"Yeah, I heard that all the police officers in charge died in the line of duty, and he was the only one with minor scratches on his body."

"I don't know what the superiors are thinking, but they still let him be the person in charge. I heard that Officer Sugita Morimichi also died there this time."

"What are you talking about? Don't you think the food is not good?"

Shi Shan saw (a little fan girl of Yiyi) and scolded.

"You like that guy, I don't think so."

"If he didn't have a background, his ability would have been driven back."

Shi Shanwang scolded those policewomen, and finally got into a fight.

Coincidentally, Li Qinghe brought a scorpion with a scorpion, a scorpion, a scorpion, a scorpion, a scorpion, a scorpion, a scorpion, and a scorpion. /p>

Because Li Qinghe dealt with unconfirmed life forms many times, he created many opportunities for eliminating unconfirmed life forms.

Is Yiyi Xun incapable?No, he has, and his ability is very good.

However, Yi Yixun is the one who works behind the scenes after all, and his credit is not put on the bright side.

People only saw Kuuga who fought against unidentified life forms many times, and Li Qinghe.

But it ignores the many secret efforts made by the police officers in order to find the unconfirmed living body.

It's a pity that even within the police, the police officers who have not participated in the pursuit of unconfirmed life forms have misunderstood members of unconfirmed life forms.

I think they only have hard work and no credit.

Under the pressure of public opinion, what is right and what is wrong cannot be so clearly distinguished.

Yiyi Xun came back alone this time, and suffered such a small injury. Compared with the three hundred police officers who died, why did he come back safe and sound.

Controversy about Yi Yixun is gradually expanding.But under the "protection" of the high-level, Xun Yiyi is still useful, and I need him to contact Sora.

Otherwise, Yiyi Xun would have been dismissed for dereliction of duty.

Shi Shan saw that he was sitting opposite Li Qinghe in a fit of rage, as if he didn't realize that he was just a light bulb.

"Mr. Qinghe, I know you are a friend of Yiyi Xun, do you think Yiyi is like that?

I know one thing, he is serious and responsible in his work, and for the sake of work, he has given up rare vacations many times. "

Li Qinghe put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Since you know what kind of person he is, why did you come to ask me for proof, which means you don't believe him either."

"How is it possible, I'm going to ask one myself."

Being so aggressive by Li Qinghe, Shi Shan saw that he left to find Yi Xun to ask about the situation.

"Okay, the light bulb is finally gone, let's eat."

When Li Qinghe returned to Qiantian Qiqi with the oden he bought, he found that Beiu who had gone out had returned.

Li Qinghe went to the door and bought another box of meals, and put it in front of Beiwu.

Beiu "What is this"

Li Qinghe "Food..."

Beiwu gave Li Qinghe a rare look, nonsense, can't she see that this is food?


Chapter 65 Undercurrent Surges

This is the end of the No. 38 incident about the unconfirmed living body.

Seongnam University Archaeological Research Office.

"When the holy spring dries up, the fierce warriors will appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried in darkness."

Today Sakurako Sawado is wearing blue short sleeves and white sandals, translating other texts in the office.

She has checked all the information about Gu Langji, and even the part that is closest to the answer has been explained clearly to her by Li Qinghe.

She was wondering whether to tell Wudai Yusuke when she fell to the ground. Wudai Yusuke came here many times to inquire about the progress of the translation.

Tell him whether it will affect the prophecy of the inscription, she has already learned from Li Qinghe that language is a good aspect.At this time, one has to consider, if the content of the prophecy is told to the Five Dynasties in advance, will it change the future Five Dynasties.


Shijia opened the door and walked in. A few days ago, she was busy reviewing her homework and had an exam, so she didn't come to help.

Moreover, Shijia was busy recruiting subordinates a few days ago, so she really couldn't spare the time.

"Shijia, long time no see."

"Sister Yingzi, how is the relationship between you and Brother Qinghe now? I have specially created many opportunities for you two."

Seeing Shijia's little ghost, Sawado Yingko patted Shika's head dotingly.

"Sister Yingzi, I'm not a child anymore."

Shi Jia sat on Li Qinghe's work chair.

"Well, well, I know. Why did you come here on purpose today? You probably didn't tell Mr. Qinghe. Otherwise, he would have come here long ago.

You came to see him, right? He made an appointment to go out to dinner with me today, and he should be back later. "

Sakurako Sawado avoids Shika's question.

"I came here this time to give him a surprise, but it's a pity that he's not here. You haven't told me how far you and brother Qinghe have come?

Wow, let's eat together?Sister Sakurako, do you mind if I join your dinner? "

Shijia is not so easy to get over.

Sawado Sakurako "Do you mind if you don't mind, today my sister will take you to a newly opened grilled fish shop."

Shika looked at the flushed Sato Sakurako, and touched her chin like a little adult,

"Well, I guess, have you taken Brother Qinghe down? Then do you know Brother Qinghe's true identity?"

Shi Jia patted his mouth, as if he had accidentally missed something.

"Identity? What identity?"

Sakurako Zedo thought of the Kamen Rider Delta transformed by Li Qinghe.

But if Li Qinghe didn't tell her, she just pretended not to know.It seems that Natsume Mika seems to know.

"Ah, isn't he the fighting coach of the Unconfirmed Life Body Joint Department? Does he have any identity?"

