation of the Pegasus form.


At [-] seconds after Wudai Yusuke fired the crossbow arrow, the crossbow arrow pierced through Wudai Yusuke's left hand holding the crossbow arrow.

Yusuke Godai couldn't stand still in pain.

Compared with the Tianma form, the sublimation Tianma has a ten thousand times stronger feeling, and once injured, it will bring ten thousand times more pain.

Gulangi, the owl in the sky, saw Godai Yusuke's painful appearance, sneered, and continued to shoot blowguns.

Because of the pain, Godai lay on the ground by accident and escaped the fatal blow of the owl Gulangi.

Enduring the severe pain, Fifth Generation Yusuke took up the crossbow again and pointed it at the owl Gulangi in the sky.

"Sublimation Gale Wind Pegasus".

"Brush brush."

In the sublimated Pegasus form, the number of bows and crossbows of Wudai Yusuke is not one, but five.

Grunge the Owl dodged two bolts, but the last three hit one of Grunge the Owl's wings.

On that wing shines the golden imprint of emptiness.

The owl Gulangi rushed to tear off the wings with the mark of Kuuga before the mark of Kuuga exploded.Not everyone possesses the courage of a strong man to sever his wrist.

Using the only remaining wing, Gulangi the owl immediately chose a direction to glide.

Yusuke Godai originally thought to continue launching the Sublimation Galewind Pegasus to kill the unconfirmed life form No. 37 in one fell swoop, but his body couldn't hold it anymore.

Yusuke Five Dynasties degenerates from a sublimated Pegasus into a white basic form of Kuraga.

Although Gulangi the owl has only one wing left, it still has a long gliding distance.

Li Qinghe was about to go back with Kirishima Taku, and handed him over to Teacher Shenqi to finish.

But the approaching energy in the sky reminded Li Qinghe that there was Gu Langji nearby.

Li Qinghe saw a flying Gulangi with half a wing falling from the sky.

The place where it fell was very close to the fruit shop.

"I have something to do, can you wait here for a while?"

Li Qinghe got into the car and stopped at the door of the Guoguo shop.

Li Qinghe saw a man with a broken arm, and entered the small shop with his arm covered.

Li Qinghe noticed that the place where he fell was not far from here, and the passers-by around him were all down and lifeless.

The man with the broken arm entered, and Li Qinghe followed behind.

"What are you doing? Help!"

"Let go of my wife."


"Father, mother!"

Li Qinghe heard the call for help from the back room.

Li Qinghe opened the door curtain with one hand, walked inside, and saw the man with the broken arm pinching the girl Li Qinghe had seen before who looked very similar to Zhou Dongyu with his remaining hand.

There are also the parents of the girl who was killed on the ground.

The man with the broken arm wearing the sunglasses is none other than the owl Gulangi Buuro who was shot through one wing by the fifth generation.

Buuro turned his head, ready to kill someone, but found that this person looked familiar.Isn't this... that Linduo who killed the charm level Gu Langji Garia that day?

The reason why Buur became so cautious in his actions was largely because he saw Li Qinghe's battle.

"Let go of her."

Li Qinghe said.

"I can let her go, you take her out of here. You can't shoot me."

Buuro threatened Li Qinghe.

Gu Langji, who is at the Ge level, already looks no different from a human being.

He didn't care about the demeanor of a strong man at all, besides, facing a powerful enemy like Li Qinghe, Li Qinghe was the strong one.

"Are you threatening me?"

Li Qinghe's hands were gathering energy of the ice attribute.

"Not a threat, not a threat, just a deal.".

Burro understands the art of human speech very well.

And the little sister who was strangled by buuro was almost strangled to death.

Chapter 61 Water Serpent Gulangi

"Okay, this deal, I accept."

Seeing that the girl was about to be strangled to death, she was already in a coma due to suffocation.

Li Qinghe chose to compromise. He came here to save this girl. No matter how many other people died, it had nothing to do with him. After all, Li Qinghe was not a saint.

"I believe you."

Gu Langji, the owl, readily put down the girl Asada Kiki from his hand, and pushed it into Li Qinghe's hands without the slightest sloppiness.

Gu Langji, the owl, noticed Li Qinghe's eyes, and from Li Qinghe's eyes, he guessed what Li Qinghe thought about this girl.

In this case, Owl Grunge is often seen in the Grunge of the Bei grade.

The shell-level Gurangji, who are lower than the Ge-level, are closer to humans than the Ge-level, and it can be said that they are human beings.It can be said that there is no difference between them and humans. Their physical fitness refers to the world sports champions, and they are no better than humans.

By the way, Bei rank is not eligible to participate in the game.

Li Qinghe did have the idea of ​​getting rid of the owl Gulangji here at the beginning, but seeing the owl Gulangji being so straightforward and generously saying that he believed in himself, this actually made Li Qinghe embarrassed to break his promise and do it.

On the other hand, this place still belongs to the downtown area, so it is easy to be discovered by others if you transform yourself.

Li Qinghe took the girl and left here.

After Li Qinghe left, Gulangji the owl took out a book and started to read it.

At some point, Miss Rose walked in.

"As expected of a Ge-level player, 105 players in six hours."

The white-robed man is also the supervisor of the Ge level, and he handed over the counting abacus to Sister Rose.

"But can your injury recover?"

Sister Rose asked the owl Gu Langji.

"After reading this book, you can return to the original."

Looking at the posture of the owl Gu Langji, I have already seen half of it.He used books to heal his injuries, proving the old adage that knowledge is power!

Two hours later, Grunge the Owl closed the book, healed from his injuries and able to move.

Owl Grunji continued his killing mission.

But Li Qinghe used money to clear the way, smashed down a house, and placed a girl who looked like Zhou Dongyu here.Good things, of course, cannot be shared with others.

After that, Li Qinghe brought Kirishima Taku to his father Tamasaburo, and completed the task entrusted to him by the fifth generation.

During this period, Wudai Yusuke completed the feat of shooting an owl only with a bow.

The self-explosion power of the Ge level is naturally incomparable with that of the Mei level.

Owl Grunge's explosion, even at high altitude.The scope of its explosion is still very large.

Li Qinghe came to the room he bought, woke up the girl, and told her that the unconfirmed life body No. 37 had been killed.

Unfortunately, the area where the owl Grunji exploded was also near the shop of the girl Asada Kiki.She doesn't even have a home now, and under Li Qinghe's warm care, she lives here temporarily.

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