But they developed a weapon against Yusuke Five Generations.

"I don't know when it will happen, I really hope I don't use it. So please finish it as soon as possible."

Masao Matsukura gave us an actinium?/p>

樚actinium rate tartar wishes  brake end 嫘 竘 rate vinegar haze huangqiao  and Huan Yu forgive?/p>

If it really comes to the moment when the bomb is used, then Masao Matsukura will pay for the consequences of the bomb, and it is possible to be stared at the pillar of shame for the rest of his life and go to prison.

But Masao Matsukura still did the same thing, which made him feel weaker than he could ever be.

Abandoning the interests of the few people and guaranteeing one's own interests is one of the necessary accomplishments.

With Masao Matsukura's status, it is entirely possible to leave this matter to others, but he came here in person.It shows that he has already taken responsibility for this event that may happen in the future.

Don’t think that it’s a bad idea to change it into a new one, and it’s a good idea to change it.

The actinium is replaced by the haze, and the hanai is stupid. Next to the quail, the species is small [-]. The family is lucky?/p>

And Matsukura Masao also got the badger's milk, which was a bad thing. Tian Guang didn't let herself down, she was not as "stupid" as a smoker.

She even knew that a special department had been set up to study the principle of the five generations of belts.Never underestimate the power of acting.

A building somewhere in Tokyo.

"Beiu betrayed..."

Before the bat Gu Langji could finish speaking, he was slapped by Sister Rose.

"Beu has been killed by Kuga."

Bat Gulangi nodded in trepidation.


Footsteps came, and it was a man in a military uniform. He was one of the three members of the strongest Ge class in Gulangji, and he was the strongest one-Gadolu.

"Beu has been killed, but Kura is still there. His presence means that the next game will be difficult to proceed."

Miss Rose said.

Gadolu, "I have already received the news of Beiu's death, so kill all those who dare to stand up, including Kura. I think that even if Kuuga exists, the game can continue."

"If you insist, that's fine."

Sister Rose just said that because she wanted to see if she was bored with the game Gadolu, which she played many times.

Sister Rose is already a little tired of this game and wants to quit.So let's see what Gadolu's attitude is, but unfortunately, Gadolu still insists on playing the game.

"Would you like to see him? The next one to play the game is Gao."

Gadoro asked.

"Then go see him."

Sister Rose and Gadolu walked into an auditorium, which contained all members of the Ge class who had not yet played the game.

"Welcome to the stage of my game."

Gao sat on the chair with an expression of indifference, showing no respect for Sister Rose.

Sister Rose looked at the roulette under Gao's feet, and she knew what to do.

"Kill 72 people in 5672 hours. I look forward to your success."

Sister Rose doesn't know a word, but women and villains are difficult to raise.

It is said that women are sometimes like villains, and if they offend them, some will suffer.

Unfortunately, Gao's arrogant attitude made Sister Rose angry.

Although members of the Ge class can sit on an equal footing with her, it doesn't mean that they can disrespect themselves.

Therefore, Sister Rose doubled the number of missions.Killing more than 5000 people in three days means killing more than 800 people in one day.

"Hmph, isn't it just five thousand Linduo, now that Linduo is so weak, I can kill even fifty thousand.

Baruba, I hope to have dinner with you when I get back from the game. "

Gao has the intelligence of a human being, so he can naturally see that Baruba is targeting him.

But he is not easy to mess with. If you dare to plot against me by small means, I will disgust you to death.

Bat Gu Langji was overjoyed when he heard what Gao said.Haha, now you can inform me, I hope you don't die too badly.

Bat Grunge thinks so, and he does too.

Soon, the unpleasant incident between Gao and Sister Rose reached Li Qinghe's ears.

On the other side, Yiyixun and Wudai appeared in Kanto Hospital.

"It was meant to be a joke at first, but apart from that electric motor, I couldn't find the reason why you turned into golden power."

Chun Xiuyi put the dialysis chart on the table.

Yusuke Godai: "As expected, I think so too."

Tsubaki Hideichi "Because of the electric current, the mechanism of Yamadam has changed. After the transformation, the electric current is released, and it becomes a new form."

"Are you calling me here just to explain this?"

A Xun asked with her hands crossed, she was very busy all day.

"Because of the bright sky. The changes that have occurred so far have also increased the activity current of many muscles, which is transmitted from Yamadam to the brain, which in turn leads to the increase in the value of the nervous system.

If this continues, it will indeed become a biological weapon only for combat. "

This time I saw Chun Xiuyi's serious expression.

Even the optimistic fifth generation, he couldn't laugh. What he said before was possible, but now it is definitely certain.