Sakurako Zedo pretended to be confused and asked.


Shijia thought that Li Qinghe was hiding well, and that his transformation into Kamen Rider Delta had not been noticed by Sakurako Sawado.

A child is a child, even if you grow up, in some respects, you are still inferior to adults, even if you look like a little adult.

"Ah, Shijia. Why are you here? You didn't call me in advance."

Li Qinghe opened the door and walked in, seeing Yingzi and Shijia who were having a hot chat.

"I wanted to give you a special surprise."

Shijia winked at herself, it seemed that she encountered some troubles that she could not solve by herself, so she came to ask herself for help.

Li Qinghe "What surprise? It's best not to be shocked."

"I'll tell you after dinner."

Shi Jia made a dignified face at Li Qinghe.

However, the police did not confirm the union of the living body, and the Minister Matsukura Masao specially inspected the laboratory.

"I didn't expect the minister to come to inspect it specially, which surprised me."

樚actinium Pan Sha finally 嫘郏 blows the vulgar about dry neon flute maple suppress small?/p>

"The matter about the unidentified body No. 2 has almost become the most important topic."

Hearing what the minister said, it's really a scar on the vulture's head, and it's really a scar on the vulture's face.

It seems that the patience of those people above for the fifth generation is almost reaching its limit.

騚actinium famine file feed case  Wan panic lame file model  Cifei fairy 笇 blowing straw 饫铩R meteorite green fontanelle ǖ tomb 謖蚶瑶毬思! ?/p>

"Sugida once mentioned that the reason for these unconfirmed life forms to kill is to complete the game. It's just what kind of game are they playing, and why are they playing such a game?

Its true purpose is a complete mystery.From what we know, their capabilities are significantly improved. "

"Well, the pressure on the police is even greater. At this time, I think it is better to need Unconfirmed Life Body No. [-] to share the pressure on the police."

樚actinium starvation party juan vulgar appointment dry eye hammer ǎP Naxia Xianna play  urgent mandarin Kongbai ゲ Duandang?/p>

"Minister, please come in."

While inspecting the working researchers, the minister asked, "What do you think of Unconfirmed Body No. [-], and what do you think he would think?

That young man named Wudai, what kind of person is he? "

"He always smiles and is a strong young man."

樚actinium pay to unload the burden   interrogation of the end of the brake 嫘 Huan ⑽ province?/p>

"Really? We have strengthened the heavy firearms. If the puzzle of No. [-] is not solved as soon as possible..."

Masao Matsukura's implication is that the police have made a major breakthrough in weapons against unidentified life forms.For Wudai Yusuke, there is no such a big dependence.

As the strength of the unconfirmed life forms increases, the fifth generation becomes stronger little by little, but if one day, after the fifth generation kills the strongest unconfirmed life form, how will he treat the world.

The top executives are not stupid, and they understand very well that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

The United Department of Unconfirmed Lifeforms is just a department dealing with unconfirmed lifeforms on the surface. There are also three research departments and five combat departments in the dark.

Usually rely on the Unconfirmed Life Form Unity on the surface to deal with unconfirmed life forms.

If one day unconfirmed life forms come here, then a hidden department will appear to replace the destroyed unconfirmed life form joint department.

It's a pity that the Unconfirmed Life Unit has not been attacked like the Nagano Metropolitan Police Department until now.

Those departments are still hidden in the dark, developing weapons for human beings that can kill the United Department of unconfirmed life forms.

The police officers of the unconfirmed life body joint department will not know that the bullets they use every time they set off have actually been swapped.

After returning without success again and again, we continued to carry out research and development improvements again and again.

"Development of special ammunition for use against unidentified life forms, although there are many types of ammunition that can be delivered to the scene, and production is currently being stepped up.

I hope that your research lab can share some of the credit, and the credit to the outside world is naturally yours. "

樚actinium Langsha is the end of the sac  stupid   halo cifei fairy   Mi Nai Gan  ya  Xin sent Huang Puyue  [-] locusts  Xiamen  exchange ridges for food How many blind?/p>

樚actinium 蛋蛋, 炎渌, 荟树牛, 亭皮裎喜乌仙, 茒, 喜节辶, 芔喜, Never Crabs ⒊Falcon stamp pardon?/p>


Chapter 66 Reasons for Sublimation

As for Matsukura Masao's decision, what's wrong with Matsukura Masao's decision?/p>

There is a layer of deep meaning in it, which is not only the meaning of Matsukura Masao, but also the meaning of those people above.

"Okay, we will speed up the progress here, please rest assured."

Masao Matsukura sees that he is the director of the research office, and Tian Guang is the director of the research room, not anyone else.

One reason is indeed that Tian Guang is very smart.

Do you want to cook?Ze sole狗zhanmubeiⅰ?/p>

Masao Matsukura saw a motorcycle.

"Is this what you mean?"

"Yes, based on Graham's fusion metal fatigue calculation, it can withstand about 500 times of fusion.

A bomb capable of blowing up one-fifth of Tokyo in an instant has been placed in it.

The rest is to pass the simulation experiment, so as to carry out the final verification.In this case, it can be handed over to the fifth generation. "

The Joint Department of Unconfirmed Lifeforms is not just for nothing, although it has not developed special ammunition for unconfirmed lifeforms.

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