She is also Li Qinghe's first woman in this world who is hidden in a golden house.

Li Qinghe did it very secretly, and took her outside to play when he had nothing to do.

Meguro Swimming Pool.

"Brother Qinghe, can we go swimming? Last time I went swimming, I went with my father."

Asada Kiki thought of her dead parents and said sadly.

Li Qinghe said awkwardly, "Of course, but I don't know how to swim?"

Qiantian Qiqi was amused by Li Qinghe's words, "Then I can teach you. Are you ashamed to be such an adult who can't swim yet?"

Li Qinghe asked Asada Qiqi to start teaching herself to swim.The two had a great time in the shallow water.

But Li Qinghe soon noticed a woman wearing a black cheongsam with phoenix embroidery and black lipstick.

The woman has a pair of beautiful and slender legs and beautiful feet, which have been colored and transparent for a long time~ socks and high-heeled shoes tightly wrap the beautiful outline.

She is so perfect that those who admire her regard it as part of her personal charm, and it can even be said to be her second skin.

The eyes of the men in the entire swimming pool followed the man in the black cheongsam as he walked around.

"What are you looking at? Does she look as good as me?"

The soft flesh around Li Qinghe's waist was pinched, and Asada Qiqi became jealous.


In the face of political direction, absolutely no mistakes of principle can be made.

The woman walked to the radio in the swimming pool and played a "Song Title Etude".

She is Unconfirmed Life Form No. 38, Sea Serpent Gulangi.

The weapon ice whip, the place it hits will be frozen by the ultra-low temperature of minus 150 degrees Celsius.

When playing the game, it will dive into the water, hit the whip on the target's heart, and paralyze the opponent's heart with ultra-low temperature.

Now she is going to start the game here. The time limit rules of the game determine the location and number of people to kill each time according to the scale order of Chopin's "Revolutionary Etude".

After Li Qinghe turned his head and said a word to Qiantian Qiqi, all the people in the swimming pool who were not in the swimming pool fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qinghe noticed that something was wrong, and the other people who were stunned in the swimming pool also began to fall down one by one.

Everyone in the swimming pool screamed.

Li Qinghe really didn't expect that he would meet Gu Langji in the swimming pool.

Li Qinghe quickly asked Asada Qiqi to put on her coat, and escorted her back to her residence by car.

Asada Kiki was terrified, she guessed that she might have encountered an unconfirmed life form again.

Asada Kiki was very frightened, both her parents died at the hands of unconfirmed life forms.She also nearly died at the hands of unidentified lifeforms.

The reason why she is willing to stay here with Li Qinghe is that Li Qinghe rescued her from the unconfirmed life body.Before she fell into a coma, she vaguely heard the conversation between Li Qinghe and the owl Gu Langji.

She felt that the only way to be safe was by Li Qinghe's side.

For unconfirmed life forms, she is currently more afraid than angry, which is also very normal.There are several women in the world who are like Hua Mulan. Even for men, it is normal to run away from an invincible enemy.

Asada Kiki is an ordinary person. Her parents were killed by an unconfirmed life form. She has no ability to take revenge, and she doesn't want to take revenge. She just wants to live a good life.

Now that the unconfirmed living body came looking for her again, she completely put aside the idea of ​​revenge in her heart, she just wanted to live.

Qiantian Qiqi was afraid that the unconfirmed life experience would come to her, so scared that she couldn't sleep, so she asked Li Qinghe to accompany her, and she couldn't sleep alone.

Under dry wood and fire, what should happen will happen.

The sea snake Gu Langji has already eliminated all the people staying in the swimming pool in the Heimu District except for Li Qinghe and Asada Qiqi.

She has already arrived at Li Qinghe's home, fortunately, Li Qinghe has resolved the battle, and now Li Qinghe is telling her a bedtime story and coaxing her to sleep.

Asada Kiki was also fast asleep.

However, a woman in a cheongsam opened the door and broke in.

This woman is Unconfirmed Life Form No. 38.

