Wudai Yusuke was very angry in his heart, just one step away, one step away, he could save the young man.

Damn, if there is no traffic jam, if the motorcycle can be faster, if the police give him the motorcycle allocated to Yuji Kiba, he can come here faster.


Yusuke Goshidai transformed into the almighty Kuuga form, and when he went up, he punched the unidentified life form No. 39.

Unidentified life form No. 39 (Turtle Gulangi).

Weapon Meteor Hammer.

The human form wears a striped suit and gentleman hat, resembling a Western-style gangster.Believe in fate, like gambling games and round things.The monster form is covered with a hard shell like a rock, but the shell on the back is not armor but decoration.

The game time limit is 72 hours; the number of target people is 567; additional rules throw a large number of meteor hammers from the roof of the building to randomly kill people, and use the roulette beading method to randomly determine the throwing area and number of meteor hammers each time.

Yusuke Goshidai first transformed into the form of a blue dragon, jumped, and jumped to the building where Kigurangi was located.

"Sora, it was Gamego who killed you."

Kigurangi threw the meteor hammer in his hand at Yusuke Godai.

Wudai was hit by a meteor hammer, knocked off a tall building, and fell to the ground.

Seeing Sora being hit by his blow, Kigurangi screamed excitedly and jumped down from the tens of meters high building.

Yusuke Goshiro kicked down the street lamp and picked up the lamp post.

"Super transformation."

Yusuke Godai turns into a purple titan form, and the lamppost in his hand turns into a purple long sword.

Kigurangi looked at the changed form of Goshiro Yusuke, threw the meteor hammer in his hand, and smashed it on Goshiro.

Godai Yusuke endured the pain and continued to move forward.

Then the second meteor hammer hit Wudai Yusuke, and Wudai Yusuke took another step forward.

The third time the meteor hammer was thrown out, it hit Yusuke Godai on the waist, and Yusuke Godai took two steps back.

The fourth time the meteor hammer flew to the head of Wudai Yusuke, Wudai Yusuke was directly knocked down to the ground, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Wudai Yusuke got up, and the purple on his waist turned into gold—the form of a sublimated titan.

This time, Kameko Langki's iron ball hammer did not play any role on Wudai Yusuke.

Godai Yusuke picked up the long sword on the ground, and stabbed it into Kigurangi's abdomen.

The mark of empty self appeared on the wound of Turtle Gulangi.

"Do you think this kind of thing can hurt me?"

Turtle Gulangi pulled out the long sword.

Goshiro Yusuke and Kikoroki started a wrestling competition, one side wanted to remove the long sword, and the other side wanted to penetrate the long sword.

The golden light on Wudai Yusuke's waist flickered, and there was a sizzle sound.

Yusuke Five Dai consumed too much and degenerated from a golden sublimation titan to a titan form.

Kigurangi threw the long sword, and punched Yusuke Goshiro on the chin, and Yusuke Goshiro was knocked into the air.

The energy in Yusuke Godai can't even maintain the Titan form at this moment, and has degenerated into a primary form.

Wudai Yusuke knelt on the ground, very unwilling in his heart, if only he could be stronger.


Chapter 68 Sublimation Almighty ([-])

"This is the empty me, it's not worth mentioning, let me harvest you now."

Kameko Rangji walked towards Godai Yusuke step by step.

Li Qinghe came out from the corner and kicked Guigulangji on the back.

Turtle Gulangi came to eat shit like a dog, and fell to the ground directly.

Before Turtle Gulangi could get up, his hand was grabbed by another hand.

Li Qinghe, who transformed into Kamen Rider Dleta, came out after Godai Yusuke passed out.

Gu Langji the Bat had already told him that Gu Langji the Turtle dared to have thoughts about his woman.

Turtle Gu Langji grabbed Li Qinghe with both hands and wanted to throw him away.

It's a pity that Li Qinghe didn't move. Instead, he kicked Guigu Langji flying about ten meters away, crashing into a department store.


Several iron balls were thrown from the department store.

Li Qinghe took out the dletahone,


"jump jump jump."

Three bullets passed, and all the iron balls thrown were shattered.

Li Qinghe strode into the department store, Gui Gulangji stuck to the ceiling, and when Li Qinghe came in, he pounced on Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe raised his leg very calmly, and kicked Guigulangji through the ceiling.

Li Qinghe jumped to the second floor of the department store, turned his head, and avoided the iron ball thrown over him.


A light bullet hit the tortoise Gulangi's body.

Turtle Gulangi took a few steps back.

Li Qinghe fired five spells of light bullets in a row, suppressing Gui Gulangi and retreating again and again, while Li Qinghe moved forward quickly, approaching Gui Gulangi.

Li Qinghe punched Guigulangji on the right side of the face, and the punched Guigulangji turned around three times.


With another kick, Li Qinghe kicked Guigu Langji away from the second floor of the shopping mall and sent him flying.

"Soldier Linduo, you hurt me. I'm going to kill you!"

Then Turtle Gurangi crashes through the wall of the mall and escapes.

As I said before, Gu Langji of Ge level is very close to human beings.In the face of an impossible enemy, they will also shrink back.