Kaoru "I understand that Yamadam has changed due to the stimulation of electric current. But why does it generate power just for fighting?"

Chun Xiuyi just wanted to say something, "That..."

"I think maybe it was because I wanted to get stronger. Right after that shock, they got stronger.

So I don't think it's okay for me not to get stronger.And the sting happened from there.So, it must be an interaction. "

Goshiro Yusuke said.

What Godai Yusuke said made Tsubaki Hideichi feel tense, just as he guessed, because Godai began to pursue the ultimate power.Otherwise, the power generated by the electric current cannot only be used in combat.

This made Chun Xiuyi very worried.

"Indeed, the will of the fifth generation guided Yamadam's fighting power, causing the body to change.

Having said that, is it really okay for me to take you?Your body has already undergone such changes. "

Chun Xiuyi asked with concern, did he really regard Wudai as his friend.

"Totally ok!"


Chapter 67 Sublimation Almighty ([-])

"Yeah, Dad told me something, and I haven't done it yet. I have to leave quickly."

Wudai Yusuke left the Kanto Hospital quickly, but in fact this was an excuse for Wudai Yusuke.

It will take some time for Yusuke Five Generations to end.

Those who stare at demons will one day become demons too.

The innocent five generation Yusuke, in order to protect those innocent people, he chose to improve his strength regardless of the consequences.But doing so will eventually have side effects.

Five generations of Yusuke rode a motorcycle alone and came to the remote suburbs.

It will take some time for Godai Yusuke to accept the fact that Tsubaki Hideichi said, if there is such a day, then what should we do.

Godai Yusuke has never been a person who avoids difficulties. His optimistic personality determines that he will only face difficulties.

After Yusuke Godai left, one leaned against the wall.

"All the results can only be obtained from him, he is this."

Yiyi Xun extended a thumbs up gesture to Chun Xiuyi.

"I can only trust him. But do you want to tell Miss Sawatari?"

Chunxiu asked.

Kaoru "Talk to her after a while, she has always been opposed to the fifth generation's participation in the battle."


Chunxiu nodded and agreed with Yi Yixun's statement.

"Mr. Yitiao, the General Administration has a phone number."

A nurse hurried over and said.

"Then please."

Chunxiu nodded, signaling for Yi Yixun to go to work quickly.

While running, Yiyi Xun picked up his mobile phone and called Wu Dai.

Kaoru "Godai, can you hear something happened?"

"Is it near Yokota, Sumida-ku?"

It turned out that Wudai Yusuke had already learned about the unconfirmed life event that happened there.

In Motian District.

The counter in a white robe stood on a tall building nearby.

His appearance means that a new game has started again.

A low profile version of Zhao Liying was at an intersection, waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

In her field of vision, she saw a round black object falling from the sky.Moreover, it seemed to be falling towards her.

The low-profile version of Zhao Liying screamed and remembered that the black ball that fell from the sky did not hit her in the end, but hit the couple in front of her.

You know, not everyone will just stare at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of black hammer balls fell from the sky.

At this time, you have to test the luck of the passers-by below. If you are lucky, hitting your hammer may hit other people.

If you are unlucky, it may not be just one hammer that hits you, but several.

Zhao Liying, a passer-by in the low-profile version, was very lucky, no hammer hit her, but she was also frightened and fainted.

When the fifth generation arrived there, the unconfirmed living body had already left, and went to the next place to start the game, killing more than 72 people in 5000 hours, the task was not light.

Three generations of cypress households.

A bus stopped on the road.

"Master driver, when can I get to the next stop? I'm in a hurry."

A man holding a drawing board in the car changed from time to time, and it could be seen that he was really anxious.

But is it useful to be anxious?This traffic jam is not a traffic jam, but everyone is in a traffic jam.

The driver said, "I don't know, usually there is no traffic jam here."

"I want to get out of the car and go by myself."

"No, according to the regulations..."

"I want to get off! I want to get off!"

Under the strong request of the passenger, the driver could also see that this young man was very anxious. He could understand this anxiety. You must know that the island country is very nervous about employment. Every year, many young people commit suicide due to excessive pressure. .Master drivers are also under this pressure.

After the driver let him get off the car, the young man found the closest route to Kameido [-]-chome through navigation.

The unconfirmed life body No. 39 is playing its own game in Kameido [-]-chome.

The reason why the bus he took before was stuck in traffic was because of the unconfirmed life form No. 39 in this area.

But the man didn't believe it, and rushed over around the blockade. Before Yusuke Goshidai transformed, he was hit on the head by an iron ball, and the dog took him.

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