Without saying a word, the woman transforms into Gurangi, the water snake.

"Do not kill me!".

Asada Qiqi, who was startled, pushed Li Qinghe in front of her in fear. This behavior of using Li Qinghe as a shield, although it was a subconscious behavior in the face of fear, still made Li Qinghe feel a little bit uncomfortable.

I saved your life, the correct way to unfold, shouldn't you stand in front of me, stop this unconfirmed life form No. 38 for me, and let me go first?

Chapter 62 Conquering

Fortunately, I am not an ordinary person, otherwise I would really die here.

Hearing Qiantian Qiqi's scream, Li Qinghe shouted impatiently,

"Stop screaming, no one will save you if you scream. If you have the knack, you might as well call the police."

Being reprimanded by Li Qinghe, Qiantian Qiqi closed her mouth in aggrieved manner, and took out her mobile phone to call the police, but Li Qinghe snatched the mobile phone and smashed it on the head of the unidentified life form No. 38.

Li Qinghe's strength is unquestionable, and the unconfirmed life form No. 38 was a little dazed by this blow.

Why didn't this Linduo dare to resist himself without arresting him with his arms closed and waiting for death with his eyes closed?Why does Linduo seem not afraid at all?

"You should smash it with this, the phone is gone, how to call the police next..."

Qiantian Qiqi handed an ashtray to Li Qinghe's hands, but she didn't understand why.She hoped that what she heard before she fell into a coma was true. Although Asada Kiki is small, she is not stupid!

Otherwise, it's not that she doesn't have other relatives living here, so why does she have to stay here with Li Qinghe.

"It's too late to call the police now. After the police arrive, we can only collect the body."

Li Qinghe explained.

"Lin Duo, you've angered me!"

Seeing Li Qinghe smashing the ashtray in his hand again, Gu Langji, the water snake, no longer wondered why, and was ready to deal with Li Qinghe directly.

The water snake Gurangi smashed the ashtray that was thrown over with one punch.

Li Qinghe took Qiantian Qiqi's hand away from behind him, "You're holding me, I can't reason with her."

Is Asada Kiki confused?People are going to kill you, and you still reason with them, will they listen?

"beiu, why are you so obsessed with killing me two? Killing other people who fit your game rules, can't you?"

Li Qinghe was able to know the name of the water snake Gu Langji, of course it was the blessing of Sister Rose.

"Lin Duo, do you know me?"

The water snake Gu Langji's fist was placed ten centimeters away from Li Qinghe's head, and was caught by Li Qinghe.

Could it be, do you think that if you call Gu Langji's name, Gu Lang Ji can give up the mission and not kill you?

But in Qiantian Qiqi's view, it was Li Qinghe who persuaded the water snake Gu Langji to stop her fist.She never thought of the possibility that Li Qinghe beat Gu Langji.

"Are you empty me?"

Gu Langji, the water snake, asked in an affirmative tone. After speaking, his other hand grew a whip.

The whip was about to be drawn towards Li Qinghe, but Li Qinghe also grabbed that hand.

"Naturally, isn't it!"

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, Gu Langji, the water snake, was stunned for a moment. Except for the user of Kuwo, how could other Linduo forms have such powerful power because of the backfeeding of the power of the belt.

Li Qinghe grabbed the two hands of the water snake Gu Langji and shook them vigorously.The water snake Gu Langji hit the wall, but Li Qinghe didn't use his strength.Otherwise, the wall that the water snake Gulangi smashed would have broken through long ago.

The house I bought with my own money was scrapped because of the battle, my heart aches!It's not about the money to buy a house, but the time it takes to buy a house.

Most of the houses in island countries are made of wood.It will take some time to find this kind of house that is not purely made of wood.

"Whoever you are? Don't even try to stop me from playing the game!"

What she just said to Li Qinghe is much better than what she said in a year.She herself is a cold and arrogant Gu Langji.

It was only now that Qiantian Qiqi could see Li Qinghe's strength.The moment Li Qinghe threw Gu Langji, the water snake, onto the wall, Asada Qiqi realized her mistake.