After Turtle Gulangi escaped, Li Qinghe found the surveillance room, destroyed the surveillance, and destroyed the video of him fighting Turtle Gulangi.

After Li Qinghe walked out of the shopping mall, he saw a group of policemen who had already run to Wudai's place. It seemed that a smoke had arrived.

Li Qinghe walked out of the shopping mall and quickly left here. When he reached an alley,

"Come out, you've been with me for so long."

"How strong are you?"

It was Sister Rose who spoke, with a complicated look on her face. She knew that Gu Langji, the bat, had told Li Qinghe.

Unexpectedly, Li Qinghe made a move so quickly, without her help, he beat Guigu Langji away by himself.

Even if it was her, she could only win the front line in the battle with Turtle Gulangi.It is impossible to defeat Turtle Gulangi so quickly.

"How strong am I? This, I don't know. But this Gu Langji can still pose a slight threat to me, which means that he can already hurt me."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"I hope, you still don't want to get involved in Gurangi's game.

I don't want you to meet him, even if you add up all the Gulangji of Ge level, you may not be able to beat him. "

Li Qinghe knew that the person Sister Rose mentioned was the unconfirmed life form zero.

"You'll know if you've fought or not. But, are you worried about me? As far as I know, Gu Langji of Ge level doesn't seem to be under your jurisdiction."

Li Qinghe asked, before he did it, he had already noticed his surroundings, the counting man in white robe was not there this time, it's unscientific!

"Don't think too much, I'm just counting for him this time."

Sister Rose was told by Li Qinghe, but she refused to admit it, with a proud face.

"Can we have a meal together?"

Li Qinghe walked up to Sister Rose.

"Just for a meal?"

Sister Rose gave Li Qinghe a blank look, and took the initiative to take Li Qinghe's arm.

"Then let's go. The Longxing Building is where we gathered this time. You can hand it over to other fighters. I don't want my date to be disturbed by other people."

Sister Rose directly told Li Qinghe the meeting place.She doesn't want that pompous turtle Grunji winning the game.

Li Qinghe conveniently called Yiyi Xun and told him the information.

After sending Yusuke Godai to the Kanto Hospital, Yiyi Xun hurriedly led the team to Gu Langji's new nest, and began to analyze the game rules of Gui Gu Lang Ji this time.

Guigu Langji came to the spare den and was beaten up by Li Qinghe, holding a ball of anger in his heart that could not be released.

When Sister Rose came back again, she saw Turtle Gulangi playing cards with other Gulangji.

"The smile of fate?"

Miss Rose asked.

"Answer you in Linduo's language, just let nature take its course."

Turtle Gulangi doesn't look so angry anymore.

Li Qinghe and Zedu Yingzi came to Kanto Hospital to visit Wudai Yusuke.

It was Tsubaki Shuichi who received him. He was very enthusiastic about Sawado Sakurako, and he could see his purpose at a glance.

It's a pity that Zedu Yingzi didn't catch a cold with him.

Tsubaki Hideichi "He was sent to me, to be honest, it was beyond my expectation.

I didn't intend to let you know about the changes in the body of the fifth generation, but he has been like this, so I will tell you. "

Tsubaki Hideichi told Sawado Sakurako the results of the previous test, and told her that if Godai Yusuke continues to pursue power like this, he will only become a killing machine in the end.

When Zedu Yingzi heard what Chun Xiuyi said, she looked worried, and she didn't tell Chun Xiuyi the answer to the riddle translated by Li Qinghe.

Tsubaki Hideichi: "Do you still remember the unconfirmed life body No. [-]? I was also surprised when the downed fifth generation was sent here for the first time.

This time, the resilience is dozens of times stronger than that time.But when he was number six, he should have endured considerable pain.The recovery speed becomes extremely fast, which is against the laws of nature and will increase the burden on the body.

This time, according to the normal speed, it would take six months for the injury to heal.He'll heal in about three hours. "

Li Qinghe couldn't help but think of Ao Fei Enuo. In most people's opinion, ordinary physical attacks are ineffective against Ao Fei Enuo.

But if it really doesn't work, then why doesn't Orfienuo fight in human form?

Orfienuo, who was injured by ordinary physical attacks, had to consume a lot of vitality in order to recover.

To be more precise, it is not that one needs to consume vitality to transform into Orfi Enoch, but because of the hidden wounds caused by the battle, if one wants to recover, one needs to consume vitality.

Sakurako Sawado and Tsubaki Hideichi pushed away Yusuke Godai's ward, and when they saw the folded hospital gowns, Yusuke Godai disappeared, so Tsubaki Hideichi hurried over to check in fright.


Yusuke Godai jumped out from behind the curtain, startling Tsubaki Hideichi.

"I'm sorry, I've already fallen asleep, so I don't need to lie here anymore."

Goshiro Yusuke said with a smile.

Chun Xiuyi "Are you alright?"

Yusuke Goshidai rubbed the back of his head and smiled, "Well, it's all right now, how is it compared to this unconfirmed life form No. 39, you know."

"It seems to be hiding its whereabouts."

Chun Xiuyi said.

"The purple sword, although it has made some progress. Sure enough, it can't be done without stronger power."

Godai Yusuke murmured.

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