This man is different from ordinary people!

What a cute, silly little girl!Just thinking of this now.

"I don't know good from bad. Since this kind of reasoning doesn't make sense, then I'll change the way. I won't subdue you today, I'll take your surname!"

The woman in the cheongsam, Li Qinghe has traveled through so many worlds, this is the first time he has seen it, it has a high collection value.

Li Qinghe's heart was moved, and it was better to act than to move.

Li Qinghe took out the dletahone.

And Qiantian Qiqi who was behind her could still be unresponsive to Li Qinghe, only now did she realize that she still had a mobile phone and was about to call the police.

The development of the matter was beyond Asada Kiki's expectations. The person riding the white horse might not be the prince, but Tang Seng.Taking a mobile phone may not necessarily call the police, it may also be a transformation.


Li Qinghe transformed into Kamen Rider Delta.

The water snake Gulangji is considered to be a relatively poor type in the Ge level, so even if Li Qinghe is in human form, he can unexpectedly block the water snake Gulangjibeiu's random attacks.

"This, this is..."

Not only Beiu was surprised, but also Asada Kiki who was behind her also had a stunned expression.

Li Qinghe wasn't going to say anything, since what he said didn't make sense, he used other reasons.If it wasn't that Beiu's human body was a beautiful woman, but a male Gu Langji, Li Qinghe wouldn't be long-winded, and would either run him away or kill him.

You have to be lenient when it comes to beautiful women, aren't you?

But Li Qinghe's patience is limited, and the bedroom is only that big.Li Qinghe quickly came to Beiu, grabbed her neck with one hand, and lifted her up.

The other hand snatched the whip from Beiu's hand.

"Smash people with a whip? It's very interesting."

Li Qinghe let go suddenly, Beiu fell to the ground and coughed.

After 1 minute, Li Qinghe released his transformation, and Beiu's hands and neck were tied with a slipknot.

Because a slipknot is harder to break free than a dead knot.Do you know why some people have always wanted to die, why did they survive after hanging themselves?Because it is a knot.

(Of course, there are also cases where the cervical spine is misaligned due to poor hanging... People don't die and end up with hemiplegia...

A slipknot can be tightened, but a dead knot cannot be tightened... If you are pretending to be dead, use a dead knot.Cherish life, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one meal, if there is, it is two meals. )

Gu Langji, the water snake, had already released his transformation, and ice crystals appeared on his body, trembling.

The water snake Gu Langji was unwilling to undo the transformation, so Li Qinghe had no choice but to help her, using the power of ice to penetrate into her body little by little, consuming her energy.

Sure enough, at the end she couldn't hold on anymore and canceled the transformation.And Li Qinghe finally used the energy of the shadow crocodile world mixed with the power of the ice attribute to seal Beiu's power.

"The unconfirmed lifeform has been subdued by me, sleep well tonight."

Li Qinghe pushed Beiu into his room, enjoying the fruits of his labor.Since you are here to kill, you must be prepared to be counter-killed.

Asada Kiki didn't fall asleep all night because there was a lot of noise in the next room.

But what scared Asada Kiki was that another woman came into the room the next day with roses on her head.

It was called by Li Qinghe.

There is no way, beiu has already started the game, if there is no correct way to suspend the game, she will blow herself up.

Sister Rose gave Li Qinghe a blank look, and after helping Beiu undo the self-explosion, she left angrily.

In a new underground waterway.

The man in military uniform said to Sister Rose, "burro (unconfirmed life form No. 36) was killed, as expected of Kura."

Bat Gu Langji followed behind Sister Rose, with his head bowed.

"Kuuga is in the game, making the smell of danger stronger. Now it's Beiu's turn to play the game. They never thought that they, who are Ge level, would fail in the game.

This time beiu should not let us down. "

The man in military uniform had a suspicious tone in his tone.He also felt the horror brought about by the constantly growing empty self.

None of the Gulangji who can become Ge level is a fool. .

"Let's go."

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